Search Results for "woman"


Too Tight - PDF

Too Tight
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Ronaldo)

A large, brutish Barbarian guard believes he is in complete control of the gorgeous Amazon woman that is chained to his dungeon wall, groping her muscle-packed body and unreal curves, planning to Take Her for his Pleasure! Though this woman proves to be his superior in every way, as she out-wits and overpowers his hulking form, using her most "delicate" of areas to Crush and Squeeze him to submission, before freeing herself and showing him the true meaning of helplessness! Ronaldo returns here, illustrating this awesome story from Jack Straw!

large brutish Barbarian guard complete control gorgeous Amazon woman chained dungeon wall groping muscle-packed body unreal curves planning Take Her Pleasure superior out-wits overpowers hulking form delicate areas Crush Squeeze submission freeing herself true meaning helplessness Ronaldo awesome story Jack Straw

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Dying Wish (Part 2) - PDF

Dying Wish (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rainbowscriber)

The continuing adventures of Sexy Supergirl Mercy, and her loving (though unfortunately terminal) husband Adam. Here, they plan a sexy scheme for a brutish, crude man on the German leg of their world trip, showing him that brawn is hardly all one needs to earn the love and respect of a woman like Mercy, one needs brains and heart as only Adam has. So this Amazon woman lures him to their bedroom to prove who is the Superior Male in this situation, before sharing yet another lovingly sexual session with her True Love! More incredible illustrations from CGI maestro, rainbowscriber!

Sexy Supergirl Mercy husband Adam scheme brutish crude man German world trip love respect woman brains heart Amazon woman bedroom Superior Male True Love illustrations CGI maestro rainbowscriber

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Pool Punishment - PDF

Pool Punishment
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonLover, Artwork: Jupiter1)

When a beautifully buff woman approaches a man, after throwing her larger boyfriend into their hotel's pool, and crushing him to near unconsciousness, the stunned watcher is foolish enough to doubt her power still! This causes her to invite him back to her room for a further demonstration of her rock solid physique and unbelievable strength, which she uses both on him and her boyfriend Together! Jupiter I returns to AC with unreal artwork on this classic story from Amazon Lover!

buff woman man boyfriend hotel pool unconsciousness watcher power room rock solid physique strength Jupiter I AC artwork classic story Amazon Lover

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My Bodyguard (Parts 1 & 2) - PDF

My Bodyguard (Parts 1 & 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Intenseman, Artwork: Everton)

Mr. Holbrook discovered that when you are the CEO of a multimillion dollar firm that your life is in constant danger. It was lucky for him that some executives in his firm hired a bodyguard to secretly watch over him. They didn't hire just any bodyguard though. They hired Angela, a beautiful young woman with the strength to warm up with 585 pound bench presses and the fighting skills to defeat twenty men with just her hands and feet. It was even luckier for Holbrook when he discovered that his attraction to Angela was mutual! Everton returns to illustrate this awesome Intenseman story!

Mr. Holbrook CEO multimillion dollar firm life constant danger executives hired bodyguard secretly watch over Angela beautiful young woman strength warm up 585 pound bench presses fighting skills defeat twenty men hands feet attraction mutual Everton illustrate Intenseman story

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Amy's Conquest: 2016 Folio (Amy's Fantasy Journal) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2016 Folio (Amy's Fantasy Journal)
Price: 6.00

It looks like our favorite Amazonian college girl is in Love! So like any young woman whose heart has been opened, she frequently fantasizes about her lover, and in Amy's case, she even has a Fantasy Journal, where she imagines her and David together in a variety of different scenes and settings, from distant worlds to the heart of the jungle to her own bedroom! Every one of them sure to arouse, entice and get your juices flowing, just as they do for her!

favorite Amazonian college girl Love young woman heart opened frequently fantasizes lover Amy Fantasy Journal imagines David together variety different scenes settings distant worlds heart of the jungle bedroom arouse entice juices flowing

