Search Results for "room"


Amy's Side Story: Elizabeth's Tale (Part 1) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Elizabeth's Tale (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

Witness the birth of a Legend!! During one fateful night, years ago, while Elizabeth Hardstone was harshly having her way with her latest boy-toy in the bedroom, she heard the sounds of her darling daughter Amy crying. Immediately this loving Muscle MILF went to her, heartbroken as she discovered that the young girl was being cruelly teased at school due to her thick, powerful body. So Elizabeth comforted her with tales of her own Amazonian escapades during her teenage years, teaching her that her powerful body is a Blessing, not a curse! Fantastic artwork by Edson on this one!

birth Legend fateful night Elizabeth Hardstone boy-toy bedroom sounds darling daughter Amy crying loving Muscle MILF young girl cruelly teased school thick powerful body Elizabeth comforted tales Amazonian escapades teenage years teaching Blessing curse Fantastic artwork Edson

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College Amazon Adventures (Part 3) - PDF

College Amazon Adventures (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Story & Artwork: James Stilton)

It's now Larissa's turn to share her summer's escapades (or is that, SEX-capades) with her sisters-in-muscle - this story about her very first time Doing It! A special night planned with her special guy, as the gorgeous teenage Amazon gets all dressed up, bringing him to a private hotel room, driving him wild with Lust, before Taking Him for her erotic pleasures! Pain for him is expected, though the sweet muscle girl does her best to not damage him too much, while fully quenching his own Amazonian Addiction! More Awesome text and artwork by James from here!

Larissa summer's escapades SEX-capades sisters-in-muscle story first time special night special guy teenage Amazon dressed up private hotel room driving him wild Lust Taking Him erotic pleasures Pain sweet muscle girl damage quenching Amazonian Addiction Awesome text artwork James

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Homecoming (Part 2) - TEXT

Homecoming (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

College Amazon Girl Katie is back, and her lifelong crush Mike is in for a world of pleasure, as she displays her lusciously muscle packed form and all its power for him in the bedroom, pleasing her one true lover with every ounce of her urneal strength and sexual appetite, treating him like the King he is to her, and she his Amazon Queen!

College Amazon Girl Katie crush Mike pleasure muscle power bedroom lover strength sexual appetite King Queen

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Homecoming (Part 3) - TEXT

Homecoming (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Gorgeous teenage Amazon Katie returns, along with her True Love Mike, as he introduces her to some of his male friends, knowing her unbelievable muscular size and strength will just blow them away; something she does all too easily as after a round of coffee they all go back to the college weight room, where she proceeds to overpower and outmuscle all three of them together!

Gorgeous teenage Amazon Katie True Love Mike male friends unbelievable muscular size strength blow them away round of coffee college weight room overpower outmuscle three of them together

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Homecoming (Part 4) - TEXT

Homecoming (Part 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

College Amazon girl Katie, and the love of her life Mike, are Back! - but they're not alone, as Katie's buff and beautiful (not to mention, Damn Strong) roommates are also involved, having their fun with Mike's friends (much to their delight); as all three of these Super Strong Sexpots show off their superior power in a variety of ways for their new men, each and every way designed to drive their male lovers Wild!

College Amazon girl Katie love Mike roommates buff beautiful strong sexpots power men wild

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Homecoming (Part 5) - TEXT

Homecoming (Part 5)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

College Amazon Katie continues to show off her unreal strength for her one true love Mike, while her sexy roommates do the same for (and to) his friends as well, each of them showing the joys of being with such beautiful, strong, powerful women, as Katie proves once and for all just how strong she truly is! - Another awesome chapter in the Homecoming Saga here!

College Amazon Katie strength love Mike roommates sexy friends beautiful powerful women Homecoming Saga

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All That Jazz (Part 2) - TEXT

All That Jazz (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Lovelorn Nick is beside himself, wondering if he will ever see his 6' 7" Amazonian Goddess, Jazz, again, though his brother Matt (while still craving her himself) is near grateful of her recent absence. Though just when they thought her out of their lives forever, the gorgeous ebony supergirl returns to show them who's in charge, displaying her unreal strength for them in a variety of dominant ways, though always sensually done, especially when she takes them in the bedroom (both together and seperately), making them Crave her, while Obeying her every command! - Sonofjack continues his awesome series here!

Lovelorn Nick Amazonian Goddess Jazz brother Matt absence ebony supergirl strength dominant sensually bedroom Crave Obeying command Sonofjack series

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My Greatest Rival (And Lover) - TEXT

My Greatest Rival (And Lover)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Jake, a towering muscle-packed man, thinks back to his teenage years, when he first met up with the girl of his dreams, a rock hard beauty named Amelia, who while smaller than him, manages to match him in the gym and in the bedroom afterwards. Years later, Jake is a professional MMA fighter, who manages to meet up with Amelia once again, as she proves time has only made her Stronger and Tougher, too much for even him to match any longer, as she shows off her superior physique to him, proving beyond any doubt that she is easily his greatest Rival and Lover!

Jake towering muscle-packed man thinks back teenage years first met girl dreams rock hard beauty Amelia smaller match gym bedroom years later professional MMA fighter meet up proves time made her stronger tougher much longer shows off superior physique proving beyond any doubt easily greatest rival lover

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Kat's Awakening (Part 2) - TEXT

Kat's Awakening (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: The Calffan)

Kat Is Back, and Bigger, Buffer and Badder than Ever! The gorgeous young college girl has learned much in her time under mature Muscle MILF Traci's teaching, as seemingly no one is safe from her insatiable sexual appetite and even more powerful physique (especially Those Legs)! Follow her continued journey as she erotically dominates her man Steve, her roommate Sandra, a lucky young car salesmen and her muscle-lusting professor! Kat has definitely Awakened, and from here on in there's nothing but strong, shapely muscle in her life!

Kat back bigger buffer badder college girl mature Muscle MILF Traci sexual appetite physique legs journey dominates man Steve roommate Sandra car salesmen professor awakened muscle shapely

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Napped By My Ex - TEXT

Napped By My Ex
Price: 2.00
(Story: Elrohir)

When middle-aged Frank is invited for a meeting with his ex-wife Gina, he was more than a bit skeptical about what this could be about! Several years earlier, she had transformed her body from voluptuously shaped to rock solid curves, becoming a muscular Amazon and the dominant one in their relationship! This caused her to leave him for another man, a strong gym-owner who gives her more of a challenge in the bedroom! Though that was years ago, their off spring now in college, what could Gina (who is even stronger now than she was when Frank last saw her) possible want with him? Well, whatever it is, it's something she's going to have to Take by, and more than a bit of sexuality as well!

middle-aged Frank meeting ex-wife Gina skeptical transformed body voluptuously shaped rock solid curves muscular Amazon dominant relationship leave another man gym-owner challenge bedroom kids college stronger sexuality

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10 pages93 records