Search Results for "covered"


Happy Hormones Crip Walking 1 - PDF

Happy Hormones Crip Walking 1
Price: 6.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Amy stepped out of the doorway, her massive, half-naked, golden tan body rippling with muscles. She was dressed in her favorite 'little schoolgirl' uniform, an outfit that left little to the imagination. Small black schoolgirl shoes adorned her feet, as white socks wrapped their way up her huge calves (barely able to cover their diamond hard shape). A way too-tight schoolgirl blouse was tied just below her chest, almost unable to contain her breasts. Her visible washboard abs, rippling with muscle, flexed as she softly breathed in and out. Around her waist was a tiny skirt that barely covered her massive tree trunk thighs. Teddy bear panties were visible underneath the skirt, starting to get slightly damp with arousal. Her face was made up to look young: rosy cheeks and a brilliant white smile. Her always-present pigtails hung from either side of her head, and bounced as she strode over to the man behind the desk.

Amy stepped out doorway massive half-naked golden tan body rippling muscles dressed favorite little schoolgirl uniform outfit imagination small black schoolgirl shoes adorned feet white socks wrapped huge calves diamond hard shape way too-tight schoolgirl blouse tied below chest unable contain breasts visible washboard abs flexed softly breathed waist tiny skirt barely covered massive tree trunk thighs teddy bear panties visible underneath skirt slightly damp arousal face made up look young rosy cheeks brilliant white smile always-present pigtails hung either side head bounced strode man behind desk

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Rough sex at the gym - PDF

Rough sex at the gym
Price: 8.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie, Artwork: Tan Yk)

An Amazon acquires a new victim in the gym and has hot and heavy sex with her. When the victim's boyfriend tries to interfere, he is destroyed with a single punch. She drags her victim into the Ladies room, and gives her more sex than three women would be able to take; more than a dozen men could give. The boyfriend, recovered, tries to intervene again, so she breaks his arm. She takes her new girl and the boyfriend to hospital, where they hook up with a nurse that she knows, and the three women have powerful sex together while the impotent boyfriend watches from his hospital bed.

Amazon victim gym hot heavy sex boyfriend interfere destroyed single punch Ladies room more sex three women dozen men recovered intervene breaks arm hospital hook up nurse powerful sex impotent watches hospital bed

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Fitness Trainer and Femdom - PDF

Fitness Trainer and Femdom
Price: 8.00

Her abruptness was a blessing. It saved me from the embarrassment of stammering before the most beautiful, tall, muscular, and intimidating, a woman I had ever met. The cut-off tee shirt she wore would normally not have covered the breasts of the average woman, but hers were so firm they stood out straight, almost hitting me as she turned. The long expanse of bare midriff was tanned and rippling with muscle. But the topper was her face. Her chiseled features surrounded a pair of piercing blue eyes whose look had turned me to jelly.

abruptness blessing saved embarrassment stammering beautiful tall muscular intimidating woman met cut-off tee shirt covered breasts average firm stood out straight hitting turned long expanse bare midriff tanned rippling muscle topper face chiseled features surrounded pair piercing blue eyes look jelly

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GymDomme MuscleDomme - PDF

GymDomme MuscleDomme
Price: 8.00
(Artist: K. Styler)

Her abruptness was a blessing. It saved me from the embarrassment of stammering before the most beautiful, tall, muscular, and intimidating, a woman I had ever met. The cut-off tee shirt she wore would normally not have covered the breasts of the average woman, but hers were so firm they stood out straight, almost hitting me as she turned. The long expanse of bare midriff was tanned and rippling with muscle. But the topper was her face. Her chiseled features surrounded a pair of piercing blue eyes whose look had turned me to jelly.

abruptness blessing saved embarrassment stammering beautiful tall muscular intimidating woman met cut-off tee shirt covered breasts average firm stood out straight hitting turned long expanse bare midriff tanned rippling muscle topper face chiseled features surrounded pair piercing blue eyes look jelly.

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Nancy: An Amazon Girl's Blossoming - PDF

Nancy: An Amazon Girl's Blossoming
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: NeoBabylon )

When Nancy, a tall, lusciously shaped college girl/shy librarian, gets discovered and invited to join Amazon House on her college campus, a whole new world is opened up to her, and a new attitude about her own, clearly evident Amazon-hood is born! - Incredible illustrations by NeoBabylon on this one!

