Search Results for "fear"


Respect all, fear nun - part six - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part six
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part six We use 100 pound weights, because if you only use 50s, you get a very crowded bar. Hilde had four on each side, so she was pushing 800 pounds steadily up and down. And then I realised. She had meant kilograms, I did a quick calculation in my head - double it and add ten per cent, and the 450 came to - oh my giddy aunt! "Nine ninety," I told Nora, "she's topping out at 990 pounds. Not even you can do that." "Eight twenty is my current best clean and jerk," she said, "she's pushing a thousand." A thousand pounds, of course, is the hope and prayer of every St Hilda's nun. It's a nice round number - five disks on each side of the bar. Nora eyed her enviously. "I wonder what they use instead of Septadecaherbis", she mused, "and whether I can try it?" "Ask her," I grumped. Nora grabbed my rosary after compline. "We need to talk," she said, and showed me a small bottle. "What is it?" I asked, curiously. "She calls it Siebzehnkraut," Nora said. I sniffed it cautiously, it didn't smell like Septadecaherbis. "I'm going to try it," Nora announced. "Nora! You shouldn't! You don't know how it will react with you." Nora shook her head, and said "990 pounds. I'm so there." A week went by. Pray and lift, pray and lift. We were happy, the offsprings were happy and the dogs were ecstatic - it doesn't take much to make a dog happy. Nora was dosing on Siebzehnkraut, and I was measuring her biceps every day. By the end of the week, she'd put on half an inch to 26 1/2, and her bench press had gone from 670 to 710. It looked like Siebzehnkraut was the real McCoy. I talked to Hilde. "Can we get more of your Siebzehnkraut?" I asked bluntly. "Ab naturlich," she smiled. "I will der mutterhaus schreiben." Well, that was easy. I thought I'd have to twist her arm a bit to get her agreement, and I was pretty sure that her arm was much too big for me to twist. And while we were waiting for the package from Germany to arrive, Hilde shared her own supplies with it.

Respect fear nun weights crowded bar Hilde pounds kilograms calculation giddy aunt Nora clean and jerk hope prayer St Hilda's nun round number disks Septadecaherbis bottle Siebzehnkraut react biceps bench press measuring real McCoy Hilde mutterhaus Germany supplies

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Respect all, fear nun - part five - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part five
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part five It was the terce prayer hour. We were all three of us in the gym; the off springs were outside playing with their dogs. I was lying on my back, doing reps with 500, when I noticed a crack in the ceiling that looked like a jagged bolt of stylized lightning. When I finished my set, I showed it to Nora and Mandy. My eyes followed the crack, and the wall was also cracked. "That looks bad," said Mandy. "Is the building falling down?" asked Nora. "I think we should treat the building a lot more gently until further notice," I suggested. "So no more dropping the weights to the floor; lower them gently." "And we should pray," said Nora. "Of course," I said, "but we should also get a good surveyor, to tell us whether this is nothing, or very bad. Roger stood, transfixed. He'd never seen a nun doing bench presses before, he's never seen a woman with 26 inch biceps before and he'd never seen a St Hilda's nun except me, and I was covered head to toe in my habit. He just stood there, paralysed with a mixture of respect and fear. He was imagining what Nora could do to a man once he was helpless in those huge arms. And I thought, Gotcha! I prophesy a discount.

Respect fear nun prayer gym crack lightning building weights surveyor St Hilda's biceps habit discount.

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Respect all, fear nun - part four - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part four
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part four We learn about nuns and candles, and the part they play in the life of a nun. Fiona dreams about Satan, and does a deal with the devil; the off springs of the orphanage will all get Xboxes in return for Fiona's soul. Fiona now thinks she's infested by Satan, so Sam does an exorcism for her, which involves some very heavy sex. But the Xboxes have already started to appear in the hands of the off spring. Where could they have come from? Then Fiona realizes. If it was all just a dream, then it didn't matter. And if it wasn't a dream, Satan was lying to her; it's what he does.

Respect fear nuns candles life Fiona Satan deal devil orphanage Xboxes soul infested Sam exorcism sex dream lying.

