Search Results for "room"


The Muscular Roommate (Parts 1 and 2) - PDF

The Muscular Roommate (Parts 1 and 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Smog, Artwork: Emerson)

At the conclusion of an exercise session with his beautiful fitness girlfriend, a young man is invited back to her place to continue their fun! While there, he meets her new roommate, a buff, muscular bodybuilder, who takes to playfully seducing the man while his girlfriend is away showering, doing so with a teasingly aggressive attitude and sexily flexing muscles! Our story continues on another night, as he peeks into the muscular roommate's bedroom, where he views her pumping her large muscles to even more massive levels! This night the bodybuilder is not to be denied, as she intimidates his girlfriend away, leaving him alone with her and her sexually quenching muscles! Fantastic art from new AC artist Emerson, on these classic stories from Smog!

exercise session fitness girlfriend young man roommate bodybuilder seducing aggressive attitude muscles pumping massive levels intimidate sexually quenching art AC artist Emerson classic stories Smog

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Lilly Ice - Super Spy Sham, Let Me Show You - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Super Spy Sham, Let Me Show You
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

While Lilly and her new boyfriend are cuddling on the couch, catching an afternoon session of the latest female-centric superhero movie, he mentions how unrealistic it is to have a smaller woman take down so many bigger guys! Lilly defends the superheroine, explaining she has amazing skills and life-long training, though her man isn't swayed in his opinion. This causes the strong and shapely Lilly to undress to skimpy lingerie, to prove to him that women in the real world can easily take down larger men! Showing off her physique to him for the first time, he is surprised at her level of buff fitness, not to mention the strength and skills she possesses, as she puts him into hold after hold, all of them proving just how weak and helpless he is compared to her! Convincing him that such film females are very real, she carries him to the bedroom to continue their sensually charged instructional in private!

Lilly boyfriend cuddling couch superhero movie smaller woman bigger guys superheroine skills training lingerie physique fitness strength skills hold weak helpless bedroom sensually charged

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The plough girl, part 6 - TEXT

The plough girl, part 6
Price: 3.00

We stayed talking until dusk, and then I lifted him back into the wheelchair, and set off for his apartment. "Olga," he said. "Mmh?" I answered. "Don't look back but we're being followed," he told me. I looked back. Sure enough, two guys were keeping station on us about fifty yards back. "Olga," he said again. "What?" "It's an ambush. There's another two guys up front, trying to hide in doorways. Leave me and run for it." "I'm not leaving you to get beaten up. That's my job," I joked. "Olga, this is serious. Four that I've spotted, and there could be others. And I don't think they're waiting to play patty-cake. Run for your life." No way. Plough girls aren't cowards. Gary had suffered enough at my hands, it was clearly on me to look after him. I wasn't going to leave him to the mercy of these four toughs. But I could see a way to even the odds a bit. I did a u-turn, and ran back the way we'd come. Clearly, the thugs weren't expecting me to run towards danger, so at first, they didn't know what to do. Ten seconds later I was in front of them. I kicked one of them in the head, which is a dangerous thing to do, because I could lead to a fatality, and the other one in the groin. He folded up nicely and I smashed my two fists into the back of his head as he went down. He hit the pavement, and lay still. By then, the other two had arrived, and I could see two more running towards me. This was good; two at a time is better than four at once. I left Gary and the two thugs I'd already handled, and met the first two before they could realise their mistake. I'm six foot three, and my legs are a lot longer than their arms. Which is just as well, because they were both armed with baseball bats, and looked like they were ready to use them. So I used the reach of my legs to kick one of them in the side, and there was a satisfying crack as his ribs broke. The other one swung his bat at me and connected. He hit my left shoulder, and my left arm went numb. But I grabbed his bat with my right hand and jerked it towards me. He had two choices, hold on or let go. Both choices were bad. If he let go, I would be armed and he not. So he hung on to the bat, and was jerked forward enough so that my raised knee could crash into his genitals. Strike four. The last two arrived, out of breath, and split up. One of them went for Gary, the other one pulled a knife and threatened me with it. So I picked up thug four and threw him at thug five, which I don't think he expected, and I followed up with a broken knife arm, so he dropped his weapon. A fist to the belly took him out of action, leaving thug six, who had wisely decided to make a run for it.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl, part 7 - TEXT

The plough girl, part 7
Price: 3.00

Olga deals with a wife beater. But the outcome isn't what you might have expected. Olga also gets another plough girl to deal with the mob guy who was harassing her. And she lets her borrow her plough, just for a little while. Anastasia is taller, broader and deeper than Olga. Olga is big, but Anastasia is a lot bigger. "I visited Robin again. This time, the baby Star was asleep, which suited me fine. I took Robin's hand, pulled him into his bedroom, took off my dress. Is it violating him If the victim keeps gasping "Yes, yes!" I'd guess, sort of."

