Search Results for "ex"


Big Legs At The Shoe Store - PDF

Big Legs At The Shoe Store
Price: 8.00
(Story: Calffan, Artwork: Diego)

For Tom, the calf-loving shoe salesman, there was no better customer than Kirsten. Massively muscled (especially her lower half) and loving calf worship as much as he did, the two hit it off immediately! After some impromptu public calf worship at his store, they agree to meet later where they can sate their mutual lust in private. Upon discovering their birthdays had just passed, the two trade "gifts" with Kirsten proceeding to give Tom his first ever calf-fucking! Then some muscle and calf worship, followed by some crushing sexual escapades, Kirsten makes sure that this is a late birthday neither of them will ever forget! Incredible artwork by Diego on this super sexy story from The Calffan!

Tom calf-loving shoe salesman customer Kirsten massively muscled lower half calf worship hit it off immediately impromptu public store meet later sate mutual lust private birthdays passed trade gifts first ever calf-fucking muscle crushing sexual escapades late birthday forget incredible artwork Diego super sexy story The Calffan

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Tanya (Part 2) - PDF

Tanya (Part 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Eric The Red, Artwork: MadMax)

Tall, muscular Tanya continues her sexual domination of the much smaller Greg in her bedroom, carrying him there with ease, as she proceeds to use her superior strength to lift and bend him to her will - much to his pain, and her erotic pleasure! She moves him into position after position without any effort, her thick, solid limbs enveloping and crushing him to screaming submission, as her own sexual juices continue to flow! He is nothing but her sexual toy, to use and abuse as she sees fit, each moan of agony sending waves of orgasmic pleasure all over her muscle-packed form! In the end she brings them both to Climax, in her own unique fashion, proving without a doubt that she is to be worshipped as a true Amazonian Goddess! Fantastic illustrations by MadMax on this amazing story by Eric The Red!

Tall muscular Tanya sexual domination Greg bedroom superior strength lift bend pain erotic pleasure position thick solid limbs submission sexual juices toy abuse moan agony orgasmic pleasure muscle-packed form Climax Amazonian Goddess illustrations MadMax Eric The Red

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Lilly Ice - Secret Supergirl - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Secret Supergirl
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

This first of several more clips to come, brings us one of the Sexiest fitness models we have Ever had on Amy's Conquest, Lilly Ice! Here we see her and her boyfriend cuddling on the bed, watching the latest Superheroine movie; during which she can't help but notice his throbbing shaft, easily figuring out he's Very Into super strong girls! She decides that now is the perfect time for her to reveal her own sexy secret, that she is actually a super-powerful hero herself! The stunning Supergirl then shows off her unreal strength by giving him a series of sensual squeezes (just a taste, as she doesn't want to damage her darling man), before moving on to more strength feats such as bar-bending and body-lifting! This leads to the start of a sexy session that may very well put him in the hospital - but he doesn't mind a bit!

fitness model Amy's Conquest Lilly Ice boyfriend superheroine movie super strong girls super-powerful hero supergirl unreal strength sensual squeezes bar-bending body-lifting sexy session hospital

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Hannah And Her Husbands (Part Two) - TEXT

Hannah And Her Husbands (Part Two)
Price: 3.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

The second part of our Hannah series delves into how she met, and eventually claimed, the towering wall of manly muscle, Brick! Meeting one another as teenagers, the young girl effortlessly proved that while she was much smaller than the towering titan, she was vastly stronger than him, something she proved often in their time together. Even with years apart, he keeping tabs on her unreal physical exploits, their feelings for one another never waivered. He grew to become a world class MMA fighter and strongman, destroying any and all comers, though his manly might still paled in comparison to the incredibly beautiful and ultra shapely Hannah! Something she easily proved meeting back up years later, as she took him in the bedroom, soon after taking him as Husband #2! He had little choice in this matter, though even if he did, he wouldn't have chosen any other life for him, as being with Hannah, in any capacity, was better than anything else he could possibly imagine!

Hannah Brick teenagers manly muscle stronger physical exploits MMA fighter strongman world class beautiful shapely bedroom Husband #2 life imagine

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Dazzled By Dawn - PDF

Dazzled By Dawn
Price: 8.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Young internet millionaire Dennis is utterly enraptured by the strong, muscular and gorgeous Dawn! Here he tells his story about his first meeting with the sexy muscle girl (after delving into his initial encounter with a stronger, fitter girl while in college, one who enjoyed humiliating him with her strength), a chance introduction with the dazzling Dawn, which quickly leads to lunch and then a meeting for some playful wrestling later on. Though her complete physical control of his weaker body, done in a teasingly sensual manner, soon turns into full blown sexual delights for them both, ending with the first of many erotic explosions to come for this female-muscle loving couple! Awesome artwork by Dracowhip here, on this classic AmazonFan story!

young internet millionaire Dennis enraptured strong muscular gorgeous Dawn story first meeting sexy musclegirl delving initial encounter college stronger fitter girl enjoyed humiliating strength chance introduction dazzling lunch meeting playful wrestling complete physical control weaker body teasingly sensual manner full blown sexual delights first many erotic explosions female-muscle loving couple awesome artwork Dracowhip classic AmazonFan story

