Search Results for "ex"


Boutique Physique Fetish 1 - PDF

Boutique Physique Fetish 1
Price: 6.00
(Story by DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

An exotically beautiful Asian Amazon with a compact gymnast's body and steel hard frame, a towering Ebony Goddess with long, lean, powerful muscles flowing all over her statuesque physique, and none other than an increasingly iconic buxom blond bombshell with the unreal beauty to match her unrivaled muscle packed body. Each of them dressed in barely-there string bikinis, which showed off virtually every inch of their super fit frames to those around watching and cheering them on, doing so at a fever pitch as they came to the end of their first initiation task, bringing them one step forward to officially joining this very select Sorority House. Their hard, fit, tight and muscle packed bodies popping, bursting and breaking apart a series of extremely durable foods items, doing so in a race against the clock, to see if they could accomplish their task in their previously discussed time limit. A task that consisted of each of these buff beauties destroying an assortment of watermelons, rock melons, apples, and other hard-skinned produce; doing so with their rock-hard bodies, in very specific ways. The crushing of apples in such muscular girl's flexing arms seemed all too common these days, which is why these girls here had to do so within their thick, pulsating pecs. Shoving the biggest, firmest, hardest looking apples their future Sisters could find into their beefy breasts, and with suddenly savage squeezes crushing them all to pieces, sending rivers of sweet tasting apple juice flowing down their rippling cleavage and into washboard abs.

Asian Amazon gymnast body steel hard frame Ebony Goddess powerful muscles statuesque physique iconic buxom blond bombshell string bikinis super fit frames Sorority House muscle packed bodies durable foods items time limit watermelons rock melons apples hard-skinned produce muscular girl's flexing arms pecs beefy breasts savage squeezes apple juice rippling cleavage washboard abs

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Windmills 2.2 - PDF

Windmills 2.2
Price: 6.00
(Story: FinQ, Artwork: MadMax)

'Kiss my calves.' I did so. Worshiping the hard muscles and running my hands along her smooth, waxed shins. We repeated the process for her hamstrings and her quads. I could not get enough of her powerful legs. The large muscles and the perfect, smooth skin being the absolute quintessence of female power and my wife total superiority to me. 'Yes, we have definitely found your talent now...' She grabbed my hair and gently led me, crawling, over to the sofa, where she sat down, hiking her short skirt up as she did and pulling my face in-between her thighs. She let me get very close to her panties, before crushing my head, brining my advance to an abrupt stop. 'You want it do not you Smith. You want to lick and kiss my sweet sex. Oh God I bet you would give absolutely anything right now for me to let you kiss me there. Tell me.' 'Yes Miss Jones. I would give anything to lick and kiss your sweet pussy' 'Then beg for it.'

kiss calves worshiping hard muscles smooth waxed shins hamstrings quads powerful legs muscles smooth skin female power wife superiority talent hair crawling sofa short skirt face thighs panties head lick sweet sex beg.

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Happy Hormones Crip Walking 2 - PDF

Happy Hormones Crip Walking 2
Price: 6.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

The tour far ahead of them, Amy and her mother decided to make their own way across the university. Past quiet walkways and well-manicured lawns, the tall women continued to draw attention. Amy, in particular, loved to draw more of it. Whether it was flexing her rock-hard calves walking past a group of guys, or pressing her huge melons together with her arms while she asked someone for directions, she always got her desired reaction (stares of longing for her perfectly-built body). Her favorite activity was bending over at the waist after 'accidentally' dropping her handbag, giving an unwitting guy behind her a direct view of her amazing bowling ball glutes. She would then turn her head, give her ass a playful smack and blow a kiss sure to leave an erection as the two women would continue on and laugh.

tour Amy mother own way university walkways lawns women attention flexing rock-hard calves group of guys pressing huge melons arms directions desired reaction stares longing perfectly-built body favorite activity bending over waist handbag unwitting guy direct view amazing bowling ball glutes turn head playful smack blow a kiss erection two women laugh

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Muscle Oni (Ju Tanka) 1 - PDF

Muscle Oni (Ju Tanka) 1
Price: 6.00
(Story: Lil Guy, Artwork: ZGannero)

She was a pure monster of muscle and sex "Ass not so bad either," She Thought She lifted her robe showing massive glutes. They were buns of pure steal "Lets see if this body is just for show" She dropped down and started doing some pushed up. She got up to 500 pushed up and then even sweat. She switches to arm and did 1000 "Hmm not so bad," She Thought She grabbed the bed and lifted it up with one hand. She lifted it over her head walking around the room She found her senses were heighten. She could smell and hear better. If she concentrated, she could hear from miles away. The costume. The colors of it were orange and red. The Kimono gave people a nice view of her breast. She was deep into the Alphabet when it come to breast size. Her tits felt amazing. They were full and womanly. She flexed her pectoral making them bounce. They were large, Over G cups. They stood out in pride defying gravity. Her feet were 16 inches. Her mom had put in some sandals that she could step in easy on. She found putting on the mask changed the way she saw herself. She felt confident and powerful. The adrenaline pumping through her. She could feel the heart beating in her chest like a Thunder. She felt ALIVE.

monster muscle sex glutes buns body pushed up arm sweat bed senses heighten smell hear costume colors Kimono breast Alphabet tits pectoral G cups feet sandals mask confident powerful adrenaline heart alive

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Happy Hormones Crip Walking 1 - PDF

Happy Hormones Crip Walking 1
Price: 6.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Amy stepped out of the doorway, her massive, half-naked, golden tan body rippling with muscles. She was dressed in her favorite 'little schoolgirl' uniform, an outfit that left little to the imagination. Small black schoolgirl shoes adorned her feet, as white socks wrapped their way up her huge calves (barely able to cover their diamond hard shape). A way too-tight schoolgirl blouse was tied just below her chest, almost unable to contain her breasts. Her visible washboard abs, rippling with muscle, flexed as she softly breathed in and out. Around her waist was a tiny skirt that barely covered her massive tree trunk thighs. Teddy bear panties were visible underneath the skirt, starting to get slightly damp with arousal. Her face was made up to look young: rosy cheeks and a brilliant white smile. Her always-present pigtails hung from either side of her head, and bounced as she strode over to the man behind the desk.

Amy stepped out doorway massive half-naked golden tan body rippling muscles dressed favorite little schoolgirl uniform outfit imagination small black schoolgirl shoes adorned feet white socks wrapped huge calves diamond hard shape way too-tight schoolgirl blouse tied below chest unable contain breasts visible washboard abs flexed softly breathed waist tiny skirt barely covered massive tree trunk thighs teddy bear panties visible underneath skirt slightly damp arousal face made up look young rosy cheeks brilliant white smile always-present pigtails hung either side head bounced strode man behind desk

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Flexy Romance - PDF

Flexy Romance
Price: 8.00
(Story: Arnold Ziffel @arnoldziffel1, Artwork: Tan Yk @tanyk)

She was a blonde. A blonde to make blind man blink. You could almost hear the creaking of fabric strained against all the stiffening cocks. It was not just a bunch of the dudes; some of the girls got all nippily and excited around her, too. It was like she was royal, the uber-babe of all babes, and her fans were bowing before her. With a rather apologetic smile, she re-stacked her heavy textbook pile on one steel ingot of a forearm. Shoulders worthy of a fullback were exposed in her sleeveless, short-waisted hoodie. It left her taut stomach half exposed, flat as concrete and apparently just as hard. She had thickly cabled columns of bulging muscle shapes on teardrop thighs that could squeeze me into the next life, petite knees and then calves that must have been 20 inches if they did not snap the tape wrapped around them. The quintessential hottie. This could be the one I hadd been looking for. 'Are you okay, Trish?' an XXXL beef-o-saurus yelled, glaring at me like a German Shepherd on guard duty.

blonde blind creaking fabric cocks dudes girls nippily excited royal uber-babe fans bowing heavy textbook steel ingot fullback sleeveless hoodie taut stomach concrete hard muscle thighs petite knees calves hottie looking Trish beef-o-saurus German Shepherd guard duty

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Windmills 2 - PDF

Windmills 2
Price: 8.00
(Story: FinQ, Artwork: MadMax)

Following that first day, when Steph showed me her new, gym toned body, and demonstrated her superior physical power, things began to change in our marriage. It wasn't just the dynamic of our sex lives either, the whole nature of our relationship changed. I don't think it was the fact she could (and did) now take full control in bed it was the fact I loved it. This was something quite different and fed into the dynamics of life together outside the bedroom.

following first day Steph new gym toned body demonstrated superior physical power change marriage dynamic sex lives whole nature relationship fact could did now take full control bed loved something quite different fed into dynamics life together outside bedroom.

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The Lipstick Detective - PDF

The Lipstick Detective
Price: 8.00
(Story: Arnoldziffel1, Artwork: Tan Yk)

'Greece!' Billie wasn not punching the heavy bag at the Gargoyle Gym, she was pummeling it. Punishing it, actually. speed boxing. She flurried her fists against the heavy bag, delivering a powerful jolt with each strike. She threw hooks, crosses, jabs, and uppercuts, all with precise accuracy and tremendous strength. The bag bounced wildly on its chain, hanging tough against the onslaught of punches. She grinned at Andy, then sneered at the bag like it was an enemy. Billie finished her workout with a blistering Left, Left, Right blitzkrieg that knocked it off the hanger, slamming into the nearby wall. 'Okay, all done!' The manager groaned. 'Really, Billie? Again?' After a quick shower she changed into her work clothes. She examined what she saw in the mirror: A solid 200 pounds of toned muscle packed onto a 5 foot 7 inch frame with a ghost of baby fat here and there. Pretty, pert breasts supported by a pectoral wall. Six abs the size of her fists proudly making their presence known below her peaches and cream skin. She slipped on a sleeveless shirt and flexed her right arm, a rock hard hill of muscle forming beside her big shoulder. 'Flabby bitch!' she laughed.

Greece Billie heavy bag Gargoyle Gym speed boxing hooks crosses jabs uppercuts accuracy strength Andy enemy Left Right blitzkrieg manager shower work clothes mirror muscle toned frame baby fat breasts pectoral wall abs skin sleeveless shirt flexed rock hard muscle flabby

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Concetta and Yau Nam - PDF

Concetta and Yau Nam
Price: 8.00

Concetta is a high level, black belt practioner of the Yau Nam. Yau Nam is a little-known sexual and martial art. This is an account of one morning in her life - she first shags three men senselss, then moves on to the Yau Nam dojo and takes on two Yau Nam masters. The morning is completed when she takes on the dojo instructor, and leaves him physically and sexually drained.

Concetta high level black belt practioner Yau Nam sexual martial art morning shags men senselss dojo masters instructor physically drained sexually drained

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Firebrand muscular women - PDF

Firebrand muscular women
Price: 8.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Amy and Jessica take Robert Scott through the most exhaustive and exhausting sexual experience of his life. Amy's mom, Elizabeth, is the fourth participant in this sexual explosion, adding her muscles and experiece to the fray.

Amy Jessica Robert Scott exhaustive exhausting sexual experience Elizabeth fourth participant sexual explosion muscles experience

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Too big - PDF

Too big
Price: 8.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie, Artwork: Robolord and Diana the Valkyrie)

Elaine has a problem - she's too big. Not fat, but big. Her ambition is to join the college football team. Not a "girls team", but THE team. That's how she meets Jeremy, who is much too small for the team, and both of their lives are changed. They both fall in love. Her first date with him went very well, but for her second date, she needs a really posh dress, which she doesn't have. And she can't buy one, because she's ... too big. She visits a dressmaker who takes her remarkable measurements, and gets a quote for $600. She raises the cash by challenging, and defeating, one of the football team, at wrestling. So she can pay for new new dress, and the second date with Jeremy goes well, and ends with a powerful display of what it's like for Jeremy to have sex with a girl who is ten times as strong as he is.

