Search Results for "Unhappy"


Amy's Conquest 7 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 7
Price: 6.00

When Amy and her Muscle Mom Elizabeth switch MO's in a contest to decide who is the Ultimate Amazon, it ends they only way it can, with them both joining forces against their helpless men, using them sexually as they see fit, until an unexpected family member pops in to voice her rather unhappy opinion! - Amy Icon FemForteFan illustrating this latest installment - with 49 Amazing Pictures!

Amy Muscle Mom Elizabeth switch MOs contest Ultimate Amazon joining forces helpless men using sexually unexpected family member unhappy opinion Amy Icon FemForteFan latest installment

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Yasmin's Revenge - TEXT

Yasmin's Revenge
Price: 2.00
(Story: Vaalser4)

Unhappy with her life, 25 year old Yasmin was pushed beyond her limits when she discovered her boyfriend was cheating on her. She then decided it was time for a change, and took a trip to the wonderous land of Japan! Though something truly amazing happened during her stay, as while bathing in a mysterious pond, she was discovered by a mystical Kirin, who felt the need to help Yasmin by granting her an Amazonian physique and Incredible strength - which she uses to great effect against any assortment of male challengers, not to mention teaching her ex-boyfriend the error of his cheating ways!

Unhappy Yasmin life 25 year old pushed limits boyfriend cheating change trip Japan amazing bathing mysterious pond discovered mystical Kirin help Amazonian physique incredible strength male challengers ex-boyfriend cheating ways

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