Search Results for "art"


Muscle Oni (Ju Tanka) 1 - PDF

Muscle Oni (Ju Tanka) 1
Price: 6.00
(Story: Lil Guy, Artwork: ZGannero)

She was a pure monster of muscle and sex "Ass not so bad either," She Thought She lifted her robe showing massive glutes. They were buns of pure steal "Lets see if this body is just for show" She dropped down and started doing some pushed up. She got up to 500 pushed up and then even sweat. She switches to arm and did 1000 "Hmm not so bad," She Thought She grabbed the bed and lifted it up with one hand. She lifted it over her head walking around the room She found her senses were heighten. She could smell and hear better. If she concentrated, she could hear from miles away. The costume. The colors of it were orange and red. The Kimono gave people a nice view of her breast. She was deep into the Alphabet when it come to breast size. Her tits felt amazing. They were full and womanly. She flexed her pectoral making them bounce. They were large, Over G cups. They stood out in pride defying gravity. Her feet were 16 inches. Her mom had put in some sandals that she could step in easy on. She found putting on the mask changed the way she saw herself. She felt confident and powerful. The adrenaline pumping through her. She could feel the heart beating in her chest like a Thunder. She felt ALIVE.

monster muscle sex glutes buns body pushed up arm sweat bed senses heighten smell hear costume colors Kimono breast Alphabet tits pectoral G cups feet sandals mask confident powerful adrenaline heart alive

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Concetta and Yau Nam - PDF

Concetta and Yau Nam
Price: 8.00

Concetta is a high level, black belt practioner of the Yau Nam. Yau Nam is a little-known sexual and martial art. This is an account of one morning in her life - she first shags three men senselss, then moves on to the Yau Nam dojo and takes on two Yau Nam masters. The morning is completed when she takes on the dojo instructor, and leaves him physically and sexually drained.

Concetta high level black belt practioner Yau Nam sexual martial art morning shags men senselss dojo masters instructor physically drained sexually drained

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Firebrand muscular women - PDF

Firebrand muscular women
Price: 8.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Amy and Jessica take Robert Scott through the most exhaustive and exhausting sexual experience of his life. Amy's mom, Elizabeth, is the fourth participant in this sexual explosion, adding her muscles and experiece to the fray.

Amy Jessica Robert Scott exhaustive exhausting sexual experience Elizabeth fourth participant sexual explosion muscles experience

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Pizza Girl part two - PDF

Pizza Girl part two
Price: 8.00

Revenge is a dish best served brass monkeys, unlike pizza. So, the next time I see Eric, I use my Pizzagirl power to step on the pedals and catch up with him. I silently approach from behind, and blast him with my compressed air powered horn, sounding at 130 decibels just like a 56 ton 18 wheel truck mere inches behind him. He was suitably startled, swerved, wobbled, wobbled some more and went down, making a very satisfactory scrunching sound as he hit the deck. "Good morning, Eric," I called out merrily as I sailed past. Karma soon caught up with me - it started raining. Cats and dogs. So I reacted the way I always do - I got wet. But the pizza was safely tucked away in my insulated pannier, and I was able to deliver it, still hot. I stood there looking like a drowned kitten while the customer fetched some bread, which wetness I believe contributed to the handsome tip he gave me. Another contribution might have been the way that my wet shirt clung to my thrupenny bits. I'll take whatever I can get, except getting stiffed.

Revenge dish brass monkeys pizza Eric Pizzagirl power pedals compressed air horn decibels truck startled swerved wobbled scrunching sound Karma raining wet insulated pannier hot drowned kitten customer bread handsome tip wet shirt thrupenny bits stiffed

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part one - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part one
Price: 8.00

My name is Ayesha. I am a pious Muslima, married to Raafid, my four off springs are Maryam, Gamali, Nasif and baby Kaadiha. I wear the veil, because I am a modest woman. I'm not smart like my friend Sfiyah. She seems to know everything. I read my Quran, and I'm still rather ignorant, unskilled and often I don't understand what people are saying. But I'm happy. At least, I was happy, until Raafid decided that he didn't like my cooking. To be honest, I don't blame him - cooking is one of the many skills I've never mastered. My food comes in two varieties, soggy or burned. So for the last two years, we've been at loggerheads. First, he spoke to me and told me to improve my cooking. I asked "How?" but he didn't have an answer. Then he tried to punish me by not joining me in bed. That's supposed to be a punishment? And when neither of those worked, he started beating me. They say that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. That seemed to be true for me - I noticed that I was thickening in the places where the blows landed. And it was hard muscle, protecting my body from Raafid's rod. He kept it hanging on a hook on the wall, and I knew that when he took it down, I was in for another beating.

Ayesha pious Muslima married Raafid Maryam Gamali Nasif baby Kaadiha veil modest smart Sfiyah Quran ignorant unskilled happy cooking blame mastered food soggy burned loggerheads improve punish bed beating kill stronger thickening places blows muscle protecting body Raafid rod hanging hook wall

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The plough girl - part six - PDF

The plough girl - part six
Price: 8.00

We stayed talking until dusk, and then I lifted him back into the wheelchair, and set off for his apartment. "Olga," he said. "Mmh?" I answered. "Don't look back but we're being followed," he told me. I looked back. Sure enough, two guys were keeping station on us about fifty yards back. "Olga," he said again. "What?" "It's an ambush. There's another two guys up front, trying to hide in doorways. Leave me and run for it." "I'm not leaving you to get beaten up. That's my job," I joked. "Olga, this is serious. Four that I've spotted, and there could be others. And I don't think they're waiting to play patty-cake. Run for your life." No way. Plough girls aren't cowards. Gary had suffered enough at my hands, it was clearly on me to look after him. I wasn't going to leave him to the mercy of these four toughs. But I could see a way to even the odds a bit. I did a u-turn, and ran back the way we'd come. Clearly, the thugs weren't expecting me to run towards danger, so at first, they didn't know what to do. Ten seconds later I was in front of them. I kicked one of them in the head, which is a dangerous thing to do, because I could lead to a fatality, and the other one in the groin. He folded up nicely and I smashed my two fists into the back of his head as he went down. He hit the pavement, and lay still. By then, the other two had arrived, and I could see two more running towards me. This was good; two at a time is better than four at once. I left Gary and the two thugs I'd already handled, and met the first two before they could realise their mistake. I'm six foot three, and my legs are a lot longer than their arms. Which is just as well, because they were both armed with baseball bats, and looked like they were ready to use them. So I used the reach of my legs to kick one of them in the side, and there was a satisfying crack as his ribs broke. The other one swung his bat at me and connected. He hit my left shoulder, and my left arm went numb. But I grabbed his bat with my right hand and jerked it towards me. He had two choices, hold on or let go. Both choices were bad. If he let go, I would be armed and he not. So he hung on to the bat, and was jerked forward enough so that my raised knee could crash into his genitals. Strike four. The last two arrived, out of breath, and split up. One of them went for Gary, the other one pulled a knife and threatened me with it. So I picked up thug four and threw him at thug five, which I don't think he expected, and I followed up with a broken knife arm, so he dropped his weapon. A fist to the belly took him out of action, leaving thug six, who had wisely decided to make a run for it.

talking dusk wheelchair apartment followed ambush toughs danger fists baseball bats knife run

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Amy's Conquest part 2 Redux 2 - PDF

Amy's Conquest part 2 Redux 2
Price: 8.00

The scene starts out with the two gorgeous young musclegirls giggling up a storm, both filled with unreal excitement as they get themselves ready for their first female muscle video clip. Something neither of them have ever officially tried before, yet something they would wind up doing with such ease and unreal skill (not to mention plenty of sexy, young, female muscle) that anyone watching would have thought they had been practicing this online art for many years now. Bouncing up and down on a nearby bed (which was barely large enough to support these two massively muscle packed young women, Amy and Jessica were dressed in very short, tight and revealing lingerie, as they playfully smacked one another with large pillows taken from the front of this very bed. A true "Amazon Girl Sleepover" fantasy come true, and this was only the first 15 seconds. "Hi all, we're back, did you miss us?" Amy spoke out in a girlish tone, lowering her soft pillow down to her side, as she jumped off this barely still intact bed, with her fellow musclegirl following suit. "Well, we sure missed you" Jessica giggled out, continuing their act of little girls, which wasn't too far of a stretch, since they themselves were only 18 years old. Though you wouldn't know that from their voluptuous physiques, which displayed a level of athletic shape, size and hardness that one would think could only belong to someone several years their senior. Yet as much as their bodies gave them the appearance of womanly age and maturity, their incredibly gorgeous and youthful faces made them look almost too young to be "enjoying" such videos and photos. As for their maturity, well girls will be girls, which goes double for those with rock solid, steel hard physiques, who were more than able to take virtually anything that they wanted\u2026\u2026or in this case, ANYONE that they wanted. "We hope you liked our pictures, we worked really hard on them for you all, almost as hard as our Big, Sexy bodies, I'd say" she continued to chirp out in her little girl's voice. "

scene musclegirls giggling storm excitement female muscle video clip unreal skill sexy young female muscle practicing online art bouncing bed massively muscle packed Amy Jessica short tight revealing lingerie playfully smacked large pillows Amazon Girl Sleepover fantasy first 15 seconds Hi all back missed girlish tone soft pillow intact bed fellow musclegirl 18 years old voluptuous physiques athletic shape size hardness womanly age maturity gorgeous youthful faces enjoying videos photos maturity girls will be girls rock solid steel hard physiques virtually anything anyone liked pictures worked really hard Big Sexy bodies chirp out little girl's voice

