Search Results for "fan"


Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 1) - VIDEO

Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch as the beautifully buff, bikini clad Amazon, MuscleVixen, poses and talks sexily to her legions of online fans in the privacy of her bedroom via her webcam; that is until she spots a peeping-tom intruder lecherously spying on her, which causes her to close down her webcam, and open up a can of MUSCLE CRUSH on him! - Fantastic clip once again from Jersey Black!

beautifully buff bikini clad Amazon MuscleVixen poses talks sexily legions online fans privacy bedroom webcam peeping-tom intruder lecherously spying close down open up MUSCLE CRUSH Fantastic clip Jersey Black

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Muscle Beauty X - "Physical" Therapy - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - "Physical" Therapy
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

When a man enters the office of the beautifully buff Dr. Muscle Beauty, in the hopes of trying to cure his uncontrollable lust over the 18-year old girl living next door (who happens to have a firm, fit and hard body), the lusciously muscular professional decides to show him her own shapely muscle-packed physique, in the hopes that her constant crushing of him with her vastly superior strength would deter his lecherous fantasies! Though it seems more sessions will definitely be in order, as all her body-squeezing and man-handling seems to just turn him on Even More - just as it will with all of YOU!

man office beautifully buff Dr. Muscle Beauty cure uncontrollable lust 18-year old girl living next door firm fit hard body lusciously muscular professional show shapely muscle-packed physique constant crushing vastly superior strength deter lecherous fantasies sessions body-squeezing man-handling turn on all YOU

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Miss Andrea Untamed - Webmistress Wife Domination - VIDEO

Miss Andrea Untamed - Webmistress Wife Domination
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Miss Andrea Untamed)

We are Thrilled to give you now a series of videos featuring one of the most Iconic and Dominant female wrestlers around, Miss Andrea Untamed! In this first clip, Andrea is doing what she does best, entertaining her legion of website fans with her strong, sexy body! That is until her foolish husband comes in and gives her grief for showing off her body online; though enough is enough as she then decides to not only continue such sessions, but to include her man in on them, specifically by manhandling, smothering, squeezing and overall dominating his wimpy ass! All to the enjoyment of her many fans, who tip her very heavily for this latest video!

Thrilled series videos iconic dominant female wrestlers Andrea Untamed clip entertaining website fans strong sexy body husband grief showing off online manhandling smothering squeezing dominating wimpy ass fans tipping video

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Big Legs At The Shoe Store - PDF

Big Legs At The Shoe Store
Price: 8.00
(Story: Calffan, Artwork: Diego)

For Tom, the calf-loving shoe salesman, there was no better customer than Kirsten. Massively muscled (especially her lower half) and loving calf worship as much as he did, the two hit it off immediately! After some impromptu public calf worship at his store, they agree to meet later where they can sate their mutual lust in private. Upon discovering their birthdays had just passed, the two trade "gifts" with Kirsten proceeding to give Tom his first ever calf-fucking! Then some muscle and calf worship, followed by some crushing sexual escapades, Kirsten makes sure that this is a late birthday neither of them will ever forget! Incredible artwork by Diego on this super sexy story from The Calffan!

Tom calf-loving shoe salesman customer Kirsten massively muscled lower half calf worship hit it off immediately impromptu public store meet later sate mutual lust private birthdays passed trade gifts first ever calf-fucking muscle crushing sexual escapades late birthday forget incredible artwork Diego super sexy story The Calffan

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Heather - PDF

Price: 8.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Everton)

Tom's first time meeting his new stepsister Heather came with a simple rule, stay away from the gym. But it was his house too, why should he listen to his taller, stronger stepsister, and her even larger friend Claire? His curiosity gets the better of him, unfortunately leading him to be spotted and caught by the two powerful Amazon girls, as the two then have some fun teaching him not to break their rules! A short beating, and some crushing holds later and Tom quickly finds himself forcibly being used for their pleasure! The rules have changed again, whatever Heather wants, goes! Fantastic illustrations here from Everton, on this story by the iconic AmazonFan!

