Search Results for "use"


Gun Club - TEXT

Gun Club
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a college alumni interviews a young prospective student, he gets more than he bargained for as her Amazonian physique soon overpowers his weak male form, (as does a fellow alumni interviewer, an old friend of our guy's, who also happens to be a strong, sexy woman), much to her erotic delight, as this beautiful teenage powerhouse shows him why she is the Captain of her school's "Gun" Club!

college alumni young prospective student Amazonian physique weak male form fellow alumni interviewer old friend strong sexy woman erotic delight beautiful teenage powerhouse Captain Gun Club

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Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 3) - TEXT

Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Our gathering of gorgeous young Amazons continue to tell one another their all too sexually oriented female muscle stories, this time focusing around a pre-FBB contest orgy with Both Cassandra and Brittany (and their all too lucky boyfriends), causing them all to get Highly Aroused; they and their nosy neighbor as well, who ends up getting just what he wanted - for now, that is!

gathering young Amazons sexually oriented female muscle stories FBB contest orgy Cassandra Brittany boyfriends Highly Aroused nosy neighbor wanted

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Mary The Meter Maid - TEXT

Mary The Meter Maid
Price: 2.00
(Story: M.C.)

A Brand New and Exclusive story from one of the Top Authors of Martial Arts Stories, M.C. returns with another tale of fighting females to arouse and excite! This time we follow the lovely young Mary, an 18 year old martial arts master, who just loves her summer job as a Meter Maid, especially as it allows her to use her unreal fighting skills to help apply the law whenever she can, not to mention allowing her to ensnare herself a hunking new boyfriend in the process!

Brand New Exclusive story Top Authors Martial Arts Stories M.C. returns tale fighting females arouse excite follow lovely young Mary 18 year old martial arts master summer job Meter Maid unreal fighting skills help apply the law ensnare hunking new boyfriend process

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One Magical Summer (Part 1) - TEXT

One Magical Summer (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Aero)

College girl Jessie is all set for another summer working at Sonic, though this year will be all too different, as a returning hire (a budding teenage bodybuilder) Peyton, comes on the scene to make her life a living Hell! Her abuse being both physical and then sexual, it seems Jessie is utterly helpless against the much stronger female - that is until one fateful night, after particularly harsh treatment from the cruel musclegirl, something magical happens, and Jessie (and her small, weedy body) will Never be the same again!

College girl Jessie summer Sonic returning hire Peyton teenage bodybuilder abuse physical sexual helpless stronger female fateful night harsh treatment musclegirl magical weedy body different

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Secret Sessions - TEXT

Secret Sessions
Price: 2.00
(Story: A.J. Brown)

When a muscular housewife secretly starts to earn some much needed extra money doing sexy muscle flexing sessions online, in the hopes of allowing her loving over-worked husband a break from his hectic schedule, her once solid plan turns sour when her muscle-lusting neighbor identifies her, soon after coming to her place threatening black-mail in exchange for some private, personal sessions - which she gives him, And Then Some!

muscular housewife earn extra money sexy muscle flexing sessions online loving over-worked husband break hectic schedule solid plan sour muscle-lusting neighbor identify threatening blackmail private personal sessions

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Breta - The Strongest Viking - TEXT

Breta - The Strongest Viking
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

When Viking Lord Loram comes to a small village looking for his latest Sexual Conquest, he discovers the mighty Breta, a local blacksmith, with size and strength to match her unrivaled beauty. Though no ones conquest, Breta soon shows this Goliath of a man who is her physical (and sexual) superior, one-on-one and against a grouping of his enemies, making Loram believe without any doubt that she is truly his Ideal Woman - to be used as she sees fit!

Viking Lord Loram small village latest Sexual Conquest mighty Breta local blacksmith size strength unrivaled beauty conquest Goliath physical sexual superior one-on-one grouping enemies Loram Ideal Woman used sees fit

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Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 1) - TEXT

Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottoms)

The Titanic Triplets from the classic Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts series are Back! This time, they're doing a little Breaking and Entering (emphasis on the Breaking) of a high class museum, dressed in skin tight black catsuits that hug each and every muscle-packed curve, doing so to steal a world class diamond, as they gleefully crush, snap and Break apart each and every security guard they encounter!

Titanic Triplets Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts Back Breaking and Entering Breaking high class museum skin tight black catsuits muscle-packed curve steal world class diamond gleefully crush snap Break security guard

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Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 2) - TEXT

Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottoms)

The Trio of Colossal Cat-Suit wearing Crushers are back, as they continue their absolute annihilation of the museum's guards (using not just their unreal strength, but their unrivaled martial arts skills as well), in the end claiming their Prize - The Massive Wentworth Diamond - while leaving a trail of broken bodies in their wake, all for their own gleeful amusement. An all too sexy conclusion to this DustyBottums tale!

Trio Colossal Cat-Suit Crushers absolute annihilation museum's guards unreal strength unrivaled martial arts skills end Prize Massive Wentworth Diamond trail broken bodies gleeful amusement sexy conclusion DustyBottums tale

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The Change - TEXT

The Change
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

Sandy is a young housewife, who while happy with her life, wants more, especially in the physique department. So she visits her local Girls-Only Crossfit Gym, where she meets up with Alyssa, a 19 year old muscle-packed beauty, who takes Sandy under her wing, training her to reach physical (and sexual) levels she never thought possible; all the while their grouping of physically superior females grows into something truly amazing! Women, the weaker sex - not if they have anything to say about it!

Sandy young housewife happy wants more physique Girls-Only Crossfit Gym Alyssa 19 year old muscle-packed beauty takes under her wing training physical sexual levels never thought possible grouping physically superior females amazing women weaker sex anything to say

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The Dominated Barbarian King - TEXT

The Dominated Barbarian King
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

In the barbarian world, Might Makes Right, and no one was mightier than King Onen! Such was his rule that he ordered the women of his tribe to fight for the "honor" of being his Queen, in the end Gladiatrix Alya emerging victorious - or so it would seem at first, as Onen then used and abused her sexually in cruel and vicious ways! Leading the already tall and powerfully built woman to seek assistance, doing so at the hutt of a witch, who offered not only the healing of her wounds, but also a Potion that would change Alya's life Forever!

barbarian world Might Makes Right King Onen rule women tribe fight honor Queen Gladiatrix Alya victorious sexually abused seek assistance hutt witch healing wounds Potion change life Forever

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11 pages107 records