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Amy's conquest 2 redux part 1 - PDF

Amy's conquest 2 redux part 1
Price: 8.00

Though with such unreal physical statistics as near 17" biceps, 27" thighs, DD-cup breasts, and a full 6 feet in height, it wasn't long after she started her own personal page that people started calling her the very obvious Amazon Amy, and her OurSpace page was literally flooded with male (and even a good amount of female) admirers of young, sexy, hard, female muscle. Which eventually lead to her being introduced to a separate, very select and private grouping of young girls (ranging in age from 18 - 23) who like herself were strong, powerful super feminine hardbodies. These sexy young Amazons were always on the look-out for more girls like themselves, and in Amy they found one of the best, so it was a no-brainer in giving her an official invite to this very select group. It was in fact her idea to arrange for pictures of their various feats and conquests to be taken and downloaded onto their own pages, showing off not only to one other, but to the very select grouping of lucky male admirers of female muscle all over the world, who simply couldn't get enough of these strikingly beautiful, teenage Amazon girls. Exquisite artwork by legendary artist Jupiter 1.

unreal physical statistics 17" biceps 27" thighs DD-cup breasts 6 feet Amazon Amy OurSpace page flooded male admirers female admirers young sexy hard female muscle separate select private grouping young girls age 18-23 strong powerful super feminine hardbodies Amazons look-out more girls best no-brainer official invite select group pictures feats conquests taken downloaded own pages showing off lucky male admirers female muscle strikingly beautiful teenage Amazon girls exquisite artwork legendary artist Jupiter

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The plough girl - part four - PDF

The plough girl - part four
Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Diana the Valkyrie)

Olga explains how to become a plough girl, and looks for a better-paying job. Olga is a tall, strongly built, over-sexed blonde. Her lack of experience in Western ways, gets her into trouble, but her powerful muscles keep her safe. Her striking good looks and well-developed figure lead her into many sexual situations; her kind and gentle nature is the reason why so many men survive her lovemaking. Inspiring artwork by New York City artist Hampton. "The plough girl" is a series of stories by Diana the Valkyrie; each week you can follow Olga's adventures.

Olga plough girl better-paying job tall strongly built over-sexed blonde lack of experience Western ways trouble powerful muscles safe striking good looks well-developed figure sexual situations kind gentle nature men survive lovemaking inspiring artwork New York City artist Hampton

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The plough girl part 2, illustrated - PDF

The plough girl part 2, illustrated
Price: 8.00

Mike measures Olga. 52 inch chest, so she explained that when she gets her sex life going again, everything will get bigger. She goes to a club and was refused entry, after a short altercation she steps over the bouncer into the club. Inside, some guy puts his hand up her skirt, so she brought her legs together, turned to face him, he didn't move quickly enough and his arm broke. The Olga finds a suitable dance partner; her idea of suitable means small and weak. She picked him up and took him to the dance floor, and held him close to her body as she fucked him then let him down to the floor; he was crying. When she got home, Mike was still awake, so she told him how she got mugged on the way home, and how she punished each of the would-be muggers. Then she took Mike to bed, her sixth sex of the evening. Next day, Olga tries to get a job. She was rejected as a waitress because of her size, she was rejected for heavy manual labour, because she's a girl, but she went back to the club and got a job there as a female bouncer. At the end of the evening, she stops a fight betwen two guys with a fist to the belly of each of them. She picked them up, one under each arm, and threw them out of the club. Superb artwork by Dracowhip.

Mike measures Olga 52 inch chest sex life bigger club refused entry altercation bouncer hand skirt legs together face arm broke suitable dance partner small weak dance floor fucked let him down crying home mugged punished would-be muggers bed sixth sex next day job rejected waitress size heavy manual labour girl female bouncer end of the evening fight fist belly picked them up threw them out club Superb artwork Dracowhip

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The Weakling Male Meets Sexy Muscle Woman at the Grocery Store - PDF

The Weakling Male Meets Sexy Muscle Woman at the Grocery Store
Price: 8.00

The Weakling Male looks for Bigger Buffer girls than himself through the stores. He finally finds the Perfect Sexy Muscular Amazon he was looking for, both taller and Much more Muscular than him. She will dominate, wrestle and rip him to shreds in this Story, written by the Weakling Male himself. Gorgeous Muscle Domination art by AlphaDawg.

Weakling Male Bigger Buffer girls stores Perfect Sexy Muscular Amazon taller Much more Muscular dominate wrestle rip Story written Weakling Male Gorgeous Muscle Domination art AlphaDawg.

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America's Next Top Amazon (Episode 2) - PDF

America's Next Top Amazon (Episode 2)
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Edson)

The Iconic series, where YOU choose who left each epidsode, Returns! Here our assortment of beautiful young Amazon girls enter their new spacious home for their time on the show, along with their Legendary host and various judges! Their excitement knows no bounds, as they enjoy their incredible new home and all its perks, while telling stories and getting to know one another on a personal level! Then it's off to their first challenge, where they must each create their own Ultimate Amazon photo! Loads of pics from Amazing artist Edson on this classic story!

Iconic series choose episode Returns assortment beautiful young Amazon girls spacious home Legendary host judges excitement incredible perks stories personal level challenge create Ultimate Amazon photo Amazing artist Edson classic story.

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Amazon Challenge - PDF

Amazon Challenge
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: DArtO-O)

A man challenges an Amazon princess - it ends badly for him. Terrific artwork by new AC artist DArtO-O.

man challenges Amazon princess ends badly terrific artwork new AC artist DArtO-O

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Revenge Of The Pig Party - PDF

Revenge Of The Pig Party
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Diego and Tom)

When a buff beautiful college girl is brought to a frat house party by her handsome new boyfriend, she meets several other girls, who like her are new dates from other frat brothers. Though when she looks around a bit, the muscular girl discovers the real reason for this party, one that insults the young females here, and enrages the Amazon herself! So she uses her superior strength to deal with these obnoxious frat jerks, later deciding this cruel tradition needs to end for good! This leads to her and her new female friends returning the following semester, all of them stunning young powerhouses, each exacting their own brand of well deserved revenge! Unreal illustrations on this story by Diego and Tom!

buff beautiful college girl frat house party handsome boyfriend girls dates frat brothers muscular Amazon superior strength obnoxious jerks cruel tradition end female friends semester stunning powerhouses revenge illustrations Diego Tom.

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Wild Muscle Party 2 - VIDEO

Wild Muscle Party 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

These two Ashleys or should we say Ashlee and Ashley are amazing together! They get together during a competition to share some wine with each other and just cannot keep their hands off of each other's incredible physiques. Ashley Starr poses for Ashlee Chambers and Ashlee Chambers wants to see Ashley Starr's Booty Twerking, which she gladly accommodated. They then proceed to strip each other down to the "Buff" and enjoy each others' bods, when they get wild hair up their ass and want to order a male stripper to come and entertain them. Let the Party Begin!!!! Ashlee Chambers and Ashley Starr are having fun together with some wine and now a Male Stripper has entered the room and wow!!! These two gorgeous lean and muscular Physique Girlz are ready to get down and party!!! And party is just what they do. Sit back and watch the fun and magic between these three. Naked Muscle Girlz and stripping muscle man and touchy, feely, wiggle wiggle and just let your imagination run wild!! Because Wild I just what this party is all about!!! The Wild Physique Girls party is really getting underway now! Their male stripper is totally in the "buff" as they are and all the sensual play is at hand. Touchy-feely muscle clitties, the sucking of hard firm breasts, pussy eating galore, and wow!!! What a sight to behold! Then the women get the male stripper on the floor for some great nude double fantasy wrestling. This is one party you don't wanna miss!!! What more can we say about these two Ashley and Ashlee in their wild n crazy Muscle Party with their male stripper! Ashley is doing some very sexual and serious rear face sitting on the male stripper while he is enjoying that ebony muscle clitty! Ashlee Chambers is having fun giving him a very hot oil hand job on his cock. The three of them are certainly heated up and exuding sensuality! Cum in and join the Muscle Party!!!