Tom stepsister Heather gym house taller stronger stepsister friend Claire curiosity spotted caught Amazon girls beating crushing holds pleasure rules illustrations Everton AmazonFan

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Dazzled By Dawn - PDF

Dazzled By Dawn
Price: 8.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Young internet millionaire Dennis is utterly enraptured by the strong, muscular and gorgeous Dawn! Here he tells his story about his first meeting with the sexy muscle girl (after delving into his initial encounter with a stronger, fitter girl while in college, one who enjoyed humiliating him with her strength), a chance introduction with the dazzling Dawn, which quickly leads to lunch and then a meeting for some playful wrestling later on. Though her complete physical control of his weaker body, done in a teasingly sensual manner, soon turns into full blown sexual delights for them both, ending with the first of many erotic explosions to come for this female-muscle loving couple! Awesome artwork by Dracowhip here, on this classic AmazonFan story!

young internet millionaire Dennis enraptured strong muscular gorgeous Dawn story first meeting sexy musclegirl delving initial encounter college stronger fitter girl enjoyed humiliating strength chance introduction dazzling lunch meeting playful wrestling complete physical control weaker body teasingly sensual manner full blown sexual delights first many erotic explosions female-muscle loving couple awesome artwork Dracowhip classic AmazonFan story

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Lilly Ice - Webcam Wonder Girl - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Webcam Wonder Girl
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

The always stunning, sexy and strong Lilly is spending an evening at home, entertaining her legion of online fans with some sensual flexes (pecs included) in front of her laptop, as she begins to tell them about the rough-housing she did with her boyfriend the previous night, and how sore he still is from her assortment of ultra powerful holds she put him in! This gives her an idea, as she calls her man into the bedroom, where she begins to lift and toss him into the bed, continuing her sexy man-handling of his overmatched form! Each and every hold causes more pain to his already aching body, while it only seems to make her all the more aroused! Hold after hold she gets more sensual and strong, while he can only beg her to stop! Though she continues on - Anything for her online admirers muscle-lusting enjoyment!

stunning sexy strong Lilly evening home entertaining legion online fans sensual flexes pecs laptop rough-housing boyfriend sore assortment ultra powerful holds idea calls man bedroom lift toss bed man-handling overmatched form pain aching body aroused hold after hold sensual strong beg stop online admirers muscle-lusting enjoyment

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The Right Mix (Part 2) - PDF

The Right Mix (Part 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Vaalser4, Artwork: Alphadawg)

Marcedes is the Ultimate Amazon! Towering over most any man around, her unreal height is further emphasized by her massive, solid and super ripped muscles! Her loving man (who she simply Towers over) tells several stories of her Amazonian exploits here, which involve putting cocky, tough, macho guys in their place; whether by humiliating them in public, or giving them a little beating in private! Marcedes truly is the Right Mix of Any man's fantasy! Fantastic illustrations from alphadawg on this original story by Vaalser4!

Marcedes Ultimate Amazon towering height massive solid super ripped muscles loving man Towers over stories Amazonian exploits cocky tough macho guys humiliating public beating private Right Mix fantasy illustrations alphadawg original story Vaalser4

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Beautiful Buff Babe Folio - PDF

Beautiful Buff Babe Folio
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Buffcake)

If you're a fan of pin-ups pictures showing an assortment of strong, sexy, muscular women in a variety of powerful and passionate poses, then THIS is definitely for YOU! This folio is filled with an array of Amazons unlike you've ever seen, from ultra horny giantesses and sensual Supergirl showing off, to enraged Muscle MILFs and savagely avenging mermaids, from fiercely protective girlfriends and passionately powerful prison guards, to sexy savage jungle girls to attackers picking on the wrong woman, this folio has it all! If you're a fan of a single Super Sexy picture telling a tale about Feminine Power, then Look No Further! Absolutely Unreal illustrations from the Awesome Buffcake on this one!

fan pin-ups pictures assortment strong sexy muscular women variety powerful passionate poses folio array Amazons ultra horny giantesses sensual supergirls showing off enraged Muscle MILFs savagely avenging mermaids fiercely protective girlfriends passionately powerful prison guards sexy savage jungle girls attackers wrong woman Super Sexy picture tale Feminine Power Look No Further Unreal illustrations Awesome Buffcake