Elaine problem big fat ambition college football team girls team Jeremy small lives changed love first date second date posh dress dressmaker measurements quote cash challenging defeating wrestling new dress powerful display sex ten times as strong

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Pizza Girl part one - PDF

Pizza Girl part one
Price: 8.00

Yes. I deliver pizza. Because someone has to, and I need a job. With the economy how it is post-Brexit (I still don't understand how we got conned into that) well-paying jobs are as rare as hen's teeth. So I'm a pizza delivery girl. And I'm Pizzagirl because a weird accident happened with the pizza microwave plus pineapple plus anchovies, which should normally never come in contact, let alone on top of pizza. Superman came from Krypton, Batman came from Gotham City, Wonder Woman came from Themyscira. I come from Neasden in London. Superman has superpowers because he's Kryptonese, Batman because he spends a lot of money on gadgets, Wonder Woman because she's an Amazon. Me? See above - the accident. Superman, Batman and WW all have secret identities, so when the accident happened, I realised I needed one. Because superheroes don't get paid. Can you imagine? Superman swoops down and saves a falling woman and then invoices her for $600. Wonder Woman worked part time at Taco Whiz and takes home minimum wage. No chance. So for my secret identity, I put on a pair of plain glass spectacles, because apparently that's all you need. But to be totally sure of secrecy, I also wore my hair in a ponytail instead of the falling locks that Pizzagirl wears.

pizza delivery job economy Brexit Pizzagirl accident microwave pineapple anchovies Superman Batman Wonder Woman Neasden London superpowers gadgets Amazon secret identities superheroes glass spectacles ponytail

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part six - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part six
Price: 8.00

"Those high powered rifles can go straight through even Kevlar" he told me. "Yes," I agreed. Actually, I was surprised that no-one had guessed that we'd kitted out our women with steel plate armour - armour much heavier than an ordinary man could carry. And that steel armour, weighing about a hundred pounds would deflect an AR-15 round. We knew this, because we'd tested it. "But what if the shooter had gone for a head shot?" That was certainly a possibility, but gun training was to aim for the centre mass, because a head is a much smaller target. "If he'd gone for a head shot, it would certainly have been "Goodnight Gracie", but we sent in three Black Burqas, and even if one was killed, it would be a good trade for the lives of the thirty off springs that he was holding hostage." "That's incredibly brave," said the interviewer. "We're women," I replied. "And we're mothers. off springs are the purpose of our existence. You'd need to be a mother yourself to understand, but here's a simple way to put it. The female of the species is more deadly than the male." I continued. "Men talk. Men negotiate. Men compromise, and while that is appropriate for many purposes, when it comes to off springs, there is no doubt, no hesitation and no compromise. Our Black Burqas had one and only one purpose. If the police had tried to stop them, they would have been swept aside. If one had been shot then the other two would have continued to rescue those off springs." "The shooter was in a real mess when the police went in, wasn't that excessive?" he asked. I repeated, "There is no compromise. No negotiation. Anyone who threatens our off springs, gets the immediate white-hot fury of the female of the species. In this case, what happened exactly was, a punch to the belly to incapacitate him and double him up, a knee lifted to meet the face coming down and break the nose and teeth, and a double-fist rabbit punch to knock him out and lay him flat on the ground. And when a Black Burqa delivers that triple whammy, the recipient is knocked cold for the next several hours. And if it's delivered too hard and the guy dies, then we're not going to weep for him, he threatened our off springs with death." "And if in the course of taking down an active shooter with a gun, he gets injured, then I'm not going to apologize to him. Even if he loses a few fingers when the gun is seized and is unable to fire a gun in future, then that's just a consequence of his decision to pick up a gun and kill our off springs."

rifles Kevlar steel plate armour AR-15 head shot Black Burqas hostage mothers deadly police excessive punch knee rabbit punch active shooter gun fingers kill

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Rough sex at the gym - PDF

Rough sex at the gym
Price: 8.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie, Artwork: Tan Yk)

An Amazon acquires a new victim in the gym and has hot and heavy sex with her. When the victim's boyfriend tries to interfere, he is destroyed with a single punch. She drags her victim into the Ladies room, and gives her more sex than three women would be able to take; more than a dozen men could give. The boyfriend, recovered, tries to intervene again, so she breaks his arm. She takes her new girl and the boyfriend to hospital, where they hook up with a nurse that she knows, and the three women have powerful sex together while the impotent boyfriend watches from his hospital bed.

Amazon victim gym hot heavy sex boyfriend interfere destroyed single punch Ladies room more sex three women dozen men recovered intervene breaks arm hospital hook up nurse powerful sex impotent watches hospital bed

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part two - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part two
Price: 8.00

Sfiyah visited just now, and she was quite excited. "Ayesha, I have a task for you." Uh-oh, I thought, she wants me to bake a cake, and I'm a really rotten cook. But that wasn't it. "You know Jawaria?" "You mean the one married to Dawud?" "That's right," said Sfiyah. "Well I was with her yesterday, and she has a big bruise on her cheek." "How did that happen?" "She said she bent over and hit it on a tap, but I don't believe that's true." "Why would she lie?" "To avoid the shame of admitting that her husband beats her. You remember, you didn't tell anyone when Raafid was beating you." "So why is it your problem?" I asked. "It's a problem for all of us," she replied. "We are all sisters, and so we must care for each other." "Maybe he had a good reason to beat her?" I wondered. Sfiyah gave me a withering look. "Like Raafid had a good reason to beat you?" "Good point," I admitted. "So what do you want me to do about it?" "I think you should Raafid him. Do what you did to Raafid." "But that was different. He was going to marry off Maryam when she was only thirteen, and I just lost my cool at him." Sfiyah shook her head. "That was the trigger. But the real reason was all the abuse you took over so many years. Well, now Jawaria needs your help." "Why me?"

Sfiyah visited excited task bake a cake rotten cook Jawaria married Dawud bruise cheek tap lie shame admitting husband beats remember Raafid problem sisters care good reason beat point what do you want me to do Raafid him marry off Maryam thirteen lost my cool trigger abuse help why me

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Amy's Conquest 3 redux - PDF

Amy's Conquest 3 redux
Price: 8.00

Amy's Conquest 3 Redux Amy dons her classic schoolgirl uniform and wrestles guys as a summer job. Later backstage, the sexy teenage Amazon ravishes a man in the shower and 2 in the locker room.

Amy's Conquest 3 Redux schoolgirl uniform wrestles guys summer job backstage sexy teenage Amazon ravishes man shower locker room.

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Fitness Trainer and Femdom - PDF

Fitness Trainer and Femdom
Price: 8.00

Her abruptness was a blessing. It saved me from the embarrassment of stammering before the most beautiful, tall, muscular, and intimidating, a woman I had ever met. The cut-off tee shirt she wore would normally not have covered the breasts of the average woman, but hers were so firm they stood out straight, almost hitting me as she turned. The long expanse of bare midriff was tanned and rippling with muscle. But the topper was her face. Her chiseled features surrounded a pair of piercing blue eyes whose look had turned me to jelly.

abruptness blessing saved embarrassment stammering beautiful tall muscular intimidating woman met cut-off tee shirt covered breasts average firm stood out straight hitting turned long expanse bare midriff tanned rippling muscle topper face chiseled features surrounded pair piercing blue eyes look jelly

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Amy's Conquest part 2 Redux 2 - PDF

Amy's Conquest part 2 Redux 2
Price: 8.00

The scene starts out with the two gorgeous young musclegirls giggling up a storm, both filled with unreal excitement as they get themselves ready for their first female muscle video clip. Something neither of them have ever officially tried before, yet something they would wind up doing with such ease and unreal skill (not to mention plenty of sexy, young, female muscle) that anyone watching would have thought they had been practicing this online art for many years now. Bouncing up and down on a nearby bed (which was barely large enough to support these two massively muscle packed young women, Amy and Jessica were dressed in very short, tight and revealing lingerie, as they playfully smacked one another with large pillows taken from the front of this very bed. A true "Amazon Girl Sleepover" fantasy come true, and this was only the first 15 seconds. "Hi all, we're back, did you miss us?" Amy spoke out in a girlish tone, lowering her soft pillow down to her side, as she jumped off this barely still intact bed, with her fellow musclegirl following suit. "Well, we sure missed you" Jessica giggled out, continuing their act of little girls, which wasn't too far of a stretch, since they themselves were only 18 years old. Though you wouldn't know that from their voluptuous physiques, which displayed a level of athletic shape, size and hardness that one would think could only belong to someone several years their senior. Yet as much as their bodies gave them the appearance of womanly age and maturity, their incredibly gorgeous and youthful faces made them look almost too young to be "enjoying" such videos and photos. As for their maturity, well girls will be girls, which goes double for those with rock solid, steel hard physiques, who were more than able to take virtually anything that they wanted\u2026\u2026or in this case, ANYONE that they wanted. "We hope you liked our pictures, we worked really hard on them for you all, almost as hard as our Big, Sexy bodies, I'd say" she continued to chirp out in her little girl's voice. "

scene musclegirls giggling storm excitement female muscle video clip unreal skill sexy young female muscle practicing online art bouncing bed massively muscle packed Amy Jessica short tight revealing lingerie playfully smacked large pillows Amazon Girl Sleepover fantasy first 15 seconds Hi all back missed girlish tone soft pillow intact bed fellow musclegirl 18 years old voluptuous physiques athletic shape size hardness womanly age maturity gorgeous youthful faces enjoying videos photos maturity girls will be girls rock solid steel hard physiques virtually anything anyone liked pictures worked really hard Big Sexy bodies chirp out little girl's voice

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Amy's conquest 2 redux part 1 - PDF

Amy's conquest 2 redux part 1
Price: 8.00

Though with such unreal physical statistics as near 17" biceps, 27" thighs, DD-cup breasts, and a full 6 feet in height, it wasn't long after she started her own personal page that people started calling her the very obvious Amazon Amy, and her OurSpace page was literally flooded with male (and even a good amount of female) admirers of young, sexy, hard, female muscle. Which eventually lead to her being introduced to a separate, very select and private grouping of young girls (ranging in age from 18 - 23) who like herself were strong, powerful super feminine hardbodies. These sexy young Amazons were always on the look-out for more girls like themselves, and in Amy they found one of the best, so it was a no-brainer in giving her an official invite to this very select group. It was in fact her idea to arrange for pictures of their various feats and conquests to be taken and downloaded onto their own pages, showing off not only to one other, but to the very select grouping of lucky male admirers of female muscle all over the world, who simply couldn't get enough of these strikingly beautiful, teenage Amazon girls. Exquisite artwork by legendary artist Jupiter 1.

unreal physical statistics 17" biceps 27" thighs DD-cup breasts 6 feet Amazon Amy OurSpace page flooded male admirers female admirers young sexy hard female muscle separate select private grouping young girls age 18-23 strong powerful super feminine hardbodies Amazons look-out more girls best no-brainer official invite select group pictures feats conquests taken downloaded own pages showing off lucky male admirers female muscle strikingly beautiful teenage Amazon girls exquisite artwork legendary artist Jupiter

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The ERG sorority - PDF

The ERG sorority
Price: 8.00

We were just gossiping about guys, as one does. I suppose guys gossip about girls, or maybe they just gossip about sports. I don't know. Boys just don't seem to be rational. Sex is the most important thing in the world, because sex leads to babies, and without babies, the human race goes extinct. Without baseball, the human race doesn't go extinct. Without football, the human race continues. And the same for basketball, cricket, soccer, golf and so on. Something we've all noticed is that there seem to be a bunch of boys that are turned on by female muscle, but there's also a bunch that are intimidated by us to the extent that they don't even appear on our radar. Judy said "I make money by dancing." And while she's dancing in her bikini, she shows off her thick muscles; the audience easily understands that she's stronger than any two of them. "They feel intimidated by my body, and even a bit scared. And when I suggest tips, they respond enthusiastically, with five and ten dollar bills. Sally reminisced about a jockstrap raid she'd been on. "It was great fun. We hit the ALE frat house. There were four of us, and the boys didn't put up any resistance, because they knew that they'd be knocked flat if they tried. So we smashed down their front door - it turned out that it hadn't been locked, but smashing it down set the scene. We barged into their dorm room and rummaged through their drawers, grabbing their most intimate garments - jock straps. They were a bit smelly, but we'd brought plastic bags to put them in. Then we marched out, past the boys who were still cowering in their living room.

gossiping guys girls sports rational sex important babies human race extinct baseball football basketball cricket soccer golf boys turned on female muscle intimidated radar money dancing bikini muscles audience intimidated scared tips enthusiastically jockstrap raid ALE frat house resistance knocked flat smashed front door dorm room drawers intimate garments jock straps smelly plastic bags marched out cowering living room.

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Amy's seduction - PDF

Amy's seduction
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

18-year old Amy Hardstone is in detention, and she seduces the teacher, Robert Scott, who is sitting in on the detention. Why is she there? Because she got into a fight. With three guys, and gave them a severe beating, leaving them in hospital. Amy shows Robert her huge biceps and massive thighs; flexing and breaking the desk she was sitting at. Then she mashes Robert against the blackboard with her enormous breasts, almost smothering him. Amy both attracted and terrified the small teacher. And when he calls her a freak, she's upset, and shows it by mangling the desk. Robert tries to make a run for it, but is stopped by collision with Amy's hard body, and then she crushes him in her arms, leaving him unable to breathe.

18-year old Amy Hardstone detention seduces teacher Robert Scott fight three guys severe beating hospital huge biceps massive thighs flexing breaking desk mashes blackboard enormous breasts smothering attracted terrified small teacher freak upset mangling run stopped collision hard body crushes arms unable to breathe

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The plough girl - part four - PDF

The plough girl - part four
Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Diana the Valkyrie)

Olga explains how to become a plough girl, and looks for a better-paying job. Olga is a tall, strongly built, over-sexed blonde. Her lack of experience in Western ways, gets her into trouble, but her powerful muscles keep her safe. Her striking good looks and well-developed figure lead her into many sexual situations; her kind and gentle nature is the reason why so many men survive her lovemaking. Inspiring artwork by New York City artist Hampton. "The plough girl" is a series of stories by Diana the Valkyrie; each week you can follow Olga's adventures.