Nancy tall lusciously shaped college girl shy librarian discovered invited join Amazon House college campus whole new world opened up new attitude evident Amazon-hood Incredible illustrations NeoBabylon

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Peeping Tom Punishment - PDF

Peeping Tom Punishment
Price: 6.00
(Story: Kickfan, Artwork: Jorge)

When a older, lecherous peeping tom staker gets discovered by the object of his desires (who just happens to be a beautiful, young hardbodied martial artist), his wildest dreams swiftly turn into his darkest nightmares, as she uses her unreal fighting skills to demolish him completely - an act which unexpectedly turns her on sexually, leading to even worse punishment for him! - Incredible artwork by Jorge, on a story written by the Awesome Kickfan!

older lecherous peeping tom stalker discovered object of desires beautiful young hardbodied martial artist wildest dreams darkest nightmares unreal fighting skills demolish act unexpectedly turns on sexually worse punishment incredible artwork Jorge story written Awesome Kickfan

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The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss - PDF

The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: Martin)

Rio's boyfriend was in a dilemma. She was the most beautiful, most intelligent, most engaging, most fascinating woman he'd ever met, and he was deeply in love. The only problem was that she was a little too bossy. So even though he wanted to marry her, he hesitated when she announced that they would be married without bothering to consult him. His hesitation was short lived however when Rio revealed that she was also the strongest. THE strongest! By far! Read her story from her boyfriend's perspective: The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss. The words are by Sonofjack and the amazing pictures are by Martin!

Rio boyfriend dilemma beautiful intelligent engaging fascinating love bossy marry hesitation announced strongest story perspective night discovered boss Sonofjack Martin

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The Night Rio Showed My Friends Who Was Boss - PDF

The Night Rio Showed My Friends Who Was Boss
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: Jupiter1)

In this sequel to "The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss", we see Rio's boyfriend more in love than ever since the night she revealed her incredible super strength to him. She'd already revealed her amazing body with her perfect ass and her enormous breasts, and he was more than willing to submit to her absolute authority (not that he had a choice) in exchange for their earth-shattering sex. The problem occurred when his two best friends showed up to "liberate" him - but if there was one thing Rio was good at it was solving problems. Story written by Sonofjack, with marvelous illustrations are by Jupiter I!

sequel Night I Discovered Who Was Boss Rio boyfriend love super strength amazing body perfect ass enormous breasts authority earth-shattering sex problem best friends liberate solving problems Sonofjack illustrations Jupiter I

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The Super Secret Of Ultra Girl (Part 2) - PDF

The Super Secret Of Ultra Girl (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Diego)

Sara's fear of nearly losing her loving boyfriend Steve translates into sexual power and passion neither of them had ever felt before! So much so, Steve's lustfilled mind continues to get him into life-threatening situations - thankfully Ultra Girl is always there to swoop in to save him, which is always followed by unreal orgasmic pleasures from Sara. Could it be, could the two situations be related?? A super secret about to be discovered, one that will change both of their lives forever! Digeo continues with his Amazing artwork on this series!

Sara fear loving boyfriend Steve sexual power passion lust life-threatening situations Ultra Girl orgasmic pleasures super secret discovered change Digeo Amazing artwork series

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The Misunderstanding - TEXT

The Misunderstanding
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

When college student Ben joins a prestigious fashion club at his school, he thinks he's hit the jackpot, as its members are filled with beautifully buff and sexily strong young girls; though his excitement soon turns to concern when it's revealed that they all think he's gay, and are opening up to him in new and interesting ways, ways that make Ben continue to play this part and enjoy such attention, though fearful that one day his act will be discovered, and the wrath of these powerful Amazon girls will be turned onto him!

college student Ben prestigious fashion club school jackpot members beautifully buff sexily strong young girls excitement concern revealed gay opening up new interesting ways play this part attention fearful act discovered wrath powerful Amazon girls