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl, part eight - TEXT

The plough girl, part eight
Price: 3.00

Olga is promoted to head of security at the casino, and makes some long-needed changes. She also suggests a routine where she crushes a coconut between her thighs, and this really impresses the customers. Then she does the same with a skull ... which she then explains is just a plastic replica. She then added a quarter-bending routine. with the offer of, you give me $50,and a quarter, and I give you back the quarter, bent in half. But what really gets the customes excited, is her plough dance, using a real. 600 pound plough, where she lifts it, dances with it, raises it over her head and swings it down again. All very graceful, and when she's finished the dance, six men from the audience try to lift the plough between them, but they can only just manage to get it a few inches above the floor.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl, part 9 - TEXT

The plough girl, part 9
Price: 3.00

Olga is interviewed on TV, and as a result, she meets Trudi, another plough girl. Trudi tells Olga that she's going back to Ukraine, to fight the Russians. "We're going back to Ukraine, and this time we're going to send the Russians back where they came from." Olga explains "I have to do this. I can't just stand by, and let other people fight my fight." Olga does her plough dance on the ship to Hamburg; the passengers love her. The plough girls make a plan. They will return to Ukraine, and go behind Russian lines, where they plan to kill Russian officers, destroy supply depots and ruining their logistics, so that the front lines are starved of fuel, ammo and food. The Russians would soon feel the wrath of a plough girl.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl - part ten - TEXT

The plough girl - part ten
Price: 3.00

Olga starts her gory work - killing Russian officers. The first one died in her leg scissors. He died when his ribs collapsed and penetrated his internal organs. He bled internally, copiously, and died silently. After killing several more officers, she attacked a stores depot, using a truck. She hitched a lift in a truck, leaned towards the driver, took his head in her hands and gave it a sharp twist, wringing his neck like a chicken. He was dead before he knew what was happening. The truck was doing fifty kph when it hit the oil drums, but she jumped off just before that happened. There was a satisfying explosion when one of the oil drums went up, another when the the fuel in the truck caught, and then the fire spread to the other oil drums, a raging inferno, which quickly spread to the big storage tanks nearby.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl - part eleven - TEXT

The plough girl - part eleven
Price: 4.00

Olga turns her attention to the railway system, because that's the way that military supplies were moved. She didn't have explosives, but she had something just as good - her legs. She used her powerful thighs to bend the rails a few inches, and the next train that came along derailed, the wagons behind also derailed, the fuel wagons burst and caught fire and the whole thing became a major disaster. After she did the same thing again, the Russians started patrolling the tracks in squads of four. They were easy meat for Olga and her sling. All she needed was her head scarf and her ammo was a stone. Then she started to bend the rails in tunnels, causing huge crashes that would take months to clear. Her efforts made the railway system nearly useless, because trains could only move slowly, and the lines had to be patrolled frequently. So Russian logistics had to go by road, and Olga used her sling to ambush truck convoys.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl, part 12 - TEXT

The plough girl, part 12
Price: 4.00

Olga turns her attention to the Russian airfields. They are heavily defended against attack from the air - radar, missiles and ack-ack. But they had no defense against a plough girl. She tore a hole in the chain link fence, sneaked in and stole a 300 pound barrel of gasoline. Then she grabbed a pilot and tortured him until he told her where the nearby airfields were. How do you throw a 300 pound barrel of gasoline, 1000 feet? Not even a plough girl can do that. So she built a trebuchet in the middle of the forest. Her first shot hit the fuel dump and started a huge fire. Her second shot hit the ammo storage, and there was a huge explosion which wrecked the airfield. After doing this a few times, the Russians got wise and burned down any forest within a kilometer of an airfield. So Olga changed tactics. Then an airplane takes off, it starts off pretty low - low enough for Olga to be able to hit it with a rock, thrown from her sling. This doesn't do much damage to the rock, but wrecks the airplane. And when that stopped working, she used home-made spars and a spear thrower. One spear, one airfield.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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Windmills 2 - TEXT

Windmills 2
Price: 3.00

Following that first day, when Steph showed me her new, gym toned body, and demonstrated her superior physical power, things began to change in our marriage. It wasn't just the dynamic of our sex lives either, the whole nature of our relationship changed. I don't think it was the fact she could (and did) now take full control in bed - it was the fact I loved it. This was something quite different and fed into the dynamics of life together outside the bedroom. It wasn't like I used to be undisputed head of the household and all that had suddenly changed. Steph had always made more money than me and we had always made out decision together. The important stuff, like about the off springs or where to live. But I had always kind of had the final say. I guess it was just the natural pattern of things, one that we'd always followed without thinking or discussing things. But once she started regularly kicking my ass on the wrestling mats, usually before carrying me to bed and dominating me, other aspects of our lives started changing too. I mean, I had always harboured secret domination fantasies, I watched videos online and things but I never thought it would be a reality of my life. But now Steph had taken full control of our love life, quite literally, I really began to lean into it and open myself up to those parts of me I'd never allowed before. Steph for her pert helped with her renewed sexual appetite. The reality was we had never had this much sex. Not even when we were young. We were discovering a whole new life that neither of us had even realised we wanted. And it was exciting. For both of us. She thought up new ways to user her body and mine and we both delighted in playing together and indulging this new part of ourselves. It wasn't just the wrestling either. I had started to worship her. Both literally and figuratively. After one energetic bout of wrestling, Steph stood over me, then, with a curious look on her face, she put her foot on my face. I'd never had a thing for feet but within seconds, I was kissing and licking her foot and sucking on her toes, flat on my back, naked with my hard-on sticking straight up in the air. She looked down with me with a pleased look in her eyes, before she pulled her panties to the side and sat right on my face. She rocked herself to orgasm while I worked hungrily at her lips. When she came, she stood up, looked down at me and said, "What do you say?" I gazed up and her and responded, "Thank you... Mistress"

steph things wrestling bed face bedroom stuff look sex

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