Search Results for "guys"


Happy Hormones Crip Walking 2 - PDF

Happy Hormones Crip Walking 2
Price: 6.00
(Story: DTM, Artwork: Jupiter 1)

The tour far ahead of them, Amy and her mother decided to make their own way across the university. Past quiet walkways and well-manicured lawns, the tall women continued to draw attention. Amy, in particular, loved to draw more of it. Whether it was flexing her rock-hard calves walking past a group of guys, or pressing her huge melons together with her arms while she asked someone for directions, she always got her desired reaction (stares of longing for her perfectly-built body). Her favorite activity was bending over at the waist after 'accidentally' dropping her handbag, giving an unwitting guy behind her a direct view of her amazing bowling ball glutes. She would then turn her head, give her ass a playful smack and blow a kiss sure to leave an erection as the two women would continue on and laugh.

tour Amy mother own way university walkways lawns women attention flexing rock-hard calves group of guys pressing huge melons arms directions desired reaction stares longing perfectly-built body favorite activity bending over waist handbag unwitting guy direct view amazing bowling ball glutes turn head playful smack blow a kiss erection two women laugh

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The Interview - PDF

The Interview
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: ZGannero)

I am undefeated, she smiled, Against the other girls and guys. You wrestle guys? I inquired. Sure. Why not? It is good competition. She paused for a moment. A wry smile appeared on her face. Do you find that strange or intriguing? she asked, raising her eyebrow for emphasis.

undefeated smiled girls guys wrestle competition strange intriguing eyebrow

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Amy's Conquest 3 redux - PDF

Amy's Conquest 3 redux
Price: 8.00

Amy's Conquest 3 Redux Amy dons her classic schoolgirl uniform and wrestles guys as a summer job. Later backstage, the sexy teenage Amazon ravishes a man in the shower and 2 in the locker room.

Amy's Conquest 3 Redux schoolgirl uniform wrestles guys summer job backstage sexy teenage Amazon ravishes man shower locker room.

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The ERG sorority - PDF

The ERG sorority
Price: 8.00

We were just gossiping about guys, as one does. I suppose guys gossip about girls, or maybe they just gossip about sports. I don't know. Boys just don't seem to be rational. Sex is the most important thing in the world, because sex leads to babies, and without babies, the human race goes extinct. Without baseball, the human race doesn't go extinct. Without football, the human race continues. And the same for basketball, cricket, soccer, golf and so on. Something we've all noticed is that there seem to be a bunch of boys that are turned on by female muscle, but there's also a bunch that are intimidated by us to the extent that they don't even appear on our radar. Judy said "I make money by dancing." And while she's dancing in her bikini, she shows off her thick muscles; the audience easily understands that she's stronger than any two of them. "They feel intimidated by my body, and even a bit scared. And when I suggest tips, they respond enthusiastically, with five and ten dollar bills. Sally reminisced about a jockstrap raid she'd been on. "It was great fun. We hit the ALE frat house. There were four of us, and the boys didn't put up any resistance, because they knew that they'd be knocked flat if they tried. So we smashed down their front door - it turned out that it hadn't been locked, but smashing it down set the scene. We barged into their dorm room and rummaged through their drawers, grabbing their most intimate garments - jock straps. They were a bit smelly, but we'd brought plastic bags to put them in. Then we marched out, past the boys who were still cowering in their living room.

gossiping guys girls sports rational sex important babies human race extinct baseball football basketball cricket soccer golf boys turned on female muscle intimidated radar money dancing bikini muscles audience intimidated scared tips enthusiastically jockstrap raid ALE frat house resistance knocked flat smashed front door dorm room drawers intimate garments jock straps smelly plastic bags marched out cowering living room.

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Amy's seduction - PDF

Amy's seduction
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

18-year old Amy Hardstone is in detention, and she seduces the teacher, Robert Scott, who is sitting in on the detention. Why is she there? Because she got into a fight. With three guys, and gave them a severe beating, leaving them in hospital. Amy shows Robert her huge biceps and massive thighs; flexing and breaking the desk she was sitting at. Then she mashes Robert against the blackboard with her enormous breasts, almost smothering him. Amy both attracted and terrified the small teacher. And when he calls her a freak, she's upset, and shows it by mangling the desk. Robert tries to make a run for it, but is stopped by collision with Amy's hard body, and then she crushes him in her arms, leaving him unable to breathe.

