Search Results for "AC"


Roxie Rain Vintage 4 - VIDEO

Roxie Rain Vintage 4
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Roxie Rain Vintage 3 - VIDEO

Roxie Rain Vintage 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Master Class 2 - VIDEO

Master Class 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Master Class 1 - VIDEO

Master Class 1
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Part two of Roxie Rain video - VIDEO

Part two of Roxie Rain video
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This video features Roxie Rain, a painfully attractive bodybuilder, and Jacques. The poor guy is trying to clean the room with a vacuum cleaner while Roxie is taking a nap. Bad idea...

Roxie Rain bodybuilder Jacques clean room vacuum cleaner nap

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Roxy Rain vintage 1 - VIDEO

Roxy Rain vintage 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This video features Roxie Rain, a painfully attractive bodybuilder, and Jacques. The poor guy is trying to clean the room with a vacuum cleaner while Roxie is taking a nap. Bad idea...

Roxie Rain bodybuilder Jacques clean room vacuum cleaner nap

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Substitute Teacher - AUDIO

Substitute Teacher
Price: 4.00

The substitute teacher is teaching the class about human anatomy, and how it all works. She uses her own magnificent body to grab their attention, and to illustrate the lesson. Jane can lift and roll a small car, and she shows the class her massive biceps, and amazing quads, and talks about crushing coconuts and men. Imaginative story by Diana the Valkyrie.

substitute teacher class human anatomy body attention lesson Jane car biceps quads coconuts men story Diana the Valkyrie

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The tosser - AUDIO

The tosser
Price: 5.00

I'm a tosser. It's a fairly new sport, derived from the older game of dwarf tossing, but this is the grown-up version. Man tossing. The man is 150 pounds, that's a standard. But it turns out that quite a few men are 150 or less (if they're less, then they can be made up with some weights) and it doesn't matter how tall they are. And it turns out that quite a few men volunteer to be tossed by a big strong amazon giantess. Like me. I'm six foot nine, 290 pounds, and most of those pounds are muscle. I love man tossing, it's a great sport. Picking up a man with his crash helmet on, and launching him over the sand pit to get a longer toss than my fellow athletes - there's nothing better. I hear that next year it's going to be an Olympic sport. We all have our preferred toss-pot. Mine is little Cecil. He's quite short, and struggles to make 150, so we often have to strap a few iron disks onto him to make up the weight. We practice regularly. I also practice with a dummy weighing a fair bit more, but that's not as satisfying as flinging a live man across the sand, so whenever I can get a volunteer, I'll practice with him instead. Cecil doesn't like that, but he doesn't get to say who I toss.

tosser sport dwarf tossing man tossing 150 pounds weights tall volunteer amazon giantess six foot nine 290 pounds muscle crash helmet sand pit Olympic sport toss-pot Cecil iron disks dummy live man practice.

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Pain nurse part one - AUDIO

Pain nurse part one
Price: 5.00

A lot of people don't really understand about pain. I do, because I'm a pain nurse. Pain has two purposes. The obvious purpose is to alert you to the fact that something is wrong. If you pick up a too-hot plate, the pain is telling you to take rapid action before more damage is done. That's what everyone knows. But pain has a second purpose. The sensation of pain is transmitted from the damage site to the brain via the nervous system, and the body responds by taking actions to fix the problem, so that healing starts immediately. But sometimes, the pain sensation is inadequate, or is "referred". A referred pain is when you feel pain in the wrong place. For example, if you have a heart problem, you can't feel pain in your heart - the pain is felt in your left arm, elbow and shoulder. That's when the pain nurse comes in. If the pain is insufficient or referred, my job is to boost the pain. I have a number of different techniques that I can use, but rather than give a textbook exposition, I'll describe some case studies (the patient's names are, of course, anonymised). If you want a textbook, I'd suggest Wall & Melzack's "Textbook of Pain", available from many online bookshops.

pain nurse purposes alert damage nervous system referred pain sensation healing techniques case studies Wall & Melzack Textbook of Pain

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Pizza Girl part three - AUDIO

Pizza Girl part three
Price: 5.00

Today I was attacked again - the guy wanted the money I was carrying. He was waving a knife around, but it was a dinner knife and he looked really stupid with it. "OK, OK," I said, "My life isn't worth the cash I'm carrying, it's on the bicycle, I'll just get it." But also on the bicycle was my hockey stick, and that's a yard long. I unclipped it, and swung at his head, as one does. He ducked, of course, but I caught him a good one on the shoulder. He yelled "Bitch" and came at me with the knife, but I got him on the left ear with the second swipe of my stick, and he staggered. Why a hockey stick, you might be wondering. Because a baseball bat looks like a weapon, but a hockey stick looks like sports equipment. Which it is, and I've had plenty of practice with it. So he was still coming at me with his cutlery, so after I'd bounced my hockey stick off his left ear, I did a follow through, spun round and smashed my weapon into his right ear. Now he was dazed, but he still had his knife, so I lined up carefully and whacked his right hand, cracking his knuckles and causing him to drop the blade. Now he was disarmed, I suppose I could have just got on the pizza bike and rode off, but my blood was up and I wasn't going to stop now. The standard strike with a hockey stick is, of course, to the shins, followed by an "Oops, sorry about that!". So I took careful aim, raised the stick and brought it down as hard as I could. There was a satisfying "Crack!" and I knew that my assailant was finished. So I put my hockey stick back on its bracket, got on the pizza bike and rode off into the sunset. Or I would have, but it was night time so I rode off into the moonlight.

attacked money carrying waving knife dinner knife stupid life cash bicycle hockey stick yard long unclipped swung head ducked caught shoulder yelled bitch left ear second swipe stick staggered baseball bat sports equipment practice cutlery bounced follow through smashed weapon dazed right hand cracking knuckles drop blade disarmed pizza bike rode off blood standard strike shins oops sorry aim raised hard satisfying crack assailant finished bracket sunset night time moonlight

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