Search Results for "Rio"


Muscle Beauty X - Hostile Takeover - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - Hostile Takeover
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

When Muscle Beauty X is called into her wrestling video producer's office, she's shocked to find that he's letting her go, due to her getting too rough with her male video partners, putting most of them in the hospital during their shoots! Though that shock quickly turns to anger, as the much larger, vastly stronger, beauty proceeds to crush, toss, and overall manhandle his inferior body; showing him who is truly The Boss at this company - in the end becoming just that, as she orders his barely conscious form out of Her new office!

Muscle Beauty X wrestling video producer's office letting her go rough male video partners hospital shoots shock anger larger stronger crush toss manhandle inferior body The Boss company barely conscious form new office

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Angela Salvagno - Helpless Boy Toy - VIDEO

Angela Salvagno - Helpless Boy Toy
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Angela Salvagno)

Gorgeous muscle girl Angela just Loves to dominate her larger, though much weaker, man! Whether it be by pinning him helplessly against a wall or the bed, taunting him to punch her rock solid abs all to no effect, or man-handling him like the sexual play-thing that he is to her, this unreal Amazon proves again and again how physically superior she is here! Nothing gets her more aroused than displaying her awesome strength with her man in such ways, whether he likes it or not!

Gorgeous muscle girl Angela dominate larger weaker man pinning wall bed taunting punch rock solid abs man-handling sexual play-thing Amazon physically superior aroused awesome strength

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Miss Andrea Untamed - Personal Training Torment - VIDEO

Miss Andrea Untamed - Personal Training Torment
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Miss Andrea Untamed)

Gorgeous Glamazon Andrea is sent to the hotel room of a travelling businessman, hired by his superiors to get him into shape, something he's severely lacking in! Taken by surprise at her arrival, as he believes he looks fine, he's further stunned (painfully so) as she uses her tough as nails approach and much stronger body to beat, stretch, twist and squeeze him to his limits, and then way beyond! No Pain, No Gain is the motto of this personal training session for this pudgy, weak little man, in the end Andrea deciding he's just a lost cause not even worthy of his job - or more importantly, her time!

Gorgeous Glamazon Andrea hotel room travelling businessman superiors shape surprise fine tough nails beat stretch twist squeeze limits pain gain motto personal training session pudgy weak lost cause job time

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Dezy Desire - Try-Out Turnaround - VIDEO

Dezy Desire - Try-Out Turnaround
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Dezy Desire)

For our next set of video clips, we're honored to have the stunningly beautiful Dezy Desire, a tall, shapely young woman, who's actually a professional wrestler and BJJ competitor! Here Dezy visits her college wrestling coach, whose chauvinistic attitude forbids her from even trying out for the team. His motto being men are physically superior, so why should he waste his time with her? A challenge from this foolish man is then made, which allows the gorgeous Supergirl to show her stuff, unleashing her power and skills on him, as she manhandles him in a wide variety of holds and lifts, treating him like a ragdoll as she clearly proves who is the Physically Superior here!

video clips Dezy Desire stunningly beautiful tall shapely young woman professional wrestler BJJ competitor college wrestling coach chauvinistic attitude forbids trying out team physically superior waste time challenge foolish man gorgeous supergirl show her stuff unleashing power skills manhandles wide variety holds lifts treating ragdoll proves Physically Superior

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Dezy Desire - How Not To Confront A Bully - VIDEO

Dezy Desire - How Not To Confront A Bully
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Dezy Desire)

When Dante barged into the home of Dezy, demanding that she get her kid sister to stop bullying his little brother, he had no idea that Feminine Strength and Power ran in their family! If he had, he may have taken a more gentle approach, instead he's helplessly manhandled in the clutches of Dezy's super athletic frame, as this jock girl shows the shorter, weaker man why his brother is such a victim, just as he is to her now! Superior strength, unreal fighting skills, and a drop dead gorgeous face, this towering Amazon can do it all, and does to this foolish man, before knocking him unconscious and throwing him out of her house!