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Respect all, fear nun - part two - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part two
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part two An inspector calls The letter confirming that the defunding had been rescinded, duly arrived. No surprise - Justin Graham had sworn on a bible that this would be done, and that's binding. But our celebrations were short-lived. That letter was swiftly followed by another, telling us that we were going to be inspected. If that sounded ominous, it's because it was. Not because we were doing anything wrong, but because today's America is a place where officials like the mayor make use of official systems to get what they personally want. Yes, that is corruption, but this is how it is now. We were in his way. He wanted the orphans to be in his privately run, for-profit, orphan machine - and the sisters of St Hilda wanted the orphans to have the best experiences growing up, that we could give them. I told Nancy, the Mother Superior. "Deal with it," she said, not unkindly. "I have great confidence in you, Fiona, and I'll pray for you." Prayer is good, of course, but I wanted more. "Could I borrow one of the novices?" I asked. "What for?" asked the Mother Superior. "When the inspectors call, I want to shadow them, to make sure they don't make up stuff about us. So I need the extra pair of hands. Could I borrow Daisy?" "You mean, Sister Vache?" "Yes." "OK, that's fine, you can have her for two weeks." She was called Sister Vache for a reason. And her nickname was Daisy for the same reason - a cow's udders can hold six gallons of milk, and a cow's teats are about two inches long. Daisy wasn't anywhere near that big - but nicknames don't have to be accurate.

Respect fear inspector defunding rescinded Justin Graham binding celebrations America corruption mayor orphans privately run for-profit orphan machine sisters of St Hilda experiences Nancy Mother Superior Fiona novices inspectors shadow make up Daisy Sister Vache cow udders milk teats nickname.

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Cuddling With Your Crushing Cutie - AUDIO

Cuddling With Your Crushing Cutie
Price: 5.00

When your beautiful, buff girlfriend sneakily joins you inside your sleeping bag during a friend-filled cabin holiday, you are clearly in Heaven! Her firm, solid, shapely body cuddling super snugly into you, her soft, sensual voice whispering erotically into your nearby ears! Clearly your cock throbs at such thoughts (which she can more than tell, it now being tightly inside her), though when her snuggling form gets tighter around yours, lusting arousal turns to fearful concern! Her words continue to coo breathily into you, as she reveals her recent discovery about your cheating ways - big mistake to do so to a girl who can deadlift your car! Her enveloping hold around you becomes more crushing, even her constrictive "inner most" muscles squooshing your entrapped shaft, as she decides to use you as her sexual plaything this night, for her pleasure only, nothing but punishing pain for you - and if your cries of agony wake up the friends sleeping around you, then it will get so much worse for You! JuicyPeach works her Super Sensual magic here, her whisper-like tone making this A MUST for female muscle and ASMR lovers alike! (17 1/2 minutes)

beautiful buff girlfriend sleeping bag friend-filled cabin holiday Heaven firm solid shapely body cuddling snugly soft sensual voice whispering erotically cock throbs tightly inside her snuggling form tighter lusting arousal fearful concern cheating ways big mistake deadlift car enveloping hold crushing constrictive inner most muscles squooshing entrapped shaft sexual plaything pleasure only punishing pain cries of agony wake up friends JuicyPeach Super Sensual magic female muscle ASMR lovers

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Sonja The Barbarian - PDF

Sonja The Barbarian
Price: 6.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: R.M.G)

Sonja is as savagely powerful as she is sexually beautiful, all of which is explored in this opening tale, as she seeks revenge for the destruction of a small town, both ripping and fucking those responsible to pieces, before finding enjoyment at the hands of a young tavern boy, whose feelings for her quickly turn from fearful to worshipping - though with Sonja, Pain and Pleasure are only a heartbeat apart! - Amazing pictures on this one from R.M.G., on this SeldomLasts tale!

Sonja savagely powerful sexually beautiful explored opening tale revenge destruction small town ripping fucking responsible pieces enjoyment hands young tavern boy feelings fearful worshipping Sonja Pain Pleasure heartbeat Amazing pictures R.M.G. SeldomLasts tale

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Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Part 1) - PDF

Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Allan)

Steve had always loved Amazonian women, that is until he started dating one, a towering tormentress that used and abused him time and again, causing him to swear off (aka fear) such women from then on; though when he finds that a possible new love is also a hard bodied female, will fear drive him away from her, or will be give love with an Amazon one last chance? - More Unreal illustrations by Allan on this one!

Amazonian women dating towering tormentress abused swear off fear hardbodied female love Allan illustrations.

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An Uneven Fight - PDF

An Uneven Fight
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jeremy Wilson, Artwork: Everton)

What happens when the most feared man in professional wrestling, a 6' 8" mountain of muscle called the Barbarian Jeff Magnus, agrees to fight the 5' 3", 115 pound embodiment of feminine power known as the Mysterious She-Cat? Jeff is quickly given a lesson in humility and the folly of male pride of course! But why does the Mysterious She-Cat wear a mask? What secret is she hiding? Find out in this Great story by Jeremy Wilson with Beautiful illustrations provided by Everton!

feared man professional wrestling Barbarian Jeff Magnus fight Mysterious She-Cat humility male pride feminine power mask secret story Jeremy Wilson illustrations Everton

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Just Call Me Ma'am - PDF

Just Call Me Ma'am
Price: 6.00
(Story: Uplifted, Artwork: Edson)

