Search Results for "Rio"


Sandy's Toy Boy - PDF

Sandy's Toy Boy
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: R.M.G.)

When Jerry, a slender college boy, is spotted by Sandy, a towering teenage titaness, at her Mother's summer resort, she can't help but claim him as her own, using her vastly superior strength and thick powerful muscles, she takes him on a ride that will leave him mentally and physically (and sexually) exhausted! R.M.G. returns with more incredible illustrations, on this classic Puppetman tale!

Jerry slender college boy Sandy towering teenage titaness Mother's summer resort claim own vastly superior strength thick powerful muscles ride mentally physically sexually exhausted R.M.G. incredible illustrations classic Puppetman tale

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"Little" Sister No More (Part 2) - PDF

"Little" Sister No More (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: RagMan)

Teenage Amazon Mary and her assortment of beautifully buff and physically powerful girl-friends are having the time of their lives during their slumber-party, as they exact their revenge on Mary's former bullying twin brothers; using their superior strength and skills to play with these larger boys like toys - and like most toys with little girls, they tend to get Broken! More Amazing Color artwork from RagMan here!

Teenage Amazon Mary assortment buff physically powerful girl-friends slumber-party revenge bullying twin brothers superior strength skills play toys Broken Amazing Color artwork RagMan

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Beaten By A Girl - PDF

Beaten By A Girl
Price: 6.00
(Story: Miles Endeavour, Artwork: Dracowhip)

When a young man loses an arm-wrestling match with a rock solid 13 year old gymnast (who happens to be his work superior's daughter) his embarrassment causes him to hit the gym hard, building his body stronger than Ever! So when he meets up with this powerful young girl 5 years later, he relishes the chance to show her who's the stronger now (Hint - it isn't him)! Dracowhip once more lends his pencil-shaded work to this Miles Endeavour story!

young man loses arm-wrestling match rock solid 13 year old gymnast work superior's daughter embarrassment hit the gym building body stronger Ever meets up powerful young girl 5 years later relishes chance show her stronger now Dracowhip pencil-shaded work Miles Endeavour story

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White Gals Can Jump - PDF

White Gals Can Jump
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Just as a final game of basketball is about to end for a trio of cocky male jocks, in strolls the form of a curvaceous young woman, who is foolish enough to challenge all three to a game (with her heels, no less); though it's soon the males who are deemed the fools as they are overwhelmed on and then off the court, but this unbeatable female specimen! Fantastic artwork by Dracowhip on this Jack Straw tale!

basketball trio male jocks curvaceous young woman challenge game heels males overwhelmed court unbeatable female specimen artwork Dracowhip Jack Straw tale

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Muscle Fun - PDF

Muscle Fun
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Ronaldo)

This beautiful young Amazon woman just loves showing her superior power to her assortment of male conquests! Often making them feel they have the upper hand, until the muscles begin to flex, and her strength is displayed in the most erotic ways. Most often, these defeated males ask for more in the end, though sometimes the sex-craved Supergirl finds men who are in need of True Punishment, which she is more than happy to dish out - as always, with her pleasure in mind! Incredible illustrations by Ronaldo on this Jack Straw story!

beautiful young Amazon woman showing superior power male conquests upper hand muscles flex strength erotic ways defeated males ask for more sex-craved supergirl True Punishment pleasure incredible illustrations Ronaldo Jack Straw story

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Secrets Revealed Series - PDF

Secrets Revealed Series
Price: 6.00
(Story: Kent, Artwork: Jupiter1)

Don knew that his younger sister Jill was stronger than him. However, he didn't know the half of it until the night Jill and her two sexy friends Becky and Shannon demonstrated to Don and is friend Steve just how vastly superior they were. And to the delight of Don and Steve, the girl's hidden strength turned out to be just the first of the secrets revealed that night! Fantastic color artwork from Jupiter I on this classic series by Kent!

