Search Results for "man"


Angie's Toy Boy - PDF

Angie's Toy Boy
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Ronaldo)

Meet Angie, the new girl in school. She's over six and a half feet tall and weighs more than two hundred pounds. All the boys wonder what's under those loose sweaters and baggy slacks she always wears, beside her breasts which are too massive to hide. Find out what 5'2", 110 pound Tom discovers when he becomes Angie's newest plaything. An Awesome story by Puppetman with Amazing art by Ronaldo!

Angie new girl school six and a half feet tall two hundred pounds boys loose sweaters baggy slacks breasts massive 5'2" 110 pounds Tom plaything Puppetman Ronaldo art

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Hockey Night In America - PDF

Hockey Night In America
Price: 6.00
(Story: Skip, Artwork: R.M.G.)

A hockey player is shocked to discover that an opposing player (who's proved to be his superior on the ice) is actually an amazingly beautiful woman; one who uses her feminine charms and physical strength to both lure him to a local bar, and then back to her place, where she proceeds to utterly destroy him on the mats! Proving her superiority over him again and again, while making him crave it completely in the end! Unreal artwork from R.M.G. here, taking on this Incredible story by Skip!

hockey player opposing player superior ice beautiful woman feminine charms physical strength local bar mats superiority artwork story R.M.G. Skip

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Summer's Story - PDF

Summer's Story
Price: 6.00
(Story: Miles Endeavor, Artwork: Edson)

Summer is a beautiful, blonde beach babe, who happens to be super muscular and insanely strong. She loves showing off her unreal power in the gym, and to her boyfriend in the bedroom, though when things get a bit too rough with the gorgeous Amazon, her man creates a plan for her to vent out her muscle-crushing desires, on those who deserve it much more than himself! Edson does an amazing job on this Classic Miles Endeavor tale!

Summer beautiful blonde beach babe super muscular insanely strong showing off unreal power gym boyfriend bedroom rough gorgeous Amazon man creates a plan vent out muscle-crushing desires deserve Edson amazing job Classic Miles Endeavor tale

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The Unequal Struggle - PDF

The Unequal Struggle
Price: 6.00
(Story: Uplifted, Artwork: Alphadawg)

Scott is a proud, arrogant man accustomed to getting whatever woman he wants. Even so, he can hardly believe his luck when he meets the beautiful and fit Janet. What he doesn't realize is that before she will ride such a proud stallion, Janet must first break him - and break him she does! In fact, Janet teaches Scott just how unequal a struggle can be! This is a great story by Uplifted with dynamic art by alphadawg!

Scott proud arrogant man woman luck meets beautiful fit Janet realize ride stallion break teaches unequal struggle story Uplifted dynamic art alphadawg

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"Little" Sister No More (Part 1) - PDF

"Little" Sister No More (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: RagMan)

Mary and her girl-friends were always the targets of her older twin brothers cruel, bullying ways; though when these buff brothers moved away to college, Mary and her friends decided they would be victims no more, spending all of their free time building their young, blossoming bodies into super-strong Amazonian physiques - much to the surprise of the returning brothers, who are in for the Shock Of Their Lives! Another new artist to AC, RagMan, expertly illustrates this tale of Revenge!

Mary girl-friends targets older twin brothers cruel bullying ways buff brothers moved away college victims free time building young blossoming bodies super-strong Amazonian physiques surprise returning brothers Shock Of Their Lives new artist AC RagMan expertly illustrates tale of Revenge.

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The Prodigal Amazon Returns (Part 2) - PDF

The Prodigal Amazon Returns (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Scott)

When Biker Queen Mandy returns to her High School to claim a cute teacher that she had a serious crush on, there is Nothing that can stand in her way; not the burly biker who drove her in, not the tough football coach, and certainly not the tiny, weak and utterly helpless object of her affections (or is that her Lust)! - Excellent artwork on this one from Scott!

Biker Queen Mandy High School cute teacher crush burly biker football coach tiny weak helpless affections lust artwork Scott

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My New Boyfriend - PDF

My New Boyfriend
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Ronaldo)

Marcy is a statuesque, muscle-packed high school girl, who uses her unreal strength (along with some martial arts mastery) to make sure bullying boys get put in their place! Brian is one such boy, a massive man, who is swiftly humbled by the Amazonian Marcy (along with his bitchy cheerleading girlfriend), who then claims him as her new boyfriend - whether he likes it or not! Incredible illustrations here by Ronaldo, on this awesome MC Story!

Marcy statuesque muscle-packed high school girl unreal strength martial arts mastery bullying boys put in their place Brian massive man swiftly humbled Amazonian Marcy bitchy cheerleading girlfriend claims new boyfriend incredible illustrations Ronaldo awesome MC Story

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Dawn Of An Amazon (Part 4) - PDF

Dawn Of An Amazon (Part 4)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

In our Final chapter of this series, we find Dawn lovingly caring for her man Pete (who was just released from the hospital), when a mysterious, yet professional, stranger enters their lives. Seemingly a friend, this unknown Amazon leads the young couple to a very special place, where very special girls train to become even more special women - in the end making Dawn an offer she can't refuse, not that she would ever want to! Always Amazing artwork by Max here!

Final chapter series Dawn lovingly caring man Pete released hospital mysterious professional stranger lives friend unknown Amazon young couple special place special girls train special women offer can't refuse want Amazing artwork Max

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Sandy's Toy Boy - PDF

Sandy's Toy Boy
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: R.M.G.)

When Jerry, a slender college boy, is spotted by Sandy, a towering teenage titaness, at her Mother's summer resort, she can't help but claim him as her own, using her vastly superior strength and thick powerful muscles, she takes him on a ride that will leave him mentally and physically (and sexually) exhausted! R.M.G. returns with more incredible illustrations, on this classic Puppetman tale!

Jerry slender college boy Sandy towering teenage titaness Mother's summer resort claim own vastly superior strength thick powerful muscles ride mentally physically sexually exhausted R.M.G. incredible illustrations classic Puppetman tale

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"Little" Sister No More (Part 2) - PDF

"Little" Sister No More (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: RagMan)

Teenage Amazon Mary and her assortment of beautifully buff and physically powerful girl-friends are having the time of their lives during their slumber-party, as they exact their revenge on Mary's former bullying twin brothers; using their superior strength and skills to play with these larger boys like toys - and like most toys with little girls, they tend to get Broken! More Amazing Color artwork from RagMan here!

Teenage Amazon Mary assortment buff physically powerful girl-friends slumber-party revenge bullying twin brothers superior strength skills play toys Broken Amazing Color artwork RagMan

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