Dante Dezy kid sister bullying little brother Feminine Strength Power family gentle approach manhandled athletic frame jock girl victim Superior strength fighting skills drop dead gorgeous face Amazon unconscious house

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Dezy Desire - Car Keys Or Crushed - VIDEO

Dezy Desire - Car Keys Or Crushed
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Dezy Desire)

Dezy is sexily dressed for a night of partying with her girlfriends, all she needs are the keys to her big brother's car - though the sluggish, lazy male refuses, giving her attitude and denying her request! After a few more polite asks, Dezy decides to change her request to a Demand, as she uses her lightning speed, superior strength and amazing fighting skills to show him that even though he's older, it's She that's in charge here! This is definitely one woman you don't want to deny, though her forceful handling of him is sprinkled with loving words and playful antics that only an Amazonian little sister could provide!

Dezy sexily dressed night partying girlfriends keys big brother's car slobbish lazy male refuses attitude denying request polite asks change Demand lightning speed superior strength amazing fighting skills older in charge woman deny forceful handling sprinkled loving words playful antics Amazonian little sister

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Dezy Desire - Don't Mess With This Model - VIDEO

Dezy Desire - Don't Mess With This Model
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Dezy Desire)

When the stunningly gorgeous Dezy arrives for her latest photo shoot, she's a bit put off by the amateurish behavior of the photographer waiting for her (not to mention annoyed at his overly touchy handling)! Though even her professionalism has its limits, which are reached when he asks her to strip nude, something she is Not into! This leads to her letting loose on this much smaller, weaker male, using her superior power and skills to man-handle and eventually strip Him bare (before putting him in a bikini), humiliating and dominating this crude man, showing him she is Not a model to be messed with!

stunningly gorgeous Dezy photo shoot amateurish behavior photographer annoyed overly touchy handling professionalism limits strip nude not into letting loose smaller weaker male superior power skills man-handle strip him bare bikini humiliating dominating crude man model messed with

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Muscle Beauty X - Doctor Of Destruction - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - Doctor Of Destruction
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

Shawna plays the part of a sexy psychologist, hired by the boss of her next patient, who has a very macho, egotistical view of the women in his office. Thinking it's fine to touch and comment crudely about them, all because men are the superior sex and it's his right to do so! That's a mindset that the shapely, strong Muscle Beauty is more than capable of correcting! Instructing him with her vastly superior power that such behavior will not be tolerated at work, or any other place in his life, or else another (much worse) visit with this Doctor of Destruction will be in order!

Shawna sexy psychologist boss patient macho egotistical women office touch comment crudely superior sex mindset shapely strong Muscle Beauty correcting instructing vastly superior power behavior tolerated work place life visit Doctor of Destruction

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Layla Mikayla - Pole-Dancer Pummeling - VIDEO

Layla Mikayla - Pole-Dancer Pummeling
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Layla Mikayla)

When the super fit Layla returns home from the gym with her boyfriend, they compare workout their effective workout routines, though when she mentions hers revolves around pole workout, he can only laugh and put down her clearly girly exercises. If he only knew the strength, flexibility and fitness needed for such a routine, he would have shown more respect to Layla's workout, though after showing him just how powerful her body is (even compared to his buff, larger self), he will! She manhandles him like a child, squeezing and crushing him with her superior strength, getting herself quite aroused in the process! Oh, he will respect her routine going forward, that is after he does so with her in the bedroom!

super fit Layla gym boyfriend compare workout routines pole workout laugh put down girly exercises strength flexibility fitness respect powerful body buff larger self manhandles child squeezing crushing superior strength aroused process bedroom

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Jennifer Thomas - Altering The Deal - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Altering The Deal
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Jennifer Thomas)

In this sequel to one of our previous videos with Jennifer (Casting Couch Crush), in the years since forcing Dante to agree to a new contract for this rising action star, she and her G.I. Jen character have become Hugely Popular! So much so that she now plans to renegotiate her deal with her growingly wealthy movie producer, though all he replies with is bullshit with a smile! Unfortunately for him, smiling is the last thing he will be doing now, as an upset Jennifer then gets her shapely, powerful, super skilled body around him in a variety of crushing, punishing holds! Once more using her superior form to "convince" her one-time boss for a better deal, not to mention equal standing with he himself in his - or is that, Their company!

sequel previous videos Jennifer Casting Couch Crush years forcing Dante new contract rising action star G.I. Jen character Hugely Popular plans renegotiate deal growingly wealthy movie producer bullshit smile upset shapely powerful super skilled body crushing punishing holds superior form convince one-time boss better deal equal standing company

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