18-year old Amy Hardstone detention seduces teacher Robert Scott fight three guys severe beating hospital huge biceps massive thighs flexing breaking desk mashes blackboard enormous breasts smothering attracted terrified small teacher freak upset mangling run stopped collision hard body crushes arms unable to breathe

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My Mile High Muscle Gal - VIDEO

My Mile High Muscle Gal
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

New to the scene, but unique and unbelievably sexxy, Nikki Now demonstrates her explosive power and great physique in this fantasty domination video. Entering the room, 6% bodyfat, at 6' tall and 150 lbs., Nikki looks just unbelievable! Her victim is waiting on her on the bed and cannot believe his eyes at what he sees. He asks her for a bicep pose, back pose and all we can say is WOW! She is truly amazing! She then gets on the bed for some fun wrestling and look at those long, lean, painful legs of hers! Well, ya just gotta see more of this emerging Dyna Bomb! Nikki is really having fun wrapping them long lean muscular thighs around her victim. But, she has a big surprise for him! She tells him she will be right back and back she is! With Knee Hi black patent leather stiletto heel boots making her 7' tall, wow! She is just incredible! And she toys with him on the floor and then standing over him in bed, amazing views guys that you will just for!!!

New scene unique unbelievably sexxy Nikki Now explosive power great physique fantasy domination video entering room 6% bodyfat 6' tall 150 lbs. unbelievable victim bicep pose back pose amazing bed fun wrestling long lean painful legs emerging Dyna Bomb wrapping muscular thighs surprise right back Knee Hi black patent leather stiletto heel boots 7' tall incredible toys floor standing over bed amazing views guys

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part six - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part six
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The plough girl squadron, part five - AUDIO

The plough girl squadron, part five
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part four - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part four
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part 3 - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part 3
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part 2 - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part 2
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part 1 - AUDIO

The Plough Girl Squadron, part 1
Price: 5.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put him into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets.

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Octavia part one - AUDIO

Octavia part one
Price: 5.00

I'm six feet tall in my bare feet, and two hundred pounds of hard muscle; I can bench three times my weight. And I don't hide my light under a bushel. Everything is on display, and a lot of guys like that. My impressive body drives men crazy, and crazy men do crazy things. And I encourage the crazy. My hobby is to find men who are nutty as fruitcake, or if they aren't, I push them that way. And when they're one squawk short of a cuckoo, I take a trophy and dump them. Would you like to hear about some of the absurd things I've done; or rather, the crazy things that men do with a bit of encouragement from a woman with massive muscles?

six feet tall bare feet two hundred pounds hard muscle bench weight display guys body drives crazy encourage hobby nutty fruitcake squawk cuckoo trophy dump absurd men encouragement woman massive muscles.

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Tales Of A Buff Beauty - AUDIO

Tales Of A Buff Beauty
Price: 5.00

When a tall, muscular young woman awakens from a night of crushing muscle fun with her man (his bruised body laying still beside her), she tells you her tale about growing up a beautiful, buff Amazon girl! Sharing stories about how she and her equally muscular little sister (who loves demolishing her men) received their genetics from their bodybuilding mother, as well as their drive to become stronger than any man! Talking about how they built their bodies and learned to love overpowering the weaker male sex from their controlling Muscle Mom, about how they and some other statuesque supergirls routinely trick and dominate guys at the club, describing the events from the previous night with her man, showing him that with incredible strength also comes an amazing sexual drive! Even though she tries to be gentle, her unbridled arousal causes her to lose control and overwhlem her man more than she planned! Though when she finds that he's not quite as asleep next to her as he pretends, she decides to continue her previous night's fun, whether he wants to or not! Another super erotic audio story from the sultry voice of McKenzie Alex! (13 1/4 minutes)

tall muscular young woman awakens night crushing muscle fun man bruised body tells tale growing up beautiful buff Amazon girl sharing stories equally muscular little sister demolishing men genetics bodybuilding mother drive stronger weaker male sex controlling Muscle Mom statuesque supergirls routinely trick dominate guys club describing events previous night incredible strength amazing sexual drive gentle unbridled arousal lose control overwhelm planned finds asleep pretends continue fun super erotic audio story sultry voice McKenzie Alex

