Search Results for "Rio"


Sally: The Strongest Girl In The World (Part 2) - PDF

Sally: The Strongest Girl In The World (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Max)

The massively muscled, buff beauty Sally is back, enjoying her Senior Year to the fullest as she jojns her Varsity Football team, using her rock solid physique to give them a victorious season, as well as going camping with her boyfriend Rick, sexily teasing him with her thick, muscular body, as well as saving him from the wrath of a grizzly bear! All in a day's work for the Strongest Girl In The World! - More Awesome artwork from Max on this classic M.C.

massively muscled buff beauty Sally back Senior Year fullest joins Varsity Football team rock solid physique victorious season camping boyfriend Rick sexily teasing thick muscular body saving wrath grizzly bear day's work Strongest Girl In The World Awesome artwork Max classic M.C.

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Ultimate Amazon Folio - PDF

Ultimate Amazon Folio
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo, Everton, Max, Edson, Rob, Jupiter I, Jorge & Gianluca)

What do you get when you ask some of THE BEST female muscle artists around to draw THEIR take on what their Ultimate Fantasy Amazon is to them, well you get THIS, an Amazing folio full of images straight from the artist's mind, and right onto the page! - Incredible illustrations by such artists as Jebriodo, Everton, Max, Edson, Rob, Jupiter I, Jorge, Gianluca, and Many More!

female muscle artists Ultimate Fantasy Amazon folio images illustrations Jebriodo Everton Max Edson Rob Jupiter I Jorge Gianluca artists

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Sonja The Rescuer - PDF

Sonja The Rescuer
Price: 6.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: R.M.G.)

This tale begins not long after "Sonja The Barbarian", where the massive warrior woman and her boy-toy John enjoy one anothers company, that is until he sneaks off the next morning, asking advise on how better to "please" this amazing Amazon; a trek that gets him kidnapped by the King's guards, an act that enrages the now savage Barbarian Queen, who stops at nothing to reclaim what was hers, and save the life of the one man she actually cares for! - Another incredibly drawn story by R.M.G., in this SeldomLasts series!

tale Sonja The Barbarian warrior woman boy-toy John company sneaks off morning asking advice please amazing Amazon trek kidnapped King's guards enrages savage Barbarian Queen stops at nothing reclaim save life one man cares for incredibly drawn story R.M.G. SeldomLasts series

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Pinky Has Some Fun (& More Fun) - PDF

Pinky Has Some Fun (& More Fun)
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Alphadawg)

When some peeping tom boys barge in on a group of sexy high school girls taking in some sun, it's up to the muscle-packed Pinky (younger sister to one of these girls) to set them straight, using her rock solid physique and superior strength to turn the intruding males into boy-toys for these teenage girls; while claiming the cutest one (who she happens to have feelings for) for herself, to have a bit of Female Muscle Fun! Both parts of this series from M.C. are here, illustrated awesomely by alphadawg!

peeping tom boys barge in group sexy high school girls sun muscle-packed Pinky younger sister set them straight rock solid physique superior strength intruding males boy-toys teenage girls cutest one feelings Female Muscle Fun series M.C. illustrated alphadawg

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An Uneven Fight - PDF

An Uneven Fight
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jeremy Wilson, Artwork: Everton)

What happens when the most feared man in professional wrestling, a 6' 8" mountain of muscle called the Barbarian Jeff Magnus, agrees to fight the 5' 3", 115 pound embodiment of feminine power known as the Mysterious She-Cat? Jeff is quickly given a lesson in humility and the folly of male pride of course! But why does the Mysterious She-Cat wear a mask? What secret is she hiding? Find out in this Great story by Jeremy Wilson with Beautiful illustrations provided by Everton!

feared man professional wrestling Barbarian Jeff Magnus fight Mysterious She-Cat humility male pride feminine power mask secret story Jeremy Wilson illustrations Everton

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Different Strokes For Different Folks - PDF

Different Strokes For Different Folks
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Ronaldo)

There's just nothing better than dating a strong, powerful Amazon girl, at least our main college guy here thinks so! Though while making passionate love to his own muscle-packed beauty, he recounts an assortment of his male friends who had their own relationships with such physically superior young women, all of whom (due to their own foolish behaviors) may think otherwise....can't please them all, I guess! More incredible pictures here from Ronaldo!

dating strong powerful Amazon girl college guy passionate love muscle-packed beauty male friends physically superior relationships foolish behaviors pictures Ronaldo

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Amy's Conquest: 2014 Folio (Summer Job(s) For Amy Hardstone) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2014 Folio (Summer Job(s) For Amy Hardstone)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Once more, we have taken our Amazingly drawn logo pics from this past year and combined them into a Sexy Amazonian Folio, again combining them all into a complete story; as Amy returns home from college for the summer, only to be told from her Muscle Mom that she needs to find some work during her time back, which she does, again and again, putting her own Amazonian Flair to each and every job she performs! Truly Unreal illustrations on these by Jebriodo!

