Search Results for "tale"


Super Powered Porn / What's A Boyfriend To Do? - PDF

Super Powered Porn / What's A Boyfriend To Do?
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Here we have two classic tales from author extraordinaire, Jeremy Wilson! The first dealing with a superhumanly strong porn star, who is dying to use her vast power in her videos, so she makes her team an offer they can't refuse! Then, we see a teenage super-athlete dominating not only her fit older sister (as loving sisters do), but also her much larger boyfriend as well! Incredible illustrations by Max on these!

classic tales author Jeremy Wilson superhumanly strong porn star dying vast power videos team offer refuse teenage super-athlete dominating fit older sister loving sisters much larger boyfriend incredible illustrations Max

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College Girl Muscle (Redux) - PDF

College Girl Muscle (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

An up to date reworking of one of our Oldest Illustrated stories, drawn now by the Unequalled, Edson! Here we have a tale of two sexy college musclegirls, Tina who adores cuddling with her loving man as he relishes her thick, muscular body, and Heather, a buff dominant girl that is not afraid to show her boyfriend the painful errors of his cheating ways! Loads of female physical superiority here, and no matter what type of sexy Amazon girl you like, this story has it ALL!

up to date reworking oldest illustrated stories drawn unequalled Edson tale two sexy college musclegirls Tina adores cuddling loving man relishes thick muscular body Heather buff dominant girl not afraid show boyfriend painful errors cheating ways loads female physical superiority type Amazon girl

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Missy And The Professor - PDF

Missy And The Professor
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Missy is a gorgeous and popular young college girl, who doesn't take kindly to the unsatisfactory grade that one of her professors has just given her. So she pays him a visit in his office, using a perfect combination of girlish sexuality and amazing physical power (not to mention the expanse of her fit form into a muscular Amazon) to get herself both a top grade, and also this professor as well! Incredible drawings by Max on this The Collector tale!

Missy gorgeous popular young college girl unsatisfactory grade professor visit office girlish sexuality amazing physical power fit form muscular Amazon top grade professor incredible drawings Max The Collector tale

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A New Beginning - PDF

A New Beginning
Price: 6.00
(Story: Endeavour, Artwork: Max)

When a gymnastics coach comes in to a former student talking to his current class about a super muscle-building drug, he's less than happy about it! Though imagine his surprise when the much younger (though still very muscled) girl proves her superior strength to the hulking man! Even further, in the following days when some of his young students take this compound, giving them a clear increase in muscle size and strength; which one uses to utterly dominate him, while another uses it for her own sexual pleasures! Incredible artwork by Max on this tale by Miles Endeavour!

gymnastics coach former student current class super muscle-building drug surprise younger muscled girl superior strength hulking man young students compound increase in muscle size increase in strength dominate sexual pleasures incredible artwork Max tale Miles Endeavour

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College Amazon Adventures (Part 2) - PDF

College Amazon Adventures (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story & Artwork: James Stilton)

Not to be outdone by Vanessa's ultra erotic story, gorgeous amazon Jennifer chimes in with her sexy summer tale! One that involves her handling of a crude customer who foolishly slapped her juicy muscle butt while working. Devious thoughts flow about her youthful mind, as she plays the part of a timid young girl in need of punishment, only to reverse her attitude when she has him where she wants him! Taking him for her pleasure, as she teaches him a lesson about how Not to treat a girl's body! James from once more lends his Super Sexy artwork and text on this one!

Vanessa ultra erotic story gorgeous amazon Jennifer sexy summer tale handling crude customer slapped juicy muscle butt working devious thoughts youthful mind timid young girl punishment reverse attitude pleasure lesson treat girl's body James Super Sexy artwork

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Amy's Side Story: Elizabeth's Tale (Part 1) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Elizabeth's Tale (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

Witness the birth of a Legend!! During one fateful night, years ago, while Elizabeth Hardstone was harshly having her way with her latest boy-toy in the bedroom, she heard the sounds of her darling daughter Amy crying. Immediately this loving Muscle MILF went to her, heartbroken as she discovered that the young girl was being cruelly teased at school due to her thick, powerful body. So Elizabeth comforted her with tales of her own Amazonian escapades during her teenage years, teaching her that her powerful body is a Blessing, not a curse! Fantastic artwork by Edson on this one!

birth Legend fateful night Elizabeth Hardstone boy-toy bedroom sounds darling daughter Amy crying loving Muscle MILF young girl cruelly teased school thick powerful body Elizabeth comforted tales Amazonian escapades teenage years teaching Blessing curse Fantastic artwork Edson

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The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 2) - PDF

The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Diego)

The gorgeous red-headed Amazon woman is back, continuing her physical and sexual assaults on Wayne and his crude, obnoxious friends! The stunning Supergirl man-handles them all together, and all by themselves, as she smothers, pummels, crushes and overall demolishs these men with her superior body, using the very objects of their erotic desires as their ultimate downfall, as she quenches her own sensual pleasures again and again! Fantastic artwork from Diego on this Iconic Jack Straw tale!

gorgeous red-headed Amazon woman back continuing physical assaults sexual assaults Wayne crude obnoxious friends stunning Supergirl man-handles together themselves smothers pummels crushes demolishs men superior body objects erotic desires ultimate downfall quenches sensual pleasures fantastic artwork Diego Iconic Jack Straw tale

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The First Step - TEXT

The First Step
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

Based on a true story, this tale goes into the actual first meeting of our Amazon-Loving author and a towering, titanic, teenage supergirl, who first saves him from a gang of bullies, then when they begin to connect emotionally, she shares her body with him, in all of its power packed glory!

true story tale Amazon-Loving author meeting towering titanic teenage supergirl saves bullies connect emotionally body power packed glory

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Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 2) - TEXT

Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Muscle-packed Amazons Amber, Danielle, Cassandra and Brittany are all back, as they get together once more, this time for a dinner party, where they (especially Amber and Danielle, for now) again share stories about their previous sexually charged Amazonian exploits (dealing with their own adorable men, all of whom are cooking this evening's meal), each tale hotter and more sexually arousing than the last - all the better for a "peeping tom" neighbor, who's in for a little surprise of his own later on.

muscle-packed Amazons Amber Danielle Cassandra Brittany back dinner party sexually charged Amazonian exploits adorable men cooking meal tales hotter sexually arousing peeping tom neighbor surprise

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Mary The Meter Maid - TEXT

Mary The Meter Maid
Price: 2.00
(Story: M.C.)

A Brand New and Exclusive story from one of the Top Authors of Martial Arts Stories, M.C. returns with another tale of fighting females to arouse and excite! This time we follow the lovely young Mary, an 18 year old martial arts master, who just loves her summer job as a Meter Maid, especially as it allows her to use her unreal fighting skills to help apply the law whenever she can, not to mention allowing her to ensnare herself a hunking new boyfriend in the process!

Brand New Exclusive story Top Authors Martial Arts Stories M.C. returns tale fighting females arouse excite follow lovely young Mary 18 year old martial arts master summer job Meter Maid unreal fighting skills help apply the law ensnare hunking new boyfriend process

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