Don younger sister Jill stronger night sexy friends Becky Shannon demonstrated vastly superior delight hidden strength secrets revealed fantastic color artwork Jupiter I classic series Kent

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Too Tight - PDF

Too Tight
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Ronaldo)

A large, brutish Barbarian guard believes he is in complete control of the gorgeous Amazon woman that is chained to his dungeon wall, groping her muscle-packed body and unreal curves, planning to Take Her for his Pleasure! Though this woman proves to be his superior in every way, as she out-wits and overpowers his hulking form, using her most "delicate" of areas to Crush and Squeeze him to submission, before freeing herself and showing him the true meaning of helplessness! Ronaldo returns here, illustrating this awesome story from Jack Straw!

large brutish Barbarian guard complete control gorgeous Amazon woman chained dungeon wall groping muscle-packed body unreal curves planning Take Her Pleasure superior out-wits overpowers hulking form delicate areas Crush Squeeze submission freeing herself true meaning helplessness Ronaldo awesome story Jack Straw

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Dying Wish (Part 2) - PDF

Dying Wish (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rainbowscriber)

The continuing adventures of Sexy Supergirl Mercy, and her loving (though unfortunately terminal) husband Adam. Here, they plan a sexy scheme for a brutish, crude man on the German leg of their world trip, showing him that brawn is hardly all one needs to earn the love and respect of a woman like Mercy, one needs brains and heart as only Adam has. So this Amazon woman lures him to their bedroom to prove who is the Superior Male in this situation, before sharing yet another lovingly sexual session with her True Love! More incredible illustrations from CGI maestro, rainbowscriber!

Sexy Supergirl Mercy husband Adam scheme brutish crude man German world trip love respect woman brains heart Amazon woman bedroom Superior Male True Love illustrations CGI maestro rainbowscriber

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The Crush - PDF

The Crush
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Sergio)

Pam is a tall, power packed beauty who just loves the look and feel of her rock, hard muscles. Though kind at heart, she is more than willing to use her superior strength to dispense punishment when needed, say in teaching a brutish man a lesson when he pushes around her friend on the dance floor, before taking him home for a little TLC afterwards! More awesome artwork by Sergio here!

Pam tall power packed beauty rock hard muscles kind superior strength punishment teaching brutish man lesson dance floor friend TLC artwork Sergio

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A Big Mistake - PDF

A Big Mistake
Price: 6.00
(Story: Brooksie, Artwork: Zero Galvan)

When a foolish drunken man carelessly rips the blouse of a fit, young hardbody on the beach, she at first allows him the option to apologize and pay for his mistake, which he crudely disputes and denies! What follows is her devastating beating of this older man, using martial arts skills and superior strength, to beat him into seeing things her way; all while a crowd of beach-goers watch in awe! Our first story with Iconic artist Zero Galvan, taking on this tale from Brooksie!

foolish drunken man carelessly rips blouse fit young hardbody beach allows option apologize pay mistake crudely disputes denies devastating beating older man martial arts skills superior strength beat seeing things her way crowd beach-goers watch awe first story Iconic artist Zero Galvan tale Brooksie

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The Boss' Daughter (Part 2 - The Party) - PDF

The Boss' Daughter (Part 2 - The Party)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Ronaldo)

Sexy muscle girl Bonnie is thrilled to show off her new boyfriend John at her friend's party, which is filled with young females who are physically superior to most any man! Though these girls treat their men with respect and love, all except the towering titaness Mona, who takes a strong liking to John, and claims him for herself! That is until Bonnie returns to the scene, punishing this bullying Amazon and re-claiming her man for some sexy time to follow! Puppetman's story concludes here, with Awesome artwork from Ronaldo!

Sexy musclegirl Bonnie boyfriend John party young females physically superior respect love towering titaness Mona liking bullying Amazon reclaiming man sexy time Puppetman story artwork Ronaldo

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College Girl Muscle (Redux) - PDF

College Girl Muscle (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

An up to date reworking of one of our Oldest Illustrated stories, drawn now by the Unequalled, Edson! Here we have a tale of two sexy college musclegirls, Tina who adores cuddling with her loving man as he relishes her thick, muscular body, and Heather, a buff dominant girl that is not afraid to show her boyfriend the painful errors of his cheating ways! Loads of female physical superiority here, and no matter what type of sexy Amazon girl you like, this story has it ALL!

up to date reworking oldest illustrated stories drawn unequalled Edson tale two sexy college musclegirls Tina adores cuddling loving man relishes thick muscular body Heather buff dominant girl not afraid show boyfriend painful errors cheating ways loads female physical superiority type Amazon girl

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The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss - PDF

The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: Martin)

Rio's boyfriend was in a dilemma. She was the most beautiful, most intelligent, most engaging, most fascinating woman he'd ever met, and he was deeply in love. The only problem was that she was a little too bossy. So even though he wanted to marry her, he hesitated when she announced that they would be married without bothering to consult him. His hesitation was short lived however when Rio revealed that she was also the strongest. THE strongest! By far! Read her story from her boyfriend's perspective: The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss. The words are by Sonofjack and the amazing pictures are by Martin!