Olga plough girl better-paying job tall strongly built over-sexed blonde lack of experience Western ways trouble powerful muscles safe striking good looks well-developed figure sexual situations kind gentle nature men survive lovemaking inspiring artwork New York City artist Hampton

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The plough girl - part three - PDF

The plough girl - part three
Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Diana the Valkyrie)

Olga gets a new job at the KittyKat Klub, and deals with a gun man by crushing the gun with her powerful fingers. Olga is a tall, strongly built, over-sexed blonde. Her lack of experience in Western ways, gets her into trouble, but her powerful muscles keep her safe. Her striking good looks and well-developed figure lead her into many sexual situations; her kind and gentle nature is the reason why so many men survive her lovemaking. "The plough girl" is a series of stories by Diana the Valkyrie; each week you can follow Olga's adventures. Impressive artwork by internationl artist ZGannero.

Olga new job KittyKat Klub gun man crushing powerful fingers tall strongly built over-sexed blonde lack of experience Western ways trouble powerful muscles striking good looks well-developed figure sexual situations kind gentle nature men survive lovemaking

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My step sister - PDF

My step sister
Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Diana the Valkyrie)

His new stepsister, Emily, is nineteen years old, heavily muscled and six foot eight. She immediately starts to bully him and tells him his car is in her spot. She rolls the car onto its roof. Then she kicks him in the belly and delivered a painful and humiliating spanking. His sister Teddy tries to help by rubbing cream onto his sore arse, but she uses something that Emily gave her, which makes things much worse. Emily holds him upside down betwen her thighs, while Teddy rubs on more of the painful cream. Several days later, Emily apologises for her behaviour, and explained that it was a testosterone thing, and she needed help to deal with it - the help being, of course, sex. But sex with a powerful muscle girl is great at first, but as the hours go by it is more painful, humiliating and embarrassing. Then Emily started to have a sexual relationship with his sister Teddy! And then the new mom used dad as a test subject for her business. Her business was items for discipline.

stepsister Emily nineteen years old heavily muscled six foot eight bully car roof kick belly spanking sister Teddy cream sore arse upside down thighs apology testosterone sex muscle girl relationship mom dad test subject business discipline

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The plough girl, illustrated, part 1 - PDF

The plough girl, illustrated, part 1
Price: 8.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie, Artwork: Diego)

Olga is a plough girl - she pulls the plough for her village. They are too poor to own a horse or ox, so a plough girl does the job. Then war hits Ukraine. She joins the fight, but there are just too many well-armed Russians. The villagers left no option but to flee; Olga goes to New York. Olga is a tall, strongly built, over-sexed blonde. Her lack of experience in Western ways, gets her into trouble, but her powerful muscles keep her safe. Her striking good looks and well-developed figure lead her into many sexual situations; her kind and gentle nature is the reason why so many men survive her lovemaking. Exquisite artwork by Diego "The plough girl" is a series of stories; each week you can follow Olga's adventures.

Olga plough girl village poor horse ox war Ukraine fight Russians flee New York tall strongly built over-sexed blonde experience Western ways trouble powerful muscles good looks well-developed figure sexual situations kind gentle nature men lovemaking.

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The plough girl part 2, illustrated - PDF

The plough girl part 2, illustrated
Price: 8.00

Mike measures Olga. 52 inch chest, so she explained that when she gets her sex life going again, everything will get bigger. She goes to a club and was refused entry, after a short altercation she steps over the bouncer into the club. Inside, some guy puts his hand up her skirt, so she brought her legs together, turned to face him, he didn't move quickly enough and his arm broke. The Olga finds a suitable dance partner; her idea of suitable means small and weak. She picked him up and took him to the dance floor, and held him close to her body as she fucked him then let him down to the floor; he was crying. When she got home, Mike was still awake, so she told him how she got mugged on the way home, and how she punished each of the would-be muggers. Then she took Mike to bed, her sixth sex of the evening. Next day, Olga tries to get a job. She was rejected as a waitress because of her size, she was rejected for heavy manual labour, because she's a girl, but she went back to the club and got a job there as a female bouncer. At the end of the evening, she stops a fight betwen two guys with a fist to the belly of each of them. She picked them up, one under each arm, and threw them out of the club. Superb artwork by Dracowhip.

Mike measures Olga 52 inch chest sex life bigger club refused entry altercation bouncer hand skirt legs together face arm broke suitable dance partner small weak dance floor fucked let him down crying home mugged punished would-be muggers bed sixth sex next day job rejected waitress size heavy manual labour girl female bouncer end of the evening fight fist belly picked them up threw them out club Superb artwork Dracowhip

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Vicki's revenge - PDF

Vicki's revenge
Price: 8.00

Bruce hasn't seen Vicki for 12 years, when she was 13. She's changed since then, changed a lot. She's now 25 years old, 6'4" tall, 225 muscular, solid pounds. Beautiful face, large breasts, Short wavy blond hair, piercing blue eyes. He asks her out on a date; two people who cause trouble in the restaurant, are waiting for them outside. Vicki disposes of them in less than a minute. The next day, Bruce watches Vicki in the gym. Then she challenges him to wrestle; reluctantly he accepts. Big mistake. She dominates him totally, with overhead lift-and-drop, bear hug and reverse head scissors. Finally, Vicki gets the revenge she's been anticipating for 12 years, as she puts him over her knees and spanks him. Tears of humiliation run down his face, but his cock is still hard, and Bruce loses control.

Bruce Vicki 12 years 13 changed 25 years old 6'4" tall 225 muscular solid pounds beautiful face large breasts short wavy blond hair piercing blue eyes date trouble restaurant waiting Vicki disposes less than a minute next day gym challenges wrestle reluctantly accepts big mistake dominates overhead lift-and-drop bear hug reverse head scissors revenge anticipating puts him over her knees spanks tears of humiliation cock loses control.

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It takes two (Redux) (Part 2) - PDF

It takes two (Redux) (Part 2)
Price: 8.00

Tiffany and Stacy are best friends and lovers; Tiffany is also dating Ron. Ron has been seeing Gina - Tiffany doesn't like that and punished Ron with a pec crush. She made Ron, who is very intimidated by a strong woman, to come to school wearing a dress to his great humiliation. Stacy makes Bobby do a 69 while holding him upside down, then Tiffany joins in for a threesome, but the weak and helpless Bobby is soon exhausted, leaving the two girls to make love with their powerfully muscled bodies.

Tiffany Stacy best friends lovers dating Ron Gina punishment pec crush intimidated strong woman humiliation school dress Stacy Bobby 69 upside down threesome weak helpless exhausted muscled bodies make love.

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The Weakling Male Meets Sexy Muscle Woman at the Grocery Store - PDF

The Weakling Male Meets Sexy Muscle Woman at the Grocery Store
Price: 8.00

The Weakling Male looks for Bigger Buffer girls than himself through the stores. He finally finds the Perfect Sexy Muscular Amazon he was looking for, both taller and Much more Muscular than him. She will dominate, wrestle and rip him to shreds in this Story, written by the Weakling Male himself. Gorgeous Muscle Domination art by AlphaDawg.

Weakling Male Bigger Buffer girls stores Perfect Sexy Muscular Amazon taller Much more Muscular dominate wrestle rip Story written Weakling Male Gorgeous Muscle Domination art AlphaDawg.

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America's Next Top Amazon (Episode 2) - PDF

America's Next Top Amazon (Episode 2)
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Edson)

The Iconic series, where YOU choose who left each epidsode, Returns! Here our assortment of beautiful young Amazon girls enter their new spacious home for their time on the show, along with their Legendary host and various judges! Their excitement knows no bounds, as they enjoy their incredible new home and all its perks, while telling stories and getting to know one another on a personal level! Then it's off to their first challenge, where they must each create their own Ultimate Amazon photo! Loads of pics from Amazing artist Edson on this classic story!

Iconic series choose episode Returns assortment beautiful young Amazon girls spacious home Legendary host judges excitement incredible perks stories personal level challenge create Ultimate Amazon photo Amazing artist Edson classic story.

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GymDomme MuscleDomme - PDF

GymDomme MuscleDomme
Price: 8.00
(Artist: K. Styler)

Her abruptness was a blessing. It saved me from the embarrassment of stammering before the most beautiful, tall, muscular, and intimidating, a woman I had ever met. The cut-off tee shirt she wore would normally not have covered the breasts of the average woman, but hers were so firm they stood out straight, almost hitting me as she turned. The long expanse of bare midriff was tanned and rippling with muscle. But the topper was her face. Her chiseled features surrounded a pair of piercing blue eyes whose look had turned me to jelly.

abruptness blessing saved embarrassment stammering beautiful tall muscular intimidating woman met cut-off tee shirt covered breasts average firm stood out straight hitting turned long expanse bare midriff tanned rippling muscle topper face chiseled features surrounded pair piercing blue eyes look jelly.

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Virtual Wife - PDF

Virtual Wife
Price: 8.00
(Story: Fragilistic, Artwork: Dracowhip)

John couldn't be more thrilled when his package arrived, prying the large crate open to reveal his Virtual Wife, a stunningly beautiful, toweringly statuesque robot mate, he named Susan! At first she was everything he could have imagined, though as she quickly learns and adapts, she becomes much more than he can handle! Discovering his various fantasies, most of them involving being dominated, Susan roleplays in a variety of different costumes and scenarios, using her vastly superior strength to control him in and out of the bedroom! Fantastic illustrations from Dracowhip on this sexy story by Fragilistic!

John thrilled package arrived prying large crate Virtual Wife stunningly beautiful toweringly statuesque robot mate named Susan imagined learns adapts handle discovering fantasies dominated roleplays costumes scenarios vastly superior strength control bedroom illustrations Dracowhip sexy story Fragilistic.

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Happy Birthday Alina 3 - VIDEO

Happy Birthday Alina 3
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This is Alina's birthday. Wedge brings her cheap flowers, and she gets angry... With Alina, handsome 80kg bodybuilder and Wedge, small 60kg guy. Alina becomes more and more sexy each time we see her, with her perfect physique, she's now the perfect girl!

Alina birthday flowers angry handsome bodybuilder small guy sexy physique perfect girl

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Happy Birthday Alina 2 - VIDEO

Happy Birthday Alina 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This is Alina's birthday. Wedge brings her cheap flowers, and she gets angry... With Alina, handsome 80kg bodybuilder and Wedge, small 60kg guy. Alina becomes more and more sexy each time we see her, with her perfect physique, she's now the perfect girl!

Alina's birthday Wedge cheap flowers angry handsome 80kg bodybuilder small 60kg guy sexy perfect physique perfect girl

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Happy Birthday Alina 1 - VIDEO

Happy Birthday Alina 1
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This is Alina's birthday. Wedge brings her cheap flowers, and she gets angry... With Alina, handsome 80kg bodybuilder and Wedge, small 60kg guy. Alina becomes more and more sexy each time we see her, with her perfect physique, she's now the perfect girl!

Alina's birthday Wedge cheap flowers angry handsome 80kg bodybuilder small 60kg guy sexy perfect physique perfect girl

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Strong and Sexxy Power Goddess 2 - VIDEO

Strong and Sexxy Power Goddess 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

The strength and power of this awesome Muscle Goddess is beyond compare! From the moment she enters the room, you know there is something very different and special about her. And when she starts to pose her huge, ripped, veiny muscles for you, whew!!! It takes your breath away. You just have to touch them . .. . feel their power . . . and then you want her to wrestle you to really see how powerful they actually are. Sit back and enjoy the show guys . . . it's worth it and there will be much much more coming!!! This very powerful Power Goddess shows us more of what she's made of in this video. She does some arm wrestling and wow!!! She packs a mean punch! Watch how her already massive biceps pop up and become even bigger. Un thinkable!! Then she strips off her bikini top and goes ballistic on her opponent in some very powerful wrestling holds. From arm bars, to body scissors . . . well you just have to watch her in action. She will bllloooww your mind!!! Worshipping this ever so strong and sexxy Power Goddess is beyond words! She is "ripped". . . she is very muscular . . . . and oh so sexxy! She loves to flaunt, tease and torture! Watch her here as she creates muscle worship on the couch, then some ass plopping with her striated glutes that you will definitely go to heaven with!!! Then finally some incredible face sitting on the floor leading to a final victory pose and knockout. Her muscular striated glutes were just too much for this poor fella!!!

Muscle Goddess strength power muscles pose wrestle arm wrestling biceps wrestling holds worship ripped muscular sexxy flaunt tease torture muscle worship glutes victory pose knockout.