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Back On Track (Part 3) - PDF

Back On Track (Part 3)
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: RagMan)

Several weeks pass since Josh's cowardly attack, and he is still hospitalized and unconscious! Mia is wracked with guilt for not protecting him in time, not to mention devastated that she may never tell Josh about her true feelings for him, all of which causes her to train her unreal physique with even greater intensity! Though her prayers are answered and Josh awakens, causing them both to share their feelings and their relationship to bloom! He's thrilled to return to her gym and see that it too has grown more popular, and after a heart-to-heart they begin their training once more, each of them reaching physical goals neither of them thought possible - concluding with Mia showing her physical love for Josh as only a sexy muscle girl can! An awesome conclusion to this series, with Fantastic artwork from Rag-Man here!

weeks Josh cowardly attack hospitalized unconscious Mia guilt protecting devastated true feelings train physique prayers awakens share relationship bloom gym popular heart-to-heart training physical goals conclusion series Fantastic artwork Rag-Man sexy muscle girl

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Amy's Conquest: 2021 Folio (Amy's Heavenly Honeymoon) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2021 Folio (Amy's Heavenly Honeymoon)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Folio, Artwork: Tom & DJ)

Travel the globe with Amy and David as they share Amazing sights and locations during their world-wide honeymoon! Of course Amy isn't your normal newlywed bride, and her Amazonian physique always garners its share of attention! Whether appreciating the drinks and locals as they bar-hop in Germany or Russia, relaxing in the polar Arctic or the sandy beaches of Hawaii, or enjoying themselves cosplaying at the New York Comic Con or bungee jumping in New Zealand, there is simply no place on Earth these young lovers couldn't have The Best time at! Join them on their trip, and you're guaranteed to Enjoy yourselves as well! Truly Unreal illustrations from Tom and DJ on this Fantastic Folio!

Travel globe Amy David sights locations world-wide honeymoon newlywed bride Amazonian physique bar-hop Germany Russia Arctic sandy beaches Hawaii cosplaying New York Comic Con bungee jumping New Zealand young lovers trip Enjoy Unreal illustrations Tom DJ Fantastic Folio

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It Takes Two (Redux) (Part 1) - PDF

It Takes Two (Redux) (Part 1)
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Jupiter1)

Tiffany and Stacy are a pair of gorgeous, muscle packed college girls, who simply Cannot get enough of one another, especially their steel hard, super strong bodies! Their relationship starting from a younger age, when their lust for one another's athletically fit forms blossomed (the same night they man-handled Stacy's older brother), then onto more such scenes, as when they were caught having some girlish muscle fun in the girl's locker room by the school's coach, who quickly regretted barging in on these ultra passionate and powerful high school girls! A re-telling of an older story, this time with Incredible illustrations from Jupiter I!

Tiffany Stacy pair gorgeous muscle packed college girls Cannot get enough steel hard super strong bodies relationship younger age lust athletically fit forms blossomed man-handled older brother scenes caught girlish muscle fun girl's locker room school's coach regretted barging in ultra passionate powerful high school girls re-telling older story Incredible illustrations Jupiter I

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 3) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

During a business meeting where A.J. is about to be taken full advantage of by yet more vastly powerful super-women, he is taken back to a time when his growing relationship with Janey blossoms, though not without him paying the price for being sexually used by an older woman next door! Still, their bonding grows ever stronger, and the two young lovers get married, leading to a Caribbean honeymoon, where all of their sexual fantasies will be fulfilled - or so they thought! Unfortunately a meeting with some other superhuman females during dinner, leads Janey down a dark path, one she regrets whole-heartedly the next day, though one which causes potentially dire consequences for her darling A.J.!

business meeting A.J. taken advantage powerful super-women relationship Janey blossoms sexually used older woman next door bonding young lovers married Caribbean honeymoon sexual fantasies meeting superhuman females dinner dark path regrets consequences darling A.J.

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