Amazingly drawn logo pics Sexy Amazonian Folio complete story Amy Muscle Mom find work Amazonian Flair Unreal illustrations Jebriodo

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The Fraternity - PDF

The Fraternity
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonLover, Artwork: London)

Wrestling around with Sorority Girls is hardly a task that any pledging Frat Boy would call Hellish, though when these gathering of outclassed young men go against the Awesomely Amazonian array of girls from the Tri-Delt House, all thoughts of pleasure go out the window, and are replaced with Helplessness, Inferiority and Pain! Amazing artist London is back for another story, this one an Amazon Lover Classic!

Wrestling Sorority Girls Frat Boy Hellish Awesomely Amazonian Tri-Delt House Helplessness Inferiority Pain London Amazon Lover Classic

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Hockey Night In America - PDF

Hockey Night In America
Price: 6.00
(Story: Skip, Artwork: R.M.G.)

A hockey player is shocked to discover that an opposing player (who's proved to be his superior on the ice) is actually an amazingly beautiful woman; one who uses her feminine charms and physical strength to both lure him to a local bar, and then back to her place, where she proceeds to utterly destroy him on the mats! Proving her superiority over him again and again, while making him crave it completely in the end! Unreal artwork from R.M.G. here, taking on this Incredible story by Skip!

hockey player opposing player superior ice beautiful woman feminine charms physical strength local bar mats superiority artwork story R.M.G. Skip

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Dawn Of An Amazon (Part 4) - PDF

Dawn Of An Amazon (Part 4)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

In our Final chapter of this series, we find Dawn lovingly caring for her man Pete (who was just released from the hospital), when a mysterious, yet professional, stranger enters their lives. Seemingly a friend, this unknown Amazon leads the young couple to a very special place, where very special girls train to become even more special women - in the end making Dawn an offer she can't refuse, not that she would ever want to! Always Amazing artwork by Max here!

Final chapter series Dawn lovingly caring man Pete released hospital mysterious professional stranger lives friend unknown Amazon young couple special place special girls train special women offer can't refuse want Amazing artwork Max

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Sandy's Toy Boy - PDF

Sandy's Toy Boy
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: R.M.G.)

When Jerry, a slender college boy, is spotted by Sandy, a towering teenage titaness, at her Mother's summer resort, she can't help but claim him as her own, using her vastly superior strength and thick powerful muscles, she takes him on a ride that will leave him mentally and physically (and sexually) exhausted! R.M.G. returns with more incredible illustrations, on this classic Puppetman tale!

Jerry slender college boy Sandy towering teenage titaness Mother's summer resort claim own vastly superior strength thick powerful muscles ride mentally physically sexually exhausted R.M.G. incredible illustrations classic Puppetman tale

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"Little" Sister No More (Part 2) - PDF

"Little" Sister No More (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: RagMan)

Teenage Amazon Mary and her assortment of beautifully buff and physically powerful girl-friends are having the time of their lives during their slumber-party, as they exact their revenge on Mary's former bullying twin brothers; using their superior strength and skills to play with these larger boys like toys - and like most toys with little girls, they tend to get Broken! More Amazing Color artwork from RagMan here!

Teenage Amazon Mary assortment buff physically powerful girl-friends slumber-party revenge bullying twin brothers superior strength skills play toys Broken Amazing Color artwork RagMan

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Beaten By A Girl - PDF

Beaten By A Girl
Price: 6.00
(Story: Miles Endeavour, Artwork: Dracowhip)

When a young man loses an arm-wrestling match with a rock solid 13 year old gymnast (who happens to be his work superior's daughter) his embarrassment causes him to hit the gym hard, building his body stronger than Ever! So when he meets up with this powerful young girl 5 years later, he relishes the chance to show her who's the stronger now (Hint - it isn't him)! Dracowhip once more lends his pencil-shaded work to this Miles Endeavour story!

young man loses arm-wrestling match rock solid 13 year old gymnast work superior's daughter embarrassment hit the gym building body stronger Ever meets up powerful young girl 5 years later relishes chance show her stronger now Dracowhip pencil-shaded work Miles Endeavour story

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White Gals Can Jump - PDF

White Gals Can Jump
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Just as a final game of basketball is about to end for a trio of cocky male jocks, in strolls the form of a curvaceous young woman, who is foolish enough to challenge all three to a game (with her heels, no less); though it's soon the males who are deemed the fools as they are overwhelmed on and then off the court, but this unbeatable female specimen! Fantastic artwork by Dracowhip on this Jack Straw tale!