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Strong and Sexxy Power Goddess 1 - VIDEO

Strong and Sexxy Power Goddess 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

The strength and power of this awesome Muscle Goddess is beyond compare! From the moment she enters the room, you know there is something very different and special about her. And when she starts to pose her huge, ripped, veiny muscles for you, whew!!! It takes your breath away. You just have to touch them . .. . feel their power . . . and then you want her to wrestle you to really see how powerful they actually are. Sit back and enjoy the show guys . . . it's worth it and there will be much much more coming!!! This very powerful Power Goddess shows us more of what she's made of in this video. She does some arm wrestling and wow!!! She packs a mean punch! Watch how her already massive biceps pop up and become even bigger. Un thinkable!! Then she strips off her bikini top and goes balistic on her opponent in some very powerful wrestling holds. From arm bars, to body scissors . . . well you just have to watch her in action. She will bllloooww your mind!!! Worshipping this ever so strong and sexxy Power Goddess is beyond words! She is "ripped". . . she is very muscular . . . . and oh so sexxy! She loves to flaunt, tease and torture! Watc h her here as she creates muscle worship on the couch, then some ass plopping with her striated glutes that you will definitely go to heaven with!!! Then finally some incredible face sitting on the floor leading to a final victory pose and knockout. Her muscular striated glutes were just too much for this poor fella!!!

Muscle Goddess strength power muscles wrestling arm wrestling biceps bikini top wrestling holds worship muscular sexxy flaunt tease torture muscle worship glutes victory pose knockout.

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Buffy and Sidekick Dynamite 3 - VIDEO

Buffy and Sidekick Dynamite 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Buffy is a beautiful ,sexy muscular Amazon who trains and works out all the time in the gym. She's got the most impressive beautiful muscular legs that the Sidekick Dynamite worships. He loves women that can take advantage of him; so Buffy does just that. She goes up to him and ask him if he used her towels. He denies it; she asks again he denies again. She then grabs him by the shoulders and puts a powerful headscissor on him crushing his head. As he starts wimpering she squeezes even harder the more he wimpers the more pressure she puts on. She then goes from a standing headscissor to sitting headscissor. And then continues to squeeze harder and harder, as he starts screaming in pain. She keeps asking him did you use the towels? Do you hear me? He starts screaming, saying obscene words, and keeps saying to her how can i answer you if your squeezing me like a python She keeps saying your lying to me. He keeps yelling in pain and saying baby please let up a little your squeezing me so hard. Then more headsciissors with those sexy strong legs The more he says please stop I dont know who used your towels. She says to him your lying about the towels how did the towels get so dirty? He wont tell her the truth she then puts a bodyscissor on him, take the wind right out of him. At the end theres a surprise ending.

Buffy sexy muscular Amazon gym legs Sidekick Dynamite headscissor wimpering pain screaming towels lying squeezing python bodyscissor surprise ending.

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Girls these days - VIDEO

Girls these days
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Buffy is a beautiful ,sexy muscular Amazon who trains and works out all the time in the gym. She's got the most impressive beautiful muscular legs that the Sidekick Dynamite worships. He loves women that can take advantage of him; so Buffy does just that. She goes up to him and ask him if he used her towels. He denies it; she asks again he denies again. She then grabs him by the shoulders and puts a powerful headscissor on him crushing his head. As he starts wimpering she squeezes even harder the more he wimpers the more pressure she puts on. She then goes from a standing headscissor to sitting headscissor. And then continues to squeeze harder and harder, as he starts screaming in pain. She keeps asking him did you use the towels? Do you hear me? He starts screaming, saying obscene words, and keeps saying to her how can i answer you if your squeezing me like a python She keeps saying your lying to me. He keeps yelling in pain and saying baby please let up a little your squeezing me so hard. Then more headsciissors with those sexy strong legs The more he says please stop I dont know who used your towels. She says to him your lying about the towels how did the towels get so dirty? He wont tell her the truth she then puts a bodyscissor on him, take the wind right out of him. At the end theres a surprise ending.

Buffy beautiful sexy muscular Amazon trains works out gym impressive legs Sidekick Dynamite worships women advantage towels denies grabs shoulders powerful headscissor crushing wimpering squeezes pressure standing sitting screaming pain keeps asking hear obscene words python lying yelling baby let up more headscissors strong lying dirty bodyscissor wind surprise ending

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Buffy and Sidekick Dynamite 1 - VIDEO

Buffy and Sidekick Dynamite 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Buffy is a beautiful ,sexy muscular Amazon who trains and works out all the time in the gym. She's got the most impressive beautiful muscular legs that the Sidekick Dynamite worships. He loves women that can take advantage of him; so Buffy does just that. She goes up to him and ask him if he used her towels. He denies it; she asks again he denies again. She then grabs him by the shoulders and puts a powerful headscissor on him crushing his head. As he starts wimpering she squeezes even harder the more he wimpers the more pressure she puts on. She then goes from a standing headscissor to sitting headscissor. And then continues to squeeze harder and harder, as he starts screaming in pain. She keeps asking him did you use the towels? Do you hear me? He starts screaming, saying obscene words, and keeps saying to her how can i answer you if your squeezing me like a python She keeps saying your lying to me. He keeps yelling in pain and saying baby please let up a little your squeezing me so hard. Then more headsciissors with those sexy strong legs The more he says please stop I dont know who used your towels. She says to him your lying about the towels how did the towels get so dirty? He wont tell her the truth she then puts a bodyscissor on him, take the wind right out of him. At the end theres a surprise ending.

Buffy sexy muscular Amazon gym legs Sidekick Dynamite headscissor wimpering pressure standing sitting pain screaming towels lying python squeezing strong bodyscissor surprise ending.

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My Mile High Muscle Gal - VIDEO

My Mile High Muscle Gal
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

New to the scene, but unique and unbelievably sexxy, Nikki Now demonstrates her explosive power and great physique in this fantasty domination video. Entering the room, 6% bodyfat, at 6' tall and 150 lbs., Nikki looks just unbelievable! Her victim is waiting on her on the bed and cannot believe his eyes at what he sees. He asks her for a bicep pose, back pose and all we can say is WOW! She is truly amazing! She then gets on the bed for some fun wrestling and look at those long, lean, painful legs of hers! Well, ya just gotta see more of this emerging Dyna Bomb! Nikki is really having fun wrapping them long lean muscular thighs around her victim. But, she has a big surprise for him! She tells him she will be right back and back she is! With Knee Hi black patent leather stiletto heel boots making her 7' tall, wow! She is just incredible! And she toys with him on the floor and then standing over him in bed, amazing views guys that you will just for!!!

New scene unique unbelievably sexxy Nikki Now explosive power great physique fantasy domination video entering room 6% bodyfat 6' tall 150 lbs. unbelievable victim bicep pose back pose amazing bed fun wrestling long lean painful legs emerging Dyna Bomb wrapping muscular thighs surprise right back Knee Hi black patent leather stiletto heel boots 7' tall incredible toys floor standing over bed amazing views guys

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The Burglar and the Walkyrie - VIDEO

The Burglar and the Walkyrie
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

The burglar decided to try to break into a house of Jana that he should never have broken into. He makes his way by the window and finds a window open and creeps in. She then comes down the stairs. He sees she's a huge muscular woman. Without warning, she grabs him by the throat, throws him to the ground, and then stomps her foot on his neck. She then strips him down and puts on very heavy body scissors and a face lock as she hears him whimper in pain. She puts on more pressure and then smothers him with her butt and her strong muscular breasts and then starts rubbing his crotch as he starts to feel dazed She continues by putting head scissors on him as he lays there with her on top of him as she continues to stroke him after putting a painful head-scissor on him She then face smothers him more and more making hard for him to breathe twisting his nipples. She starts showing off by flexing her beautiful sexy muscles. She makes him worship her muscular legs by telling him to feel my powerful thighs as he continues to do so. She lays beside him feeling him up as he gets excited and starts smiling enjoying it as he gets totally relaxed she grabs his head and puts a huge face lock on him taking away his air he collapses on the floor and walks off camera.

burglar break into house Jana window open creeps in stairs muscular woman grabs throat throws ground stomps neck strips heavy body scissors face lock whimper pain pressure smothers butt strong breasts rubbing crotch dazed head scissors lays top stroke painful face smothers breathe twisting nipples showing off flexing beautiful sexy muscles worship legs powerful thighs beside feeling excited smiling relaxed grabs head huge face lock air collapses floor camera.

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The Burglar and the Walkyrie 1 - VIDEO

The Burglar and the Walkyrie 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

The burglar decided to try to break into a house of Jana that he should never have broken into. He makes his way by the window and finds a window open and creeps in. She then comes down the stairs. He sees she's a huge muscular woman. Without warning, she grabs him by the throat, throws him to the ground, and then stomps her foot on his neck. She then strips him down and puts on very heavy body scissors and a face lock as she hears him whimper in pain. She puts on more pressure and then smothers him with her butt and her strong muscular breasts and then starts rubbing his crotch as he starts to feel dazed She continues by putting head scissors on him as he lays there with her on top of him as she continues to stroke him after putting a painful head-scissor on him She then face smothers him more and more making hard for him to breathe twisting his nipples. She starts showing off by flexing her beautiful sexy muscles. She makes him worship her muscular legs by telling him to feel my powerful thighs as he continues to do so. She lays beside him feeling him up as he gets excited and starts smiling enjoying it as he gets totally relaxed she grabs his head and puts a huge face lock on him taking away his air he collapses on the floor and walks off camera.

burglar break-in Jana window muscular woman throat ground neck body scissors face lock pain pressure smother butt breasts crotch head scissors dazed head-scissor face smother breathe nipples flexing muscles worship thighs excited relaxed camera

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Measure 4 Measure - VIDEO

Measure 4 Measure
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Builtmore)

Shot at Muscle Beach Hotel on Venice Beach, we had beautiful Valentina with us for a video shoot that day. After a little makeup, we had a little interview with her. She hit different poses for the camera but before we would go further, we wanted to measure her body and she was more than excited and ready. She was huge with 15 inches biceps, 44 inches chest, 17 inches calves, and 24 inches quads. Fortunately, we had Saoirse with us and she was so passionate to oil Valentina's body. Things got a little kinky as Saoirse had unintentional laughter as she was oiling her body. At one point, Saoirse asked if she could oil her chest again. We don't know if Valentina took Saoirse with her. To end the shoot Valentina changed her dress from bikini to sexy lingerie and posed for us with Hip hop music in the back to have a classic Californian Vibe.

Shot Muscle Beach Hotel Venice Beach Valentina video shoot makeup interview poses camera measure body excited ready huge 15 inches biceps 44 inches chest 17 inches calves 24 inches quads Saoirse passionate oil kinky unintentional laughter chest bikini sexy lingerie posed Hip hop music classic Californian Vibe.

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The Casting 3 - VIDEO

The Casting 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Mr. Sessionee was looking at Renata! Questioning her built! Renata is a very sexy, cute bodybuilder with a great figure! The guy asks her to take off her top and bottom! And she's left wearing a bikini! He says to her! Ok, let's see you flex! She starts flexing! He then starts to look at her saying he doesn't think she's strong enough for him! She proves him wrong and says to him! Oh, I am strong enough! She then grabs him and throws him on the bed ! She then puts painful head scissors on him! Squeezing his head! He keeps telling her to stop it! It hurts! And keeps whimpering! As she poses and shows off her beautiful muscular body! She goes from hold to hold torturing him! By doing face locks and huge body scissors squeezing him! Making his face turn red from pain!As he gasps for breath! She tells him to get up and take off his shirt and pants! He takes them off and she says to him! Uhh, see the difference! look at my body compared to yours! Without hesitation! She poses her arms and legs and then throws him on the bed again with more body scissors! With her sexy legs grasped over his wimpy body! She then pushes his face into her sexy sweaty breasts! Her cute face with a huge smile as she looks at the camera! As she continues to torture him! She continues to do her bicep pose to show how strong she is! As she starts sweating! Her body gets sexier as she goes from hold to hold with body scissors and head scissors and breast smothering! Making it hard for him to function! In the end, she's victorious! He finally admits that she is stronger than him!

Sessionee Renata bodybuilder figure bikini flex strong head scissors poses muscular body face locks body scissors pain breath shirt pants arms legs wimpy sweaty breasts smile camera bicep pose sweating victorious.