Rio boyfriend dilemma beautiful intelligent engaging fascinating love bossy marry hesitation announced strongest story perspective night discovered boss Sonofjack Martin

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The Night Rio Showed My Friends Who Was Boss - PDF

The Night Rio Showed My Friends Who Was Boss
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: Jupiter1)

In this sequel to "The Night I Discovered Who Was Boss", we see Rio's boyfriend more in love than ever since the night she revealed her incredible super strength to him. She'd already revealed her amazing body with her perfect ass and her enormous breasts, and he was more than willing to submit to her absolute authority (not that he had a choice) in exchange for their earth-shattering sex. The problem occurred when his two best friends showed up to "liberate" him - but if there was one thing Rio was good at it was solving problems. Story written by Sonofjack, with marvelous illustrations are by Jupiter I!

sequel Night I Discovered Who Was Boss Rio boyfriend love super strength amazing body perfect ass enormous breasts authority earth-shattering sex problem best friends liberate solving problems Sonofjack illustrations Jupiter I

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College Amazon Adventures (Part 1) - PDF

College Amazon Adventures (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story & Artwork: James Stilton)

When a trio of titanic teenage musclegirls (and college roommates) return to school, stories of their summer's sexy exploits are excitedly told to one another! In this first part of the series, busty amazon Vanessa tells of how after losing a local beauty pageant (as if), she soon discovered the corrupt ringleader having his way with the winner! Well that doesn't sit well with the statuesque supergirl, who then proceeds to show him her Amazonian form is clearly the winner of Any contest! Incredible artwork and text by none other than James Stilton from on this one!

trio titanic teenage musclegirls college roommates school summer sexy exploits busty amazon Vanessa beauty pageant corrupt ringleader winner statuesque supergirl Amazonian form contest artwork James Stilton

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A New Beginning - PDF

A New Beginning
Price: 6.00
(Story: Endeavour, Artwork: Max)

When a gymnastics coach comes in to a former student talking to his current class about a super muscle-building drug, he's less than happy about it! Though imagine his surprise when the much younger (though still very muscled) girl proves her superior strength to the hulking man! Even further, in the following days when some of his young students take this compound, giving them a clear increase in muscle size and strength; which one uses to utterly dominate him, while another uses it for her own sexual pleasures! Incredible artwork by Max on this tale by Miles Endeavour!

gymnastics coach former student current class super muscle-building drug surprise younger muscled girl superior strength hulking man young students compound increase in muscle size increase in strength dominate sexual pleasures incredible artwork Max tale Miles Endeavour

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Boss Of The Bedroom - PDF

Boss Of The Bedroom
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Sullivan)

Even though Tim and Nicole had always been competitive, he didn't mind it when her dedication to working out was greater than his, he was too busy appreciating the effect it was having on her already hot body! He loved that her breasts and ass were getting firmer, and her arms, legs and abs more ripped every day; though his male ego would not allow him to consider the possibility that she might actually be his physical superior. All that changed one night when Nicole looked so sexy that Tim ejaculated prematurely, so she decided she was going to complete her orgasm with or without his cooperation. Proving to her husband who was Boss of the Bedroom once an for all! Awesome story by Jack Straw, with artwork by first-time AC artist Sullivan!

Tim Nicole competitive dedication working out hot body breasts ass firmer arms legs abs ripped male ego physical superior sexy ejaculated prematurely orgasm cooperation Boss of the Bedroom Jack Straw artwork Sullivan

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The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 1) - PDF

The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Diego & Karl)

When a voluptuously built beauty invites over a macho male for the surprise purpose of showing who the superior sex is - which turns into a foursome as he includes some oafish male buds to join in - she simply cannot wait to show off the unreal power and strength her body contains! Using each of their favorite body parts, she proceeds to demolish and dominate these foolish men, with an ass, breasts and legs that defy description! Absolutely Amazing artwork from Diego and Karl, on this Classic Jack Straw story!