Ashleys Ashlee Ashley amazing together competition share wine hands incredible physiques Ashley Starr Ashlee Chambers Booty Twerking strip Buff male stripper party fun wine entered room gorgeous lean muscular Physique Girlz naked muscle man touchy feely wiggle imagination Wild underway sensual play touchy-feely muscle clitties sucking hard firm breasts pussy eating sight to behold women floor nude double fantasy wrestling party Ashley Ashlee wild crazy Muscle Party male stripper sexual serious rear face sitting enjoying ebony muscle clitty Ashlee Chambers hot oil hand job cock heated up exuding sensuality Cum join Muscle Party

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Wild Muscle Party 1 - VIDEO

Wild Muscle Party 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

These two Ashleys or should we say Ashlee and Ashley are amazing together! They get together during a competition to share some wine with each other and just cannot keep their hands off of each other's incredible physiques. Ashley Starr poses for Ashlee Chambers and Ashlee Chambers wants to see Ashley Starr's Booty Twerking, which she gladly accommodated. They then proceed to strip each other down to the "Buff" and enjoy each others' bods, when they get wild hair up their ass and want to order a male stripper to come and entertain them. Let the Party Begin!!!! Ashlee Chambers and Ashley Starr are having fun together with some wine and now a Male Stripper has entered the room and wow!!! These two gorgeous lean and muscular Physique Girlz are ready to get down and party!!! And party is just what they do. Sit back and watch the fun and magic between these three. Naked Muscle Girlz and stripping muscle man and touchy, feely, wiggle wiggle and just let your imagination run wild!! Because Wild I just what this party is all about!!! The Wild Physique Girls party is really getting underway now! Their male stripper is totally in the "buff" as they are and all the sensual play is at hand. Touchy-feely muscle clitties, the sucking of hard firm breasts, pussy eating galore, and wow!!! What a sight to behold! Then the women get the male stripper on the floor for some great nude double fantasy wrestling. This is one party you don't wanna miss!!! What more can we say about these two Ashley and Ashlee in their wild n crazy Muscle Party with their male stripper! Ashley is doing some very sexual and serious rear face sitting on the male stripper while he is enjoying that ebony muscle clitty! Ashlee Chambers is having fun giving him a very hot oil hand job on his cock. The three of them are certainly heated up and exuding sensuality! Cum in and join the Muscle Party!!!

Ashley amazing together competition share wine hands incredible physiques Ashley Starr Ashlee Chambers Booty Twerking strip Buff male stripper party fun wine entered room gorgeous lean muscular Physique Girlz naked muscle man touchy feely wiggle imagination Wild underway sensual play touchy-feely muscle clitties sucking hard firm breasts pussy eating sight to behold women floor nude double fantasy wrestling party Ashley Ashlee wild crazy Muscle Party male stripper sexual serious rear face sitting enjoying ebony muscle clitty Ashlee Chambers hot oil hand job cock heated up exuding sensuality Cum join Muscle Party.

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The Debt Collector 3 - VIDEO

The Debt Collector 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Claudia Partenza is visited by a debt collector. She tells him "tomorrow", he says no. She tries to persuade him with her feminine charms - still no. If gentle persuasion won't work, it's time to bring her powerful muscles and expert wrestling ability to the change his mind. So she throws him onto her bed, gets on top of him, and his torment begins. She wrestles with him, including a head lock, a head scissors, a reverse head scissors, armlock, breast smother, face sitting. He kisses and worships her muscles, and finally she knocks him out with a figure four scissors.

Claudia Partenza debt collector tomorrow persuade feminine charms powerful muscles expert wrestling ability bed top torment wrestles head lock head scissors reverse head scissors armlock breast smother face sitting kisses worships muscles knocks out figure four scissors.

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The Debt Collector 2 - VIDEO

The Debt Collector 2
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athenta2)

Claudia Partenza is visited by a debt collector. She tells him "tomorrow", he says no. She tries to persuade him with her feminine charms - still no. If gentle persuasion won't work, it's time to bring her powerful muscles and expert wrestling ability to the change his mind. So she throws him onto her bed, gets on top of him, and his torment begins. She wrestles with him, including a head lock, a head scissors, a reverse head scissors, armlock, breast smother, face sitting. He kisses and worships her muscles, and finally she knocks him out with a figure four scissors.

Claudia Partenza debt collector tomorrow persuade feminine charms powerful muscles expert wrestling ability bed top torment wrestles head lock head scissors reverse head scissors armlock breast smother face sitting kisses worships muscles knocks out figure four scissors.

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The Debt Collector - VIDEO

The Debt Collector
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Claudia Partenza is visited by a debt collector. She tells him "tomorrow", he says no. She tries to persuade him with her feminine charms - still no. If gentle persuasion won't work, it's time to bring her powerful muscles and expert wrestling ability to the change his mind. So she throws him onto her bed, gets on top of him, and his torment begins. She wrestles with him, including a head lock, a head scissors, a reverse head scissors, armlock, breast smother, face sitting. He kisses and worships her muscles, and finally she knocks him out with a figure four scissors.

Claudia Partenza debt collector tomorrow persuade feminine charms powerful muscles expert wrestling ability bed top torment wrestles head lock head scissors reverse head scissors armlock breast smother face sitting kisses worships muscles knocks out figure four scissors.

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Sam Clench: Private Eye - VIDEO

Sam Clench: Private Eye
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Builtmore)

Directed by Sam M. Oldham. "Inspired by the classic LH-ART comic, this professional Amazon production with cartoonist and filmmaker SMO features the super-strong female detective played by Diamond of American Gladiators and her sleuth father as they solve a violent murder mystery filled with bone-crushing action and superior feats of strength. Erika Andersch dominates as the beautiful and muscular crime solver."

Directed Sam M. Oldham LH-ART comic professional Amazon production cartoonist filmmaker SMO super-strong female detective Diamond American Gladiators sleuth father solve violent murder mystery bone-crushing action superior feats of strength Erika Andersch beautiful muscular crime solver.

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Pizza Girl part two - AUDIO

Pizza Girl part two
Price: 5.00

Revenge is a dish best served brass monkeys, unlike pizza. So, the next time I see Eric, I use my Pizzagirl power to step on the pedals and catch up with him. I silently approach from behind, and blast him with my compressed air powered horn, sounding at 130 decibels just like a 56 ton 18 wheel truck mere inches behind him. He was suitably startled, swerved, wobbled, wobbled some more and went down, making a very satisfactory scrunching sound as he hit the deck. "Good morning, Eric," I called out merrily as I sailed past. Karma soon caught up with me - it started raining. Cats and dogs. So I reacted the way I always do - I got wet. But the pizza was safely tucked away in my insulated pannier, and I was able to deliver it, still hot. I stood there looking like a drowned kitten while the customer fetched some bread, which wetness I believe contributed to the handsome tip he gave me. Another contribution might have been the way that my wet shirt clung to my thrupenny bits. I'll take whatever I can get, except getting stiffed.

revenge dish served brass monkeys pizza Eric Pizzagirl power step pedals catch up silently approach blast compressed air powered horn 130 decibels 56 ton 18 wheel truck suitably startled swerved wobbled went down scrunching sound good morning merrily sailed past Karma raining cats and dogs reacted wet pizza safely tucked away insulated pannier deliver hot stood drowned kitten customer fetched bread wetness contributed handsome tip wet shirt clung thrupenny bits stiffed

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Not Too Tired For Me - AUDIO

Not Too Tired For Me
Price: 5.00

You return home from a friend's get-together with your bodybuilding girlfriend (who was a hit at the party, showing off her very impressive strength), as she expresses her desire to throw the next one; though she soon sees you're exhausted from a night of too much fun, so she decides to carry you lovingly to bed! While doing so, she notices your cock is still wide awake, so with some sensual muscle talking and sexy flex-stripping, she soon joins you in bed; her much stronger form pinning you beneath her, as she gets you to touch every inch of her muscle-packed body! Arms, pecs, glutes and thighs are all within your grasp, as she sexily shows off their superior power and rock hardness, before deciding to give you just what you want most, to release yourself against her Amazonian body - even if that means she smothers you out in the process! Another Awesomely acted story by one of the Legends of Erotic Audio, JuicyPeach!