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The Casting 2 - VIDEO

The Casting 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Mr. Sessionee was looking at Renata! Questioning her built! Renata is a very sexy, cute bodybuilder with a great figure! The guy asks her to take off her top and bottom! And she's left wearing a bikini! He says to her! Ok, let's see you flex! She starts flexing! He then starts to look at her saying he doesn't think she's strong enough for him! She proves him wrong and says to him! Oh, I am strong enough! She then grabs him and throws him on the bed! She then puts painful head scissors on him! Squeezing his head! He keeps telling her to stop it! It hurts! And keeps whimpering! As she poses and shows off her beautiful muscular body! She goes from hold to hold torturing him! By doing face locks and huge body scissors squeezing him! Making his face turn red from pain!As he gasps for breath! She tells him to get up and take off his shirt and pants! He takes them off and she says to him! Uhh, see the difference! look at my body compared to yours! Without hesitation! She poses her arms and legs and then throws him on the bed again with more body scissors! With her sexy legs grasped over his wimpy body! She then pushes his face into her sexy sweaty breasts! Her cute face with a huge smile as she looks at the camera! As she continues to torture him! She continues to do her bicep pose to show how strong she is! As she starts sweating! Her body gets sexier as she goes from hold to hold with body scissors and head scissors and breast smothering! Making it hard for him to function! In the end, she's victorious! He finally admits that she is stronger than him!

Mr. Sessionee Renata questioning built sexy cute bodybuilder great figure top bottom bikini flex strong enough grabs throws bed painful head scissors stop hurts whimpering poses muscular body face locks body scissors red from pain gasps for breath shirt pants difference arms legs wimpy body pushes face sweaty breasts smile camera bicep pose sweating victorious admits stronger than him

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The Casting 1 - VIDEO

The Casting 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Mr. Sessionee was looking at Renata! Questioning her built! Renata is a very sexy, cute bodybuilder with a great figure! The guy asks her to take off her top and bottom! And she's left wearing a bikini! He says to her! Ok, let's see you flex! She starts flexing! He then starts to look at her saying he doesn't think she's strong enough for him! She proves him wrong and says to him! Oh, I am strong enough! She then grabs him and throws him on the bed! She then puts painful head scissors on him! Squeezing his head! He keeps telling her to stop it! It hurts! And keeps whimpering! As she poses and shows off her beautiful muscular body! She goes from hold to hold torturing him! By doing face locks and huge body scissors squeezing him! Making his face turn red from pain!As he gasps for breath! She tells him to get up and take off his shirt and pants! He takes them off and she says to him! Uhh, see the difference! look at my body compared to yours! Without hesitation! She poses her arms and legs and then throws him on the bed again with more body scissors! With her sexy legs grasped over his wimpy body! She then pushes his face into her sexy sweaty breasts! Her cute face with a huge smile as she looks at the camera! As she continues to torture him! She continues to do her bicep pose to show how strong she is! As she starts sweating! Her body gets sexier as she goes from hold to hold with body scissors and head scissors and breast smothering! Making it hard for him to function! In the end, she's victorious! He finally admits that she is stronger than him!

Mr. Sessionee Renata questioning built sexy cute bodybuilder great figure top bottom bikini flex strong enough grabs throws bed painful head scissors stop hurts whimpering poses muscular body face locks body scissors red from pain gasps for breath shirt pants difference arms legs wimpy body pushes face sweaty breasts smile camera bicep pose sweating victorious admits stronger than him

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Wild Muscle Party 2 - VIDEO

Wild Muscle Party 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

These two Ashleys or should we say Ashlee and Ashley are amazing together! They get together during a competition to share some wine with each other and just cannot keep their hands off of each other's incredible physiques. Ashley Starr poses for Ashlee Chambers and Ashlee Chambers wants to see Ashley Starr's Booty Twerking, which she gladly accommodated. They then proceed to strip each other down to the "Buff" and enjoy each others' bods, when they get wild hair up their ass and want to order a male stripper to come and entertain them. Let the Party Begin!!!! Ashlee Chambers and Ashley Starr are having fun together with some wine and now a Male Stripper has entered the room and wow!!! These two gorgeous lean and muscular Physique Girlz are ready to get down and party!!! And party is just what they do. Sit back and watch the fun and magic between these three. Naked Muscle Girlz and stripping muscle man and touchy, feely, wiggle wiggle and just let your imagination run wild!! Because Wild I just what this party is all about!!! The Wild Physique Girls party is really getting underway now! Their male stripper is totally in the "buff" as they are and all the sensual play is at hand. Touchy-feely muscle clitties, the sucking of hard firm breasts, pussy eating galore, and wow!!! What a sight to behold! Then the women get the male stripper on the floor for some great nude double fantasy wrestling. This is one party you don't wanna miss!!! What more can we say about these two Ashley and Ashlee in their wild n crazy Muscle Party with their male stripper! Ashley is doing some very sexual and serious rear face sitting on the male stripper while he is enjoying that ebony muscle clitty! Ashlee Chambers is having fun giving him a very hot oil hand job on his cock. The three of them are certainly heated up and exuding sensuality! Cum in and join the Muscle Party!!!

Ashleys Ashlee Ashley amazing together competition share wine hands incredible physiques Ashley Starr Ashlee Chambers Booty Twerking strip Buff male stripper party fun wine entered room gorgeous lean muscular Physique Girlz naked muscle man touchy feely wiggle imagination Wild underway sensual play touchy-feely muscle clitties sucking hard firm breasts pussy eating sight to behold women floor nude double fantasy wrestling party Ashley Ashlee wild crazy Muscle Party male stripper sexual serious rear face sitting enjoying ebony muscle clitty Ashlee Chambers hot oil hand job cock heated up exuding sensuality Cum join Muscle Party

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Wild Muscle Party 1 - VIDEO

Wild Muscle Party 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

These two Ashleys or should we say Ashlee and Ashley are amazing together! They get together during a competition to share some wine with each other and just cannot keep their hands off of each other's incredible physiques. Ashley Starr poses for Ashlee Chambers and Ashlee Chambers wants to see Ashley Starr's Booty Twerking, which she gladly accommodated. They then proceed to strip each other down to the "Buff" and enjoy each others' bods, when they get wild hair up their ass and want to order a male stripper to come and entertain them. Let the Party Begin!!!! Ashlee Chambers and Ashley Starr are having fun together with some wine and now a Male Stripper has entered the room and wow!!! These two gorgeous lean and muscular Physique Girlz are ready to get down and party!!! And party is just what they do. Sit back and watch the fun and magic between these three. Naked Muscle Girlz and stripping muscle man and touchy, feely, wiggle wiggle and just let your imagination run wild!! Because Wild I just what this party is all about!!! The Wild Physique Girls party is really getting underway now! Their male stripper is totally in the "buff" as they are and all the sensual play is at hand. Touchy-feely muscle clitties, the sucking of hard firm breasts, pussy eating galore, and wow!!! What a sight to behold! Then the women get the male stripper on the floor for some great nude double fantasy wrestling. This is one party you don't wanna miss!!! What more can we say about these two Ashley and Ashlee in their wild n crazy Muscle Party with their male stripper! Ashley is doing some very sexual and serious rear face sitting on the male stripper while he is enjoying that ebony muscle clitty! Ashlee Chambers is having fun giving him a very hot oil hand job on his cock. The three of them are certainly heated up and exuding sensuality! Cum in and join the Muscle Party!!!

Ashley amazing together competition share wine hands incredible physiques Ashley Starr Ashlee Chambers Booty Twerking strip Buff male stripper party fun wine entered room gorgeous lean muscular Physique Girlz naked muscle man touchy feely wiggle imagination Wild underway sensual play touchy-feely muscle clitties sucking hard firm breasts pussy eating sight to behold women floor nude double fantasy wrestling party Ashley Ashlee wild crazy Muscle Party male stripper sexual serious rear face sitting enjoying ebony muscle clitty Ashlee Chambers hot oil hand job cock heated up exuding sensuality Cum join Muscle Party.

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Tipsy with Cognac 3 - VIDEO

Tipsy with Cognac 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Alina is reading a book, when her boyfriend enters the room, totally tipsy. She doesn't appreciate it so much... With Alina, an attractive 80kg bodybuilder, and Wedge, a small 60kg guy. Alina becomes sexier and sexier each time we see her, with her perfect physique, she's now the perfect girl! (In this video, she's in great shape, just after the contest, as you've never seen her in our videos).

Alina reading book boyfriend enters room tipsy appreciate attractive 80kg bodybuilder Wedge small 60kg guy sexier perfect physique perfect girl video great shape contest never seen videos

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Tipsy with Cognac 2 - VIDEO

Tipsy with Cognac 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Alina is reading a book, when her boyfriend enters the room, totally tipsy. She doesn't appreciate it so much... With Alina, an attractive 80kg bodybuilder, and Wedge, a small 60kg guy. Alina becomes sexier and sexier each time we see her, with her perfect physique, she's now the perfect girl! (In this video, she's in great shape, just after the contest, as you've never seen her in our videos).

Alina reading book boyfriend enters room tipsy appreciate attractive 80kg bodybuilder Wedge small 60kg guy sexier perfect physique perfect girl video great shape contest never seen videos

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Tipsy with Cognac 1 - VIDEO

Tipsy with Cognac 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Alina is reading a book, when her boyfriend enters the room, totally tipsy. She doesn't appreciate it so much... With Alina, an attractive 80kg bodybuilder, and Wedge, a small 60kg guy. Alina becomes sexier and sexier each time we see her, with her perfect physique, she's now the perfect girl! (In this video, she's in great shape, just after the contest, as you've never seen her in our videos).

Alina reading book boyfriend enters room tipsy appreciate attractive 80kg bodybuilder Wedge small 60kg guy sexier perfect physique perfect girl video great shape contest never seen videos

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Brazilian Massage 3 - VIDEO

Brazilian Massage 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Dressed like a Brazilian on the beach, with a local cap and sunglasses, Wedge will long remember his brazilian adventure in Paris. Yasmin, a beautiful Jiu-jitsu expert with extremely powerful adductors, is determined to teach him her conception of brazilian massage. She will successively review her whole massage catalogue, containing terrible and various submission holds. “Do you feel this pressure in your stomach ? Do you know where it’s coming from ? it’s coming from my butt” “Feel my butt”. Yasmin has a very handsome curvy sexy body which would be the dream of every guy on earth. There is a reason if brazilian butts are said to be the most beautiful in the world. Her body is a perfect mix of sensuality, beauty, sexyness and power, her beauty spot still highlighting the sex appeal of her nice face. But don't trust her slim body and smooth skin because she's incredibly strong and skilled. She loves overpowering and controlling men, playing with them and calling the tune at her own rythm. Wedge is her prey, subjugated by her beauty. Like Kaa singing "trust in me", she's wrapping her long and never ending legs around hime like a python. At the beginning he doesn't feel much, but she's applying little by little a pressure which suffocates him and makes him scream. Her thighs are powerful and her scissors are strong. She will squeeze him stronger and stronger until he begs in french and portuguese at her demand. He will endlessly suffer. Her great flexibility will allow her to apply painful leg locks (double legs) and armlocks of various kinds. She demonstrates her power in an absolutely delightful teasing way . This movie contains a lot of hugs, body scissors, head scissors, figure4, armbars, sleepers, headlocks, facesitting… successively applied one after another. But you will find moments of sensuality which are the well-known speciality of latine girls. She will ask him to kiss her neck. She will cuddle him with sensuality, rubbing him on her sexy body, using him like a toy. She's asking him to stroke her biceps, massage her legs, kiss her body “feel my muscles”, while applying deep breast smotherings. If you like sensual girls with nice butt and boobs, powerful legs, and domination talk, this video is yours!

Brazilian beach cap sunglasses adventure Paris Jiu-jitsu adductors massage submission holds butt sexy body sensuality beauty power beauty spot slim body smooth skin strong skilled overpowering controlling prey python pressure suffocates scream thighs scissors leg locks armlocks flexibility teasing hugs body scissors head scissors figure4 armbars sleepers headlocks facesitting sensuality latine girls neck biceps breast smotherings domination talk video.

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Brazilian Massage 2 - VIDEO

Brazilian Massage 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Dressed like a Brazilian on the beach, with a local cap and sunglasses, Wedge will long remember his brazilian adventure in Paris. Yasmin, a beautiful Jiu-jitsu expert with extremely powerful adductors, is determined to teach him her conception of brazilian massage. She will successively review her whole massage catalogue, containing terrible and various submission holds. “Do you feel this pressure in your stomach ? Do you know where it’s coming from ? it’s coming from my butt” “Feel my butt”. Yasmin has a very handsome curvy sexy body which would be the dream of every guy on earth. There is a reason if brazilian butts are said to be the most beautiful in the world. Her body is a perfect mix of sensuality, beauty, sexyness and power, her beauty spot still highlighting the sex appeal of her nice face. But don't trust her slim body and smooth skin because she's incredibly strong and skilled. She loves overpowering and controlling men, playing with them and calling the tune at her own rythm. Wedge is her prey, subjugated by her beauty. Like Kaa singing "trust in me", she's wrapping her long and never ending legs around hime like a python. At the beginning he doesn't feel much, but she's applying little by little a pressure which suffocates him and makes him scream. Her thighs are powerful and her scissors are strong. She will squeeze him stronger and stronger until he begs in french and portuguese at her demand. He will endlessly suffer. Her great flexibility will allow her to apply painful leg locks (double legs) and armlocks of various kinds. She demonstrates her power in an absolutely delightful teasing way . This movie contains a lot of hugs, body scissors, head scissors, figure4, armbars, sleepers, headlocks, facesitting… successively applied one after another. But you will find moments of sensuality which are the well-known speciality of latine girls. She will ask him to kiss her neck. She will cuddle him with sensuality, rubbing him on her sexy body, using him like a toy. She's asking him to stroke her biceps, massage her legs, kiss her body “feel my muscles”, while applying deep breast smotherings. If you like sensual girls with nice butt and boobs, powerful legs, and domination talk, this video is yours!