voluptuously built beauty macho male surprise purpose superior sex foursome oafish male buds show off unreal power strength body favorite bodyparts demolish dominate foolish men ass breasts legs description Amazing artwork Diego Karl Classic Jack Straw story

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The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 2) - PDF

The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Diego)

The gorgeous red-headed Amazon woman is back, continuing her physical and sexual assaults on Wayne and his crude, obnoxious friends! The stunning Supergirl man-handles them all together, and all by themselves, as she smothers, pummels, crushes and overall demolishs these men with her superior body, using the very objects of their erotic desires as their ultimate downfall, as she quenches her own sensual pleasures again and again! Fantastic artwork from Diego on this Iconic Jack Straw tale!

gorgeous red-headed Amazon woman back continuing physical assaults sexual assaults Wayne crude obnoxious friends stunning Supergirl man-handles together themselves smothers pummels crushes demolishs men superior body objects erotic desires ultimate downfall quenches sensual pleasures fantastic artwork Diego Iconic Jack Straw tale

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Happy Ending - TEXT

Happy Ending
Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

A shapely young Amazon woman gets just what she wants when she seduces/dominates an adorable older man with her lush, hard, powerful body; using her vastly superior strength to control him, making him her sexual plaything, much to Both of their enjoyment!

shapely young Amazon woman seduces dominates adorable older man lush hard powerful body vastly superior strength control sexual plaything enjoyment

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The Hazing - TEXT

The Hazing
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

When a trio of college Seniors decide to haze some hot new Freshman girls, they get much more than they bargained for in return!

trio college Seniors haze hot new Freshman girls much more bargained for return

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The Event (Part 1) - TEXT

The Event (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM & John Castle)

Something strange is happening to women all over, something mysterious, something wonderful, something powerful; as this first of a new upcoming series shows various scenes of humanity discovering that the female sex is no longer what it once was, an Event that would change the way we live, Forever!

women mysterious wonderful powerful series scenes humanity discovering female sex Event change live Forever

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The Castle Collection (Part 2) - TEXT

The Castle Collection (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

A furthering of our new series from this unreal author, where we once more delve into various situations and storylines dealing with strong, shapely, sexy females and how they handle the men in their lives!

furthering new series unreal author delve various situations storylines strong shapely sexy females handle men lives

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All That Jazz - TEXT

All That Jazz
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Meet Jasmine (or Jazz, as she's more commonly known), a towering ebony skinned Amazonian beauty, who just Loves to throw around her superior strength and dominate all around her. Yet no matter how much she embarrasses and humiliates you, you'll always come back for More! Just ask Nick and Matt, the brothers of her sister's new husband, who Jazz controls all too easily, making them scream for release, then making them beg for more! The first of a series featuring this all too Dominant Amazon Girl!

Jasmine Jazz ebony skinned Amazonian beauty superior strength dominate embarrasses humiliates come back Nick Matt brothers sister's new husband controls scream release beg Dominant Amazon Girl

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The Interview - TEXT

The Interview
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When interviewing a strong, muscular woman for his firm, an executive quickly finds out that this gorgeous female before him is easily as much Brawn as she is Brains and Beauty; a fact he learns time and again, both in his office and her home, as she uses her superior strength to control him completely and utterly, leaving little doubt in the end who the Real Boss truly is!

interviewing strong muscular woman executive firm gorgeous female Brawn Brains Beauty office home superior strength control Real Boss

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Factory Girls - TEXT

Factory Girls
Price: 2.00
(Story: PlowJack)

Janet and Jacqui are hard-working, hard-bodied, muscle girls, who play as hard as they work; a fact that becomes all too clear for an adorable little businessman and his boss, who quickly become the subject of these sexy Amazons sexual desires; becoming their playtoys for the night, as these girls use their solid muscles and superior strength to get anything they want, either by sensual, erotic flexings or harsh, painful punishings!

Janet Jacqui hard-working hard-bodied muscle girls play work adorable little businessman boss subject sexy Amazons sexual desires playtoys night solid muscles superior strength sensual erotic flexings harsh painful punishings

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Breta - The Strongest Viking - TEXT

Breta - The Strongest Viking
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

When Viking Lord Loram comes to a small village looking for his latest Sexual Conquest, he discovers the mighty Breta, a local blacksmith, with size and strength to match her unrivaled beauty. Though no ones conquest, Breta soon shows this Goliath of a man who is her physical (and sexual) superior, one-on-one and against a grouping of his enemies, making Loram believe without any doubt that she is truly his Ideal Woman - to be used as she sees fit!

