Search Results for "story"


The New Secretary - PDF

The New Secretary
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Fabio)

Mr. Turner is an abusive, lecherous boss, who goes through secretaries (who he insists all be hot and wear sexy outfits) like tissue paper; until he meets his latest hire, the shapely and statuesque Wendy, who shows him a thing or two about the True meaning of Power, as she uses her newly revealed Amazonian body to take him over, both physically and financially! - Amazing artwork once again by Fabio (on the first story I have ever written)!

Mr. Turner abusive lecherous boss secretaries hot sexy outfits tissue paper latest hire shapely statuesque Wendy True meaning of Power newly revealed Amazonian body take him over physically financially Amazing artwork Fabio first story

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Sandi Stone: The Pick Up - PDF

Sandi Stone: The Pick Up
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sandi Stone, Artwork: Everton)

Watch as punishing powerhouse Sandi Stone picks up an unsuspecting male (who just happened to have recently beaten up her mother) back to her house, namely a special padded room, where she then unveils her super muscular physique, followed by a savage beating that this foolish man will Never Forget! - Fantastic pictures from Everton on this Sandi Stone story!

punishing powerhouse Sandi Stone male beaten up mother house padded room muscular physique savage beating foolish man Never Forget pictures Everton story

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Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 2) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Our story continues, with Amy doing what she does best (namely Sexily Muscle Crushing) on her BFF's older brother, that is until his best bud (aka Jessica's long-time Lust) returns to their house; as she and Amy swiftly hatch a plan to lure him into Jessica's trap, namely the embrace of her muscle packed physique, with more Muscle Fun to follow! - Incredibly drawn COLOR pics once more by Jupiter 1!

story Amy best Sexily Muscle Crushing BFF older brother best bud Jessica's long-time Lust house plan lure trap embrace muscle packed physique Muscle Fun Incredibly drawn COLOR pics Jupiter 1

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Amazon Hooker - PDF

Amazon Hooker
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Rom)

When you visit a 6'2", 190 pound, muscle packed Amazon, who's as strong as she is sexy, you definately get what you pay for; in this case, to be completely overwhelmed, crushed, lifted, sucked and then some, all for your Pleasure.....or is that her Pleasure, and your Pain! - Awesome COLOR artwork by Rom here on this Incredible AmazonFan story!

visit 6'2" 190 pound muscle packed Amazon strong sexy pay for completely overwhelmed crushed lifted sucked Pleasure Pain Awesome COLOR artwork Rom Incredible AmazonFan story

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The Power Of Two - PDF

The Power Of Two
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Scott)

When your muscle-packed girlfriend asks if her sister, a younger, taller, more muscular version of her, can have sex with you, the answer is always YES - though in the end, your answer doesn't really matter, as when girls as Amazonian as Grace and Jackie want something, they just Take It! - Sexy illustrations here from Scott on another AmazonFan story!

muscle-packed girlfriend sister younger taller muscular sex Amazonian Grace Jackie Take It illustrations Scott AmazonFan story

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Cassie's Last Straw - PDF

Cassie's Last Straw
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Head gymnast Cassie and her team are having fun training with their hunky Jr. Coach Roger, that is until their Head Coach comes barreling in, putting them down as a lazy, weak group, calling Cassie to stay behind for further training; though when such training becomes lecherous touching, Cassie uses her rock solid, super strong physique to show this foolish man that "weak" is Not a word one uses to describe her and her teammates! - Mighty Max is illustrating this story!

gymnast Cassie team training Jr. Coach Roger Head Coach lazy weak group further training lecherous touching rock solid super strong physique foolish man teammates Mighty Max illustrating story.

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The Promise - PDF

The Promise
Price: 6.00
(Story: Christa, Artwork: Max)

When Mandi promises to her long-distance lover, Don, that one day she will surprise him not only with a visit, but that when that happened she will have transformed herself into the Sexy Amazon Woman of his dreams, he teasingly blows her off saying it will never happen. Though imagine his shock and surprise when it DOES happen, and she "takes" him away for a night of Erotic Muscle Fun that Neither of them will Ever forget! - Unreal pictures from Max, on yet another sexily written Christa story!

Mandi long-distance lover Don surprise visit transformed Sexy Amazon Woman dreams teasingly shock surprise takes night Erotic Muscle Fun pictures Max Christa story

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Amazon Jane - PDF

Amazon Jane
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Lopo)

Jane is an Amazon girl with a heart of gold, who cares very deeply for a hunky man in her complex, though when he foolishly enters a Tough Man competition, she plans to save him the best way that she can - by joining this competition and battering him senseless (though doing so with a softer touch than what would have happened to him otherwise), followed by a night of passionate love-making that Neither of them would Ever forget! - A new AC artist Lopo lends his Unreal artistic talent on this Classic MC story!

Jane Amazon girl heart of gold hunky man Tough Man competition save battering love-making AC artist Lopo artistic talent MC story.

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Dirk's Dilemma - PDF

Dirk's Dilemma
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Taclobanon)

When Dirk, a tough, macho, musclehead, wakes up one day to a world filled with beautiful, buff and powerful women, he gets the shock of his life again and again, as his once superior physique is overpowered and outmatched at each and every turn by a wide variety of super strong Amazons - Though is this a shocking reality or a fantasical dream, that is the question! - Color artist extraordinaire Taclobanon tackles this story!

Dirk tough macho musclehead wakes up world beautiful buff powerful women shock life superior physique overpowered outmatched wide variety super strong Amazons shocking reality fantastical dream color artist extraordinaire Taclobanon tackles story

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I Hit The Jackpot - PDF

I Hit The Jackpot
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Rafael)

When a man wins the lottery, he makes an ongoing bet with his Amazonian girlfriend that each time she can make him "explode" with delight, that she gets a monetary reward; lucky for him that she's a shopaholic, who today is interested in buying a sexy dress, and that means it's Sexy Muscle Fun Time, which always leaves him sexually exhausted, and her with whatever she wants! - Incredible pics by Rafael on this AmazonFan story!

man wins lottery ongoing bet Amazonian girlfriend explode delight monetary reward lucky shopaholic buying sexy dress Sexy Muscle Fun Time sexually exhausted whatever she wants Incredible pics Rafael AmazonFan story

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