It began as a chance encounter between a man and a woman on a subway train. When she announced that he was coming home with her he found it impossible to resist either her beauty or her impossible strength. Thus began a wild night in which he learned that he must not only love his new mistress, but that he must also fear and obey. Most of all he learned what she meant when she said, "Just call me Ma'am". This is a terrific story by Uplifted with amazing art by the super talented Edson!

chance encounter man woman subway train coming home beauty strength wild night love mistress fear obey Ma'am story Uplifted art Edson

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Trish / Lisa - PDF

Trish / Lisa
Price: 6.00
(Story: Collector, Artwork: Edson)

Meet Trish. When she wants her boyfriend to buy her a new necklace, he claims that he can’t afford it. The poor schmuck actually thinks he has a choice until Trish uses her amazing combination of extreme beauty and power to show him that it isn’t healthy to deny her. Meet Lisa. She has a special surprise when her husband requests (begs, pleads) for her to become even MORE muscular, but complications arise when she fears that he can’t handle her incredible beauty and her awesome strength. Both stories in this 2-Pack were written by the legendary Collector, with astounding artwork by Edson!

Trish boyfriend buy new necklace afford poor schmuck choice extreme beauty power deny Lisa special surprise husband requests begs pleads become more muscular complications fears handle incredible beauty awesome strength stories 2-Pack written legendary Collector astounding artwork Edson

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The Super Secret Of Ultra Girl (Part 2) - PDF

The Super Secret Of Ultra Girl (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Diego)

Sara's fear of nearly losing her loving boyfriend Steve translates into sexual power and passion neither of them had ever felt before! So much so, Steve's lustfilled mind continues to get him into life-threatening situations - thankfully Ultra Girl is always there to swoop in to save him, which is always followed by unreal orgasmic pleasures from Sara. Could it be, could the two situations be related?? A super secret about to be discovered, one that will change both of their lives forever! Digeo continues with his Amazing artwork on this series!

Sara fear loving boyfriend Steve sexual power passion lust life-threatening situations Ultra Girl orgasmic pleasures super secret discovered change Digeo Amazing artwork series

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The Misunderstanding - TEXT

The Misunderstanding
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

When college student Ben joins a prestigious fashion club at his school, he thinks he's hit the jackpot, as its members are filled with beautifully buff and sexily strong young girls; though his excitement soon turns to concern when it's revealed that they all think he's gay, and are opening up to him in new and interesting ways, ways that make Ben continue to play this part and enjoy such attention, though fearful that one day his act will be discovered, and the wrath of these powerful Amazon girls will be turned onto him!

college student Ben prestigious fashion club school jackpot members beautifully buff sexily strong young girls excitement concern revealed gay opening up new interesting ways play this part attention fearful act discovered wrath powerful Amazon girls

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Passionate & Powerful - TEXT

Passionate & Powerful
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Courtney Holden is a young woman with a very unique ability, something that she's had since she was in her mid-teens, something that she once feared, though now has "grown" to Love! This gift gives the stunningly beautiful, sexily shaped girl the ability to physically grow taller and more muscular based on her level of sexual arousal - the hornier she gets, the bigger and stronger she becomes! This unreal power had been hard to control during her younger years, though now in college, Courtney (and her muscle-loving boyfriend) wouldn't have her any other way!

Courtney Holden young woman unique ability mid-teens feared grown love gift stunningly beautiful sexily shaped physically grow taller more muscular sexual arousal hornier bigger stronger unreal power hard to control college muscle-loving boyfriend

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Amy's Conquest 9 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest 9
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

The relationship between Amy and her true love David is suffering, as she fears her man-crushing ways will seriously hurt him, while he is worried his diminutive form isn't manly enough for her! Though after an emotional talk (and a fantasy night created by Amy for her loving man), their fears are put to rest, and their relationship emerges stronger than ever! Still, finding out the cause for his doubting mindset, a teasingly abusive co-worker Matt, cannot go unpunished; though as Amy vowed not to do so herself, that only means her sister-in-muscle Jessica needs to fill in for such duties. In the end using her dominant attitude and unreal strength to leave a lasting impression on Matt (and his apartment), one which oddly enough affects both him and Jessica in a way neither of them ever expected!

Amy true love David relationship man-crushing diminutive form emotional talk fantasy night fears stronger doubting mindset abusive co-worker sister-in-muscle dominant attitude unreal strength lasting impression apartment.