Viking Lord Loram small village latest Sexual Conquest mighty Breta local blacksmith size strength unrivaled beauty conquest Goliath physical sexual superior one-on-one grouping enemies Loram Ideal Woman used sees fit

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Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 2) - TEXT

Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottoms)

The Trio of Colossal Cat-Suit wearing Crushers are back, as they continue their absolute annihilation of the museum's guards (using not just their unreal strength, but their unrivaled martial arts skills as well), in the end claiming their Prize - The Massive Wentworth Diamond - while leaving a trail of broken bodies in their wake, all for their own gleeful amusement. An all too sexy conclusion to this DustyBottums tale!

Trio Colossal Cat-Suit Crushers absolute annihilation museum's guards unreal strength unrivaled martial arts skills end Prize Massive Wentworth Diamond trail broken bodies gleeful amusement sexy conclusion DustyBottums tale

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My Greatest Rival (And Lover) - TEXT

My Greatest Rival (And Lover)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Jake, a towering muscle-packed man, thinks back to his teenage years, when he first met up with the girl of his dreams, a rock hard beauty named Amelia, who while smaller than him, manages to match him in the gym and in the bedroom afterwards. Years later, Jake is a professional MMA fighter, who manages to meet up with Amelia once again, as she proves time has only made her Stronger and Tougher, too much for even him to match any longer, as she shows off her superior physique to him, proving beyond any doubt that she is easily his greatest Rival and Lover!

Jake towering muscle-packed man thinks back teenage years first met girl dreams rock hard beauty Amelia smaller match gym bedroom years later professional MMA fighter meet up proves time made her stronger tougher much longer shows off superior physique proving beyond any doubt easily greatest rival lover

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Nicolette Is My Girlfriend - TEXT

Nicolette Is My Girlfriend
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

This Ultra Sexy story revolves around a voluptuously shaped musclegirl, Nicolette, and her handling of her boyfriend, a taller though much thinner and weaker man. Whether it's dominating him in the bedroom, or out in public, Nicolette loves using her superior strength on her little man (even if sometimes, he doesn't). Not only that, she loves letting her equally buff sister and her hardbodied friends play with him as well, each with their own Amazonian inspired scenes of muscle control and sexual dominance - though in the end Nicolette is his Girlfriend, and he wouldn't want it any other way!

Ultra Sexy musclegirl Nicolette boyfriend dominating superior strength little man buff sister hardbodied friends Amazonian muscle control sexual dominance Girlfriend

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The Change - TEXT

The Change
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

Sandy is a young housewife, who while happy with her life, wants more, especially in the physique department. So she visits her local Girls-Only Crossfit Gym, where she meets up with Alyssa, a 19 year old muscle-packed beauty, who takes Sandy under her wing, training her to reach physical (and sexual) levels she never thought possible; all the while their grouping of physically superior females grows into something truly amazing! Women, the weaker sex - not if they have anything to say about it!

Sandy young housewife happy wants more physique Girls-Only Crossfit Gym Alyssa 19 year old muscle-packed beauty takes under her wing training physical sexual levels never thought possible grouping physically superior females amazing women weaker sex anything to say

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Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 2) - TEXT

Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

It seems lusciously shaped red-headed Amazon Pam did such a good job on her boss, that he became a completely new man; one that is now utterly enthralled with the super strong sexpot, that is until he meets a smaller, though surprisingly muscular young waitress, who shows him things she could do with her strength that completely blow his mind (among other things)! Pam, meanwhile, starts dating her co-worker, as she begins to show off her thickly muscled form to him, displaying her body for their ultimate pleasures! Though before things get too serious in their dating relationship, she leaves, off to continue her quest to teach abusive bosses a lesson - which leads Pam down a very dark and dangerous path!

red-headed Amazon Pam boss new man strong sexpot muscular waitress strength blow his mind dating co-worker muscled form pleasures serious relationship quest abusive bosses lesson dark dangerous path

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The Dominated Barbarian King - TEXT

The Dominated Barbarian King
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