bodybuilding girlfriend strength party exhausted bed muscle sensual flex-stripping form power rock hardness Amazonian smother erotic audio JuicyPeach

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Night Out At The Athena Club - AUDIO

Night Out At The Athena Club
Price: 5.00

You and your guy friends are sitting at a table in the famous Athena Club, greeted by one of their sexy, muscle packed young waitresses, who is eager to give you all free samples of her wares, before taking your order! Overpowering your largest friend in arm-wrestling (while sensually sitting on the lap of another of your group), challenging yet another to try and pry apart her thick, shapely legs, while daring others to punch her rock solid abs or full, hard pecs! Lusciously muscular as she is, this buff beauty is still smaller than anyone in your gathering, yet her strength is enough to easily (and sexily) overpower you all, handling you as if you were nothing but playthings to her! Getting you all (and she herself as well) riled up and ultra aroused, she is now ready to take your order - what will you request of your own personal Amazon girl, and could any of you handle it once you've made your order? As always, the ultra sensual sounds of McKenzie Alex truly brings YOU into this sexy muscle-packed story! (13 3/4 minutes)

guy friends table famous Athena Club greeted sexy muscle packed young waitresses free samples wares order largest friend arm-wrestling sensually lap group challenging pry apart thick shapely legs daring punch rock solid abs full hard pecs lusciously muscular buff beauty smaller gathering strength easily overpower playthings riled up ultra aroused ready take your order request personal Amazon girl handle made your order ultra sensual sounds McKenzie Alex sexy muscle-packed story

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Musclegirl Treats Her Man Right - AUDIO

Musclegirl Treats Her Man Right
Price: 4.00

Imagine you're laying in bed, as your strong, muscular girlfriend poses sexily before you, showing off each of her powerful bodyparts in lacy lingerie, in a very erotic manner! Of course, such sexy muscle flexing isn't the only treat she has for you tonight, as she's brought over several large, powerful macho men from the gym, for the sole purpose of man-handling them for your sexy viewing pleasure! Even combined they can't hope to challenge her unreal strength, as she puts them out with a few crushing squeezes, before joining you in bed, where she evelopes you in her rock solid body, pumping her tight, rippling form into you until you both Climax together! There's nothing better than having a loving Amazon girlfriend, and no one better to perform this story to YOU than the world class erotic tones of JuicyPeach Audio! (18 minutes)

bed muscular girlfriend poses sexily powerful bodyparts lingerie erotic muscle flexing macho men gym man-handling viewing pleasure strength crushing squeezes rock solid body tight rippling form Climax Amazon girlfriend JuicyPeach Audio erotic tones.

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Amy's Conquest 5 part 1 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 5 part 1
Price: 6.00

When Amy heads off to college, she seeks to join a Very Special Sorority (along with some equally Amazonian friends), one that specializes in hard, sexy female muscle. The first part of their trails is to create the best Female Muscle calendar around, something they do to a T - with the help of the football team's "all too willing" players, of course. - Awesome artwork by FemForteFan!

Amy college Very Special Sorority Amazonian friends hard sexy female muscle trails create best Female Muscle calendar T help football team all too willing players Awesome artwork FemForteFan

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Amy's Conquest 5 part 2 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 5 part 2
Price: 6.00

Watch as Amy, Annie and Rachel use their own personal Muscle Fucking styles on the hunky Captain of the USC Football team; first on their own, and then All Together! - Amazing artwork by FemForteFan!

Amy Annie Rachel Muscle Fucking styles hunky Captain USC Football team All Together Amazing artwork FemForteFan

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Amy's Conquest 6 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 6
Price: 6.00

When Amy and her fellow college musclegirls come across a woman whose cheating husband has a thing for female muscle, they decide to help her out by showing this foolish man that with hard, fit, buff girls comes unreal strength and power; all of which they use on his helpless form, all in their own unique fashion, to teach him a very valuable lesson! - Fantastic artwork (and a Load of incredible shots) by FemForteFan!

Amy college musclegirls woman cheating husband female muscle strength power buff girls lesson artwork shots FemForteFan

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Amy Hardstone Folio - PDF

Amy Hardstone Folio
Price: 6.00

Amy wants her own folio, and what she wants, She Gets! Chock full of pics of Amy from Many different past, present and future Amy's Conquest artists, each showing their vision of Amy from their own minds! - Amazing artwork by Everyone!

Amy own folio wants gets Chock full pics Many different past present future Amy's Conquest artists showing vision minds

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 1 - PDF

Amy's Conquest Side Story 1
Price: 6.00

Amy and Jessica take a road trip to the beach where they encounter 6 weedy males. The two partake in one of their biggest "conquests" ever - ravishing all 6 at once!

Amy Jessica road trip beach encounter weedy males partake biggest conquests ravishing

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 3 - PDF

Amy's Conquest Side Story 3
Price: 6.00

Super muscular high schoolers Caitlin and Jennifer issue a challenge to Amy and Jessica. They're taller than the famous duo themselves - and they ravish the tiniest boys in their school! Sexy art by artist Reddyheart!

muscular high schoolers challenge Amy Jessica taller famous duo ravish tiniest boys school sexy art artist Reddyheart

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Amy's Conquest 1 (Color) - PDF

Amy's Conquest 1 (Color)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

Super muscular 18 year old Amy Hardstone gets sent to detention. She meets her detention monitor Mr. Scott, a smaller, weedy man in his late 20s. It isn't long before she completes another conquest - ravaging his weak body! Now see the Classic Illustrated story that Started It All, in a whole new way! In stunningly beautiful, ultra detailed COLOR, done so by the truly talented Rodrigo! (Original artwork by FemForteFan!)

muscular 18 year old Amy Hardstone detention Mr. Scott weedy conquest ravaging Classic Illustrated stunningly beautiful ultra detailed color Rodrigo artwork FemForteFan

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Amy's Conquest 2 (Color) - PDF

Amy's Conquest 2 (Color)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

Amy meets 18 year old Jessica, an equally beautiful and muscular brunette, and they instantly become friends. The two decide to go to Mr. Scott house and ravish him together - along with posting pics and videos of their escapades all over the Internet! Another legendary tale of this Awesome Amazon has also been set to strikingly visual, COLOR as well. Rodrigo has also lent his artistic abilities to this Classic story, bringing Amy and Jessica to life like Never Before! (Original artwork by FemForteFan!)

Amy meets 18 year old Jessica equally beautiful muscular brunette instantly become friends decide go Mr. Scott house ravish together posting pics videos escapades Internet legendary tale Awesome Amazon strikingly visual COLOR Rodrigo artistic abilities Classic story bringing life Never Before Original artwork FemForteFan

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Muscle Virgin - PDF

Muscle Virgin
Price: 2.00
(Artwork: Reddyheart)

Brian begs young gymnast Michele to squeeze him between her muscular legs. Michele eventually obliges - with powerfully sensual results! Great work by artist Reddyheart!

Brian begs young gymnast Michele squeeze muscular legs obliges powerfully sensual artist Reddyheart.

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Sharon - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Artwork: DTM)

Super strong 21 year old Sharon has a muscular body to die for. She loves making men cry while exercising her raw power. Great art by DTM himself!

super strong 21 year old Sharon muscular body die for loves making men cry exercising raw power great art DTM

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Sharon (Redux) - PDF

Sharon (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Allan)

An artistic re-telling of one of our oldest illustrated stories, where we follow the assorted exploits of Sharon, a 21 year old Amazonian beauty, who just loves showing off her thickly muscular physique, bodypart by bodypart, in a variety of ways; especially for tough macho men, relishing in making them cry and fear her ultra intimidating, yet sexily feminine, form! - The Awesome Allan returns to A.C. for this updated version of this classic tale!

artistic re-telling illustrated story Sharon Amazonian beauty muscular physique macho men intimidating feminine Awesome Allan classic tale

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The Elevator Ride - PDF

The Elevator Ride
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Refaal)

A super muscular 20 year old girl gets on an elevator with a lecherous man. She quickly crushes his body with her powerful muscles. Great art by artist Refaal!

super muscular 20 year old girl elevator lecherous man crushes powerful muscles artist Refaal

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Like Mother Like Daughter - PDF

Like Mother Like Daughter
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Matt)

Super muscular Trish and her mom visit the beach for some sun and fun. It's not long before the girls crush some guys in ecstasy. Great, detailed art by artist Matt!

super muscular Trish mom beach sun fun crush guys ecstasy great detailed art artist Matt

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One Lucky Man... - PDF

One Lucky Man...
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Matt)

Dave's Amazon fiancee Carmen has a birthday surprise for him. Her best friend Jen drags her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend into the room - the two Amazons crush him to Dave's sexual delight! Incredible, detailed art by artist Matt!

