Search Results for "bed"


MuscleBunny - Movie Night Mayhem - VIDEO

MuscleBunny - Movie Night Mayhem
Price: 6.00
(Artist: MuscleBunny)

Musclebunny is looking forward to cuddling up with her man in bed to watch one of her favorite films, The Terminator, though he isn't feeling it tonight and is dying to see The Piano instead (go figure). Well, sensual erotic persuasion using her firm, sexy body soon turns to more forceful methods, using her squeezing thighs and smothering breasts - the Sexy Amazon eventually getting her way in the end, with her Action movie on the TV, and an unconscious lover laying next to her!

Musclebunny cuddling man bed favorite films The Terminator The Piano sensual erotic persuasion firm sexy body forceful squeezing thighs smothering breasts Sexy Amazon Action movie TV unconscious lover

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Emery Miller - Mistaken Identity - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Mistaken Identity
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

When a small, weedy man is harshly thrown onto his bed from the muscle-packed Emery, his Amazonian girlfriend, he's more than a bit confused, with him becoming more so as she crushes, squeezes and beats him to pulp, all due to him sleeping with her twin sister (unbeknownst to him)! In trying to calm his super strong girlfriend, he bad-mouths the malicious twin - though this is something he sorely regrets when he awakens from his forced unconsciousness, greeted now by the "evil" twin, who proceeds to teach him the error of his insulting ways! Loosely based off the AC story of the same name!

small weedy man harshly thrown bed muscle-packed Emery Amazonian girlfriend confused crushes squeezes beats pulp sleeping twin sister calm super strong girlfriend bad-mouths malicious twin sorely regrets awakens forced unconsciousness evil twin teach error insulting ways AC story

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Emery Miller - Protective Muscle Mom 3 - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Protective Muscle Mom 3
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

Strong and sexy Emery sets up her trap to ensnare a lecherous older man who was perversely leering at her athletically built college-aged daughter! Initially playing innocent, the more mature muscle mom soon springs her plan into action, catching him off-guard with her power-packed physique and super strong curves, as she tosses him onto the bed and wraps herself around him in several painful positions, getting him to cry like a baby, and threatening him with much worse if she Ever catches him starting at her daughter again!

strong sexy Emery trap ensnare lecherous older man perverted leering athletically built college-aged daughter innocent mature muscle mom power-packed physique curves bed painful positions cry threatening daughter

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VeVe Lane - A Woman Scorned (Part 1) - VIDEO

VeVe Lane - A Woman Scorned (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: VeVe Lane)

An evening of sensual bedroom wrestling with the rock-solid VeVe and her boyfriend quickly turns into a night of physical punishment for the foolish male, who just so happened to be cheating on the super strong and skilled Amazon! She plays with him long enough, then turns on the Pain, as she applies hold after painful hold on his physically inferior form; showing him that cheating on a woman such as she is not only foolish - it's downright Stupid!

evening sensual bedroom wrestling rock-solid VeVe boyfriend physical punishment foolish male cheating super strong skilled Amazon Pain hold physically inferior form woman Stupid

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Rapture - Erotic Evening Entertainment - VIDEO

Rapture - Erotic Evening Entertainment
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rapture)

Rapture and her man are enjoying a romantic night cuddling on the couch, until she realizes it's getting late and she has to head home. Though after a series of sultry, sexy displays of her voluptuously firm and athletically built body (with lots of pec pulses), her leaving is halted, thanks in no small part to her boyfriend's worshipping touches and erotic kisses of her Amazonian form! Both of them extremely aroused from her hard, fit body (seriously, Rapture cannot stop touching herself here!), the young lover's deciding to extend their night's fun, as she carries him off to bed!

