Search Results for "world"


Brandi Mae - Slap My Butt, Pay The Price - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Slap My Butt, Pay The Price
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

The amazingly shapely and muscular Brandi Mae is back! This time she forceably brings a man home who foolishly thought he could slap her lush, juicy muscle-butt at a club (dressed as she was, you could see why he couldn't help himself); once back she strips to an even tinier outfit, where she flexes, flares and hardens her Amazonian body, forcing him to lick, kiss and worship every inch of her super powerful physique (especially her World Class Glutes!) - The first of several Brandi clips to come, shot by the Incredible Jersey Black!

Brandi Mae muscular forceably man club outfit flexes flares hardens Amazonian body lick kiss worship powerful physique World Class Glutes Jersey Black

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Hannah And Her Husbands (Part Two) - TEXT

Hannah And Her Husbands (Part Two)
Price: 3.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

The second part of our Hannah series delves into how she met, and eventually claimed, the towering wall of manly muscle, Brick! Meeting one another as teenagers, the young girl effortlessly proved that while she was much smaller than the towering titan, she was vastly stronger than him, something she proved often in their time together. Even with years apart, he keeping tabs on her unreal physical exploits, their feelings for one another never waivered. He grew to become a world class MMA fighter and strongman, destroying any and all comers, though his manly might still paled in comparison to the incredibly beautiful and ultra shapely Hannah! Something she easily proved meeting back up years later, as she took him in the bedroom, soon after taking him as Husband #2! He had little choice in this matter, though even if he did, he wouldn't have chosen any other life for him, as being with Hannah, in any capacity, was better than anything else he could possibly imagine!

Hannah Brick teenagers manly muscle stronger physical exploits MMA fighter strongman world class beautiful shapely bedroom Husband #2 life imagine

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Amy's Conquest: 2021 Folio (Amy's Heavenly Honeymoon) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2021 Folio (Amy's Heavenly Honeymoon)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Folio, Artwork: Tom & DJ)

Travel the globe with Amy and David as they share Amazing sights and locations during their world-wide honeymoon! Of course Amy isn't your normal newlywed bride, and her Amazonian physique always garners its share of attention! Whether appreciating the drinks and locals as they bar-hop in Germany or Russia, relaxing in the polar Arctic or the sandy beaches of Hawaii, or enjoying themselves cosplaying at the New York Comic Con or bungee jumping in New Zealand, there is simply no place on Earth these young lovers couldn't have The Best time at! Join them on their trip, and you're guaranteed to Enjoy yourselves as well! Truly Unreal illustrations from Tom and DJ on this Fantastic Folio!

Travel globe Amy David sights locations world-wide honeymoon newlywed bride Amazonian physique bar-hop Germany Russia Arctic sandy beaches Hawaii cosplaying New York Comic Con bungee jumping New Zealand young lovers trip Enjoy Unreal illustrations Tom DJ Fantastic Folio

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Dying Wish (Part 4) - PDF

Dying Wish (Part 4)
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Rainbowscriber)

Mercy and Adam finally return home, after their world-wide vacation - though she can't help but notice his vastly deteriorating health, which breaks her heart and soul! The following day, Adam approaches her with a final request, one that she cannot refuse, even if he means leading him to his last breaths! One last sexually charged muscle session between then, one that contains several sexy lifts and crushing holds from the powerful muscular woman, and concludes with him lifelessly held in her emotionally quivering arms! A CGI artist extraordinaire rainbowscriber illustrates the final chapter of this story!

Mercy Adam return home world-wide vacation deteriorating health heart soul final request leading last breaths sexually charged muscle session sexy lifts crushing holds powerful muscular woman lifelessly held emotionally quivering arms CGI artist extraordinaire rainbowscriber final chapter story

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Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 2) - TEXT

Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

Our story continues as Steve prepares for his world title fight against the seemingly unstoppable Amazon, Cara! Though the more of her videos he watches, the more concerned he becomes! How could a woman be so muscular, so powerful, yet So Sexy! Still he plans to push himself to his limits, and beyond, to hold his title and defeat his current contender and bully! Unfortunately when the match begins, it seems that Cara has the advantage, as she powerfully plays with him, doing so in a sensual and erotic manner - all of which sexually thrills Julie watching from her ringside seat, ready to quench her erotic desires with whoever wins this fight! Two endings of this story, a Good and Bad side, means there's something for Everyone on this one!

story Steve world title fight Amazon Cara videos concerned woman muscular powerful sexy plans limits hold title defeat contender bully match advantage powerfully sensual erotic Julie ringside seat quench desires wins fight two endings Good side Bad side something for Everyone