basketball trio male jocks curvaceous young woman challenge game heels males overwhelmed court unbeatable female specimen artwork Dracowhip Jack Straw tale

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Muscle Fun - PDF

Muscle Fun
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Ronaldo)

This beautiful young Amazon woman just loves showing her superior power to her assortment of male conquests! Often making them feel they have the upper hand, until the muscles begin to flex, and her strength is displayed in the most erotic ways. Most often, these defeated males ask for more in the end, though sometimes the sex-craved Supergirl finds men who are in need of True Punishment, which she is more than happy to dish out - as always, with her pleasure in mind! Incredible illustrations by Ronaldo on this Jack Straw story!

beautiful young Amazon woman showing superior power male conquests upper hand muscles flex strength erotic ways defeated males ask for more sex-craved supergirl True Punishment pleasure incredible illustrations Ronaldo Jack Straw story

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Secrets Revealed Series - PDF

Secrets Revealed Series
Price: 6.00
(Story: Kent, Artwork: Jupiter1)

Don knew that his younger sister Jill was stronger than him. However, he didn't know the half of it until the night Jill and her two sexy friends Becky and Shannon demonstrated to Don and is friend Steve just how vastly superior they were. And to the delight of Don and Steve, the girl's hidden strength turned out to be just the first of the secrets revealed that night! Fantastic color artwork from Jupiter I on this classic series by Kent!

Don younger sister Jill stronger night sexy friends Becky Shannon demonstrated vastly superior delight hidden strength secrets revealed fantastic color artwork Jupiter I classic series Kent

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Too Tight - PDF

Too Tight
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Ronaldo)

A large, brutish Barbarian guard believes he is in complete control of the gorgeous Amazon woman that is chained to his dungeon wall, groping her muscle-packed body and unreal curves, planning to Take Her for his Pleasure! Though this woman proves to be his superior in every way, as she out-wits and overpowers his hulking form, using her most "delicate" of areas to Crush and Squeeze him to submission, before freeing herself and showing him the true meaning of helplessness! Ronaldo returns here, illustrating this awesome story from Jack Straw!

large brutish Barbarian guard complete control gorgeous Amazon woman chained dungeon wall groping muscle-packed body unreal curves planning Take Her Pleasure superior out-wits overpowers hulking form delicate areas Crush Squeeze submission freeing herself true meaning helplessness Ronaldo awesome story Jack Straw

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Dying Wish (Part 2) - PDF

Dying Wish (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rainbowscriber)

The continuing adventures of Sexy Supergirl Mercy, and her loving (though unfortunately terminal) husband Adam. Here, they plan a sexy scheme for a brutish, crude man on the German leg of their world trip, showing him that brawn is hardly all one needs to earn the love and respect of a woman like Mercy, one needs brains and heart as only Adam has. So this Amazon woman lures him to their bedroom to prove who is the Superior Male in this situation, before sharing yet another lovingly sexual session with her True Love! More incredible illustrations from CGI maestro, rainbowscriber!

Sexy Supergirl Mercy husband Adam scheme brutish crude man German world trip love respect woman brains heart Amazon woman bedroom Superior Male True Love illustrations CGI maestro rainbowscriber

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The Crush - PDF

The Crush
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Sergio)

Pam is a tall, power packed beauty who just loves the look and feel of her rock, hard muscles. Though kind at heart, she is more than willing to use her superior strength to dispense punishment when needed, say in teaching a brutish man a lesson when he pushes around her friend on the dance floor, before taking him home for a little TLC afterwards! More awesome artwork by Sergio here!

Pam tall power packed beauty rock hard muscles kind superior strength punishment teaching brutish man lesson dance floor friend TLC artwork Sergio

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A Big Mistake - PDF

A Big Mistake
Price: 6.00
(Story: Brooksie, Artwork: Zero Galvan)

When a foolish drunken man carelessly rips the blouse of a fit, young hardbody on the beach, she at first allows him the option to apologize and pay for his mistake, which he crudely disputes and denies! What follows is her devastating beating of this older man, using martial arts skills and superior strength, to beat him into seeing things her way; all while a crowd of beach-goers watch in awe! Our first story with Iconic artist Zero Galvan, taking on this tale from Brooksie!

foolish drunken man carelessly rips blouse fit young hardbody beach allows option apologize pay mistake crudely disputes denies devastating beating older man martial arts skills superior strength beat seeing things her way crowd beach-goers watch awe first story Iconic artist Zero Galvan tale Brooksie

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