Search Results for "muscular"


One Magical Summer (Part 2) - TEXT

One Magical Summer (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Aero)

The following morning, it seems Jessie's transformation into the Massively Muscular Lilith has ended, and she has returned to her normal self; though in joining a close friend at a frat party, where she is forcibly approached by one of the college boys, Lilith emerges once more, both to handle this foolish male, as well as to physically and sexually dominate another, all-too-willing boy!

morning Jessie transformation Massively Muscular Lilith normal self close friend frat party forcibly approached college boys Lilith handle foolish male physically sexually dominate willing boy

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Secret Sessions - TEXT

Secret Sessions
Price: 2.00
(Story: A.J. Brown)

When a muscular housewife secretly starts to earn some much needed extra money doing sexy muscle flexing sessions online, in the hopes of allowing her loving over-worked husband a break from his hectic schedule, her once solid plan turns sour when her muscle-lusting neighbor identifies her, soon after coming to her place threatening black-mail in exchange for some private, personal sessions - which she gives him, And Then Some!

muscular housewife earn extra money sexy muscle flexing sessions online loving over-worked husband break hectic schedule solid plan sour muscle-lusting neighbor identify threatening blackmail private personal sessions

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Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 1) - TEXT

Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Pam is a true Woman Of Tomorrow, especially living in the 1960's as she does. In this first tale of our upcoming series, we see how this ravishing red-head uses her voluptuously muscular curves and unreal physcial strength towards the arrogant, chauvinistic males of the decade, teaching them the true meaning of the word Power, and how not to treat those under you in the business world - especially when in the real world, they're capable of twisting you into a preztel, or ripping you to pieces!

Pam Woman Of Tomorrow 1960's tale upcoming series ravishing red-head voluptuously muscular curves unreal physical strength arrogant chauvinistic males decade teaching true meaning word Power treat business world real world capable twisting preztel ripping pieces

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Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 2) - TEXT

Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

It seems lusciously shaped red-headed Amazon Pam did such a good job on her boss, that he became a completely new man; one that is now utterly enthralled with the super strong sexpot, that is until he meets a smaller, though surprisingly muscular young waitress, who shows him things she could do with her strength that completely blow his mind (among other things)! Pam, meanwhile, starts dating her co-worker, as she begins to show off her thickly muscled form to him, displaying her body for their ultimate pleasures! Though before things get too serious in their dating relationship, she leaves, off to continue her quest to teach abusive bosses a lesson - which leads Pam down a very dark and dangerous path!

red-headed Amazon Pam boss new man strong sexpot muscular waitress strength blow his mind dating co-worker muscled form pleasures serious relationship quest abusive bosses lesson dark dangerous path

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Passionate & Powerful - TEXT

Passionate & Powerful
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Courtney Holden is a young woman with a very unique ability, something that she's had since she was in her mid-teens, something that she once feared, though now has "grown" to Love! This gift gives the stunningly beautiful, sexily shaped girl the ability to physically grow taller and more muscular based on her level of sexual arousal - the hornier she gets, the bigger and stronger she becomes! This unreal power had been hard to control during her younger years, though now in college, Courtney (and her muscle-loving boyfriend) wouldn't have her any other way!

Courtney Holden young woman unique ability mid-teens feared grown love gift stunningly beautiful sexily shaped physically grow taller more muscular sexual arousal hornier bigger stronger unreal power hard to control college muscle-loving boyfriend

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The Tough Man Tamer - TEXT

The Tough Man Tamer
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Camila Kovac is as stunning in beauty as she is incredible in strength! Watch as she begins her quest to challenge any man in a test of physical power, whether it be buff gymrat, champion arm-wrestler, or towering masked wrestler, this amazing Amazon woman takes on each one of them, each time emerging victorious! Of course, after each win, Camila can't help but erotically claim each of these powerful men sexually as well, using her unreal muscular form to bring them to the peaks of orgasmic delight! What challenge next awaits this unbeatable man crusher, can anyone tame her physically or sexually? That remains to be seen!

Camila Kovac stunning beauty incredible strength quest challenge man test physical power buff gymrat champion arm-wrestler towering masked wrestler amazing Amazon woman victorious win erotically claim powerful men sexually unreal muscular form peaks orgasmic delight challenge unbeatable man crusher tame physically sexually remains to be seen

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The Interview - TEXT

The Interview
Price: 2.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle)

Victoria is a young gymnast sensation, who also happens to have a super muscular physique! When a member of her school's faculty meets with her for an interview, things get a bit out of hand (as he can't help himself around such a muscle-packed body), and she puts the Crush on him, something she does in a more erotic manner later on at his home! Her newfound experiences are making her realize how Sexy her muscular form truly is, something she then uses to her fullest, reaching her sexual peak for the first time, on a visiting college boy! Victoria has finally been let loose, in More ways than one!

Victoria young gymnast sensation super muscular physique member of school's faculty interview out of hand Crush erotic manner home newfound experiences Sexy muscular form fullest sexual peak first time visiting college boy let loose More ways than one.

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Napped By My Ex - TEXT

Napped By My Ex
Price: 2.00
(Story: Elrohir)

When middle-aged Frank is invited for a meeting with his ex-wife Gina, he was more than a bit skeptical about what this could be about! Several years earlier, she had transformed her body from voluptuously shaped to rock solid curves, becoming a muscular Amazon and the dominant one in their relationship! This caused her to leave him for another man, a strong gym-owner who gives her more of a challenge in the bedroom! Though that was years ago, their off spring now in college, what could Gina (who is even stronger now than she was when Frank last saw her) possible want with him? Well, whatever it is, it's something she's going to have to Take by, and more than a bit of sexuality as well!

middle-aged Frank meeting ex-wife Gina skeptical transformed body voluptuously shaped rock solid curves muscular Amazon dominant relationship leave another man gym-owner challenge bedroom kids college stronger sexuality

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Candy Kane - TEXT

Candy Kane
Price: 2.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle)

Candy Kane started her teenage years as a shy and quiet girl, that was until she discovered her school's rarely used weight room! She proved to be an extremely quick gainer, and as the years went on not only became Massively Muscular, but also much more outgoing, popular and aggressive! She discovered how much men and boys lusted after her muscle-packed body, as well as her ability to easily control them with it, something she did quite often (in school and at home), with super Sexy effects! Candy has definitely discovered her true life's calling, and it's all about the Muscle!

Candy Kane teenage shy quiet weight room quick gainer Massively Muscular outgoing popular aggressive men boys lust muscle-packed body control Sexy school home true life's calling Muscle

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Horny Muscle MILF - VIDEO

Horny Muscle MILF
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Greycat)

Watch as a super muscular Amazon wife entraps a man with her buff, beautiful body, soon after calling her husband home from work with plans for some double muscle fun! - another Amazing CGI clip from Greycat!

super muscular Amazon wife entraps man buff beautiful body calling husband work double muscle fun Amazing CGI clip Greycat

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