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The Waitress - PDF

The Waitress
Price: 6.00
(Story: Uplifted, Artwork: Everton)

When a handsome, middle-aged, man notices the most unbelievable legs on his waitress, he can't help but stare; attention that's soon noticed by the lovely young woman, who actually takes a liking to him. So much so she decides to carry him home, amazing him with her strength, letting him into her world of true Amazon women! After a little "training", he's served up for the pleasures of her sisters, and him as well - that is until a vicious Amazon threatens him, allowing his beautiful waitress to save the day! Incredible artwork by Everton, on this Uplifted story!

handsome middle-aged man unbelievable legs waitress stare attention lovely young woman liking carry home strength world true Amazon women training served up pleasures sisters vicious Amazon threatens beautiful waitress save the day incredible artwork Everton Uplifted story

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What's In A Name? - PDF

What's In A Name?
Price: 6.00
(Story: Wanderer, Artwork: Max)

When a gorgeous college girl is approached by a guy in a club, who simply Cannot focus on anything but her World Class Breasts, she decides to play with him a bit, letting him know she will be All His, if he can say her previously given name. Though so lost in her luscious cleavage, he has no idea - he also has no idea her Unreal Curves and Shape are from years of building thick, juicy muscle! Something he finds out all too soon as she Takes him back to her place and shows him just how to treat a woman with respect! Awesome artwork by Max on this Wanderer story!

gorgeous college girl approached guy club Cannot focus anything World Class Breasts play letting him know All His previously given name lost luscious cleavage Unreal Curves Shape years building thick juicy muscle finds out soon Takes him back place shows treat woman respect Awesome artwork Max Wanderer story

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The Upstairs Neighbour (Parts 1 & 2) - PDF

The Upstairs Neighbour (Parts 1 & 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rafael)

Normally shy Howard finally gets the courage to talk to Stephanie, a gorgeous super shapely woman in his building, which leads to a partial business meeting / date back at her place! It's there that their conversation turns to her physique, something she then starts revealing to him, stunning him that her voluptuous shape is actually thick, juicy muscle - something that he seems to like very much, especially with the erotic way she uses it! The first parts of this fantastic Wanderer series, illustrated by the awesome Rafael!

shy Howard courage talk Stephanie gorgeous super shapely woman building business meeting date physique revealing voluptuous muscle thick juicy erotic Wanderer series illustrated Rafael

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Are You Scared Yet? - PDF

Are You Scared Yet?
Price: 6.00
(Story: Endeavour, Artwork: Max)

When a handsome man accepts the challenge to arm-wrestle a smaller though rock solid young woman at a party, he finds he's in for the ride of his life! No only does she push him to his limits in their match, but this then leads to a private wrestling session, where her even more powerful bodyparts come into play! Of course, sexy wrestling is always the best foreplay for other more erotic experiences, something they both Enjoy to their fullest! Is he scared of this sensually dominant beauty, you bet he is - Scared Stiff! An Awesome story by Miles Endeavor, with Incredible illustrations by Max!

handsome man challenge arm-wrestle smaller woman rock solid party ride of his life limits match private wrestling session powerful bodyparts sexy wrestling foreplay erotic experiences sensually dominant beauty scared stiff awesome story Miles Endeavor incredible illustrations Max

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Overpowered - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: Madman, Artwork: Max)

When a man makes a foolish comment to his wife that a woman simply couldn't physically and forcefully handle a man, he's opened the door for her to invite her Amazonian gym buddy to stop by a few nights later for some personal instruction on the matter! This man's once cocky attitude quickly turns to worry and concern, as the towering muscle-packed Goddess proceeds to show him just how strong a woman could be, even getting his wife involved on his continued Overpowering! Great story by Madman, with Incredible artwork by Max!

man foolish comment wife woman physically forcefully handle Amazonian gym buddy stop by personal instruction matter cocky attitude worry concern towering muscle-packed Goddess strong wife involved overpowering great story Madman incredible artwork Max

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