In the barbarian world, Might Makes Right, and no one was mightier than King Onen! Such was his rule that he ordered the women of his tribe to fight for the "honor" of being his Queen, in the end Gladiatrix Alya emerging victorious - or so it would seem at first, as Onen then used and abused her sexually in cruel and vicious ways! Leading the already tall and powerfully built woman to seek assistance, doing so at the hutt of a witch, who offered not only the healing of her wounds, but also a Potion that would change Alya's life Forever!

barbarian world Might Makes Right King Onen rule women tribe fight honor Queen Gladiatrix Alya victorious sexually abused seek assistance hutt witch healing wounds Potion change life Forever

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Butch To Bitch - TEXT

Butch To Bitch
Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

Laura is a sexy, shapely and curvaceous woman, who has taken to being dominated and bossed around by her taller but much thinner boyfriend; that was until one of her girl-friends (a smaller but very solidly built beauty) convinces her that she is his physical superior (by far) and that she should take control of their relationship, sexily helping her do so first-hand, and before long the voluptuously shaped Amazon is in complete control of them both - much to All of their delights!

Laura sexy shapely curvaceous dominated bossed around boyfriend girl-friends physical superior relationship control voluptuously shaped Amazon delights

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The Change (Part 2) - TEXT

The Change (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

As Sandy and Alyssa head off to the Bahamas together for a much needed holiday (allowing them to not only get closer with one another, but also plan how best to introduce Sandy's husband into the mix when they return), events back home from the assortment of fit, athletic and physically superior females from their gym take center stage, as they take heart from Alyssa's rousing speech several weeks earlier, now relishing in showing off their superior strength and firm, shapely physiques in a variety of sexily stimulating ways!

Sandy Alyssa Bahamas holiday closer plan introduce husband return events home assortment fit athletic physically superior females gym center stage heart rousing speech weeks earlier relishing showing off strength firm shapely physiques sexily stimulating ways

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Fiona - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Musclehead)

When fitness MILF Lisa first meets Fiona, she's amazed at the strength this very young girl possesses! So much so she decides to take her under her wing, training her through the years, helping her transform into a teenage musclegirl with unreal strength (even surpassing her all too sexy trainer), with eventually an amazing sexual appetite! From teaching bullies their hard earned lessons, to sensually overpowering Lisa's own hardbodied husband (not to mention sexually enticing Lisa herself), to showing an adorably cute boy the pleasures of being with a physically superior girl (while her mentor shows an unruly young man his place beneath her own powerful form), Fiona can literally do it all!

fitness MILF Lisa Fiona strength young girl amazed under her wing training years transform teenage musclegirl unreal strength surpassing sexy trainer amazing sexual appetite teaching bullies hard earned lessons sensually overpowering hardbodied husband sexually enticing adorably cute boy pleasures physically superior girl mentor unruly young man powerful form Fiona do it all

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From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 1) - TEXT

From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Mike Snow)

Mark clearly believes himself the luckiest man alive, while considering himself a good, decent man, he in no way felt he deserved a woman in his life like Kira - a breath-takingly beautiful girl, with an ultra-fit physique and the strength of a Goddess. Friends for a long time, it was only after an instance where the gorgeous Amazon girl saved him from harm (from her then boyfriend, no less) did their relationship take a new, more serious turn. From then on, Kira knew she could always be herself around Mark, not needing to hide her vast physical power, an attribute that never ceased to excite and arouse her loving boyfriend. Watch as their story, their love, unfolds, and they change from friends, to lovers, to so much more!

Mark luckiest man alive good decent man woman Kira breath-takingly beautiful ultra-fit physique strength of a Goddess friends Amazon girl saved boyfriend relationship serious turn physical power excite arouse love friends lovers.

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The Tough Man Tamer - TEXT

The Tough Man Tamer
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Camila Kovac is as stunning in beauty as she is incredible in strength! Watch as she begins her quest to challenge any man in a test of physical power, whether it be buff gymrat, champion arm-wrestler, or towering masked wrestler, this amazing Amazon woman takes on each one of them, each time emerging victorious! Of course, after each win, Camila can't help but erotically claim each of these powerful men sexually as well, using her unreal muscular form to bring them to the peaks of orgasmic delight! What challenge next awaits this unbeatable man crusher, can anyone tame her physically or sexually? That remains to be seen!