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PocketMen2 - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: GyroFM)

By GyroFM A story about guys who lose control looking at muscular women in public settings. 'I eat people like you for breakfast!' she tells me in a strong and confident tone! She is driving me crazy; she has got me pinned against the wall; I can not move. Tatiana lifts her leg and rests her knee on my dick. 'You can not take it anymore, can you?' She tells me and starts rubbing her knee on my cock. She makes me have an orgasm in seconds! Tatiana leaves me, and I fall to the floor with strong spasms from the incredible orgasm! Then she gets dressed and goes out. I never thought that the ugly and insignificant girl that she was at the beginning would turn me on and make me lose my mind so much!

GyroFM story guys lose control muscular women public settings strong confident pinned wall knee dick orgasm spasms ugly insignificant turn on mind.

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Amy's Conquest 3 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 3
Price: 6.00

Amy dons her classic schoolgirl uniform and wrestles guys as a summer job. Later backstage, the sexy teenage Amazon ravishes two men in the shower and the locker room - crushing their thin bodies during ravenous sex!

amy dons classic schoolgirl uniform wrestles guys summer job later

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Like Mother Like Daughter - PDF

Like Mother Like Daughter
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Matt)

Super muscular Trish and her mom visit the beach for some sun and fun. It's not long before the girls crush some guys in ecstasy. Great, detailed art by artist Matt!

super muscular Trish mom beach sun fun crush guys ecstasy great detailed art artist Matt

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The Right Mix - PDF

The Right Mix
Price: 6.00
(Story: Vaalser4, Artwork: Alphadawg)

Marcedes is the Ultimate Amazon! Towering over most any man around, her unreal height is further emphasized by her massive, solid and super ripped muscles! Her loving man (who she simply Towers over) tells several stories of her Amazonian exploits here, which involve putting cocky, tough, macho guys in their place; whether by humiliating them in public, or giving them a little beating in private! Marcedes truly is the Right Mix of Any man's fantasy! Fantastic illustrations from alphadawg on this original story by Vaalser4!

Marcedes Ultimate Amazon towering height massive solid ripped muscles loving man Amazonian exploits cocky tough macho guys humiliating beating fantasy illustrations alphadawg Vaalser4

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A Nice Guy Finishes First - TEXT

A Nice Guy Finishes First
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

When Steve agreed to meet up with his old high school friend Carrie at their ten year reunion, he had no idea that the mousy little girl he knew back then had transformed into a 6'8" heavily muscled, supercharged Amazon Goddess. That was only the first of several surprises in store for him. Before the weekend was over, his life would be changed forever, and he would find out that nice guys don't ALWAYS finish last!

Steve high school friend Carrie reunion ten year mousy girl transformed 6'8" heavily muscled supercharged Amazon Goddess surprises weekend life changed nice guys finish last

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Jenna Preston - Sad Boyfriend - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Sad Boyfriend
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When Jenna and her man return home from a night out, she notices he's feeling down, the reason for which is the assortment of guys that were teasing him for being shorter than his statuesque girlfriend, not to mention her effortless and harsh handling of these men afterwards. She goes on to tell him how it's her job as a true Amazon Woman to protect and take care of him, talking about past tales of her using her unreal strength to do so; all while allowing his hands and lips all over her bountiful breasts, as her own hands stroke his growing erection - I don't think this boyfriend will be sad for much longer! Very sexy "Strength Talking" here on this video!

Jenna man return home night out feeling down assortment of guys teasing shorter statuesque girlfriend effortless harsh handling men job true Amazon Woman protect take care past tales unreal strength hands lips bountiful breasts own hands stroke growing erection boyfriend sad sexy Strength Talking video

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Muscle Beauty X - Overprotective Girlfriend - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - Overprotective Girlfriend
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

Lusciously lovely, beautifully buff Muscle Beauty X returns home with her loving man, his smaller body carried in her powerful arms, as she brings him back to care for him after a car almost hit him (actually hitting her, though her Amazonian form is unharmed)! She spends time tenderly caring for him on their bed, making sure her baby is unharmed, telling him how she dealt with those foolish guys from the other car; though before too long she notices that his injuries may be more faked than real, all to continue getting such treatment from his muscle-packed girlfriend. Well not one to enjoy being lied to (even if it was to get closer to her), she begins to squeeze in on him harder and harder, teaching him a little lesson about faking his agony, by giving him his share of real pain (though done in a loving manner)!