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Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 1) - TEXT

Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

Tall and muscular Steve is the Heavyweight Mixed-MMA Champion in the world, with Julie (a stunning red-headed model) by his side, he is literally living the dream! That is until Cara re-enters his life, a statuesque, musclebound Amazon if there ever was one, who was not only taking the Mixed-MMA league by storm, but also causing his gorgeous girlfriend to become obsessed with her! Thoughts of Steve's manhandling of Cara in their high school days flowed about his mind, causing him anxiety and concern, while such stories only served to arouse Julie even more! Before long a match between them has been set up, but is a winner chosen before the fight ever begins!?

Tall Muscular Steve Heavyweight Mixed-MMA Champion World Julie Stunning Red-headed Model Living the dream Cara Re-enters Life Statuesque Musclebound Amazon Taking Mixed-MMA league Storm Gorgeous girlfriend Obsessed Thoughts Manhandling High school days Anxiety Concern Stories Arouse Match Set up Winner Chosen Fight

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 6) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 6)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Our story continues many years after the previous Chapter, A.J. miraculously being saved from the savage beating given to him by Janey's sister Nancy (which causes a massive rift between the protective amazon and her family to this day)! Janey now in her mid-50s, though like all women in this new world looks half her age, stunningly gorgeous, with breasts and brains to die for! Her experience in lovingly treating her darling husband through the years leads to her writing a best-selling book on how to love your man, inspiring the world, especially the Swedish Royal Family, who invite them to visit. These stunning regal females treat A.J. with the utmost respect and gentility, and invite Janey to participate in a private all-girl wrestling tournament, where the tall, nordic beauties test their power and skill against her (all for fun), to see which gets to claim their prize!

story years Chapter A.J. saved beating Janey sister Nancy rift protective amazon family mid-50s women new world gorgeous breasts brains experience husband best-selling book love man inspiring Swedish Royal Family visit regal females respect gentility private all-girl wrestling tournament nordic beauties power skill fun prize.

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 5) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 5)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Living in the world of the New Paradigm is not an easy thing, if you're a man that is! A world filled with women who can snap bones like twigs and crush bodies to pulp without trying, adding in being treated like a total inferior, and being used (and abused) for any woman's enjoyment! Luckily, Janey treats her loving man A.J. like a prince, doing her best to protect him always - that is until her mother and older sister come to visit! Desperate to win their favor, Janey leaves A.J. at their mercy, which is one thing for her "relatively tame" mother Beverly, though sister Nancy has plans all her own, which result in the worst beating A.J. ever experienced!

living world New Paradigm easy man women snap bones crush bodies pulp treated total inferior used abused enjoyment Janey loving man A.J. prince protect mother older sister visit desperate win favor leaves mercy relatively tame Beverly sister Nancy plans worst beating experienced

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 1) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

The first part of what will be an Absolute Classic series, brings us to a world where (due to a meteor strike at the South Pole) the world's female population has been given superhuman power - predominantly in the form of enhanced breast size and vast physical strength! Here we see the early stages of A.J. and Janey's relationship, stud star athlete and beautiful girl next door - lifelong friends that were destined to be togther forever, though how she treated him when her powers first developed put that in serious doubt! Once an alpha male at his High School, A.J. is now a helpless plaything for not only Janey, but any other girl who wants him for her pleasure!

Absolute Classic series world meteor strike South Pole female population superhuman power enhanced breast size physical strength A.J. Janey relationship stud star athlete beautiful girl next door lifelong friends destined together forever powers alpha male High School helpless plaything pleasure

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Order Of Inanna: Ginger - TEXT

Order Of Inanna: Ginger
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

Our latest from this series focuses on the truly Titanic dark-skinned beauty, Ginger, where after a sensual bathing in a milky pool with the Legendary Akheema, she is given another assignment, one which involves playing bodyguard to her soon-to-be soul-mate! This man a literal Giant, his size greater than even her own, and his strength is world famous - though that doesn't mean much to this ebony supergirl, as she shows off her superior power to him, in a variety of erotic, sensual ways! The world's strongest man against one of the most powerful of the Order Of Inanna, he doesn't stand a chance, and in the end, that's just fine by him.

Keywords: Titanic dark-skinned beauty Ginger sensual bathing milky pool Legendary Akheema assignment bodyguard soul-mate Giant strength world famous ebony supergirl power erotic sensual strongest man Order Of Inanna.

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