Dave Amazon fiancee Carmen birthday surprise best friend Jen soon-to-be ex-boyfriend room two Amazons crush sexual delight incredible detailed art artist Matt

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One Lucky Man (Redux) - PDF

One Lucky Man (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Dave's Amazon fiancee Carmen has a birthday surprise for him. her equally buff and beautiful best friend Jen, who carries her foolishly cheating, soon-to-be ex-boyfriend into the room, to be used for their Dual Sexually Punishing Delights, all for the Pleasure of the adorable birthday boy, Dave! - Amazing artwork here by Max on this re-illustrating of one of our First illustrated stories!

Dave Amazon fiancee Carmen birthday surprise equally buff beautiful best friend Jen carries foolishly cheating soon-to-be ex-boyfriend room used Dual Sexually Punishing Delights Pleasure adorable birthday boy Amazing artwork Max re-illustrating First illustrated stories

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1st Anniversary - PDF

1st Anniversary
Price: 6.00

Bodybuilder Wendy and her husband Dan's loving 1st anniversary is interrupted by assailants - she protects her husband with her incredible strength! Gorgeous, comic book-style artwork by Stef!

bodybuilder Wendy husband Dan loving 1st anniversary interrupted assailants protects incredible strength gorgeous comic book-style artwork Stef

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Amy's Conquest Artist story - PDF

Amy's Conquest Artist story
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: DTM)

Amy's Conquest is proud to present our first artist folio - full color artwork from a bevy of Amazon artists! Featuring work by Ayanamifan, FFF, SINDD, Yatz and DTM himself!

Amys Conquest artist folio full color artwork Amazon artists Ayanamifan FFF SINDD Yatz DTM

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The Best of the Weaker Sex - PDF

The Best of the Weaker Sex
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: DTM)

Are women the weaker sex? We don't think so! Some of the best vignettes from DTM's classic Weaker Sex series comes to life! Stunningly detailed artwork by Jed!

women weaker sex DTM classic vignettes life stunningly detailed artwork Jed

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The Best of the Weaker Sex - Part 2 - PDF

The Best of the Weaker Sex - Part 2
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Yatz)

Another compilation story filled with smaller tales of female physical superiority, from an assortment of sexy young Amazons - Superb artwork by Yatz!

compilation story smaller tales female physical superiority sexy young Amazons artwork Yatz

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Suzan's Situation - PDF

Suzan's Situation
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Yatz)

When teenage Amazon Suzan's parents seperate, she takes it upon herself to get them back together, namely by using her steel hard muscles to threaten and intimidate each and every man who takes an interest in her beautiful Mom - Fantasic illustrations from iconic artist Yatz!

teenage Amazon Suzan parents separate get back together steel hard muscles threaten intimidate interest beautiful Mom illustrations iconic artist Yatz

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College Girl Muscle - PDF

College Girl Muscle
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Ayanamifan)

Young college Amazons Tina and Heather use their steel hard muscles to deal with love, and deal out pain - Beautifully illustrated by artist Ayanamifan!

young college Amazons Tina Heather steel hard muscles deal with love deal out pain beautifully illustrated artist Ayanamifan

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America's Next Top Amazon (Episode 1) - PDF

America's Next Top Amazon (Episode 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jed)

View this introductory episode of TV's newest Amazon series, where we meet the wide assortment of gorgeous young girls competing for the title of Top Amazon! Unreal artwork by Jed!

Amazon series introductory episode young girls competing Top Amazon artwork Jed

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The Wrong House - PDF

The Wrong House
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Stef)

When a loving married couple hear intruders about their home in the middle of the night, it's up to this protective Muscle Mom to deal with them, Her Way, much to the eventual sexual thrills of her incredibly aroused husband - Awesomely illustrated by artist "hardbodies" Stef!

loving married couple intruders home middle of the night protective Muscle Mom deal with sexual thrills aroused husband illustrated artist hardbodies Stef

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Justifiable Homicide - PDF

Justifiable Homicide
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

Watch as a sexy young teenage Amazon teaches a lecherously perverted internet predator the error of his ways, using her rock solid, super strong body to act as Judge, Jury and Executioner to this sick and demented man - Incredible artwork by FemForteFan!

sexy young teenage Amazon internet predator perverted rock solid super strong Judge Jury Executioner sick demented artwork FemForteFan

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The Wrong Number - PDF

The Wrong Number
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Peter)

When a thickly muscled beauty finds out her boyfriend has been cheating on her, from a call from the "other woman", she teaches him a very valuable (aka Painful) lesson on how NOT to treat a strong, sexy Amazon - Amazing artwork by Peter!

thickly muscled beauty boyfriend cheating other woman valuable lesson strong sexy Amazon artwork Peter

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A Night He'll Never Forget - PDF

A Night He'll Never Forget
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Crisshapes)

When a lecherous lounge lizard stalks his night's prey, he gets much more than he bargained for in the lusciously muscled form of Connie, who uses her steel hard physique to give him a night He'll Never Forget - Unreal artwork by Crisshapes!

lecherous lounge lizard stalks night's prey much more bargained for lusciously muscled Connie steel hard physique night He'll Never Forget Unreal artwork Crisshapes

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The Class Reunion - PDF

The Class Reunion
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Bambs)

When a muscle-loving man returns to High School for his 15th year Class Reunion, in the hopes to see his old, athletically buff, girlfriend, imagine his surprise when he gazes at her best friend, who had a Huge Crush on him growing up, and who has transformed herself into The Ultimate Amazon Woman, all for him! - A beautifully written Intenseman story with Incredible artwork by the awesome Bambs!

muscle-loving man High School 15th year Class Reunion athletically buff girlfriend best friend Huge Crush Ultimate Amazon Woman Intenseman Incredible artwork Bambs

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Her Toy - Part 1 - PDF

Her Toy - Part 1
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Strong and sexy Amazon Patty stalks the night for a man to use as she sees fit, proving to him over and over again why he is so soft and weak compared to her, while she uses him as a Toy for her sexual pleasure - much to his own delights as well! - An Ultra Sexy story from Plowjack with Unreal artwork by the amazing Jebriodo!

strong sexy Amazon Patty stalks night man use fit proving soft weak compared Toy sexual pleasure delights Ultra Sexy story Plowjack Unreal artwork amazing Jebriodo

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An Amazon's Vengeance - PDF

An Amazon's Vengeance
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Refaal)

When a gorgeous teenage Amazon girl returns home to find her father brutally beaten and barely breathing, she takes matters into her own hands, by using her unmatched feminine charms and unbelievable physical strength to find those responsible, and Destroy Them!! - Utterly Incredible illustrations by new AC artist, Rafael!

gorgeous teenage Amazon girl father beaten barely breathing feminine charms physical strength responsible Destroy Them illustrations AC artist Rafael

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Muscular Confession (Part 1) - PDF

Muscular Confession (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Kathy and Sara are two muscle packed Catholic Schoolgirls who just love to confess their muscle-crushing sins. During one such visit, they spot an adorably cute Altar Boy, who gets a crash course in "worshipping" these sexy young Amazons! - Amazing artwork by Jebriodo!

Kathy Sara muscle packed Catholic Schoolgirls confess muscle-crushing sins visit adorably cute Altar Boy crash course worshipping sexy young Amazons Amazing artwork Jebriodo.

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Muscular Confession (Part 2) - PDF

Muscular Confession (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Sexy Supergirls Kathy and Sara are back, as is adorable Altar Boy Thomas, who gets woman-handled by these gorgeous musclegirls in a variety of sexual positions; the pair of horny young Amazons using him to their utmost delight, while showing him that Heaven truly is a place on Earth! - Unreal artwork by Jebriodo!

Sexy Supergirls Kathy Sara Altar Boy Thomas woman-handled musclegirls sexual positions Amazons Heaven Earth Unreal artwork Jebriodo

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Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 1) - PDF

Our Most Unusual Muscle Mom (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Greg)

When the sexy young girlfriends of two high school brothers discover their families hard-fought secret (namely that their Mother is a strong, muscular Amazon who just LOVES to sexually dominate men) things will never be the same for Stevenson boys - or their budding musclegirlfriends as well! - Very sexy artwork by Greg!

sexy young girlfriends high school brothers families hard-fought secret Mother strong muscular Amazon sexually dominate men Stevenson boys budding musclegirlfriends sexy artwork Greg

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Amazon Girls Sorority House - PDF

Amazon Girls Sorority House
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

Terri and Tina are just two of the many powerfully built, sexy as sin, college girls who love to lure (or caputre) men into their clutches, where they become helpless playthings for the assortment of beautiful young musclegirls! - Great artwork by a NEW AC artist, Carlos!