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Monix - Powerful Persuasion (Part 1) - VIDEO

Monix - Powerful Persuasion (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Our first of several video clips to come starring the Super Sexy, Super Muscular, Brazilian Amazon - MuscleVixen. Here she returns home with a special man after their first date, things are going Amazingly so far, so she excuses herself to put on 'something more comfortable"; though when she returns wearing only barely-there lingerie, her date only NOW finding out about her ultra hard, buff and muscular physique, his shock and fear try to remove him from this situation, leaving MuscleVixen to use some Powerful Persuation to change his mind! - Awesome stuff shot once more by Jersey Black, here!

video clips Super Sexy Super Muscular Brazilian Amazon MuscleVixen first date Amazingly lingerie buff muscular physique shock fear Powerful Persuasion Jersey Black

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Respect all, fear nun part two - TEXT

Respect all, fear nun part two
Price: 3.00

An inspector calls The letter confirming that the defunding had been rescinded, duly arrived. No surprise - Justin Graham had sworn on a bible that this would be done, and that's binding. But our celebrations were short-lived. That letter was swiftly followed by another, telling us that we were going to be inspected. If that sounded ominous, it's because it was. Not because we were doing anything wrong, but because today's America is a place where officials like the mayor make use of official systems to get what they personally want. Yes, that is corruption, but this is how it is now. We were in his way. He wanted the orphans to be in his privately run, for-profit, orphan machine - and the sisters of St Hilda wanted the orphans to have the best experiences growing up, that we could give them. I told Nancy, the Mother Superior. "Deal with it," she said, not unkindly. "I have great confidence in you, Fiona, and I'll pray for you." Prayer is good, of course, but I wanted more. "Could I borrow one of the novices?" I asked. "What for?" asked the Mother Superior. "When the inspectors call, I want to shadow them, to make sure they don't make up stuff about us. So I need the extra pair of hands. Could I borrow Daisy?" "You mean, Sister Vache?" "Yes." "OK, that's fine, you can have her for two weeks." She was called Sister Vache for a reason. And her nickname was Daisy for the same reason - a cow's udders can hold six gallons of milk, and a cow's teats are about two inches long. Daisy wasn't anywhere near that big - but nicknames don't have to be accurate.

Respect fear inspector defunding rescinded Justin Graham binding celebrations America corruption mayor orphans privately run for-profit orphan machine sisters of St Hilda experiences Nancy Mother Superior Fiona novices inspectors shadow make up Daisy Sister Vache cow udders milk teats nickname

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Respect all, fear nun - part four - TEXT

Respect all, fear nun - part four
Price: 3.00

We learn about nuns and candles, and the part they play in the life of a nun. Fiona dreams about Satan, and does a deal with the devil; the off spring of the orphanage will all get Xboxes in return for Fiona's soul. Fiona now thinks she's infested by Satan, so Sam does an exorcism for her, which involves some very heavy sex. But the Xboxes have already started to appear in the hands of the off springs. Where could they have come from? Then Fiona realizes. If it was all just a dream, then it didn't matter. And if it wasn't a dream, Satan was lying to her; it's what he does.

Respect fear nun prayer gym crack lightning building weights surveyor St Hilda's biceps habit discount

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part 3 - TEXT

The Plough Girl Squadron, part 3
Price: 3.00

Mike is 4 feet eleven inches, and he goes out on patrol with Anastasia who is seven feet five. Four toughs with baseball bats were following us, and six more in front. Anastasia ran at the four, kicked two in the head and incapacitate the other two. Meanwhile I phoned for backups to Olga, who set off at once. But by the time Olga got to us, Anastasia had finished off the last of the ten. So when Olga arrived, all she did was put her arms round me to stop me trembling with fear.

Mike feet inches patrol Anastasia toughs baseball bats following ran kicked head incapacitated phoned Olga set off finished off arrived arms trembling fear.

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Respect all, fear nun - part five - TEXT

Respect all, fear nun - part five
Price: 4.00

It was the terce prayer hour. We were all three of us in the gym; the off springs were outside playing with their dogs. I was lying on my back, doing reps with 500, when I noticed a crack in the ceiling that looked like a jagged bolt of stylized lightning. When I finished my set, I showed it to Nora and Mandy. My eyes followed the crack, and the wall was also cracked. "That looks bad," said Mandy. "Is the building falling down?" asked Nora. "I think we should treat the building a lot more gently until further notice," I suggested. "So no more dropping the weights to the floor; lower them gently." "And we should pray," said Nora. "Of course," I said, "but we should also get a good surveyor, to tell us whether this is nothing, or very bad. Roger stood, transfixed. He'd never seen a nun doing bench presses before, he's never seen a woman with 26 inch biceps before and he'd never seen a St Hilda's nun except me, and I was covered head to toe in my habit. He just stood there, paralyzed with a mixture of respect and fear. He was imagining what Nora could do to a man once he was helpless in those huge arms. And I thought, Gotcha! I prophesy a discount.

Respect fear nun prayer gym crack lightning building weights surveyor St Hilda's biceps habit discount

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