Brazilian beach cap sunglasses adventure Paris Jiu-jitsu adductors conception massage catalogue submission holds pressure stomach butt curvy sexy body sensuality beauty sexiness power beauty spot slim skin strong skilled overpowering controlling prey subjugated python suffocates scream thighs scissors begs French Portuguese flexibility leg locks armlocks teasing hugs body scissors head scissors figure4 armbars sleepers headlocks grapevines facesitting sensuality latine girls neck cuddle toy biceps legs breasts domination talk video

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Brazilian Massage 1 - VIDEO

Brazilian Massage 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Dressed like a Brazilian on the beach, with a local cap and sunglasses, Wedge will long remember his brazilian adventure in Paris. Yasmin, a beautiful Jiu-jitsu expert with extremely powerful adductors, is determined to teach him her conception of brazilian massage. She will successively review her whole massage catalogue, containing terrible and various submission holds. “Do you feel this pressure in your stomach ? Do you know where it’s coming from ? it’s coming from my butt” “Feel my butt”. Yasmin has a very handsome curvy sexy body which would be the dream of every guy on earth. There is a reason if brazilian butts are said to be the most beautiful in the world. Her body is a perfect mix of sensuality, beauty, sexyness and power, her beauty spot still highlighting the sex appeal of her nice face. But don't trust her slim body and smooth skin because she's incredibly strong and skilled. She loves overpowering and controlling men, playing with them and calling the tune at her own rythm. Wedge is her prey, subjugated by her beauty. Like Kaa singing "trust in me", she's wrapping her long and never ending legs around hime like a python. At the beginning he doesn't feel much, but she's applying little by little a pressure which suffocates him and makes him scream. Her thighs are powerful and her scissors are strong. She will squeeze him stronger and stronger until he begs in french and portuguese at her demand. He will endlessly suffer. Her great flexibility will allow her to apply painful leg locks (double legs) and armlocks of various kinds. She demonstrates her power in an absolutely delightful teasing way . This movie contains a lot of hugs, body scissors, head scissors, figure4, armbars, sleepers, headlocks, facesitting… successively applied one after another. But you will find moments of sensuality which are the well-known speciality of latine girls. She will ask him to kiss her neck. She will cuddle him with sensuality, rubbing him on her sexy body, using him like a toy. She's asking him to stroke her biceps, massage her legs, kiss her body “feel my muscles”, while applying deep breast smotherings. If you like sensual girls with nice butt and boobs, powerful legs, and domination talk, this video is yours!

Brazilian beach cap sunglasses adventure Paris Jiu-jitsu adductors massage submission holds stomach butt sexy body sensuality beauty power beauty spot slim body smooth skin strong skilled overpowering controlling prey python pressure thighs scissors leg locks armlocks flexibility teasing hugs body scissors head scissors figure4 armbars sleepers headlocks facesitting sensuality latine girls biceps breast smotherings domination talk

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Vegas Kerfuffle - VIDEO

Vegas Kerfuffle
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Venice Beach Studios)

MJ Dominator Strong Feet. Our INTERN SESSIONEE gets a little too helpful as he admires the physically capable MJ DOMINATOR stretch her muscular physique at a local private gym. His lechery only gives our Amazon an excuse to torture him mercilessly. MJ proceeds to punch him out and use her powerful legs to apply all manner of scissor holds. His stubborn insistence allows MJ to exercise EXTREME MUSCLE CONTROL as she uses her baseball sized biceps and dense thighs to teach our sessionee a painful lesson by choking him to near unconsciousness before finishing him off with her infamous death grip.

Keywords: MJ Dominator strong feet intern sessionee physically capable muscular physique private gym Amazon torture punch powerful legs scissor holds extreme muscle control baseball sized biceps dense thighs painful lesson choking unconsciousness death grip.

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SportsBook 702 - VIDEO

SportsBook 702
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Venice Beach Studios)

In this drama, the strong and sexy LILLY ICE runs into her INTERN SESSIONEE after he inadvertently lights his cigarette with her winning sports ticket. As he makes excuses Lilly gets pissed then decides to take him down and severely punish him. With powerful athleticism the blonde powerhouse puts her muscles to good use and immediately chokes him into submission with a crushing neck scissors. After taking his breath away she refuses to let him breathe and smothers him in many different ways before finishing him off with a multitude of scissors holds and spine bending figure fours, crushing the life out of him. From such sexiness comes such deadliness.

drama strong sexy Lilly Ice intern sessionee cigarette winning sports ticket excuses pissed take him down severely punish powerful athleticism blonde powerhouse muscles choke submission neck scissors breath smother finishing him off multitude scissors holds spine bending figure fours crushing life sexiness deadliness.

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Ginger Muscle 2 - VIDEO

Ginger Muscle 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Come see sexy Ginger Muscle ... 5'5" 150 lbs. Ripped muscles lift and carry a 200 lb. man around. Fireman's carry, cradle and shoulder squats . . . fantastic lift and carry action!!! She poses for him and he oils her up and worships her muscular body. She takes her top off and things start to heat up. He kisses every row of her chiseled abs, they do some fun arm wrestling, fantasy wrestling and even some foot worship!! Being an Ex-Exotic Dancer, Ginger knows the moves and boy does she prove it in her sensual lap dance at the end of this video.

Ginger Muscle 5'5" 150 lbs Ripped muscles Lift and carry Fireman's carry Cradle Shoulder squats Oils Muscular body Abs Arm wrestling Fantasy wrestling Foot worship Exotic dancer Lap dance.

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Ginger Muscle 1 - VIDEO

Ginger Muscle 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Come see sexy Ginger Muscle ... 5'5" 150 lbs. Ripped muscles lift and carry a 200 lb. man around. Fireman's carry, cradle and shoulder squats . . . fantastic lift and carry action!!! She poses for him and he oils her up and worships her muscular body. She takes her top off and things start to heat up. He kisses every row of her chiseled abs, they do some fun arm wrestling, fantasy wrestling and even some foot worship!! Being an Ex-Exotic Dancer, Ginger knows the moves and boy does she prove it in her sensual lap dance at the end of this video.

sexy Ginger Muscle ripped muscles lift and carry fireman's carry cradle shoulder squats oil worship muscular body chiseled abs arm wrestling fantasy wrestling foot worship Ex-Exotic Dancer lap dance

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Denise Wrestler - VIDEO

Denise Wrestler
Price: 8.00
(Artist: BMP Vintage)

This extreme 'RENDEZVOUS' features the thickly voluptuous bodybuilder DENISE WRESTLER who starts things off pretty intensely as the large, amazon-tressed and sultry combatant begins by slamming the latest Intern Sessionee against the wall and nearly choking the life out of him for staring at her in the gym. Denise then teaches him by tossing the poor man on the bed for a series of crushing holds, forcing the Intern to admire and massage her huge muscles. Finally Ms. Wrestler lifts and throws her Sessionee all over the hotel room before leaving him in a humiliated, defeated pile. Total Muscle Domination.

extreme RENDEZVOUS bodybuilder DENISE WRESTLER amazon combatant Intern Sessionee gym choking crushing holds muscles hotel room humiliation defeat Muscle Domination.

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The Debt Collector 3 - VIDEO

The Debt Collector 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Claudia Partenza is visited by a debt collector. She tells him "tomorrow", he says no. She tries to persuade him with her feminine charms - still no. If gentle persuasion won't work, it's time to bring her powerful muscles and expert wrestling ability to the change his mind. So she throws him onto her bed, gets on top of him, and his torment begins. She wrestles with him, including a head lock, a head scissors, a reverse head scissors, armlock, breast smother, face sitting. He kisses and worships her muscles, and finally she knocks him out with a figure four scissors.

Claudia Partenza debt collector tomorrow persuade feminine charms powerful muscles expert wrestling ability bed top torment wrestles head lock head scissors reverse head scissors armlock breast smother face sitting kisses worships muscles knocks out figure four scissors.

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The Debt Collector 2 - VIDEO

The Debt Collector 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athenta2)

Claudia Partenza is visited by a debt collector. She tells him "tomorrow", he says no. She tries to persuade him with her feminine charms - still no. If gentle persuasion won't work, it's time to bring her powerful muscles and expert wrestling ability to the change his mind. So she throws him onto her bed, gets on top of him, and his torment begins. She wrestles with him, including a head lock, a head scissors, a reverse head scissors, armlock, breast smother, face sitting. He kisses and worships her muscles, and finally she knocks him out with a figure four scissors.

Claudia Partenza debt collector tomorrow persuade feminine charms powerful muscles expert wrestling ability bed top torment wrestles head lock head scissors reverse head scissors armlock breast smother face sitting kisses worships muscles knocks out figure four scissors.

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The Debt Collector - VIDEO

The Debt Collector
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Claudia Partenza is visited by a debt collector. She tells him "tomorrow", he says no. She tries to persuade him with her feminine charms - still no. If gentle persuasion won't work, it's time to bring her powerful muscles and expert wrestling ability to the change his mind. So she throws him onto her bed, gets on top of him, and his torment begins. She wrestles with him, including a head lock, a head scissors, a reverse head scissors, armlock, breast smother, face sitting. He kisses and worships her muscles, and finally she knocks him out with a figure four scissors.

Claudia Partenza debt collector tomorrow persuade feminine charms powerful muscles expert wrestling ability bed top torment wrestles head lock head scissors reverse head scissors armlock breast smother face sitting kisses worships muscles knocks out figure four scissors.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part six - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part six
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The plough girl squadron, part five - AUDIO

The plough girl squadron, part five
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part four - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part four
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part 3 - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part 3
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part 2 - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part 2
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part 1 - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part 1
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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Lysa Strata - AUDIO

Lysa Strata
Price: 5.00

Lysa Strata They brought my sister Joanna to my home. They couldn't leave her at hers, she wouldn't be able to cope. Because Joanna was missing a leg. Lysa Strata decided to instigate a strike. A strike of women. No sex until the Forever War was ended.

Lysa Strata sister Joanna home cope missing leg instigate strike women sex Forever War ended.

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Pain nurse part one - AUDIO

Pain nurse part one
Price: 5.00

A lot of people don't really understand about pain. I do, because I'm a pain nurse. Pain has two purposes. The obvious purpose is to alert you to the fact that something is wrong. If you pick up a too-hot plate, the pain is telling you to take rapid action before more damage is done. That's what everyone knows. But pain has a second purpose. The sensation of pain is transmitted from the damage site to the brain via the nervous system, and the body responds by taking actions to fix the problem, so that healing starts immediately. But sometimes, the pain sensation is inadequate, or is "referred". A referred pain is when you feel pain in the wrong place. For example, if you have a heart problem, you can't feel pain in your heart - the pain is felt in your left arm, elbow and shoulder. That's when the pain nurse comes in. If the pain is insufficient or referred, my job is to boost the pain. I have a number of different techniques that I can use, but rather than give a textbook exposition, I'll describe some case studies (the patient's names are, of course, anonymised). If you want a textbook, I'd suggest Wall & Melzack's "Textbook of Pain", available from many online bookshops.

pain nurse purposes alert damage nervous system referred pain sensation healing techniques case studies Wall & Melzack Textbook of Pain

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Windmills 2 - AUDIO

Windmills 2
Price: 5.00

Following that first day, when Steph showed me her new, gym toned body, and demonstrated her superior physical power, things began to change in our marriage. It wasn't just the dynamic of our sex lives either, the whole nature of our relationship changed. I don't think it was the fact she could (and did) now take full control in bed - it was the fact I loved it. This was something quite different and fed into the dynamics of life together outside the bedroom. It wasn't like I used to be undisputed head of the household and all that had suddenly changed. Steph had always made more money than me and we had always made out decision together. The important stuff, like about the household or where to live. But I had always kind of had the final say. I guess it was just the natural pattern of things, one that we'd always followed without thinking or discussing things. But once she started regularly kicking my ass on the wrestling mats, usually before carrying me to bed and dominating me, other aspects of our lives started changing too. I mean, I had always harboured secret domination fantasies, I watched videos online and things but I never thought it would be a reality of my life. But now Steph had taken full control of our love life, quite literally, I really began to lean into it and open myself up to those parts of me I'd never allowed before. Steph for her pert helped with her renewed sexual appetite. The reality was we had never had this much sex. Not even when we were young. We were discovering a whole new life that neither of us had even realised we wanted. And it was exciting. For both of us. She thought up new ways to user her body and mine and we both delighted in playing together and indulging this new part of ourselves. It wasn't just the wrestling either. I had started to worship her. Both literally and figuratively. After one energetic bout of wrestling, Steph stood over me, then, with a curious look on her face, she put her foot on my face. I'd never had a thing for feet but within seconds, I was kissing and licking her foot and sucking on her toes, flat on my back, naked with my hard-on sticking straight up in the air. She looked down with me with a pleased look in her eyes, before she pulled her panties to the side and sat right on my face. She rocked herself to orgasm while I worked hungrily at her lips. When she came, she stood up, looked down at me and said, "What do you say?" I gazed up and her and responded, "Thank you... Mistress"

gym toned body physical power marriage sex lives relationship control decision domination fantasies wrestling sexual appetite worship foot toes orgasm Mistress.