Terri Tina powerfully built sexy sin college girls lure capture men clutches helpless playthings assortment beautiful young musclegirls artwork NEW AC artist Carlos

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Online Amazons - PDF

Online Amazons
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Barracuda9999)

When flirtatious teenage musclegirls want to post sexy flexing video clips online, there's just no stopping them; something an older brother finds out all too quickly, as he learns a very Hard lesson about how NOT to treat your Amazon little sister and her equally buff BFF - Amazing artwork by another New AC artist, Barracuda9999!

flirtatious teenage musclegirls sexy flexing video clips online older brother Amazon little sister buff BFF Amazing artwork New AC artist Barracuda9999

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Three Muscle Sisters - PDF

Three Muscle Sisters
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: ReddyHeart)

When a trio of young college girls sign up for a ground-breaking experiment, they get more than the $10,000 they were promised, Much More, in the form of Tall, Thick, Sexy Amazonian Hardbodies! Much to their (and I'm sure, Your) ever increasing Delights! - artwork by the Always Amazing, ReddyHeart!

trio young college girls ground-breaking experiment $10 000 promised Tall Thick Sexy Amazonian Hardbodies delights artwork ReddyHeart

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Three Muscle Sisters 2 - Tia's Muscle Fantasy - PDF

Three Muscle Sisters 2 - Tia's Muscle Fantasy
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: ReddyHeart)

When Tia returns home from her month-long, muscle growing, experiment, her loving boyfriend is both Stunned and Aroused to no end at her newfound Amazonian physique, especially all the Amazing things she can do with it! - Absolutely Fantastic artwork from the Legend, ReddyHeart!

Tia home month-long muscle growing experiment loving boyfriend stunned aroused Amazonian physique amazing fantastic artwork legend ReddyHeart

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The Separation - PDF

The Separation
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

When a woman finds her husband's secret stash of Amazon Erotica, she emotionally confronts him, concluding in their separation. One year later a surprise message for him to meet with her leads to a shocking revelation, and Lots of Female Muscle Fun! - Our latest story from Iconic DTV author, Intenseman!, with Fantastic artwork by FemForteFan!

woman husband secret stash Amazon Erotica emotionally confronts separation surprise message shocking revelation Female Muscle Fun Iconic DTV author Intenseman Fantastic artwork FemForteFan

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My Protector - PDF

My Protector
Price: 6.00
(Story: Intenseman, Artwork: Luis XIII)

When a man wakes up in the bedroom of a gloriously gorgeous and gigantic Amazon woman, after being viciously attacked by a group of men, he finds sexual joys with His Protector unlike any he had ever experienced. Female muscle bliss for them both at its best! - a Terrific story by the legendary Intenseman, with Amazing artwork by a NEW AC artist, luis XIII!

man wakes up bedroom gloriously gorgeous gigantic Amazon woman viciously attacked group of men sexual joys His Protector experienced Female muscle bliss Terrific story legendary Intenseman Amazing artwork NEW AC artist luis XIII

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Jungle Girl - PDF

Jungle Girl
Price: 6.00
(Story: Plowjack, Artwork: NeoBabylon)

Carol is a full bodied, buff and beautiful Amazon woman who just loves to dominate her men (especially in the bedroom), this time one Lucky man in particular, whom she uses her overpowering physique and teasing words to control every inch of his much weaker body! - a Fantastic story by the iconic Plowjack, with Amazing artwork by Yet another NEW AC artist, NeoBabylon!

keywords: Carol full bodied buff beautiful Amazon woman dominate men bedroom Lucky man overpowering physique teasing words control weaker body Fantastic story iconic Plowjack Amazing artwork NEW AC artist NeoBabylon

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Fan's Fantasy Falls Flat - PDF

Fan's Fantasy Falls Flat
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

When Super FBB fan Dave gets front row seats to cheer on his favorite rippling hard musclegirl to First Place, he incurs the Wrath of the Second Place winner, Kasie, who proceeds to follow him back to his hotel room to teach him a Very Hard lesson. With hold after crushing hold she harshly bends and twists and mangles his body, getting her Payback on him for causing her to lose, making sure in the end that he is in her corner for next year's show, cheering her to victory - Or Else! Very cool artwork by Carlos on this one!

Super FBB fan front row seats favorite rippling hard musclegirl First Place Wrath Second Place winner Kasie hotel room Very Hard lesson crushing hold bends twists mangles Payback lose corner show victory artwork Carlos

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Uncle Bob's Foolish Folly - PDF

Uncle Bob's Foolish Folly
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

Teenage hard bodied gymnast Jennifer has learned to grudgingly tolerate the lecherous looks and perverted peeks from her "Uncle" Bob, though after hearing that he is also responsible for stealing much of her Father's money, he has gone Too Far. So an invite to join her alone at their family's beach-house turns from Bob's sexual fantasy to utter nightmare, as Jenn uses her solid, strong, muscular physique to both get her family fortune back, as well as teach him a lesson on how NOT to treat such a young beautiful girl! Incredible artwork (and a Whopping! 37 pictures) from the always awesome, FemForteFan!

Teenage gymnast Jennifer tolerate lecherous perverted Uncle Bob stealing money invite beach-house sexual fantasy nightmare solid strong muscular physique family fortune lesson beautiful girl artwork FemForteFan

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The Sorority Girl Next Door - PDF

The Sorority Girl Next Door
Price: 6.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: Taclobanon)

When a man meets up with an old crush from his past, a spark of Love is rekindled between him and the tall, powerful girl (not to mention her gorgeous college friend), as they all enjoy one another's bodies in a variety of ways! - an Incredible story by the legendary SeldomLasts, with Amazing artwork by YET another NEW AC artist, Taclobanon

man old crush spark Love rekindled tall powerful girl gorgeous college friend bodies Incredible story legendary SeldomLasts Amazing artwork NEW AC artist Taclobanon

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The Cheerleader Party - PDF

The Cheerleader Party
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

When a thin and weedy high school boy gets a personal invite to a Cheerleader Party, he's in for the ride of his life, as each and every one of these gorgeous young Amazon girls show him the pleasures their sexily muscled bodies can bring! - Awesome artwork by the Iconic Jebriodo!

thin weedy high school boy personal invite Cheerleader Party ride of his life gorgeous young Amazon girls pleasures sexily muscled bodies artwork Iconic Jebriodo

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Soccer Girl - Part 1 - PDF

Soccer Girl - Part 1
Price: 6.00
(Story: David Sullivan, Artwork: Rob)

When a Sexy young soccer star stakes her claim on one of her adorably hunky teammates, she is as driven to have him for herself in the bedroom as she is in scoring goals on the field; not that the young (completely overpowered) man minds in the least, as he simply can't get enough of her combination of Beauty and Brawn, and must worship her like the Amazonian Goddess that she is! - An Amazing story by the creator of Sandi Stone, David Sullivan, with Unreal illustrations from yet another new AC artist, Rob!

sexy young soccer star claim adorably hunky teammates driven bedroom scoring goals field overpowered man combination beauty brawn worship Amazonian Goddess amazing story creator Sandi Stone David Sullivan unreal illustrations AC artist Rob

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Hannah - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

Hannah is a teenage musclegirl that has a huge crush on her date, in more ways than one. Watch as she uses her unreal beauty to wrap her adorable man around her finger, then wrap her muscle packed body around his for some vicious ripping, tearing, crushing and a final Fatal Fuck that Hannah simply cannot live without! - a Great story from SeldomLasts, with Awesome artwork by yet another New Artist to AC, Edson!

Hannah teenage musclegirl crush date beauty muscle ripping tearing crushing Fatal Fuck SeldomLasts artwork New Artist Edson

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Sandi Stone: Muscle Mistress - PDF

Sandi Stone: Muscle Mistress
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Everton)

Sandi Stone claims yet another sex-boy-toy for her to play with, and she plays Hard! After watching her Destroy several men in the ring, a lucky male catches the eye of this teenage titan, who has him brought backstage for his first taste (of many to come) of hard, crushing, sexual female muscle! - a Great story from the Sandi Stone Collection, with Awesome artwork by another New Artist to AC, Everton!