Camila Kovac stunning beauty incredible strength quest challenge man test physical power buff gymrat champion arm-wrestler towering masked wrestler amazing Amazon woman victorious win erotically claim powerful men sexually unreal muscular form peaks orgasmic delight challenge unbeatable man crusher tame physically sexually remains to be seen

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The Tough Man Tamer (Part 2) - TEXT

The Tough Man Tamer (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Super strong, man-crushing Amazon, Camila Kovac, is Back! Continuing her crusade to conquer the most powerful of men, she relishes in her physical superiority of the so-called "stronger sex", dominating them in and out of the ring! Though this time it's personal, as she seeks out a towering behemoth of a man and holder of the World's Strongest Man title, who foolishly dismissed her erotic advances years ago after a show, which did not sit well with Camila! So she now challenges him in front of his eager audience, proving beyond any doubt that she is more than enough for him to handle, before continuing with further feats of strength in private!

Super strong man-crushing Amazon Camila Kovac conquer physical superiority dominating stronger sex personal towering behemoth World's Strongest Man erotic advances show challenges audience feats of strength private

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Order Of Inanna: Beth - TEXT

Order Of Inanna: Beth
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

The Order Of Inanna is a secret organization of fit, strong, powerfully built women! Each of them physically superior to most any male, and while they don't instruct their Amazonian members to be abusive or bully their men, they more than support the notion of showing off their physical superiority! Beth is one such member, though new to this Order, she is destined to be with her soul-mate (even if he doesn't know it yet), and with expert usage of her muscle packed form and unreal strength, she quickly claims him as her own, convincing him that she is The One for him!

Order of Inanna secret organization fit strong powerfully built women physically superior Amazonian members abusive bully support physical superiority Beth soul-mate muscle packed form unreal strength claims convincing The One

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Emery Miller - Bedroom Buff Babe 3 - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Bedroom Buff Babe 3
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

Emery returns one more time, with her unreal sensually spoken words and lush, flexing female form, all for her man; who is quickly thrown onto the bed, where she soon after straddles him, proving to him that she is his Superior in every way - especially in the Bedroom! Another fantastic video shot by Awefilms, for Exclusive Amy's Conquest use!

Emery sensually spoken words lush flexing female form man bed straddles Superior Bedroom video Awefilms Exclusive Amy's Conquest

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Monix - Dating An Amazon Woman (Painful) - VIDEO

Monix - Dating An Amazon Woman (Painful)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

We've side the loving side of dating a power packed, sexily muscled woman like MuscleVixen, now we have the Painful Side! Watch as she dominates, scolds and manhandles her man with the unreal strength of her rock solid body; dressed to kill as she does so, her initial anger with him turns to enjoyment for her, of how easily her superior body can control her boyfriend's, laughing as she hurts and humiliates him with her incredible power, before walking him out like the dog that he is! Awesomely shot once more by Jersey Black here.

dating power packed muscled woman MuscleVixen Painful Side dominates scolds manhandles strength rock solid body dressed to kill anger enjoyment control boyfriend superior body laughing hurts humiliates power walking out dog Jersey Black

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Jenna Preston - Jealous Amazon Wife - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Jealous Amazon Wife
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

Jenna is back, and her once heavily aroused attitude is now replaced with anger towards her "cheating" husband (as why else would he not want to make love to Jenna after getting home), so she uses her vastly superior strength to squeeze and smother him helpless, often in combination with some sensual stroking of his cock, which causes him now to Beg for Jenna to fuck him, which she does in the end - getting what she originally wanted, as always! - Another Sexy video clip from Jenna Preston!

Jenna back heavily aroused anger cheating husband make love vastly superior strength squeeze smother helpless sensual stroking cock Beg fuck sexy video clip Jenna Preston

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Maria Garcia - I Want This Necklace - VIDEO

Maria Garcia - I Want This Necklace
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Gorgeous muscle babe Maria Garcia and her man are watching TV at home, when she spots a beautiful, though Expensive, necklace in her magazine - which she wants Now! He refuses of course, as it's way too pricey, so she tries to persuade him with her feminine charms and sexy flexes, though when even this doesn't work, Maria resorts to using her superior strength and crushing muscles to convince him to see things Her Way! Another incredible video from Jersey Black here!

