Search Results for "rain"


Roxie Rain Vintage 5 - VIDEO

Roxie Rain Vintage 5
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Roxie Rain Vintage 4 - VIDEO

Roxie Rain Vintage 4
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Roxie Rain Vintage 3 - VIDEO

Roxie Rain Vintage 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Master Class 2 - VIDEO

Master Class 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Master Class 1 - VIDEO

Master Class 1
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Part two of Roxie Rain video - VIDEO

Part two of Roxie Rain video
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This video features Roxie Rain, a painfully attractive bodybuilder, and Jacques. The poor guy is trying to clean the room with a vacuum cleaner while Roxie is taking a nap. Bad idea...

Roxie Rain bodybuilder Jacques clean room vacuum cleaner nap

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Roxy Rain vintage 1 - VIDEO

Roxy Rain vintage 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This video features Roxie Rain, a painfully attractive bodybuilder, and Jacques. The poor guy is trying to clean the room with a vacuum cleaner while Roxie is taking a nap. Bad idea...

Roxie Rain bodybuilder Jacques clean room vacuum cleaner nap

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Pizza Girl part two - AUDIO

Pizza Girl part two
Price: 5.00

Revenge is a dish best served brass monkeys, unlike pizza. So, the next time I see Eric, I use my Pizzagirl power to step on the pedals and catch up with him. I silently approach from behind, and blast him with my compressed air powered horn, sounding at 130 decibels just like a 56 ton 18 wheel truck mere inches behind him. He was suitably startled, swerved, wobbled, wobbled some more and went down, making a very satisfactory scrunching sound as he hit the deck. "Good morning, Eric," I called out merrily as I sailed past. Karma soon caught up with me - it started raining. Cats and dogs. So I reacted the way I always do - I got wet. But the pizza was safely tucked away in my insulated pannier, and I was able to deliver it, still hot. I stood there looking like a drowned kitten while the customer fetched some bread, which wetness I believe contributed to the handsome tip he gave me. Another contribution might have been the way that my wet shirt clung to my thrupenny bits. I'll take whatever I can get, except getting stiffed.

revenge dish served brass monkeys pizza Eric Pizzagirl power step pedals catch up silently approach blast compressed air powered horn 130 decibels 56 ton 18 wheel truck suitably startled swerved wobbled went down scrunching sound good morning merrily sailed past Karma raining cats and dogs reacted wet pizza safely tucked away insulated pannier deliver hot stood drowned kitten customer fetched bread wetness contributed handsome tip wet shirt clung thrupenny bits stiffed

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Respect all, fear nun - part one - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part one
Price: 4.00

I run an orphanage, but it's very different from the usual orphanages. I'm Fiona, a nun on loan from St Hilda. You'll remember St Hilda's, the convent with the motto "Nil bonum sine passione", which means "No pain, no gain" and denotes the way we use Septadecaherbis and heavy iron to build massive muscles. The ingredients for the seventeen herbs and spices of Septadecaherbis are, of course, a secret. For a St Hilda's nun, I'm less than the average size - my arms are only 21 inches. My best friend Mandy is 24, Nora is 26. But 21 is usually enough. Mandy says that "biceps aren't everything", and proves it by showing her enormous thighs. I don't have huge thighs, but I do have a useful brain. Anyway, back to the orphanage. Apart from the fact that it's run by nuns seconded from St Hilda, we're very focused towards the off springs. It's bad enough that they're orphans, and don't know the love that only parents can give. We do our best for them, but there's a limit to how much love three nuns can give to 24 off springs. It's not that we lack love. It's that there simply isn't enough time in each day to give them what they'd get from a family, from parents. But here's my clever idea. Dogs. As well as 24 off springs, we have 24 dogs. Dogs will give unlimited love, unconditional love, and will be constantly available playmates. Plus, each off spring has to care for his or her dog, so they learn how to give as well as take. (18 minutes)

orphanage different nun St Hilda convent motto pain gain Septadecaherbis heavy iron muscles ingredients secret size arms best friend Mandy Nora thighs brain focused kids parents love nuns time clever idea dogs unlimited love unconditional love playmates care learn give take.

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Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 2) - PDF

Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rom)

Daniel and David's Muscle MILF Diana is back, and this time she has spent the several months building up their girlfriend's budding young bodies to Amazonian proportions, training them how to use their newfound power-packed physiques on her sons, as she sexually dominates their young male friends with her own sexily muscular body! - Truly Amazing COLOR illustrations by Rom on this one!

Daniel David Muscle MILF Diana several months building up girlfriend young bodies Amazonian proportions training power-packed physiques sons sexually dominates male friends sexily muscular body Amazing COLOR illustrations Rom.

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