Search Results for "Amazonian"


Druktur, The Groom Of The Amazon - TEXT

Druktur, The Groom Of The Amazon
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

In order to keep the peace between his nation and the kingdom of the Amazons, powerful Duke Druktur must consent to wed the Duchess of their tribe. Though while the skilled warrior agreed to perform this task, he was completely taken back by the towering form of Duchess Drusilla! The regal red-headed woman was as beautiful as she was powerful, and her strength was capable of feats that shocked the young Duke to his core! Often times using the unreal power of her massively thick and rock solid muscles in a dominant manner (in the privacy of their bedroom, as well as in public), Drusilla always did so out of love, and in time the mighty Druktur learned to love her in return and accept his new life as husband to Amazonian royalty!

peace nation kingdom Amazons powerful Duke Druktur consent wed Duchess tribe skilled warrior task taken back towering form Duchess Drusilla regal red-headed woman beautiful powerful strength feats shocked young Duke core unreal power massively thick rock solid muscles dominant manner privacy bedroom public love time mighty Druktur new life husband Amazonian royalty

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 4) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Our story continues as we introduce Harper, a unique young woman known as a Superbig! Her amplified breasts are truly Massive, and with that comes physical power that makes other super strong females pale in comparison! Thankfully, she is completely loyal to A.J. and Janey, and would never hurt them (other than occasional erotically charged bits of discomfort), often acting as a protector for A.J. when his Amazonian wife isn't around - such as this very night, when a mature enhanced Doctor at a work conference gets too aggressive with him, and needs to be put into her place! This leads to Janey later planning a night of unbridled sexual pleasure for her special, loving man!

story Harper unique young woman Superbig amplified breasts Massive physical power super strong females loyal A.J. Janey hurt occasional erotically charged bits of discomfort protector Amazonian wife mature enhanced Doctor work conference aggressive put into her place Janey planning night unbridled sexual pleasure special loving man

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Order Of Inanna: Patrice - TEXT

Order Of Inanna: Patrice
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

After the assault on the Gigantic Ginger and Pint-size Powerhouse Patrice in our last tale, it seems further investigation on the source of this attack is needed - and it's up to Patrice to play secret agent and get any information she can! This leads her to an underground fighting ring, where she uses her unreal skills and strength to soundly defeat any man who dared challenge her (one of which, she claims as her boy-toy)! Though with the mysterious arrival of a massively muscular woman, one on par with the strongest of her own Amazonian Order, one Patrice knew she had to challenge, both in an attempt to save her "Not" boyfriend, and also to find out just where she came from, and her possible connection to a rival group of her Order!

assault Gigantic Ginger Pint-size Powerhouse Patrice investigation attack secret agent information underground fighting ring skills strength defeat man boy-toy muscular woman Amazonian Order challenge boyfriend arrival connection rival group.

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Tales Of The Young And Musclebound (Volume 2) - TEXT

Tales Of The Young And Musclebound (Volume 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle)

Once again, this next volume is littered with smaller tales from different young women and their overpoweringly massive muscles! From teenage girls dominating for financial gain, to red-hooded fairy tale characters, to Amazonian foreign exchange students, to young female neighbours looking to out-box the older man across the street, to erotic wish-fulfilment, this next volume of this anthology series has it ALL! If youre into young and musclebound females, then this story is Definitely for you!

young women massive muscles teenage girls financial gain fairy tale characters Amazonian foreign exchange students neighbours older man erotic wish-fulfilment anthology series musclebound females

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Yasmin's Revenge - TEXT

Yasmin's Revenge
Price: 2.00
(Story: Vaalser4)

Unhappy with her life, 25 year old Yasmin was pushed beyond her limits when she discovered her boyfriend was cheating on her. She then decided it was time for a change, and took a trip to the wonderous land of Japan! Though something truly amazing happened during her stay, as while bathing in a mysterious pond, she was discovered by a mystical Kirin, who felt the need to help Yasmin by granting her an Amazonian physique and Incredible strength - which she uses to great effect against any assortment of male challengers, not to mention teaching her ex-boyfriend the error of his cheating ways!

Unhappy Yasmin life 25 year old pushed limits boyfriend cheating change trip Japan amazing bathing mysterious pond discovered mystical Kirin help Amazonian physique incredible strength male challengers ex-boyfriend cheating ways

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