Gorgeous muscle babe Maria Garcia man watching TV home beautiful expensive necklace magazine persuade feminine charms sexy flexes superior strength crushing muscles convince Jersey Black video

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Jenna Preston - Strong All Over - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Strong All Over
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

Our favorite tall, shapely, sexy amazon is back on Amy's Conquest! Here she playfully dominates her adorable little man in the bedroom, using her long, strong legs to control him completely; though when he states that he would win if it was arms only, Jenna gleefully switches to accommodate her lover's request, showing him who has the superior upper body strength as well - then ending with more leg-work, with her thighs squeezingly grinding his cock to eruption!

favorite tall shapely sexy amazon back Amy's Conquest playfully dominates adorable little man bedroom long strong legs control completely arms only Jenna gleefully switches accommodate lover's request superior upper body strength ending leg-work thighs squeezingly grinding cock eruption

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VeVe Lane - Pick Up, Beat Down (Part 1) - VIDEO

VeVe Lane - Pick Up, Beat Down (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: VeVe Lane)

Watch as VeVe continues her punishment on this hapless man, teaching him that women are not objects to be lecherously gawked at or crudely hit on, and that more and more women today can do their share of hitting back if need be! Using her incredible fighting skills and superior strength (not to mention her all too obvious dominant attitude) she teaches him just how to treat women from here on out - threatening him with an even worse beating if she Ever catches him doing otherwise!

VeVe punishment women objects lecherously gawked crudely hit on hitting back fighting skills superior strength dominant attitude treat threatening beating

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VeVe Lane - Pick Up, Beat Down (Part 2) - VIDEO

VeVe Lane - Pick Up, Beat Down (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: VeVe Lane)

Watch as VeVe continues her punishment on this hapless man, teaching him that women are not objects to be lecherously gawked at or crudely hit on and that more and more women today can do their share of hitting back if need be! Using her incredible fighting skills and superior strength (not to mention her all too obvious dominant attitude) she teaches him just how to treat women from here on out - threatening him with an even worse beating if she Ever catches him doing otherwise!

VeVe punishment hapless man women objects lecherously gawked hit on hitting back fighting skills superior strength dominant attitude treat threatening beating

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VeVe Lane - A Woman Scorned (Part 1) - VIDEO

VeVe Lane - A Woman Scorned (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: VeVe Lane)

An evening of sensual bedroom wrestling with the rock-solid VeVe and her boyfriend quickly turns into a night of physical punishment for the foolish male, who just so happened to be cheating on the super strong and skilled Amazon! She plays with him long enough, then turns on the Pain, as she applies hold after painful hold on his physically inferior form; showing him that cheating on a woman such as she is not only foolish - it's downright Stupid!

evening sensual bedroom wrestling rock-solid VeVe boyfriend physical punishment foolish male cheating super strong skilled Amazon Pain hold physically inferior form woman Stupid

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Jenna Preston - A Video Star Is Born (Part 2) - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - A Video Star Is Born (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

Tall, shapely Jenna is once again thrilled at her new wrestling video endeavour with her boyfriend (whom she "convinced" to join in with her in Part 1), relishing the thoughts of their next clips and new sexy moves they can perform; moves she can't help but impliment on him right here and now! Sexily she straddles her man, giving him breast and glute smothering, shapely thigh squeezing, eventually going for more sexual ideas for future clips; something he isn't overly comfortable with, though after further "persuading" him with her sensually superior body (namely, her thighs pumping his cock to explosion), he soon changes his tune and sees things her way!

Tall shapely Jenna wrestling video boyfriend clips sexy moves breast smothering glute smothering thigh squeezing sexual ideas persuading sensually superior body thighs pumping explosion

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Muscle Beauty X - "Physical" Therapy - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - "Physical" Therapy
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

When a man enters the office of the beautifully buff Dr. Muscle Beauty, in the hopes of trying to cure his uncontrollable lust over the 18-year old girl living next door (who happens to have a firm, fit and hard body), the lusciously muscular professional decides to show him her own shapely muscle-packed physique, in the hopes that her constant crushing of him with her vastly superior strength would deter his lecherous fantasies! Though it seems more sessions will definitely be in order, as all her body-squeezing and man-handling seems to just turn him on Even More - just as it will with all of YOU!

man office beautifully buff Dr. Muscle Beauty cure uncontrollable lust 18-year old girl living next door firm fit hard body lusciously muscular professional show shapely muscle-packed physique constant crushing vastly superior strength deter lecherous fantasies sessions body-squeezing man-handling turn on all YOU

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