Sandi Stone claims sex-boy-toy play Hard Destroy men ring lucky male catches the eye teenage titan brought backstage first taste hard crushing sexual female muscle Great story Sandi Stone Collection Awesome artwork New Artist AC Everton

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Amy's Conquest: 2010 Folio - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2010 Folio
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Yatz & Mr. Plaid)

To help end 2010, a fun little folio showing Amy being "Amy" in a variety of scenes that are both Strong and Sexy. A fun little add on that I'm sure you'll all enjoy! - Awesome artwork by both Yatz and Mr. Plaid on this one!!

end 2010 fun little folio Amy scenes Strong Sexy add on artwork Yatz Mr. Plaid

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Art Class Assault - PDF

Art Class Assault
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Artkaizer)

When a shy college art student gets too much unwanted attention from her instructor, he learns the hard way that the luscious curves concealed within her bookwormish attire are Filled with thick, powerful, rock solid muscle! Muscle she uses on him quite viciously there-after, mercilessly paying him back for his years of preying on weak, innocent young girls! - Fantastic artwork by a New AC artist, Artkaizer!

shy college art student unwanted attention instructor luscious curves bookwormish attire filled thick powerful rock solid muscle viciously mercilessly paying him back years preying weak innocent young girls fantastic artwork New AC artist Artkaizer

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Marshmallow - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos Henry & Marcio Correa)

Watch as a tall, shapely Amazon woman sexually plays with her latest (all too willing) boy-toy, teasing him with erotically spoken words of how Strong and Powerful she is, and that next to her, he is simply Soft As A Marshmallow! - An Incredible story by Plowjack, with Great artwork by Carlos Henry and Marcio Correa!

tall shapely Amazon woman sexually plays boy-toy teasing erotically spoken words Strong Powerful Soft As A Marshmallow Incredible story Plowjack Great artwork Carlos Henry Marcio Correa

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An Unexpectedly Strong Amazon - PDF

An Unexpectedly Strong Amazon
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rafael)

While Allison's sleek, fit, tight and toned body looks as Sexy as can be, it's true secret lies in the Vast Strength it contains, much to the punishment and humiliation of several rude, arrogant and violent brutes - much to the pleasure of one Very Lucky man! - Awesome artwork by Rafael!

Allison sleek fit tight toned body sexy secret vast strength punishment humiliation rude arrogant violent brutes pleasure lucky man artwork Rafael

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Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Cheerleader - PDF

Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Cheerleader
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Scott)

When this statuesque, muscle packed, Amazonian cheerleader has her sights set on a man to Muscle Fuck to pieces, you had better hope she isn't looking at YOU.....then again, what a way to go! - Artist Extraordinaire, Scott, brings his amazing talents and new style to this next story in the silentcrs' series!

statuesque muscle packed Amazonian cheerleader sights set man Muscle Fuck pieces hope looking way to go Artist Extraordinaire Scott amazing talents new style silentcrs series

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Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Triplets - PDF

Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Triplets
Price: 6.00
(Story: Silentcrs, Artwork: Everton)

When a man is confronted by a trio of Titanic Temptresses, dressed like the sexy young girls they are, he finds out the Hard (and in the end, Lethally) Way how being the object of such Gigantic Girls desires isn't always what its CRACKED up to be! - Everton once again lends his Amazing artwork to this silentcrs written Classic!

man confronted trio Titanic Temptresses dressed sexy young girls Hard Lethally Way object Gigantic Girls desires CRACKED up Everton Amazing artwork silentcrs written Classic

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Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Bridesmaid - PDF

Ultimate Power Ultimately Corrupts - The Bridesmaid
Price: 6.00
(Story: Silentcrs, Artwork: Fabio)

Watch as a giant young Amazon girl claims the adorable male stripper at a friend's bachorlette party for herself, using, abusing and then discarding him (permanently) after getting her sexual fill! - Amazing artwork by a new AC artist, Fabio!, and another part of the Awesome series by author extraordinaire, silentcrs!

Amazon girl male stripper bachelorette party using abusing discarding sexual fill artwork AC artist Fabio Awesome series author silentcrs

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Pleasure And Pain (Part 1) - PDF

Pleasure And Pain (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork :Brezo)

In this series of shorter Amazonian inspired tales, we see an assortment of instances where super strong females dish out either Pleasure or Pain to the various men in their lives! - Awesome artwork by another New AC artist, Brezo!

Amazonian tales super strong females Pleasure Pain men lives artwork New AC artist Brezo

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Amazon's Revenge - PDF

Amazon's Revenge
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

Watch as two muscular 18 year old Amazons "play rough" with a lurking, luring him into their trap by dressing as sexy young schoolgirls, as they use "Sex As A Weapon" of Revenge and Punishment! - Awesome artwork (and a HUGE 46 pictures) from FemForteFan on this one!

muscular 18 year old Amazons play rough lurking trap dressing sexy young schoolgirls Sex As A Weapon Revenge Punishment Awesome artwork HUGE 46 pictures FemForteFan

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TV's Blind Date - Amazon Style - PDF

TV's Blind Date - Amazon Style
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rafael)

It's true love when a buxom buff blond beauty and her adorable blind date meet for the first, but definitely not the last, time! - A long awaited story with Amazing artwork by the unreal Rafael!

true love buxom buff blond beauty adorable blind date first time last time long awaited amazing artwork Rafael

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Summer Loving - PDF

Summer Loving
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: R.M.G.)

An Amazonian tale based on the classic Grease song of the same name. Oon one side we have a trio of sexy college musclegirls, on the other a group of three buisnessmen out on the prowl. Watch as one guy lies his butt off about his night with a sexy hardbodied beauty to his friends, only to get caught in the act as she, and her fellow Amazons, show these men that its always best to be honest when dealing with a strong, powerful young girls! - Very cool artwork here by R.M.G.!

Amazonian tale Grease song trio sexy college musclegirls group businessmen prowl guy lies butt off night hardbodied beauty friends caught act Amazons men honest dealing strong powerful young girls cool artwork R.M.G.

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Never Mess With An Amazon - PDF

Never Mess With An Amazon
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Rob)

When two arrogant gym rats start insulting a female gym-instructor, they get much more than they bargained for in return, as her (and later her equally buff girl-friend) mighty muscles make short work (not to mention, sex-slaves) of these two foolish male muscle heads! - Absolutely Awesome artwork by Rob here, on a Classic M.C. Story! !

arrogant gym rats insulting female gym-instructor much more bargained for return mighty muscles short work sex-slaves foolish male muscleheads Absolutely Awesome artwork Rob Classic M.C. Story

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Mistaken Identity - PDF

Mistaken Identity
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

Watch as the boyfriend of a buff, beautiful young girl gets taught a very valuable lesson about NOT mixing her and her equally Amazonian twin sister up - a lesson that is re-opened when the sexy twin sister comes calling soon afterwards! - A fun short story with artwork by Carlos on this one!

boyfriend buff beautiful young girl taught valuable lesson mixing Amazonian twin sister re-opened sexy calling fun short story artwork Carlos

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The Avenging Angel - PDF

The Avenging Angel
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Greg)

Watch as Eve, a martial arts beauty, puts herself through college as The Avenging Angel; using her fighing mastery and fit physique to right the wrongs of those around her, punishing those that deserve it, avenging the weak and helpless - all for a nominal fee, of course! - Fantastic COLOR illustrations by Greg, on this M.C. penned tale!

Eve martial arts college Avenging Angel fighting mastery fit physique right the wrongs punishing avenging weak helpless nominal fee COLOR illustrations Greg M.C. tale

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Beauty And The Beast: A Circus Lovestory - PDF

Beauty And The Beast: A Circus Lovestory
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Crisshapes)

Watch as a massively muscular circus acrobat displays her vast strength, mostly onto the reigning "Strong-Man", easily over-powering him at every turn, as she takes advantage of him in and out of the big tent! - An Incredibly well written story by the Iconic artist, Crisshapes!

massively muscular circus acrobat vast strength reigning "Strong-Man" easily over-powering every turn takes advantage big tent Incredibly well written story Iconic artist Crisshapes

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My Incredible Super Girlfriend - PDF

My Incredible Super Girlfriend
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Gianluca)

Alice has always been a big, strong girl, having the strength of several men even when she was just a young adult. So watch all of the amazing things she can do now (and all through her teenage years) that she's an 18 year old superhuman Amazon! - Amazing artwork by Gianluca, on this M.C. penned tale!