Rapture man romantic night cuddling couch late home sultry sexy voluptuously firm athletically built body pec pulses leaving boyfriend worshipping touches erotic kisses Amazonian form aroused fit body touching lover extend fun bed

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Jenna Preston - Psychotic Savior - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Psychotic Savior
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When an injured man wakes up in Jenna's bed after a horrible accident, he's more than a bit confused about how he got there, and what's happening. Jenna tries to sooth him with soft words and tender touches, though he insists on calling his family to let them know he's OK - something his shapely savior is Not happy about, as she crushes his hand, discards his phone and then proceeds to wrap her lusciously strong body around him, putting him in hold after hold, making sure he stays broken and helpless, making sure he stays in her care, Forever!

injured man Jenna bed accident confused family shapely savior crushes hand phone lusciously strong body hold broken helpless care Forever

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Muscle Beauty X - Overprotective Girlfriend - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - Overprotective Girlfriend
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

Lusciously lovely, beautifully buff Muscle Beauty X returns home with her loving man, his smaller body carried in her powerful arms, as she brings him back to care for him after a car almost hit him (actually hitting her, though her Amazonian form is unharmed)! She spends time tenderly caring for him on their bed, making sure her baby is unharmed, telling him how she dealt with those foolish guys from the other car; though before too long she notices that his injuries may be more faked than real, all to continue getting such treatment from his muscle-packed girlfriend. Well not one to enjoy being lied to (even if it was to get closer to her), she begins to squeeze in on him harder and harder, teaching him a little lesson about faking his agony, by giving him his share of real pain (though done in a loving manner)!

lusciously lovely beautifully buff Muscle Beauty X loving man powerful arms care car hit Amazonian form tenderly bed baby unharmed foolish guys injuries faked treatment muscle-packed girlfriend lied to squeeze lesson agony pain loving manner

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Angela Salvagno - Helpless Boy Toy - VIDEO

Angela Salvagno - Helpless Boy Toy
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Angela Salvagno)

Gorgeous muscle girl Angela just Loves to dominate her larger, though much weaker, man! Whether it be by pinning him helplessly against a wall or the bed, taunting him to punch her rock solid abs all to no effect, or man-handling him like the sexual play-thing that he is to her, this unreal Amazon proves again and again how physically superior she is here! Nothing gets her more aroused than displaying her awesome strength with her man in such ways, whether he likes it or not!

Gorgeous muscle girl Angela dominate larger weaker man pinning wall bed taunting punch rock solid abs man-handling sexual play-thing Amazon physically superior aroused awesome strength

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Muscle Beauty X - Lusty Neighbour Takes Charge - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - Lusty Neighbour Takes Charge
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

The Unbelievable Muscle Beauty X is Back! Watch as she pays a visit to a neighbor she's long had a crush on (though who was too shy to approach her), as the ever aggressive Muscle Goddess sexily leads them to his bedroom, where she reveals her curvaceously powerful body to him, allowing him to see it up close for the first time! His formerly timid attitude quickly turns to total muscle lusting, as the erotically charged Amazon puts him into hold after sexily grinding hold, showing him all the pleasures (and a bit of pain) a woman like her can bring to her man - and as she soon after declares, he is definitely Her Man now!

Unbelievable Muscle Beauty X back visit neighbor crush shy approach aggressive Muscle Goddess sexily leads bedroom reveals curvaceously powerful body up close first time timid attitude total muscle lusting erotically charged Amazon hold grinding hold pleasures pain woman man declares Her Man

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Layla Mikayla - Pole-Dancer Pummeling - VIDEO

Layla Mikayla - Pole-Dancer Pummeling
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Layla Mikayla)

When the super fit Layla returns home from the gym with her boyfriend, they compare workout their effective workout routines, though when she mentions hers revolves around pole workout, he can only laugh and put down her clearly girly exercises. If he only knew the strength, flexibility and fitness needed for such a routine, he would have shown more respect to Layla's workout, though after showing him just how powerful her body is (even compared to his buff, larger self), he will! She manhandles him like a child, squeezing and crushing him with her superior strength, getting herself quite aroused in the process! Oh, he will respect her routine going forward, that is after he does so with her in the bedroom!

super fit Layla gym boyfriend compare workout routines pole workout laugh put down girly exercises strength flexibility fitness respect powerful body buff larger self manhandles child squeezing crushing superior strength aroused process bedroom

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