Search Results for "pun"


Megan Avalon - Halloween Party Crush (Part 2) - VIDEO

Megan Avalon - Halloween Party Crush (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Sexy, shapely hardbody Megan continues her punishment over her demanding boyfriend, convincing him with hold after hold how foolish it was for him to tell her what to do, ending with not only her being able to wear her sexy schoolgirl outfit to the party, but her Demanding that he wear a matching one as well! - Another great clip here from Jersey Black!

sexy shapely hardbody Megan punishment demanding boyfriend convincing hold after hold foolish tell ending wear schoolgirl outfit party Demanding matching clip Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Protective Girlfriend (Part 2) - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Protective Girlfriend (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch as the beautifully buff Brandi, your own Amazon Girlfriend, teaches your older, bullying brother, a harsh and painful lesson on how Not to treat you any longer. A lesson he learns all too easily, thanks to her crushing thighs, squeezing arms, powerful punches, and stern (yet sensually spoken) words. Rest assured, your brother will never bully you again, nor will Anyone else, thanks to your protective girlfriend's thick, shapely, powerful body! An incredible clip from Jersey Black!

Brandi Amazon Girlfriend older brother bullying lesson crushing thighs squeezing arms powerful punches stern words protective girlfriend thick shapely powerful body Jersey Black

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Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Here MuscleVixen continues her harsh treatment of her cheating man, who when confronted vocally by his muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend, first denies his cheater ways, though then admits he did so to make himself feel stronger, something that causes Monix to laugh out, as she allows him to punch her pecs and abs (proving how weak he really is), before continuing to crush him to pieces! Another awesomely shot video by Jersey Black here!

MuscleVixen harsh treatment cheating man confronted vocally muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend denies cheater ways admits feel stronger Monix laugh out punch pecs abs weak crush pieces awesomely shot video Jersey Black

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Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen continues to use her rock solid, super strong body to punish her newly discovered Peeping Tom, though before long she notices him really enjoying such treatment, which begins to turn her on as well, as she continues to crush him in a variety of holds, though more for the enjoyment of it - well, her's anyway! - Awesomely shot clip by Jersey Black here!

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen rock solid super strong body punish newly discovered Peeping Tom notices enjoying treatment turn on crush variety of holds enjoyment Awesomely shot clip Jersey Black

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Jennifer Thomas - Hands Off - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Hands Off
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jennifer)

When gorgeous hardbody Jennifer is approached (in a very rude and crude manner) by a businessmen who wants to hire her, forcing himself on her in the process, her polite rejections quickly turn into power-packed punishment, as she uses her always Strong and Sexy body to twist, mangle, crush and punch this foolish man into oblivion; breaking his bones and ignoring his screams, showing him the error of his brutish, lecherous ways! Originally shot by, now exclusive on Amy's Conquest!

gorgeous hardbody Jennifer rude crude businessmen hire rejection punishment Strong Sexy twist mangle crush punch bones screams error brutish lecherous Amy's Conquest

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Brandi Mae - Sisterly Revenge - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sisterly Revenge
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

When lusciously buff and beautiful Brandi brings home her date for the evening, he thinks he's in for a night of untold pleasure from this super sexy Amazon; though such thoughts quickly disappear, when she lets him know that this whole date was a set-up, that she knows he was her little sister's abusive ex-boyfriend, and the only thing he's going to feel this night is Humiliation and Pain! Loads slapping, punching, kicking, ball-busting and smothering on this one! - Jersey Black once again lends his artistic talents here!

Brandi date evening pleasure Amazon set-up little sister abusive ex-boyfriend humiliation pain slapping punching kicking ball-busting smothering Jersey Black artistic talents

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Maria Garcia - What Is That Noise - VIDEO

Maria Garcia - What Is That Noise
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

In this video, the incredibly sexy, amazingly ripped, muscle-girl Maria is enjoying posing in front of a mirror, showing off her ultra hard body in a new tiny bikini; though her sensual posing is interrupted by a sudden noise, an intruder, who the super strong Amazon then brings back with her, crushing, squeezing and smothering him to pieces, leaving him unable to talk from her punishing treatment - until the very end, when she realizes this intruder isn't quite what she thought! Jersey Black lends his talents once again on this video!

video sexy ripped muscle-girl Maria posing mirror bikini intruder Amazon crushing squeezing smothering punishment Jersey Black

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Rachael McMillan - His Rehab - VIDEO

Rachael McMillan - His Rehab
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Annie Rivieccio)

In this video, Rachael plays a fit, hard-bodied physical therapist, who is dealing with a very unruly client (played by the legendary James Cook), who refuses to allow her to administer her final session with him, going so far as to steal her folder and physically dare her to get it back - a Big Mistake for him, as after she drops her kid-gloves, Rachael begins to punch and crush James into oblivion, making him give up time and again from her final savage session! A former clip, shot by the Iconic FBB Annie Rivieccio, now exclusively on Amy's Conquest!

video Rachael fit hard-bodied physical therapist unruly client James Cook final session steal folder punch crush oblivion savage session Annie Rivieccio Amy's Conquest

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Jenna Preston - Stripper Audition Squeeze - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Stripper Audition Squeeze
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When the super shapely Jenna arrives for an in-home audition, for an erotic dancer to a party, she obliges with a sexy lap-dancing routine; one which gets this man so turned on that he can't help but touch her lush, voluptuous body - a big mistake, as after several warnings, Jenna shows him first-hand just how strong this body he craves is, smothering and squeezing him harshly, punishing this foolish man painfully, while getting the job in the end!

super shapely Jenna in-home audition erotic dancer party obliges sexy lap-dancing routine turned on touch lush voluptuous body mistake warnings shows first-hand strong craves smothering squeezing harshly punishing foolish man painfully job

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Emery Miller - Reunion Rescue - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Reunion Rescue
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

Watch as the muscle-packed Emery comes back from her High School Reunion, carrying the form of her old school crush in her powerful arms (someone she just saved from a vicious beating by muggers), as they rekindle their relationship, the mighty Amazon not realizing he had a crush on her as well - her and her strong and sexy body - which she now flaunts over him, flexing, lifting and absorbing ab and pec-punches with ease! This is definitely a reunion both of them are glad they attended!

muscle-packed Emery High School Reunion powerful arms school crush saved vicious beating muggers rekindle relationship Amazon crush strong sexy body flaunts flexing lifting absorbing ab pec-punches reunion

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