Alice big strong girl strength several men amazing things teenage years 18 year old superhuman Amazon amazing artwork Gianluca M.C. penned tale

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Donna - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Fabio)

When a massively muscular college girl has had enough of her school's star linebacker and his cheerleader girlfriend's teasing ways, she decides to teach them both a harsh lesson, starting with some physical punishing and ending with some very sexual servitude! - Unreal artwork by Fabio, on this penned M.C. tale!

massively muscular college girl schools star linebacker cheerleader girlfriend teasing ways teach harsh lesson physical punishing sexual servitude Unreal artwork Fabio M.C. tale

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Girls Just Want To Have Fun - PDF

Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Rom)

When a pair of gorgeous young Amazon girls head out for a summer of fun in the sun, you had better watch out if youre a cocky, arrogant jerk; as such women don't take kindly to such crude behavior, and are not against giving college boys a beat down (or several) if the need arises! - Incredible COLOR artwork here by Rom, on this Classic M.C. tale!

Amazon girls summer fun sun cocky arrogant jerk crude behavior college boys beat down Rom Classic M.C. tale incredible color artwork

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Amy's Conquest: 2011 Folio - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2011 Folio
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rob, Scott, Rafael & Stef)

To help end 2011, a fun little folio showing Amy being "Amy" in a variety of scenes that are both Strong and Sexy. A fun little add on that I'm sure you'll all Enjoy! - Awesome artwork by from Rob, Scott, Rafael and hardbodies (Stef) on this one!

2011 folio Amy scenes Strong Sexy artwork Rob Scott Rafael hardbodies Stef

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One Wild Night - PDF

One Wild Night
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Everton)

Stacy is a statuesque, muscular beauty, who helps make her living as an erotically powerful session Amazon, though when one such client and some hired thugs go too far by invading her home, dealing a devastating blow to her life - or more specifically, to that of her True Love, Ben - she unleashes her Full Power on her all too foolish invaders! - Amazing artwork by Everton on this one!

Stacy statuesque muscular beauty erotically powerful session Amazon hired thugs invading home devastating blow True Love Ben Full Power foolish invaders Amazing artwork Everton

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The Return - PDF

The Return
Price: 6.00
(Story: Scott, Artwork: AmazonFan)

Gary couldn't be more excited at the idea of meeting up again with his ex-girlfriend Miranda, who while dumping him suddenly and without warning in the past, leaving him hurt and confused, has now Returned, ready to rekindle their love, returning with a very big surprise for her Amazon Admiring Man! - Fantastic artwork by Scott on this AmazonFan Classic story!

Gary excited meeting ex-girlfriend Miranda dumping hurt confused returned rekindle love surprise Amazon admiring man artwork Scott Classic story

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Real Life Adventures - PDF

Real Life Adventures
Price: 6.00
(Story: Plowjack, Artwork: Allan)

Witness the life of a normal, loving, married couple - one that contains a lush, strong, muscular Amazon, that is. A stunningly gorgeous Amazon who Loves to show off her strength for her man, with her man, on her man, dominating him with her thick, hard body, erotically controlling his every move with her superior strength and power, all the while bringing him to the heights of sexual pleasures and delights! - Awesome artwork from a new AC artist, Allan, on this Iconic Plowjack tale!

normal loving married couple lush strong muscular Amazon stunningly gorgeous show off strength dominating thick hard body erotically controlling superior strength power sexual pleasures delights artwork AC artist Allan Iconic Plowjack tale

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Brian's Luck - PDF

Brian's Luck
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Pedro)

Good-hearted Brian, a long time muscle-loving man, is all set to give up his female muscle lusting ways after just one date with Cindy, a super shapely exotic beauty, pledging his heart and soul to her fully, not realizing that her lush physique hides a sexy secret, one that will ensure Brian never need give up such fantasies, ever again! - Awesome CGI artwork by Pedro here! ALSO INCLUDED: Many Bonus Pics that are easily as Sexy as the pics within this story!!

good-hearted Brian long time muscle-loving man give up female muscle lusting ways one date Cindy super shapely exotic beauty pledging heart and soul fully realizing lush physique hides sexy secret ensure never need give up fantasies awesome CGI artwork Pedro included bonus pics sexy story

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Monica, The Bouncer - PDF

Monica, The Bouncer
Price: 6.00
(Story: Roberto, Artwork: AmazonFan)

Watch as a beautiful, buxom and buff woman applies for a job as a bouncer in a bar, only to then have to prove herself by physically defeating another male applicant for the role; an act which gets her so aroused (not to mention the bar owner himself) that she can't help but take her new employer, her way, much to both of their delights! - Very cool artwork on another Awesome AmazonFan tale by Roberto!

beautiful buxom buff woman job bouncer bar physically defeating male applicant aroused bar owner employer artwork AmazonFan tale Roberto

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Superstrong Substitute (Part 1) - PDF

Superstrong Substitute (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

Felicia is a no nonsense Ebony Amazon who is all about female superiority, and when you're super strong, statuesque, and sexy as all Hell, Superior is one thing that no man will ever dispute with you, especially those she encounters on her first day teaching at a new school, where her ultra muscular physique proves time and again just who the new boss is now! - Amazing artwork by Edson on this one!

Felicia no nonsense Ebony Amazon female superiority super strong statuesque sexy Hell Superior man dispute encounters first day teaching new school ultra muscular physique new boss Amazing artwork Edson

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Before He Cheats - PDF

Before He Cheats
Price: 6.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: Allan)

When a towering, muscle packed, Amazon accuses you of cheating, there's only one thing to do - RUN! Unfortunately for Carrie's boyfriend, he just didn't figure that out in time, so she had to use her vast power and super strength to teach him (and his car) a very valuable, potentially fatal, lesson; claiming another unsuspecting male as her new lover in the end! - Awesome (Very Graphic) artwork by Allan on this SeldomLasts story!

towering muscle packed Amazon cheating RUN Carrie's boyfriend vast power super strength teach car valuable potentially fatal lesson claiming unsuspecting male new lover Awesome Very Graphic artwork Allan SeldomLasts story

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The New Secretary - PDF

The New Secretary
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Fabio)

Mr. Turner is an abusive, lecherous boss, who goes through secretaries (who he insists all be hot and wear sexy outfits) like tissue paper; until he meets his latest hire, the shapely and statuesque Wendy, who shows him a thing or two about the True meaning of Power, as she uses her newly revealed Amazonian body to take him over, both physically and financially! - Amazing artwork once again by Fabio (on the first story I have ever written)!

Mr. Turner abusive lecherous boss secretaries hot sexy outfits tissue paper latest hire shapely statuesque Wendy True meaning of Power newly revealed Amazonian body take him over physically financially Amazing artwork Fabio first story

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Kitten's Revenge - PDF

Kitten's Revenge
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Jorge)

When 18 year old Kate (aka Kitten) goes to her older sister's campus to confront her obnoxious jock boyfriend that just dumped her, she uses her fit physique and martial arts mastery to teach him a very embarrassing lesson, before bringing him back home for some more fun afterwards - with her sister's permission, of course! - Very cool pics on this MC tale from another new AC artist, Jorge!

18 year old Kate Kitten older sister campus confront obnoxious jock boyfriend dumped fit physique martial arts mastery embarrassing lesson fun sister's permission cool pics MC tale new AC artist Jorge

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Fantasy Island - Amazon Style - PDF

Fantasy Island - Amazon Style
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Stuart and Beth are a young couple in love, who each receive their truest wish when they arrive at this very special Tropical Paradise, as Stuart's previously hunky form becomes more diminutive, while Beth grows into a huge, powerful, muscle packed Amazon - one who relishes in showing off her new body's power and strength (in an variety of sexy, even protective, ways), with Total Fantasy sexual sessions for them both mixed all throughout! - Incredible artwork on this one from a brand new AC artist, Max!

Stuart Beth young couple love Tropical Paradise hunky form diminutive powerful muscle packed Amazon body power strength fantasy sexual sessions artwork AC artist Max

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Pizza Boy - PDF

Pizza Boy
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Rob)

When a young pizza delivery boy visits the spacious, up-scale home of Brenda and Bridget, two stunning and statuesque young Amazon twins, he gets much more than he bargained for, namely their thick, hard young bodies wrappng around him in both painful and pleasuring ways, Squeezing all resistance out of him, before making him Crave for more! - Amazing artwork once again from Rob on this AmazonFan tale!

young pizza delivery boy spacious up-scale home Brenda Bridget stunning statuesque Amazon twins much more bargained for thick hard bodies wrapping around painful pleasuring squeezing resistance crave amazing artwork Rob AmazonFan tale

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