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The Facility (Part Two) - PDF

The Facility (Part Two)
Price: 8.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: Buffcake)

Genetically enhanced super soldier Felicia is back! Still being watched in her government issued cell, she is given a test from one of her scientists, one that gets her so sexually thrilled that she can't help but take our her erotic desires on the plexiglass barrier between them (not to mention he, himself)! Later, when the test begins, she lets loose using her superior speed and strength to demolish several large, armed men (all but one, which she has a bit of interest in)! Her main target is soon to be her next victim, he completely helpless as Felicia viciously abuses, and sexually uses, his utterly destroyed body! This SeldomLasts series continues, with more Unreal illustrations by Buffcake!

genetically enhanced super soldier Felicia back watched government issued cell test scientists sexually thrilled plexiglass barrier erotic desires later begins superior speed strength demolish large armed men interest main target victim helpless viciously abuses sexually uses utterly destroyed body SeldomLasts series Unreal illustrations Buffcake

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Lilly Ice - Webcam Wonder Girl - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Webcam Wonder Girl
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

The always stunning, sexy and strong Lilly is spending an evening at home, entertaining her legion of online fans with some sensual flexes (pecs included) in front of her laptop, as she begins to tell them about the rough-housing she did with her boyfriend the previous night, and how sore he still is from her assortment of ultra powerful holds she put him in! This gives her an idea, as she calls her man into the bedroom, where she begins to lift and toss him into the bed, continuing her sexy man-handling of his overmatched form! Each and every hold causes more pain to his already aching body, while it only seems to make her all the more aroused! Hold after hold she gets more sensual and strong, while he can only beg her to stop! Though she continues on - Anything for her online admirers muscle-lusting enjoyment!

stunning sexy strong Lilly evening home entertaining legion online fans sensual flexes pecs laptop rough-housing boyfriend sore assortment ultra powerful holds idea calls man bedroom lift toss bed man-handling overmatched form pain aching body aroused hold after hold sensual strong beg stop online admirers muscle-lusting enjoyment

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The Right Mix (Part 2) - PDF

The Right Mix (Part 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Vaalser4, Artwork: Alphadawg)

Marcedes is the Ultimate Amazon! Towering over most any man around, her unreal height is further emphasized by her massive, solid and super ripped muscles! Her loving man (who she simply Towers over) tells several stories of her Amazonian exploits here, which involve putting cocky, tough, macho guys in their place; whether by humiliating them in public, or giving them a little beating in private! Marcedes truly is the Right Mix of Any man's fantasy! Fantastic illustrations from alphadawg on this original story by Vaalser4!

Marcedes Ultimate Amazon towering height massive solid super ripped muscles loving man Towers over stories Amazonian exploits cocky tough macho guys humiliating public beating private Right Mix fantasy illustrations alphadawg original story Vaalser4

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Muscle MILF's Surprise New Client - PDF

Muscle MILF's Surprise New Client
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Nivilis)

When the hottest Mom on the block (make that Any block) does sexy muscle sessions, it's no surprise at how extensive her clientele is, so much so it's hard for even her to keep track! Though imagine her surprise when she greets her latest (and newest) client, only to find out he's her son's best friend! Stunned to see him before her, though the professional that she is, she invites him in, and after a bit of discussion where he confesses his adoration of her ultra muscular physique for many years now, the gorgeous Amazon decides to make due with her commitment and continue with this session - though just this one. Of course once may be all that this 18 year old could handle, as she shows off her muscle packed form in a variety of strong and sexy ways, for him as well as on him! So enthralled does he become that he just can't "control" himself in the end, though around such a woman as she, Who Could?!? Nivilis adds her Unreal illustrations to this original story!

hottest Mom sexy muscle sessions clientele surprise son's best friend professional adoration ultra muscular physique Amazon commitment session 18 year old muscle packed form strong sexy enthralled control woman Unreal illustrations

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Lilly Ice - Gimme A Crush, Gimme A Squeeze! - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Gimme A Crush, Gimme A Squeeze!
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

When the sexily striking Lilly is in her room practicing her cheers for her school's squad, her obnoxious brother storms in and scolds her for making such noise, as well as laughing at her thinking cheerleading is a sport! She quickly shows him just how strong cheerleaders truly are, especially those on the base like Lilly who routinely lift other girls over her head! It doesn't take long for her to prove her point by squeezing and crushing him senseless, twisting and bending him helpless, sitting on and smothering him breathless, and lifting and throwing him around like the loser he is! A lesson is definitely learned this day, never doubt the strength of a sexy, solid, hard bodied cheerleader - or else!

sexily striking Lilly room practicing cheers school's squad obnoxious brother noise cheerleading sport strong cheerleaders base lift girls squeezing crushing twisting bending sitting smothering lifting throwing loser lesson strength sexy solid hard bodied doubt

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