Search Results for "YOU"


The Change - TEXT

The Change
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

Sandy is a young housewife, who while happy with her life, wants more, especially in the physique department. So she visits her local Girls-Only Crossfit Gym, where she meets up with Alyssa, a 19 year old muscle-packed beauty, who takes Sandy under her wing, training her to reach physical (and sexual) levels she never thought possible; all the while their grouping of physically superior females grows into something truly amazing! Women, the weaker sex - not if they have anything to say about it!

Sandy young housewife happy wants more physique Girls-Only Crossfit Gym Alyssa 19 year old muscle-packed beauty takes under her wing training physical sexual levels never thought possible grouping physically superior females amazing women weaker sex anything to say

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Angel Of Salvation 2 - TEXT

Angel Of Salvation 2
Price: 2.00
(Story: Spoonmaster)

When Ethan awakes to find a note from Erica (his Amazonian Angel) stating that she was going to put her massively muscled older brother in his place, the young college boy is utterly terrified, believing that he would make quick work of his newfound love, and then work his way back to him! Though when Erica returns back from dealing with Biff (and several of his most vicious friends), all of which is video recorded for Ethan's viewing pleasure, he realizes once and for all that this beautiful Angel before him truly is his Salvation!

Ethan awakes note Erica Amazonian Angel massively muscled older brother place young college boy terrified quick work newfound love work his way back Erica returns dealing with Biff vicious friends video recorded Ethan's viewing pleasure beautiful Angel Salvation

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Promises, Promises (Part 1) - TEXT

Promises, Promises (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Spoonmaster)

When a beautifully buff gym promoter enters the life of a loving married couple, she promises the young wife (and other housewives gathering around her home), that this new Women's Only gym could bring them superhuman strength; a thought that fit the fantasies of this young couple to a T. The excited wife (convinced she would reach this goal) made her loving man promise to wrestle her using all of his strength when the time was right, and that she would overpower him utterly and out-wrestle him like a pillow (even though he is much larger than she is), and if she couldn't, she promised to use her ample assets on him for as long as he wanted. What did he have to lose, even if super strength for his wife was an impossibility - or was it?

beautifully buff gym promoter married couple young wife housewives Women's Only gym superhuman strength fantasies excited wife loving man wrestle overpower out-wrestle pillow larger ample assets super strength impossibility

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Fiona - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Musclehead)

When fitness MILF Lisa first meets Fiona, she's amazed at the strength this very young girl possesses! So much so she decides to take her under her wing, training her through the years, helping her transform into a teenage musclegirl with unreal strength (even surpassing her all too sexy trainer), with eventually an amazing sexual appetite! From teaching bullies their hard earned lessons, to sensually overpowering Lisa's own hardbodied husband (not to mention sexually enticing Lisa herself), to showing an adorably cute boy the pleasures of being with a physically superior girl (while her mentor shows an unruly young man his place beneath her own powerful form), Fiona can literally do it all!

fitness MILF Lisa Fiona strength young girl amazed under her wing training years transform teenage musclegirl unreal strength surpassing sexy trainer amazing sexual appetite teaching bullies hard earned lessons sensually overpowering hardbodied husband sexually enticing adorably cute boy pleasures physically superior girl mentor unruly young man powerful form Fiona do it all

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Passionate & Powerful - TEXT

Passionate & Powerful
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Courtney Holden is a young woman with a very unique ability, something that she's had since she was in her mid-teens, something that she once feared, though now has "grown" to Love! This gift gives the stunningly beautiful, sexily shaped girl the ability to physically grow taller and more muscular based on her level of sexual arousal - the hornier she gets, the bigger and stronger she becomes! This unreal power had been hard to control during her younger years, though now in college, Courtney (and her muscle-loving boyfriend) wouldn't have her any other way!

Courtney Holden young woman unique ability mid-teens feared grown love gift stunningly beautiful sexily shaped physically grow taller more muscular sexual arousal hornier bigger stronger unreal power hard to control college muscle-loving boyfriend

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Mixed Wrestling Venture (Part 2) - TEXT

Mixed Wrestling Venture (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

Our guy is just a glutton for punishment, though when you're being punished by beautiful, young, shapely muscle-girls, who wouldn't be? The fun continues, as Judy entices him back for more mixed wrestling videos, first with her and her equally buff little sister Nancy double-teaming him, then a new girl (Tracy) steps in! Even though shes much closer to our guy's overall size, she man-handles him Easily! Much to his pain, and pleasure, all in one! Not a bad way to make a living, not at all.

guy glutton for punishment punished beautiful young shapely muscle-girls fun Judy entices mixed wrestling videos buff little sister Nancy double-teaming new girl Tracy closer overall size man-handles pain pleasure living

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Once Upon A Time (Part 3) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

Writer extraordinaire Travis cannot get his Amazonian saviour Jessie out of his head! So much so he approaches her once again, a risky tact to someone who could bend steel in her hands with ease, though his determination and adoration win the day, and a romantic date is set. A date unlike any other for both of these young lovers, leading to a relationship continuing with her bringing him back to her place, where she shows off her Unreal strength for his enjoyment! Meanwhile, biker queen Tammy and her crew make plans for revenge!

Writer Travis Amazonian saviour Jessie determination adoration romantic date young lovers relationship Unreal strength biker queen Tammy crew revenge

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Once Upon A Time (Part 4) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

Jessie and Travis' relationship continues to bloom, as do the further adventures of Countess Elenore, at the sensual insistance of a muscle-lusting Jessie! Willing to do anything to please his true love, Travis continues with his classic series, as a new character, based on his Amazonian girlfriend, makes her way into his increasingly sexy story! In reality, things get even hotter for this young couple, especially when Jessie decides to treat Travis to a sexual muscle session to top them all - one which includes some old "friends", and a very possible new lover, that in the end leaves even this unstoppable supergirl erotically quenched to exhaustion!

Jessie Travis relationship adventures Countess Elenore muscle-lusting true love classic series Amazonian girlfriend sexy story young couple sexual muscle session friends new lover supergirl erotically quenched exhaustion

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The Interview - TEXT

The Interview
Price: 2.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle)

Victoria is a young gymnast sensation, who also happens to have a super muscular physique! When a member of her school's faculty meets with her for an interview, things get a bit out of hand (as he can't help himself around such a muscle-packed body), and she puts the Crush on him, something she does in a more erotic manner later on at his home! Her newfound experiences are making her realize how Sexy her muscular form truly is, something she then uses to her fullest, reaching her sexual peak for the first time, on a visiting college boy! Victoria has finally been let loose, in More ways than one!

Victoria young gymnast sensation super muscular physique member of school's faculty interview out of hand Crush erotic manner home newfound experiences Sexy muscular form fullest sexual peak first time visiting college boy let loose More ways than one.

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A Soccer Player's Growth - TEXT

A Soccer Player's Growth
Price: 2.00
(Story: A.J. Brown)

When Natalie (a fit, solid, college soccer star) is injured during a game, her physical therapist offers her a new steroid to help her muscles heal. Well heal they do, they also become harder and stronger than before (which for this young athlete, was already impressive)! Her increased strength leads way to a more aggressive, no-nonsense attitude, which arouses her to no end - something that she uses on an assortment of unlucky (or is that, lucky) men in her life!

Natalie fit solid college soccer star injured game physical therapist new steroid muscles heal harder stronger young athlete impressive increased strength aggressive no-nonsense attitude arouses assortment unlucky lucky men life

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