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Pizza Girl part one - AUDIO

Pizza Girl part one
Price: 5.00

Yes. I deliver pizza. Because someone has to, and I need a job. With the economy how it is post-Brexit (I still don't understand how we got conned into that) well-paying jobs are as rare as hen's teeth. So I'm a pizza delivery girl. And I'm Pizzagirl because a weird accident happened with the pizza microwave plus pineapple plus anchovies, which should normally never come in contact, let alone on top of pizza. Superman came from Krypton, Batman came from Gotham City, Wonder Woman came from Themyscira. I come from Neasden in London. Superman has superpowers because he's Kryptonese, Batman because he spends a lot of money on gadgets, Wonder Woman because she's an Amazon. Me? See above - the accident. Superman, Batman and WW all have secret identities, so when the accident happened, I realised I needed one. Because superheroes don't get paid. Can you imagine? Superman swoops down and saves a falling woman and then invoices her for $600. Wonder Woman worked part time at Taco Whiz and takes home minimum wage. No chance. So for my secret identity, I put on a pair of plain glass spectacles, because apparently that's all you need. But to be totally sure of secrecy, I also wore my hair in a ponytail instead of the falling locks that Pizzagirl wears.

pizza delivery job economy Brexit Pizzagirl accident microwave pineapple anchovies Superman Batman Wonder Woman Neasden London superpowers secret identities superheroes plain glass spectacles ponytail

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The Black Burqa part six - AUDIO

The Black Burqa part six
Price: 5.00

"Those high powered rifles can go straight through even Kevlar" he told me. "Yes," I agreed. Actually, I was surprised that no-one had guessed that we'd kitted out our women with steel plate armor - armor much heavier than an ordinary man could carry. And that steel armor, weighing about a hundred pounds would deflect an AR-15 round. We knew this, because we'd tested it. "But what if the shooter had gone for a head shot?" That was certainly a possibility, but gun training was to aim for the Centre mass, because a head is a much smaller target. "If he'd gone for a head shot, it would certainly have been "Goodnight Gracie", but we sent in three Black Burqas, and even if one was killed, it would be a good trade for the lives of the thirty off springs that he was holding hostage." "That's incredibly brave," said the interviewer. "We're women," I replied. "And we're mothers. off springs are the purpose of our existence. You'd need to be a mother yourself to understand, but here's a simple way to put it. The female of the species is more deadly than the male." I continued. "Men talk. Men negotiate. Men compromise, and while that is appropriate for many purposes, when it comes to off springs, there is no doubt, no hesitation and no compromise. Our Black Burqas had one and only one purpose. If the police had tried to stop them, they would have been swept aside. If one had been shot then the other two would have continued to rescue those off springs." "The shooter was in a real mess when the police went in, wasn't that excessive?" he asked. I repeated, "There is no compromise. No negotiation. Anyone who threatens our off springs, gets the immediate white-hot fury of the female of the species. In this case, what happened exactly was, a punch to the belly to incapacitate him and double him up, a knee lifted to meet the face coming down and break the nose and teeth, and a double-fist rabbit punch to knock him out and lay him flat on the ground. And when a Black Burqa delivers that triple whammy, the recipient is knocked cold for the next several hours. And if it's delivered too hard and the guy dies, then we're not going to weep for him, he threatened our off springs with death." "And if in the course of taking down an active shooter with a gun, he gets injured, then I'm not going to apologies to him. Even if he loses a few fingers when the gun is seized and is unable to fire a gun in future, then that's just a consequence of his decision to pick up a gun and kill our off springs."

rifles Kevlar steel plate armour AR-15 head shot Black Burqas hostage mothers deadly police excessive threat active shooter gun consequences kill

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Respect all, fear nun - part four - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part four
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part four We learn about nuns and candles, and the part they play in the life of a nun. Fiona dreams about Satan, and does a deal with the devil; the off springs of the orphanage will all get Xboxes in return for Fiona's soul. Fiona now thinks she's infested by Satan, so Sam does an exorcism for her, which involves some very heavy sex. But the Xboxes have already started to appear in the hands of the off spring. Where could they have come from? Then Fiona realizes. If it was all just a dream, then it didn't matter. And if it wasn't a dream, Satan was lying to her; it's what he does.

Respect fear nuns candles life Fiona Satan deal devil orphanage Xboxes soul infested Sam exorcism sex dream lying.

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The Black Burqa part two - AUDIO

The Black Burqa part two
Price: 5.00

Sfiyah visited just now, and she was quite excited. "Ayesha, I have a task for you." Uh-oh, I thought, she wants me to bake a cake, and I'm a really rotten cook. But that wasn't it. "You know Jawaria?" "You mean the one married to Dawud?" "That's right," said Sfiyah. "Well I was with her yesterday, and she has a big bruise on her cheek." "How did that happen?" "She said she bent over and hit it on a tap, but I don't believe that's true." "Why would she lie?" "To avoid the shame of admitting that her husband beats her. You remember, you didn't tell anyone when Raafid was beating you." "So why is it your problem?" I asked. "It's a problem for all of us," she replied. "We are all sisters, and so we must care for each other." "Maybe he had a good reason to beat her?" I wondered. Sfiyah gave me a withering look. "Like Raafid had a good reason to beat you?" "Good point," I admitted. "So what do you want me to do about it?" "I think you should Raafid him. Do what you did to Raafid." "But that was different. He was going to marry off Maryam when she was only thirteen, and I just lost my cool at him." Sfiyah shook her head. "That was the trigger. But the real reason was all the abuse you took over so many years. Well, now Jawaria needs your help." "Why me?"

Sfiyah excited task bake cake cook Jawaria Dawud bruise tap husband beats shame sisters care reason Raafid marry Maryam abuse help.

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Respect all, fear nun - part two - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part two
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part two An inspector calls The letter confirming that the defunding had been rescinded, duly arrived. No surprise - Justin Graham had sworn on a bible that this would be done, and that's binding. But our celebrations were short-lived. That letter was swiftly followed by another, telling us that we were going to be inspected. If that sounded ominous, it's because it was. Not because we were doing anything wrong, but because today's America is a place where officials like the mayor make use of official systems to get what they personally want. Yes, that is corruption, but this is how it is now. We were in his way. He wanted the orphans to be in his privately run, for-profit, orphan machine - and the sisters of St Hilda wanted the orphans to have the best experiences growing up, that we could give them. I told Nancy, the Mother Superior. "Deal with it," she said, not unkindly. "I have great confidence in you, Fiona, and I'll pray for you." Prayer is good, of course, but I wanted more. "Could I borrow one of the novices?" I asked. "What for?" asked the Mother Superior. "When the inspectors call, I want to shadow them, to make sure they don't make up stuff about us. So I need the extra pair of hands. Could I borrow Daisy?" "You mean, Sister Vache?" "Yes." "OK, that's fine, you can have her for two weeks." She was called Sister Vache for a reason. And her nickname was Daisy for the same reason - a cow's udders can hold six gallons of milk, and a cow's teats are about two inches long. Daisy wasn't anywhere near that big - but nicknames don't have to be accurate.

Respect fear inspector defunding rescinded Justin Graham binding celebrations America corruption mayor orphans privately run for-profit orphan machine sisters of St Hilda experiences Nancy Mother Superior Fiona novices inspectors shadow make up Daisy Sister Vache cow udders milk teats nickname.

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Cuddling With Your Crushing Cutie - AUDIO

Cuddling With Your Crushing Cutie
Price: 5.00

When your beautiful, buff girlfriend sneakily joins you inside your sleeping bag during a friend-filled cabin holiday, you are clearly in Heaven! Her firm, solid, shapely body cuddling super snugly into you, her soft, sensual voice whispering erotically into your nearby ears! Clearly your cock throbs at such thoughts (which she can more than tell, it now being tightly inside her), though when her snuggling form gets tighter around yours, lusting arousal turns to fearful concern! Her words continue to coo breathily into you, as she reveals her recent discovery about your cheating ways - big mistake to do so to a girl who can deadlift your car! Her enveloping hold around you becomes more crushing, even her constrictive "inner most" muscles squooshing your entrapped shaft, as she decides to use you as her sexual plaything this night, for her pleasure only, nothing but punishing pain for you - and if your cries of agony wake up the friends sleeping around you, then it will get so much worse for You! JuicyPeach works her Super Sensual magic here, her whisper-like tone making this A MUST for female muscle and ASMR lovers alike! (17 1/2 minutes)

beautiful buff girlfriend sleeping bag friend-filled cabin holiday Heaven firm solid shapely body cuddling snugly soft sensual voice whispering erotically cock throbs tightly inside her snuggling form tighter lusting arousal fearful concern cheating ways big mistake deadlift car enveloping hold crushing constrictive inner most muscles squooshing entrapped shaft sexual plaything pleasure only punishing pain cries of agony wake up friends JuicyPeach Super Sensual magic female muscle ASMR lovers

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Superhero Down - AUDIO

Superhero Down
Price: 5.00

Imagine being a legendary hero, who even with all of your skills and abilities, have been easily captured by the Power of a Villainous Amazon! You awaken from your unconsciousness, trapped in a steel hard cage, as the sexy (yet vicious) muscle packed varlet goads and teases your vastly inferior form, your peak human male physique utterly useless compared to her superhuman female form! She soon enters your cage to join you, effortlessly bending the metal bars to do so, as she begins to use her beautiful, buff body to knock you senseless, doing so in a sexily teasing manner, a fitting punishment for thwarting her latest evil scheme! She then bursts from her outfit and decides to break you to pieces, while getting her own sexual thrill from your destruction! Erotic audio Legend JuicyPeach works her magic on this sexy story, as always, putting YOU in the action! (15 1/2 minutes)

legendary hero skills abilities captured Power Villainous Amazon unconsciousness steel cage sexy muscle packed varlet peak human male physique superhuman female form metal bars beautiful buff body senseless teasing punishment evil scheme outfit break destruction sexual thrill Erotic audio JuicyPeach action

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Not Too Tired For Me - AUDIO

Not Too Tired For Me
Price: 5.00

You return home from a friend's get-together with your bodybuilding girlfriend (who was a hit at the party, showing off her very impressive strength), as she expresses her desire to throw the next one; though she soon sees you're exhausted from a night of too much fun, so she decides to carry you lovingly to bed! While doing so, she notices your cock is still wide awake, so with some sensual muscle talking and sexy flex-stripping, she soon joins you in bed; her much stronger form pinning you beneath her, as she gets you to touch every inch of her muscle-packed body! Arms, pecs, glutes and thighs are all within your grasp, as she sexily shows off their superior power and rock hardness, before deciding to give you just what you want most, to release yourself against her Amazonian body - even if that means she smothers you out in the process! Another Awesomely acted story by one of the Legends of Erotic Audio, JuicyPeach!

bodybuilding girlfriend strength party exhausted bed muscle sensual flex-stripping form power rock hardness Amazonian smother erotic audio JuicyPeach

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Tales Of A Buff Beauty - AUDIO

Tales Of A Buff Beauty
Price: 5.00

When a tall, muscular young woman awakens from a night of crushing muscle fun with her man (his bruised body laying still beside her), she tells you her tale about growing up a beautiful, buff Amazon girl! Sharing stories about how she and her equally muscular little sister (who loves demolishing her men) received their genetics from their bodybuilding mother, as well as their drive to become stronger than any man! Talking about how they built their bodies and learned to love overpowering the weaker male sex from their controlling Muscle Mom, about how they and some other statuesque supergirls routinely trick and dominate guys at the club, describing the events from the previous night with her man, showing him that with incredible strength also comes an amazing sexual drive! Even though she tries to be gentle, her unbridled arousal causes her to lose control and overwhlem her man more than she planned! Though when she finds that he's not quite as asleep next to her as he pretends, she decides to continue her previous night's fun, whether he wants to or not! Another super erotic audio story from the sultry voice of McKenzie Alex! (13 1/4 minutes)

tall muscular young woman awakens night crushing muscle fun man bruised body tells tale growing up beautiful buff Amazon girl sharing stories equally muscular little sister demolishing men genetics bodybuilding mother drive stronger weaker male sex controlling Muscle Mom statuesque supergirls routinely trick dominate guys club describing events previous night incredible strength amazing sexual drive gentle unbridled arousal lose control overwhelm planned finds asleep pretends continue fun super erotic audio story sultry voice McKenzie Alex