lusciously lovely beautifully buff Muscle Beauty X loving man powerful arms care car hit Amazonian form tenderly bed baby unharmed foolish guys injuries faked treatment muscle-packed girlfriend lied to squeeze lesson agony pain loving manner

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Jennifer Thomas - Witless Wimpy Boyfriend - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Witless Wimpy Boyfriend
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jennifer Thomas)

When super sexy gym-gal Jennifer returns home from a workout with her less than athletic boyfriend, he complains that he's fed up with the guys there making fun of him. Jennifer tells him that if he exercised more, and ate less pizza, he wouldn't be such a wimp. Well to prove her wrong he then did the unthinkable, and dared to strike her, punching her flat, tight, toned stomach - a HUGE mistake for him, as Jennifer then unleashed her fury, proceeding to show him how wrong it is to hit a woman, and also with how much of a wimp he really is, as she utterly demolishes his much weaker form! Breaking up with him in the end, as she breaks him into little pieces!

gym-gal Jennifer workout athletic boyfriend guys making fun exercised pizza wimp strike punching stomach mistake fury hitting woman demolishes weaker breaking up

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The Right Mix (Part 2) - PDF

The Right Mix (Part 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Vaalser4, Artwork: Alphadawg)

Marcedes is the Ultimate Amazon! Towering over most any man around, her unreal height is further emphasized by her massive, solid and super ripped muscles! Her loving man (who she simply Towers over) tells several stories of her Amazonian exploits here, which involve putting cocky, tough, macho guys in their place; whether by humiliating them in public, or giving them a little beating in private! Marcedes truly is the Right Mix of Any man's fantasy! Fantastic illustrations from alphadawg on this original story by Vaalser4!

Marcedes Ultimate Amazon towering height massive solid super ripped muscles loving man Towers over stories Amazonian exploits cocky tough macho guys humiliating public beating private Right Mix fantasy illustrations alphadawg original story Vaalser4

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Lilly Ice - I Can Handle Myself - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - I Can Handle Myself
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

When the gorgeous Lilly greets her boyfriend prior to a night out at his company's dinner party, he is shocked at her sexily styled outfit, stating that the guys he works with will be all over her, and demanding that she change. Though the stunningly sensual Lilly is proud of her body, and feels she should be able to show it off however she wants, which she then convinces her man by showing him what would happen if any guy at the party dared to get out of line with her! Proving time and again how easily she could put them in her place if they get rude or handsy with her, then using her superior strength on him specifically, proving she can more than handle herself, while also making sure he learns to Never order her to change outfits (or anything else) ever again!

gorgeous Lilly boyfriend night out company's dinner party shocked sexily styled outfit guys works all over her demanding change stunningly sensual proud body show off convinces man showing happen party dared get out of line proving time and again easily put them in her place rude handsy superior strength specifically handle herself making sure learns Never order outfits anything else ever again

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Lilly Ice - Super Spy Sham, Let Me Show You - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Super Spy Sham, Let Me Show You
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

While Lilly and her new boyfriend are cuddling on the couch, catching an afternoon session of the latest female-centric superhero movie, he mentions how unrealistic it is to have a smaller woman take down so many bigger guys! Lilly defends the superheroine, explaining she has amazing skills and life-long training, though her man isn't swayed in his opinion. This causes the strong and shapely Lilly to undress to skimpy lingerie, to prove to him that women in the real world can easily take down larger men! Showing off her physique to him for the first time, he is surprised at her level of buff fitness, not to mention the strength and skills she possesses, as she puts him into hold after hold, all of them proving just how weak and helpless he is compared to her! Convincing him that such film females are very real, she carries him to the bedroom to continue their sensually charged instructional in private!

