Search Results for "Rio"


The Change - TEXT

The Change
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

Sandy is a young housewife, who while happy with her life, wants more, especially in the physique department. So she visits her local Girls-Only Crossfit Gym, where she meets up with Alyssa, a 19 year old muscle-packed beauty, who takes Sandy under her wing, training her to reach physical (and sexual) levels she never thought possible; all the while their grouping of physically superior females grows into something truly amazing! Women, the weaker sex - not if they have anything to say about it!

Sandy young housewife happy wants more physique Girls-Only Crossfit Gym Alyssa 19 year old muscle-packed beauty takes under her wing training physical sexual levels never thought possible grouping physically superior females amazing women weaker sex anything to say

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Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 2) - TEXT

Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

It seems lusciously shaped red-headed Amazon Pam did such a good job on her boss, that he became a completely new man; one that is now utterly enthralled with the super strong sexpot, that is until he meets a smaller, though surprisingly muscular young waitress, who shows him things she could do with her strength that completely blow his mind (among other things)! Pam, meanwhile, starts dating her co-worker, as she begins to show off her thickly muscled form to him, displaying her body for their ultimate pleasures! Though before things get too serious in their dating relationship, she leaves, off to continue her quest to teach abusive bosses a lesson - which leads Pam down a very dark and dangerous path!

red-headed Amazon Pam boss new man strong sexpot muscular waitress strength blow his mind dating co-worker muscled form pleasures serious relationship quest abusive bosses lesson dark dangerous path

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The Dominated Barbarian King - TEXT

The Dominated Barbarian King
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

In the barbarian world, Might Makes Right, and no one was mightier than King Onen! Such was his rule that he ordered the women of his tribe to fight for the "honor" of being his Queen, in the end Gladiatrix Alya emerging victorious - or so it would seem at first, as Onen then used and abused her sexually in cruel and vicious ways! Leading the already tall and powerfully built woman to seek assistance, doing so at the hutt of a witch, who offered not only the healing of her wounds, but also a Potion that would change Alya's life Forever!

barbarian world Might Makes Right King Onen rule women tribe fight honor Queen Gladiatrix Alya victorious sexually abused seek assistance hutt witch healing wounds Potion change life Forever

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Butch To Bitch - TEXT

Butch To Bitch
Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

Laura is a sexy, shapely and curvaceous woman, who has taken to being dominated and bossed around by her taller but much thinner boyfriend; that was until one of her girl-friends (a smaller but very solidly built beauty) convinces her that she is his physical superior (by far) and that she should take control of their relationship, sexily helping her do so first-hand, and before long the voluptuously shaped Amazon is in complete control of them both - much to All of their delights!

Laura sexy shapely curvaceous dominated bossed around boyfriend girl-friends physical superior relationship control voluptuously shaped Amazon delights

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The Change (Part 2) - TEXT

The Change (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

As Sandy and Alyssa head off to the Bahamas together for a much needed holiday (allowing them to not only get closer with one another, but also plan how best to introduce Sandy's husband into the mix when they return), events back home from the assortment of fit, athletic and physically superior females from their gym take center stage, as they take heart from Alyssa's rousing speech several weeks earlier, now relishing in showing off their superior strength and firm, shapely physiques in a variety of sexily stimulating ways!

Sandy Alyssa Bahamas holiday closer plan introduce husband return events home assortment fit athletic physically superior females gym center stage heart rousing speech weeks earlier relishing showing off strength firm shapely physiques sexily stimulating ways

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Fiona - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Musclehead)

When fitness MILF Lisa first meets Fiona, she's amazed at the strength this very young girl possesses! So much so she decides to take her under her wing, training her through the years, helping her transform into a teenage musclegirl with unreal strength (even surpassing her all too sexy trainer), with eventually an amazing sexual appetite! From teaching bullies their hard earned lessons, to sensually overpowering Lisa's own hardbodied husband (not to mention sexually enticing Lisa herself), to showing an adorably cute boy the pleasures of being with a physically superior girl (while her mentor shows an unruly young man his place beneath her own powerful form), Fiona can literally do it all!

fitness MILF Lisa Fiona strength young girl amazed under her wing training years transform teenage musclegirl unreal strength surpassing sexy trainer amazing sexual appetite teaching bullies hard earned lessons sensually overpowering hardbodied husband sexually enticing adorably cute boy pleasures physically superior girl mentor unruly young man powerful form Fiona do it all

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From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 1) - TEXT

From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Mike Snow)

Mark clearly believes himself the luckiest man alive, while considering himself a good, decent man, he in no way felt he deserved a woman in his life like Kira - a breath-takingly beautiful girl, with an ultra-fit physique and the strength of a Goddess. Friends for a long time, it was only after an instance where the gorgeous Amazon girl saved him from harm (from her then boyfriend, no less) did their relationship take a new, more serious turn. From then on, Kira knew she could always be herself around Mark, not needing to hide her vast physical power, an attribute that never ceased to excite and arouse her loving boyfriend. Watch as their story, their love, unfolds, and they change from friends, to lovers, to so much more!

Mark luckiest man alive good decent man woman Kira breath-takingly beautiful ultra-fit physique strength of a Goddess friends Amazon girl saved boyfriend relationship serious turn physical power excite arouse love friends lovers.

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The Tough Man Tamer - TEXT

The Tough Man Tamer
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Camila Kovac is as stunning in beauty as she is incredible in strength! Watch as she begins her quest to challenge any man in a test of physical power, whether it be buff gymrat, champion arm-wrestler, or towering masked wrestler, this amazing Amazon woman takes on each one of them, each time emerging victorious! Of course, after each win, Camila can't help but erotically claim each of these powerful men sexually as well, using her unreal muscular form to bring them to the peaks of orgasmic delight! What challenge next awaits this unbeatable man crusher, can anyone tame her physically or sexually? That remains to be seen!

Camila Kovac stunning beauty incredible strength quest challenge man test physical power buff gymrat champion arm-wrestler towering masked wrestler amazing Amazon woman victorious win erotically claim powerful men sexually unreal muscular form peaks orgasmic delight challenge unbeatable man crusher tame physically sexually remains to be seen

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The Tough Man Tamer (Part 2) - TEXT

The Tough Man Tamer (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Super strong, man-crushing Amazon, Camila Kovac, is Back! Continuing her crusade to conquer the most powerful of men, she relishes in her physical superiority of the so-called "stronger sex", dominating them in and out of the ring! Though this time it's personal, as she seeks out a towering behemoth of a man and holder of the World's Strongest Man title, who foolishly dismissed her erotic advances years ago after a show, which did not sit well with Camila! So she now challenges him in front of his eager audience, proving beyond any doubt that she is more than enough for him to handle, before continuing with further feats of strength in private!

Super strong man-crushing Amazon Camila Kovac conquer physical superiority dominating stronger sex personal towering behemoth World's Strongest Man erotic advances show challenges audience feats of strength private

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Order Of Inanna: Beth - TEXT

Order Of Inanna: Beth
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

The Order Of Inanna is a secret organization of fit, strong, powerfully built women! Each of them physically superior to most any male, and while they don't instruct their Amazonian members to be abusive or bully their men, they more than support the notion of showing off their physical superiority! Beth is one such member, though new to this Order, she is destined to be with her soul-mate (even if he doesn't know it yet), and with expert usage of her muscle packed form and unreal strength, she quickly claims him as her own, convincing him that she is The One for him!

Order of Inanna secret organization fit strong powerfully built women physically superior Amazonian members abusive bully support physical superiority Beth soul-mate muscle packed form unreal strength claims convincing The One

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14 pages131 records