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Night Out At The Athena Club - AUDIO

Night Out At The Athena Club
Price: 5.00

You and your guy friends are sitting at a table in the famous Athena Club, greeted by one of their sexy, muscle packed young waitresses, who is eager to give you all free samples of her wares, before taking your order! Overpowering your largest friend in arm-wrestling (while sensually sitting on the lap of another of your group), challenging yet another to try and pry apart her thick, shapely legs, while daring others to punch her rock solid abs or full, hard pecs! Lusciously muscular as she is, this buff beauty is still smaller than anyone in your gathering, yet her strength is enough to easily (and sexily) overpower you all, handling you as if you were nothing but playthings to her! Getting you all (and she herself as well) riled up and ultra aroused, she is now ready to take your order - what will you request of your own personal Amazon girl, and could any of you handle it once you've made your order? As always, the ultra sensual sounds of McKenzie Alex truly brings YOU into this sexy muscle-packed story! (13 3/4 minutes)

guy friends table famous Athena Club greeted sexy muscle packed young waitresses free samples wares order largest friend arm-wrestling sensually lap group challenging pry apart thick shapely legs daring punch rock solid abs full hard pecs lusciously muscular buff beauty smaller gathering strength easily overpower playthings riled up ultra aroused ready take your order request personal Amazon girl handle made your order ultra sensual sounds McKenzie Alex sexy muscle-packed story

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Time To Pay You A Visit - AUDIO

Time To Pay You A Visit
Price: 5.00

You open your door to be greeted by your super sexy, super hardbodied neighbor, one who thinks it's about time to bring your fantasies to life! She's noticed you gazing at her from your window, watching lustily as she exercises her rock solid physique, showing off her amazing strength and incredible fighting skills - though she's not mad at you, in fact she's super excited that such a handsome hunk would be so enamored with her! So with permission from your beautiful wife (who your neighbor is training to become your very own Amazon girl), this super sexy musclegirl uses sensual seduction and physical domination to take control of you, all while talking sexily about her incredible body and all the amazing things she can do with it! Such muscle talking is getting you Super Aroused, just as she had planned, allowing her to make your utmost sexual desires come true! Stunning erotic vocals from McKenzie Alex on this ultra erotic audio story! (16 minutes)

super sexy hardbodied neighbor fantasies rock solid physique amazing strength incredible fighting skills handsome hunk enamored beautiful wife Amazon girl musclegirl sensual seduction physical domination muscle talking super aroused sexual desires erotic vocals McKenzie Alex ultra erotic audio story.

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Your Amazon Protector - AUDIO

Your Amazon Protector
Price: 4.00

When your beautiful muscular girlfriend arrives home after a night out at the bar with some of her fellow sexy Amazons, she's a bit puzzled to not find you anywhere. She playfully searches around, only to then find you trapped, tied up and beaten by a large male intruder, who is still inside! She easily frees you, then to search for this man in your house, handling him all too easily as she brings him back to you. Though before calling the police, she notices just how Aroused you are by her actions - this leads to her extending this brutish thug's stay a while, as she flexes out of her clothes and proceeds to teach him a harsh, crushing lesson - all for YOUR enjoyment! Super Sexy vocals (and sound effects) by Dangerous ASMR here, you will definitely not want to miss this one! (10 1/2 minutes)

beautiful muscular girlfriend night out bar sexy Amazons trapped tied up beaten large male intruder house police Aroused brutish thug flexes clothes crushing lesson vocals sound effects Dangerous ASMR enjoyment.

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Musclegirl Treats Her Man Right - AUDIO

Musclegirl Treats Her Man Right
Price: 4.00

Imagine you're laying in bed, as your strong, muscular girlfriend poses sexily before you, showing off each of her powerful bodyparts in lacy lingerie, in a very erotic manner! Of course, such sexy muscle flexing isn't the only treat she has for you tonight, as she's brought over several large, powerful macho men from the gym, for the sole purpose of man-handling them for your sexy viewing pleasure! Even combined they can't hope to challenge her unreal strength, as she puts them out with a few crushing squeezes, before joining you in bed, where she evelopes you in her rock solid body, pumping her tight, rippling form into you until you both Climax together! There's nothing better than having a loving Amazon girlfriend, and no one better to perform this story to YOU than the world class erotic tones of JuicyPeach Audio! (18 minutes)

bed muscular girlfriend poses sexily powerful bodyparts lingerie erotic muscle flexing macho men gym man-handling viewing pleasure strength crushing squeezes rock solid body tight rippling form Climax Amazon girlfriend JuicyPeach Audio erotic tones.

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Super-Girlfriend Saves Her Man - AUDIO

Super-Girlfriend Saves Her Man
Price: 4.00

Imagine you're walking back to your college campus, hand in hand with your stunning young girlfriend - now imagine you're both jumped by a group of vicious attackers! Try as you did, your defense was quickly handled by these cruel men, leaving you injured on the ground....then why are you waking up in your girlfriend's loving arms? Let her tell you the whole story, as she cuddles you in her protective embrace, comforting (and arousing) you with her tale of how she destroyed these men (and their getaway car) for daring to hurt you, her darling man! Then let her show you just how super-girls like her make their darling men feel better, like Only they can! The Incredibly Sexy voice of McKenzie Alex tells this "Super" sensual story, just for You! (13 minutes)

college campus girlfriend attackers defense injured waking up loving arms protective embrace comforting arousing destroyed getaway car super-girls sensual story McKenzie Alex darling man feel better Only they can Incredibly Sexy voice 13 minutes.

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Home From The Gym, And Ready For Action - AUDIO

Home From The Gym, And Ready For Action
Price: 4.00

When your super horny, super strong, muscle packed girlfriend returns home from the gym, and wants to get you in the bedroom for some Sexy Time, you best Not reply by telling her you need a few more minutes to finish your video game mission (Big Mistake)! This of course causes your beautiful Amazon girl to show you the error of your ways, taking you to the special padded room for some Rough Foreplay, before carrying your helpless form to bed, where she erotically uses you for her sexual plaything! Your impressive strength is nothing next to hers, as she teaches you that when she wants to Fuck, you drop everything and step to it - Or Else! Super Sensual acting by the Ultra Erotic voice of McKenzie Alex here! (13 1/2 minutes)

horny strong muscle girlfriend gym Sexy Time bedroom video game Amazon girl Rough Foreplay padded room bed sexual plaything strength Fuck Ultra Erotic McKenzie Alex

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Blind Date Blessing - AUDIO

Blind Date Blessing
Price: 4.00

You return to the home of your blind date, a tall, shapely beauty, and things couldn't be going better - or could they! It's not long before she entices you further, quickly showing off much more of her voluptuous form, which you are Thrilled to see is filled with thick, hard, super strong female muscle! She loves your reaction to her Amazonian physique, as she gets more and more erotic with her words and displays of her superior power! It's not long before you are carried to her bedroom, where she then proceeds to introduce you to the Best Sex imaginable, that with a super sexy muscle girl! You will Absolutely Love the first of our upcoming series of audio clips (all of which putting YOU in the action), from some of The Best in the business of ASMR and audio erotica! This one performed by the Ultra Sensual voice and attitude of JuicyPeach Audio! (25 minutes)

blind date tall shapely beauty voluptuous female muscle Amazonian physique superior power bedroom Best Sex muscle girl audio clips ASMR audio erotica JuicyPeach Audio Ultra Sensual attitude.

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Sexy Amazon Girlfriend - AUDIO

Sexy Amazon Girlfriend
Price: 2.00

Listen to your college Amazon girlfriend's Incredibly Erotic voice, as she talks to you, her oh so lucky lover, about her hard, strong, muscular body! Sexy and Sensual first-person spoken Amazon Audio, the perfect compliment to ANY of your favorite muscle posing clips, or just to listen to alone and let your mind Imagine! (8 minutes)

college Amazon girlfriend Incredibly Erotic voice talks lucky lover hard strong muscular body Sexy Sensual first-person spoken Amazon Audio perfect compliment favorite muscle posing clips listen alone mind Imagine 8 minutes.

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Tony's Troubles - AUDIO

Tony's Troubles
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Lecherous man gets confronted by his super strong ex-girlfriend when he posts sexy pictures of her on his website. Great story by DTM!

lecherous man confronted super strong ex-girlfriend sexy pictures website DTM great story

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Amazon's Sexual Destruction - AUDIO

Amazon's Sexual Destruction
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

A beautiful Amazon girl manhandles her boyfriend. Sexy story by DTM!

Amazon girl manhandles boyfriend sexy story DTM

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College Girl Muscle - AUDIO

College Girl Muscle
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Two college Amazons deal out love... and pain. Sexy story by DTM!

college Amazons deal love pain sexy story DTM

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A Stupid Man's Brutal Beating - AUDIO

A Stupid Man's Brutal Beating
Price: 2.00

Vanessa powerfully crushes her ex-boyfriend in revenge. Classic story by DTM!

Vanessa powerfully crushes ex-boyfriend revenge classic story DTM

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Lori's New Play Toy - AUDIO

Lori's New Play Toy
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

21 year old Lori loves ravishing men. Sexy classic story by DTM!

21 year old Lori loves ravishing men sexy classic story DTM

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Different Strokes For Different Folks - AUDIO

Different Strokes For Different Folks
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

A sexy Amazon milks a very lucky guy. Classic story by DTM!

sexy Amazon milks lucky guy Classic story DTM

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Can You See Me Baby - AUDIO

Can You See Me Baby
Price: 2.00

A super-sexy Amazon takes you on the most romantic and sexual night of your life. Great story by Christa and a hot ending!

super-sexy Amazon romantic sexual night life great story Christa hot ending

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6'4 Muscle Devushka Goddess Worship - TEXT

6'4 Muscle Devushka Goddess Worship
Price: 2.00
(Story: Lil Guy)

Original Story by Lil Guy Todd is unlucky in love. After a long dry spell, he turns to an online app where he can talk to women overseas. It was made for women looking for marriage and green cards. He meets a muscle-bound Russian Beauty. A woman of his dreams with massive muscle and sex appeal to spare. He quickly falls madly in love. He proposes wanting to take her hand in marriage. He assumes it will be a quiet and romantic life. He has no idea what he is getting into with this muscle goddess. Anatasia is a Russian Temptress. She was a criminal who was betrayed by her crew during a heist. She wants revenge. To do this she needs to get a flunky to give her a green card when she gets to America. He is her cover. But Antasia soon falls for this man during an online relationship. But she looking for a unique type of relationship. She wants a pet, a servant, someone to worship her. Anatasia is a muscle goddess who craves conquest. She loves to dominate fully. The question is, can she take down her enemies all while protecting her new lovely boy toy at the same time?

Todd unlucky love online app women overseas marriage green cards Russian Beauty muscle-bound sex appeal love marriage proposal romantic muscle goddess Anatasia Russian Temptress criminal revenge green card America online relationship pet servant worship conquest dominate enemies boy toy.

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Amy's Conquest 4 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 4
Price: 6.00

In this story we meet Amy's muscular mom, Elizabeth for the first time. Watching her daughter and Jessica ravish their teacher and post videos to the internet, she can't help but get in on a very sexual, crushing threesome!

Amy muscular mom Elizabeth daughter Jessica teacher videos internet sexual crushing threesome

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Amy's Conquest 5 part 1 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 5 part 1
Price: 6.00

When Amy heads off to college, she seeks to join a Very Special Sorority (along with some equally Amazonian friends), one that specializes in hard, sexy female muscle. The first part of their trails is to create the best Female Muscle calendar around, something they do to a T - with the help of the football team's "all too willing" players, of course. - Awesome artwork by FemForteFan!

Amy college Very Special Sorority Amazonian friends hard sexy female muscle trails create best Female Muscle calendar T help football team all too willing players Awesome artwork FemForteFan

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Amy's Conquest 7 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 7
Price: 6.00

When Amy and her Muscle Mom Elizabeth switch MO's in a contest to decide who is the Ultimate Amazon, it ends they only way it can, with them both joining forces against their helpless men, using them sexually as they see fit, until an unexpected family member pops in to voice her rather unhappy opinion! - Amy Icon FemForteFan illustrating this latest installment - with 49 Amazing Pictures!

Amy Muscle Mom Elizabeth switch MOs contest Ultimate Amazon joining forces helpless men using sexually unexpected family member unhappy opinion Amy Icon FemForteFan latest installment

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