Lilly boyfriend cuddling couch superhero movie smaller woman bigger guys superheroine skills training lingerie physique fitness strength skills hold weak helpless bedroom sensually charged

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The plough girl, part 6 - TEXT

The plough girl, part 6
Price: 3.00

We stayed talking until dusk, and then I lifted him back into the wheelchair, and set off for his apartment. "Olga," he said. "Mmh?" I answered. "Don't look back but we're being followed," he told me. I looked back. Sure enough, two guys were keeping station on us about fifty yards back. "Olga," he said again. "What?" "It's an ambush. There's another two guys up front, trying to hide in doorways. Leave me and run for it." "I'm not leaving you to get beaten up. That's my job," I joked. "Olga, this is serious. Four that I've spotted, and there could be others. And I don't think they're waiting to play patty-cake. Run for your life." No way. Plough girls aren't cowards. Gary had suffered enough at my hands, it was clearly on me to look after him. I wasn't going to leave him to the mercy of these four toughs. But I could see a way to even the odds a bit. I did a u-turn, and ran back the way we'd come. Clearly, the thugs weren't expecting me to run towards danger, so at first, they didn't know what to do. Ten seconds later I was in front of them. I kicked one of them in the head, which is a dangerous thing to do, because I could lead to a fatality, and the other one in the groin. He folded up nicely and I smashed my two fists into the back of his head as he went down. He hit the pavement, and lay still. By then, the other two had arrived, and I could see two more running towards me. This was good; two at a time is better than four at once. I left Gary and the two thugs I'd already handled, and met the first two before they could realise their mistake. I'm six foot three, and my legs are a lot longer than their arms. Which is just as well, because they were both armed with baseball bats, and looked like they were ready to use them. So I used the reach of my legs to kick one of them in the side, and there was a satisfying crack as his ribs broke. The other one swung his bat at me and connected. He hit my left shoulder, and my left arm went numb. But I grabbed his bat with my right hand and jerked it towards me. He had two choices, hold on or let go. Both choices were bad. If he let go, I would be armed and he not. So he hung on to the bat, and was jerked forward enough so that my raised knee could crash into his genitals. Strike four. The last two arrived, out of breath, and split up. One of them went for Gary, the other one pulled a knife and threatened me with it. So I picked up thug four and threw him at thug five, which I don't think he expected, and I followed up with a broken knife arm, so he dropped his weapon. A fist to the belly took him out of action, leaving thug six, who had wisely decided to make a run for it.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl, part 7 - TEXT

The plough girl, part 7
Price: 3.00

Olga deals with a wife beater. But the outcome isn't what you might have expected. Olga also gets another plough girl to deal with the mob guy who was harassing her. And she lets her borrow her plough, just for a little while. Anastasia is taller, broader and deeper than Olga. Olga is big, but Anastasia is a lot bigger. "I visited Robin again. This time, the baby Star was asleep, which suited me fine. I took Robin's hand, pulled him into his bedroom, took off my dress. Is it violating him If the victim keeps gasping "Yes, yes!" I'd guess, sort of."

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl, part eight - TEXT

The plough girl, part eight
Price: 3.00

Olga is promoted to head of security at the casino, and makes some long-needed changes. She also suggests a routine where she crushes a coconut between her thighs, and this really impresses the customers. Then she does the same with a skull ... which she then explains is just a plastic replica. She then added a quarter-bending routine. with the offer of, you give me $50,and a quarter, and I give you back the quarter, bent in half. But what really gets the customes excited, is her plough dance, using a real. 600 pound plough, where she lifts it, dances with it, raises it over her head and swings it down again. All very graceful, and when she's finished the dance, six men from the audience try to lift the plough between them, but they can only just manage to get it a few inches above the floor.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl, part 9 - TEXT

The plough girl, part 9
Price: 3.00

Olga is interviewed on TV, and as a result, she meets Trudi, another plough girl. Trudi tells Olga that she's going back to Ukraine, to fight the Russians. "We're going back to Ukraine, and this time we're going to send the Russians back where they came from." Olga explains "I have to do this. I can't just stand by, and let other people fight my fight." Olga does her plough dance on the ship to Hamburg; the passengers love her. The plough girls make a plan. They will return to Ukraine, and go behind Russian lines, where they plan to kill Russian officers, destroy supply depots and ruining their logistics, so that the front lines are starved of fuel, ammo and food. The Russians would soon feel the wrath of a plough girl.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl - part ten - TEXT

