Search Results for "Ben"


Happy Hormones Crip Walking 2 - PDF

Happy Hormones Crip Walking 2
Price: 6.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

The tour far ahead of them, Amy and her mother decided to make their own way across the university. Past quiet walkways and well-manicured lawns, the tall women continued to draw attention. Amy, in particular, loved to draw more of it. Whether it was flexing her rock-hard calves walking past a group of guys, or pressing her huge melons together with her arms while she asked someone for directions, she always got her desired reaction (stares of longing for her perfectly-built body). Her favorite activity was bending over at the waist after 'accidentally' dropping her handbag, giving an unwitting guy behind her a direct view of her amazing bowling ball glutes. She would then turn her head, give her ass a playful smack and blow a kiss sure to leave an erection as the two women would continue on and laugh.

tour Amy mother own way university walkways lawns women attention flexing rock-hard calves group of guys pressing huge melons arms directions desired reaction stares longing perfectly-built body favorite activity bending over waist handbag unwitting guy direct view amazing bowling ball glutes turn head playful smack blow a kiss erection two women laugh

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part five - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part five
Price: 8.00

The Black Burqas go worldwide The problem was this. Even the most muscular Black Burqa, like Naamah, looked like any other woman in a burqa; that was the whole purpose of the garment. And no-one could tell who was wearing a black burqa as a fashion statement, and who was one of the muscle queens that could terrorise any man unlucky enough to find himself embraced by her thighs. But then something unusual happened. The Black Burqas have a web site, so that people can contact us and apply to be an official Black Burqa. We won't take just anyone who applies. You have to be able to bench press 300 kilograms, which neatly eliminates all men, as well as all women who don't have the musculature that every Black Burqa should have. This is prominently stated on the web site. Of course, that web site is banned in most countries. I stood at the "incoming" area at the airport wearing my best black burqa. I noticed that men edged away from me nervously, but the women seemed to like being nearby. I didn't have to wait long before the flight from Chicago disgorged its passengers, and Phillida was obvious, because she was the only woman getting off that flight wearing a dark blue burqa. I stepped forward. "Phillida Watkins, I presume?" and we both laughed. "Coffee first," I said, and we went to the ridiculously over-priced airport coffee shop. "Your husband allows you out without a guardian?" she asked. I snorted. "Raafid allows me to do whatever I tell him to allow, He's tasted the crushing grip of my thighs, and he doesn't want to ever feel that again. But," I continued, "tell me about you."

Black Burqas Naamah muscle queens web site bench press airport Chicago Phillida Watkins guardian Raafid thighs

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SportsBook 702 - VIDEO

SportsBook 702
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Venice Beach Studios)

In this drama, the strong and sexy LILLY ICE runs into her INTERN SESSIONEE after he inadvertently lights his cigarette with her winning sports ticket. As he makes excuses Lilly gets pissed then decides to take him down and severely punish him. With powerful athleticism the blonde powerhouse puts her muscles to good use and immediately chokes him into submission with a crushing neck scissors. After taking his breath away she refuses to let him breathe and smothers him in many different ways before finishing him off with a multitude of scissors holds and spine bending figure fours, crushing the life out of him. From such sexiness comes such deadliness.

drama strong sexy Lilly Ice intern sessionee cigarette winning sports ticket excuses pissed take him down severely punish powerful athleticism blonde powerhouse muscles choke submission neck scissors breath smother finishing him off multitude scissors holds spine bending figure fours crushing life sexiness deadliness.

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Respect all, fear nun - part six - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part six
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part six We use 100 pound weights, because if you only use 50s, you get a very crowded bar. Hilde had four on each side, so she was pushing 800 pounds steadily up and down. And then I realised. She had meant kilograms, I did a quick calculation in my head - double it and add ten per cent, and the 450 came to - oh my giddy aunt! "Nine ninety," I told Nora, "she's topping out at 990 pounds. Not even you can do that." "Eight twenty is my current best clean and jerk," she said, "she's pushing a thousand." A thousand pounds, of course, is the hope and prayer of every St Hilda's nun. It's a nice round number - five disks on each side of the bar. Nora eyed her enviously. "I wonder what they use instead of Septadecaherbis", she mused, "and whether I can try it?" "Ask her," I grumped. Nora grabbed my rosary after compline. "We need to talk," she said, and showed me a small bottle. "What is it?" I asked, curiously. "She calls it Siebzehnkraut," Nora said. I sniffed it cautiously, it didn't smell like Septadecaherbis. "I'm going to try it," Nora announced. "Nora! You shouldn't! You don't know how it will react with you." Nora shook her head, and said "990 pounds. I'm so there." A week went by. Pray and lift, pray and lift. We were happy, the offsprings were happy and the dogs were ecstatic - it doesn't take much to make a dog happy. Nora was dosing on Siebzehnkraut, and I was measuring her biceps every day. By the end of the week, she'd put on half an inch to 26 1/2, and her bench press had gone from 670 to 710. It looked like Siebzehnkraut was the real McCoy. I talked to Hilde. "Can we get more of your Siebzehnkraut?" I asked bluntly. "Ab naturlich," she smiled. "I will der mutterhaus schreiben." Well, that was easy. I thought I'd have to twist her arm a bit to get her agreement, and I was pretty sure that her arm was much too big for me to twist. And while we were waiting for the package from Germany to arrive, Hilde shared her own supplies with it.

