Search Results for "art"


Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 1) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Watch as sexy teenage Amazon Jessica Armstrong works out Hard, pumping her already massive muscles in her basement's gym, all the while fantasizing about her Sister In Muscle, Amy, as well as a long time crush, her older brother's best friend, who is just upstairs....or so he was, Jessica just missing him, she then takes her Sexual Frustration out on her utterly helpless brother! - Amazingly drawn COLOR pics from a new AC artist, Jupiter 1!

sexy teenage Amazon Jessica Armstrong works out Hard pumping massive muscles basement's gym fantasizing Sister In Muscle Amy long time crush older brother's best friend upstairs missing Sexual Frustration utterly helpless brother Amazingly drawn COLOR pics new AC artist Jupiter 1

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The Mixer - PDF

The Mixer
Price: 6.00
(Story: Pac, Artwork: Max)

When a sweet young college boy (who lusts after athletically built girls) heads over to his school's Mixer and meets up with a tall, musclebound Amazonian beauty, sparks fly. as she shows off her unreal strength for him, both on the football field, and in the bedroom (along with a fellow towering college babe)! - Awesome artwork by Max, on this Pac tale!

sweet young college boy lusts athletically built girls school's Mixer meets up tall musclebound Amazonian beauty sparks fly shows off unreal strength football field bedroom towering college babe awesome artwork Max Pac tale

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Amazon Hooker - PDF

Amazon Hooker
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Rom)

When you visit a 6'2", 190 pound, muscle packed Amazon, who's as strong as she is sexy, you definately get what you pay for; in this case, to be completely overwhelmed, crushed, lifted, sucked and then some, all for your Pleasure.....or is that her Pleasure, and your Pain! - Awesome COLOR artwork by Rom here on this Incredible AmazonFan story!

visit 6'2" 190 pound muscle packed Amazon strong sexy pay for completely overwhelmed crushed lifted sucked Pleasure Pain Awesome COLOR artwork Rom Incredible AmazonFan story

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Amy's Conquest: 2012 Folio - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2012 Folio
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Yatz, Stef & Rob)

To help end 2012, a fun little folio showing Amy being "Amy" in a variety of scenes that are both Strong and Sexy. A fun little add on that I'm sure you'll all enjoy! - Amazing artwork by Yatz, "hardbodies" Stef, and Heaps from Rob on this one!!

2012 folio Amy scenes Strong Sexy artwork Yatz hardbodies Stef Heaps Rob

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If Two's Company, Is Three A Crowd? - PDF

If Two's Company, Is Three A Crowd?
Price: 6.00
(Story: Christa, Artwork: Fabio)

When a statuesque muscle girl spots a similarly buff beauty, in their gym's sauna room, she immediately thinks about how perfect she would be to join her and her muscle-loving man for a little three-some; something this rock solid girl is also desiring, as she too cannot take her eyes off the tall, shapely Amazon, as looks quickly turn into erotic touches of one another's bodies, and soon afterward, an all too lucky boyfriend as well! - Amazing artwork by Fabio on this sexily written Christa tale!

statuesque musclegirl similiarly buff beauty gym's sauna room perfect join muscle-loving man three-some rock solid girl desiring eyes tall shapely Amazon looks erotic touches bodies lucky boyfriend Amazing artwork Fabio sexily written Christa tale

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The Boss Lady - PDF

The Boss Lady
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Jorge)

Hillary is a CEO of a major company, who is seen here making a house call to one of her sexually abusive and obnoxious employees, a large, powerful, able-bodied man who isn't one to be intimidated by even his boss - though when his boss strips down and reveals not only a fit, firm, fantastic physique, but world class martial arts skills as well, this foolish man quickly sees the error of his ways, and in short order becomes the victim to this femme fatale's sexual cravings as well! - Masterful martial arts manipulations once again by Jorge on this MC Classic tale!

Hillary CEO major company house call sexually abusive obnoxious employee large powerful able-bodied boss fit firm fantastic physique martial arts skills victim femme fatale sexual cravings Masterful martial arts Jorge MC Classic tale.

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Amazon Jane - PDF

Amazon Jane
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Lopo)

Jane is an Amazon girl with a heart of gold, who cares very deeply for a hunky man in her complex, though when he foolishly enters a Tough Man competition, she plans to save him the best way that she can - by joining this competition and battering him senseless (though doing so with a softer touch than what would have happened to him otherwise), followed by a night of passionate love-making that Neither of them would Ever forget! - A new AC artist Lopo lends his Unreal artistic talent on this Classic MC story!

Jane Amazon girl heart of gold hunky man Tough Man competition save battering love-making AC artist Lopo artistic talent MC story.

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The Tryst - PDF

The Tryst
Price: 6.00
(Story: Christa, Artwork: Rob)

Normally, peeping in on a gorgeous muscle packed Amazon (as she towels herself off from a post-workout shower), isnt the smartest idea, though in this case, It Works!, as his lecherous antics only serve to arouse the beautiful buff blonde, as hits a series of strong and sensual poses, welcoming him in to her body's embrace, and all the sexual pleasures it can bring! - Fantastic pictures here from Rob, on another sensual tale by Christa!

peeping gorgeous muscle packed Amazon towels post-workout shower smartest idea It Works! lecherous antics arouse beautiful buff blonde strong sensual poses welcoming body's embrace sexual pleasures Fantastic pictures Rob sensual tale Christa

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Dirk's Dilemma - PDF

Dirk's Dilemma
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Taclobanon)

When Dirk, a tough, macho, musclehead, wakes up one day to a world filled with beautiful, buff and powerful women, he gets the shock of his life again and again, as his once superior physique is overpowered and outmatched at each and every turn by a wide variety of super strong Amazons - Though is this a shocking reality or a fantasical dream, that is the question! - Color artist extraordinaire Taclobanon tackles this story!

Dirk tough macho musclehead wakes up world beautiful buff powerful women shock life superior physique overpowered outmatched wide variety super strong Amazons shocking reality fantastical dream color artist extraordinaire Taclobanon tackles story

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Sally: The Strongest Girl In The World (Part 2) - PDF

Sally: The Strongest Girl In The World (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Max)

The massively muscled, buff beauty Sally is back, enjoying her Senior Year to the fullest as she jojns her Varsity Football team, using her rock solid physique to give them a victorious season, as well as going camping with her boyfriend Rick, sexily teasing him with her thick, muscular body, as well as saving him from the wrath of a grizzly bear! All in a day's work for the Strongest Girl In The World! - More Awesome artwork from Max on this classic M.C.

massively muscled buff beauty Sally back Senior Year fullest joins Varsity Football team rock solid physique victorious season camping boyfriend Rick sexily teasing thick muscular body saving wrath grizzly bear day's work Strongest Girl In The World Awesome artwork Max classic M.C.

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27 pages266 records