Search Results for "college"


Homecoming (Part 3) - TEXT

Homecoming (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Gorgeous teenage Amazon Katie returns, along with her True Love Mike, as he introduces her to some of his male friends, knowing her unbelievable muscular size and strength will just blow them away; something she does all too easily as after a round of coffee they all go back to the college weight room, where she proceeds to overpower and outmuscle all three of them together!

Gorgeous teenage Amazon Katie True Love Mike male friends unbelievable muscular size strength blow them away round of coffee college weight room overpower outmuscle three of them together

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Small Packages - TEXT

Small Packages
Price: 2.00
(Story: Jeremy Wilson)

When a hulkingly massive male wrestler enters the ring for his latest challenge, he's shocked to see it's actually a much smaller (though extremely fit looking) college girl - a girl whose impossible strength soon bring this egotistical brutish man to humiliating tears, right before bringing her loving boyfriend to the utter ecstasy!

hulkingly massive male wrestler ring latest challenge shocked smaller extremely fit looking college girl impossible strength egotistical brutish man humiliating tears loving boyfriend utter ecstasy

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Gun Club - TEXT

Gun Club
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a college alumni interviews a young prospective student, he gets more than he bargained for as her Amazonian physique soon overpowers his weak male form, (as does a fellow alumni interviewer, an old friend of our guy's, who also happens to be a strong, sexy woman), much to her erotic delight, as this beautiful teenage powerhouse shows him why she is the Captain of her school's "Gun" Club!

college alumni young prospective student Amazonian physique weak male form fellow alumni interviewer old friend strong sexy woman erotic delight beautiful teenage powerhouse Captain Gun Club

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Gun Club (Part 2) - TEXT

Gun Club (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a helpless college interviewer has no choice but to set up his school's latest prospect (who just happens to be a young, muscle packed beauty) with a pair of wealthy twins, all for her to dominate, control and crush, for her own enjoyment, he himself is caught in the mix; all 3 men completely unable to resist this powerful young Amazon's physical abilities, not to mention those of a fellow interviewer, who is every bit as strong and sexy as her college counterpart here!

helpless college interviewer prospect muscle packed beauty wealthy twins dominate control crush enjoyment powerful Amazon physical abilities strong sexy counterpart

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The Misunderstanding - TEXT

The Misunderstanding
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

When college student Ben joins a prestigious fashion club at his school, he thinks he's hit the jackpot, as its members are filled with beautifully buff and sexily strong young girls; though his excitement soon turns to concern when it's revealed that they all think he's gay, and are opening up to him in new and interesting ways, ways that make Ben continue to play this part and enjoy such attention, though fearful that one day his act will be discovered, and the wrath of these powerful Amazon girls will be turned onto him!

college student Ben prestigious fashion club school jackpot members beautifully buff sexily strong young girls excitement concern revealed gay opening up new interesting ways play this part attention fearful act discovered wrath powerful Amazon girls

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The Misunderstanding (Part 2) - TEXT

The Misunderstanding (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

When last we left Ben, his fate was in the hands (and thighs, and biceps, and pecs) of four gorgeous young Amazons, none of them too happy with his deceiving ways, so they administer their own unique (and Very Sexual) form of "punishment" that he must endure in order to rejoin their club; all but one that is, whose feelings were hurt the most, and who Ben cares for the deepest! A very Fun and Sex-filled tale, that would make us All wish we had college friends like these.

Ben fate Amazons deceiving punishment club feelings hurt college friends fun sex-filled.

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Just In Time - TEXT

Just In Time
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

In the not too distant future, a brilliant scientist is visited by a Towering Teenage Amazon Girl from the future, who in doing a college report on him, thought it was best to go back in time and meet the man himself; much to his untold shock, not to mention unbridled Lust, as they both get to know one another, in Every way imaginable!

future scientist Towering Teenage Amazon Girl college report time travel shock Lust get to know imaginable

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Homecoming (Part 4) - TEXT

Homecoming (Part 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

College Amazon girl Katie, and the love of her life Mike, are Back! - but they're not alone, as Katie's buff and beautiful (not to mention, Damn Strong) roommates are also involved, having their fun with Mike's friends (much to their delight); as all three of these Super Strong Sexpots show off their superior power in a variety of ways for their new men, each and every way designed to drive their male lovers Wild!

College Amazon girl Katie love Mike roommates buff beautiful strong sexpots power men wild

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Homecoming (Part 5) - TEXT

Homecoming (Part 5)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

College Amazon Katie continues to show off her unreal strength for her one true love Mike, while her sexy roommates do the same for (and to) his friends as well, each of them showing the joys of being with such beautiful, strong, powerful women, as Katie proves once and for all just how strong she truly is! - Another awesome chapter in the Homecoming Saga here!

College Amazon Katie strength love Mike roommates sexy friends beautiful powerful women Homecoming Saga

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Freshman Fifteen - TEXT

Freshman Fifteen
Price: 2.00
(Story: A.J. Brown)

When beautiful, shapely Brittany went off to college, she did her absolute best to avoid gaining the dreaded "freshman fifteen", goaded by her boyfriend who didn't want any extra weight on her; though try as she might she continued to get heavier, though to her surprise this added weight was all muscle, as Brittany grew and grew into a towering Amazon, outlifting the boys in the gym, as well as TAKING back her boyfriend who dropped her for a smaller, thinner girl!

beautiful shapely Brittany college freshman fifteen boyfriend weight muscle Amazon gym boyfriend smaller thinner

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