Search Results for "amy"


Amy's Conquest Side Story 1 - PDF

Amy's Conquest Side Story 1
Price: 6.00

Amy and Jessica take a road trip to the beach where they encounter 6 weedy males. The two partake in one of their biggest "conquests" ever - ravishing all 6 at once!

Amy Jessica road trip beach encounter weedy males partake biggest conquests ravishing

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 2 - PDF

Amy's Conquest Side Story 2
Price: 6.00

Amy and her mom Elizabeth Hardstone head to college to "meet and greet" the faculty during Amy's freshmen orientation. Amy shows her mom just how much she's grown up - the two ravish the faculty together!

Amy mom Elizabeth Hardstone college meet and greet faculty freshmen orientation grown up ravish

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 3 - PDF

Amy's Conquest Side Story 3
Price: 6.00

Super muscular high schoolers Caitlin and Jennifer issue a challenge to Amy and Jessica. They're taller than the famous duo themselves - and they ravish the tiniest boys in their school! Sexy art by artist Reddyheart!

muscular high schoolers challenge Amy Jessica taller famous duo ravish tiniest boys school sexy art artist Reddyheart

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Amy's Conquest 1 (Color) - PDF

Amy's Conquest 1 (Color)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

Super muscular 18 year old Amy Hardstone gets sent to detention. She meets her detention monitor Mr. Scott, a smaller, weedy man in his late 20s. It isn't long before she completes another conquest - ravaging his weak body! Now see the Classic Illustrated story that Started It All, in a whole new way! In stunningly beautiful, ultra detailed COLOR, done so by the truly talented Rodrigo! (Original artwork by FemForteFan!)

muscular 18 year old Amy Hardstone detention Mr. Scott weedy conquest ravaging Classic Illustrated stunningly beautiful ultra detailed color Rodrigo artwork FemForteFan

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Amy's Conquest 2 (Color) - PDF

Amy's Conquest 2 (Color)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: FemForteFan)

Amy meets 18 year old Jessica, an equally beautiful and muscular brunette, and they instantly become friends. The two decide to go to Mr. Scott house and ravish him together - along with posting pics and videos of their escapades all over the Internet! Another legendary tale of this Awesome Amazon has also been set to strikingly visual, COLOR as well. Rodrigo has also lent his artistic abilities to this Classic story, bringing Amy and Jessica to life like Never Before! (Original artwork by FemForteFan!)

Amy meets 18 year old Jessica equally beautiful muscular brunette instantly become friends decide go Mr. Scott house ravish together posting pics videos escapades Internet legendary tale Awesome Amazon strikingly visual COLOR Rodrigo artistic abilities Classic story bringing life Never Before Original artwork FemForteFan

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Amy's Conquest Artist story - PDF

Amy's Conquest Artist story
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: DTM)

Amy's Conquest is proud to present our first artist folio - full color artwork from a bevy of Amazon artists! Featuring work by Ayanamifan, FFF, SINDD, Yatz and DTM himself!

Amys Conquest artist folio full color artwork Amazon artists Ayanamifan FFF SINDD Yatz DTM

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Her Toy - Part 2 - PDF

Her Toy - Part 2
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: R.M.G.)

Patty isn't done with her muscle lusting man by any means, as she proceeds to show him his true place, beneath the hard muscular body of a woman much stronger than he, in a variety of steamy, sexual positions! - a Great story by the Unreal Plowjack, with Incredible illustrations by R.M.G.!

Patty muscle lusting man true place hard muscular body woman stronger steamy sexual positions Great story Unreal Plowjack Incredible illustrations R.M.G.

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Amy's Conquest: 2010 Folio - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2010 Folio
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Yatz & Mr. Plaid)

To help end 2010, a fun little folio showing Amy being "Amy" in a variety of scenes that are both Strong and Sexy. A fun little add on that I'm sure you'll all enjoy! - Awesome artwork by both Yatz and Mr. Plaid on this one!!

end 2010 fun little folio Amy scenes Strong Sexy add on artwork Yatz Mr. Plaid

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Amy's Conquest: 2011 Folio - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2011 Folio
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rob, Scott, Rafael & Stef)

To help end 2011, a fun little folio showing Amy being "Amy" in a variety of scenes that are both Strong and Sexy. A fun little add on that I'm sure you'll all Enjoy! - Awesome artwork by from Rob, Scott, Rafael and hardbodies (Stef) on this one!

2011 folio Amy scenes Strong Sexy artwork Rob Scott Rafael hardbodies Stef

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Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 1) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Watch as sexy teenage Amazon Jessica Armstrong works out Hard, pumping her already massive muscles in her basement's gym, all the while fantasizing about her Sister In Muscle, Amy, as well as a long time crush, her older brother's best friend, who is just upstairs....or so he was, Jessica just missing him, she then takes her Sexual Frustration out on her utterly helpless brother! - Amazingly drawn COLOR pics from a new AC artist, Jupiter 1!

sexy teenage Amazon Jessica Armstrong works out Hard pumping massive muscles basement's gym fantasizing Sister In Muscle Amy long time crush older brother's best friend upstairs missing Sexual Frustration utterly helpless brother Amazingly drawn COLOR pics new AC artist Jupiter 1

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