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Mutant Y - TEXT

Mutant Y
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Teenage boy Frank believes he has a special "mutant" power, how else could he explain how he's able to become the ultimate object of affection to beautiful young girls around him - but not just any girls, girls with vast super strength, who can't seem to resist the "charms" of young Frank, who in return can't help but experiment with his newly discovered gift with a variety of teenage Amazon girls in his life! Very fun and sexy story here, written by a new (and Fantastic) AC author!

teenage boy Frank special mutant power ultimate object of affection beautiful young girls girls vast super strength resist charms experiment newly discovered gift teenage Amazon girls fun sexy story new Fantastic AC author

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Brat Power - TEXT

Brat Power
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

When 6'8", 310 pound Jake accepted the job as house sitter for a rich couple vacationing in Europe, he figured it would be the easiest ten thousand dollars he'd ever make. All he had to do was make sure that their nineteen year old daughter didn't throw any parties. Then he met Suzanne. She was 5'5", 125 pounds and the most gorgeous girl Jake had ever seen! But when he tried to impose his authority, he discovered that there was something else special about Suzanne. It was his first encounter with Brat Power. It would not be his last...

6'8" 310 pound Jake job house sitter rich couple vacationing Europe easiest ten thousand dollars make make sure nineteen year old daughter throw parties met Suzanne 5'5" 125 pounds gorgeous girl authority discovered something else special Brat Power first encounter last

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Extreme Efficiency (Part 1) - TEXT

Extreme Efficiency (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottums)

Tatiana was born into a powerful European family of great wealth, her beauty and grace unmatched, as was her desire for victory in all things! Though as she grew, she became frustrated with her smaller (though extremely fit and feminine) frame when compared to the boys and men around her. Always striving to challenge this stronger sex in anything physical, something she achieved through sheer strength of will; which after a tragic event, also allowed her to rise to even greater financial power (not to mention, becoming a world class martial artist!) Though when she found that a True Power had been discovered, unlike any she could have imagined, Tatiana used all of her unrivalled skills to claim it for herself - even at the cost of her own life!

Tatiana born powerful European family great wealth beauty grace unmatched desire victory grew frustrated smaller fit feminine frame boys men around striving challenge stronger sex physical achieved sheer strength of will tragic event rise greater financial power world class martial artist True Power discovered imagined skills claim cost own life.

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Brandi Mae - Cheater - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Cheater
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch as the insanely sexy, beautifully buff, scantily clad Brandi Mae leaves her newly discovered cheating man (aka YOU) an angry (yet oh so sexy) message, while flexing her lusciously built hardbody, threatening him with a Brutal Beating for his cheating ways in a voice So Erotic, you know he wouldn't mind it in the least! - a Very Sexy HD video clip from the always Fantastic, Jersey Black!

insanely sexy beautifully buff scantily clad Brandi Mae newly discovered cheating man angry sexy message flexing lusciously built hardbody threatening Brutal Beating cheating ways voice Erotic Very Sexy HD video clip Fantastic Jersey Black

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Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen continues to use her rock solid, super strong body to punish her newly discovered Peeping Tom, though before long she notices him really enjoying such treatment, which begins to turn her on as well, as she continues to crush him in a variety of holds, though more for the enjoyment of it - well, her's anyway! - Awesomely shot clip by Jersey Black here!

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen rock solid super strong body punish newly discovered Peeping Tom notices enjoying treatment turn on crush variety of holds enjoyment Awesomely shot clip Jersey Black

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Yasmin's Revenge - TEXT

Yasmin's Revenge
Price: 2.00
(Story: Vaalser4)

Unhappy with her life, 25 year old Yasmin was pushed beyond her limits when she discovered her boyfriend was cheating on her. She then decided it was time for a change, and took a trip to the wonderous land of Japan! Though something truly amazing happened during her stay, as while bathing in a mysterious pond, she was discovered by a mystical Kirin, who felt the need to help Yasmin by granting her an Amazonian physique and Incredible strength - which she uses to great effect against any assortment of male challengers, not to mention teaching her ex-boyfriend the error of his cheating ways!

Unhappy Yasmin life 25 year old pushed limits boyfriend cheating change trip Japan amazing bathing mysterious pond discovered mystical Kirin help Amazonian physique incredible strength male challengers ex-boyfriend cheating ways

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