The plough girl - part ten
Price: 3.00

Olga starts her gory work - killing Russian officers. The first one died in her leg scissors. He died when his ribs collapsed and penetrated his internal organs. He bled internally, copiously, and died silently. After killing several more officers, she attacked a stores depot, using a truck. She hitched a lift in a truck, leaned towards the driver, took his head in her hands and gave it a sharp twist, wringing his neck like a chicken. He was dead before he knew what was happening. The truck was doing fifty kph when it hit the oil drums, but she jumped off just before that happened. There was a satisfying explosion when one of the oil drums went up, another when the the fuel in the truck caught, and then the fire spread to the other oil drums, a raging inferno, which quickly spread to the big storage tanks nearby.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl - part eleven - TEXT

The plough girl - part eleven
Price: 4.00

Olga turns her attention to the railway system, because that's the way that military supplies were moved. She didn't have explosives, but she had something just as good - her legs. She used her powerful thighs to bend the rails a few inches, and the next train that came along derailed, the wagons behind also derailed, the fuel wagons burst and caught fire and the whole thing became a major disaster. After she did the same thing again, the Russians started patrolling the tracks in squads of four. They were easy meat for Olga and her sling. All she needed was her head scarf and her ammo was a stone. Then she started to bend the rails in tunnels, causing huge crashes that would take months to clear. Her efforts made the railway system nearly useless, because trains could only move slowly, and the lines had to be patrolled frequently. So Russian logistics had to go by road, and Olga used her sling to ambush truck convoys.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl, part 12 - TEXT

The plough girl, part 12
Price: 4.00

Olga turns her attention to the Russian airfields. They are heavily defended against attack from the air - radar, missiles and ack-ack. But they had no defense against a plough girl. She tore a hole in the chain link fence, sneaked in and stole a 300 pound barrel of gasoline. Then she grabbed a pilot and tortured him until he told her where the nearby airfields were. How do you throw a 300 pound barrel of gasoline, 1000 feet? Not even a plough girl can do that. So she built a trebuchet in the middle of the forest. Her first shot hit the fuel dump and started a huge fire. Her second shot hit the ammo storage, and there was a huge explosion which wrecked the airfield. After doing this a few times, the Russians got wise and burned down any forest within a kilometer of an airfield. So Olga changed tactics. Then an airplane takes off, it starts off pretty low - low enough for Olga to be able to hit it with a rock, thrown from her sling. This doesn't do much damage to the rock, but wrecks the airplane. And when that stopped working, she used home-made spars and a spear thrower. One spear, one airfield.

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire captured guys intimidation sex puppets

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The plough girl squadron, part five - TEXT

The plough girl squadron, part five
Price: 3.00

The plough girls have been too successful in New York, and the bean counters have decide not to renew their contract. So Mike goes to Chicago with Olga as his bodyguard. Which is just as well, because they get mugged by two guys, and Mike's laptop, with his presentation for the Chicago cops, is stolen. But Olga deals with it, and the thieves get caught and vigorously punished. Alex, the Chicago police captain, is impressed by the presentation, and even more impressed when Olga stood up and showed her arms and her thighs.

plough girls successful New York bean counters renew contract Mike Chicago Olga bodyguard mugged two guys laptop presentation cops stolen Olga thieves caught punished Alex police captain impressed arms thighs.

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The Plough Girl Squadron, part six - TEXT

The Plough Girl Squadron, part six
Price: 3.00

The Plough Girl Squadron moves to Chicago, and creates an interrogation room. Milly breaks the fingers of a small-time drug deaer, one at a time, He screams rather loudly, so Milly squeezes a rubber ball into his mouth. After breaking enough fingers, the drug dealer decides to name his boss, so the Plough Girls put in into their "zoo", and they started to plan the raid on the boss's house. The plan was simple. They filled an oil drum with 350 pounds of gasoline, and Olga threw it into a winddow; this was followed by a gasoline-soaked rag on fire. The girls captured the six guys who ran out of the house, and took them back to the interrogation room. The Plough Girls used an combination of intimidation and sex, to turn the guys into puppets

Plough Girl Squadron Chicago interrogation room Milly drug dealer fingers rubber ball zoo raid oil drum gasoline Olga window rag fire girls six guys intimidation sex puppets.

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Muscle MILF at the Sauna - VIDEO

Muscle MILF at the Sauna
Price: 6.00
(Artist: GyroFM)

Guys coming in their pants worshipping muscular women. He worships her muscles at the sauna while his girlfriend is waiting outside. Courtesy GyroFM.

guys pants worshipping muscular women muscles sauna girlfriend GyroFM

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