Respect fear nun weights crowded bar Hilde pounds kilograms calculation giddy aunt Nora clean and jerk hope prayer St Hilda's nun round number disks Septadecaherbis bottle Siebzehnkraut react biceps bench press measuring real McCoy Hilde mutterhaus Germany supplies

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The Black Burqa part five - AUDIO

The Black Burqa part five
Price: 5.00

The Black Burqas go worldwide The problem was this. Even the most muscular Black Burqa, like Naamah, looked like any other woman in a burqa; that was the whole purpose of the garment. And no-one could tell who was wearing a black burqa as a fashion statement, and who was one of the muscle queens that could terrorise any man unlucky enough to find himself embraced by her thighs. But then something unusual happened. The Black Burqas have a web site, so that people can contact us and apply to be an official Black Burqa. We won't take just anyone who applies. You have to be able to bench press 300 kilograms, which neatly eliminates all men, as well as all women who don't have the musculature that every Black Burqa should have. This is prominently stated on the web site. Of course, that web site is banned in most countries. I stood at the "incoming" area at the airport wearing my best black burqa. I noticed that men edged away from me nervously, but the women seemed to like being nearby. I didn't have to wait long before the flight from Chicago disgorged its passengers, and Phillida was obvious, because she was the only woman getting off that flight wearing a dark blue burqa. I stepped forward. "Phillida Watkins, I presume?" and we both laughed. "Coffee first," I said, and we went to the ridiculously over-priced airport coffee shop. "Your husband allows you out without a guardian?" she asked. I snorted. "Raafid allows me to do whatever I tell him to allow, He's tasted the crushing grip of my thighs, and he doesn't want to ever feel that again. But," I continued, "tell me about you."

Black Burqas Naamah fashion statement muscle queens web site bench press airport Chicago Phillida Watkins guardian Raafid thighs.

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Octavia part one - AUDIO

Octavia part one
Price: 5.00

I'm six feet tall in my bare feet, and two hundred pounds of hard muscle; I can bench three times my weight. And I don't hide my light under a bushel. Everything is on display, and a lot of guys like that. My impressive body drives men crazy, and crazy men do crazy things. And I encourage the crazy. My hobby is to find men who are nutty as fruitcake, or if they aren't, I push them that way. And when they're one squawk short of a cuckoo, I take a trophy and dump them. Would you like to hear about some of the absurd things I've done; or rather, the crazy things that men do with a bit of encouragement from a woman with massive muscles?

six feet tall bare feet two hundred pounds hard muscle bench weight display guys body drives crazy encourage hobby nutty fruitcake squawk cuckoo trophy dump absurd men encouragement woman massive muscles.

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Fan's Fantasy Falls Flat - PDF

Fan's Fantasy Falls Flat
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

When Super FBB fan Dave gets front row seats to cheer on his favorite rippling hard musclegirl to First Place, he incurs the Wrath of the Second Place winner, Kasie, who proceeds to follow him back to his hotel room to teach him a Very Hard lesson. With hold after crushing hold she harshly bends and twists and mangles his body, getting her Payback on him for causing her to lose, making sure in the end that he is in her corner for next year's show, cheering her to victory - Or Else! Very cool artwork by Carlos on this one!

Super FBB fan front row seats favorite rippling hard musclegirl First Place Wrath Second Place winner Kasie hotel room Very Hard lesson crushing hold bends twists mangles Payback lose corner show victory artwork Carlos

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One Wild Night - PDF

One Wild Night
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Everton)

Stacy is a statuesque, muscular beauty, who helps make her living as an erotically powerful session Amazon, though when one such client and some hired thugs go too far by invading her home, dealing a devastating blow to her life - or more specifically, to that of her True Love, Ben - she unleashes her Full Power on her all too foolish invaders! - Amazing artwork by Everton on this one!

Stacy statuesque muscular beauty erotically powerful session Amazon hired thugs invading home devastating blow True Love Ben Full Power foolish invaders Amazing artwork Everton

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My Bodyguard (Parts 1 & 2) - PDF

My Bodyguard (Parts 1 & 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Intenseman, Artwork: Everton)

Mr. Holbrook discovered that when you are the CEO of a multimillion dollar firm that your life is in constant danger. It was lucky for him that some executives in his firm hired a bodyguard to secretly watch over him. They didn't hire just any bodyguard though. They hired Angela, a beautiful young woman with the strength to warm up with 585 pound bench presses and the fighting skills to defeat twenty men with just her hands and feet. It was even luckier for Holbrook when he discovered that his attraction to Angela was mutual! Everton returns to illustrate this awesome Intenseman story!

Mr. Holbrook CEO multimillion dollar firm life constant danger executives hired bodyguard secretly watch over Angela beautiful young woman strength warm up 585 pound bench presses fighting skills defeat twenty men hands feet attraction mutual Everton illustrate Intenseman story

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The Misunderstanding - TEXT

The Misunderstanding
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

When college student Ben joins a prestigious fashion club at his school, he thinks he's hit the jackpot, as its members are filled with beautifully buff and sexily strong young girls; though his excitement soon turns to concern when it's revealed that they all think he's gay, and are opening up to him in new and interesting ways, ways that make Ben continue to play this part and enjoy such attention, though fearful that one day his act will be discovered, and the wrath of these powerful Amazon girls will be turned onto him!

college student Ben prestigious fashion club school jackpot members beautifully buff sexily strong young girls excitement concern revealed gay opening up new interesting ways play this part attention fearful act discovered wrath powerful Amazon girls

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