Search Results for "Wrestling"


Jennifer Thomas - Bodyguard Beatdown - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Bodyguard Beatdown
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jennifer Thomas)

We are lucky enough Again to be working with another Legend in the field of erotic mixed wrestling videos, as Jennifer Thomas now joins AC for several Brand New videos! In our first, the beautifully buff Jennifer enters the home of a crude, arrogant man, telling him that she's his new bodyguard, hired by his wealthy parents due to him getting into so many fights (because of his own cocky attitude). Well he refuses her services, demeaning her for being a woman; a big mistake to this extremely capable female, as she then manhandles him with ease, putting him in painful hold after hold, proving to him that he can easily defend him from all harm - though who will protect him from her?!

lucky working Legend field erotic mixed wrestling videos Jennifer Thomas AC Brand New videos beautifully buff enters home crude arrogant man bodyguard wealthy parents fights cocky attitude refuses services demeaning woman mistake capable female manhandles ease painful hold defend harm protect

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Jennifer Thomas - Putting On The Pressure - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Putting On The Pressure
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jennifer Thomas)

When Jennifer returns from a less than spectacular blind date, the foolish man simply won't take no for an answer, virtually locking her in with him, pressuring her to give him what he wants! Though the shapely sexpot knows a thing or two about pressure herself, namely the amount that her muscular legs can apply! Something she shares with him, along with the power of her mighty arms, firm tits and shapely ass, and vastly superior wrestling skills! Toying with his body like the play-thing he is to her, Jennifer winds up enjoying her evening's date after all, he on the other hand, not nearly so much!

Jennifer blind date pressure muscular legs arms tits ass wrestling skills play-thing evening date

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Jennifer Thomas - Casting Couch Crush - VIDEO

Jennifer Thomas - Casting Couch Crush
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jennifer Thomas)

The lusciously lovely Jennifer enters the office of a movie producer, wanting the role of the Action Lead in his new film (even though it's made for a man), though the lecherous man flat out refuses - unless he gets a little casting couch action from the sexy starlet. This doesn't sit well with Jennifer at all, which causes her to use her unreal strength and wrestling skills to beat, mangle and overall demolish the sleasy male! In the end she gets not only the lead in his latest film, but ALL of his future movies (not to mention his sexy secretary as well), something he has no choice but to agree with, or else be beaten to pulp by G.I. Jen!

Jennifer office movie producer Action Lead film man casting couch starlet strength wrestling skills beat mangle demolish male lead future movies secretary G.I. Jen

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Dezy Desire - Try-Out Turnaround - VIDEO

Dezy Desire - Try-Out Turnaround
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Dezy Desire)

For our next set of video clips, we're honored to have the stunningly beautiful Dezy Desire, a tall, shapely young woman, who's actually a professional wrestler and BJJ competitor! Here Dezy visits her college wrestling coach, whose chauvinistic attitude forbids her from even trying out for the team. His motto being men are physically superior, so why should he waste his time with her? A challenge from this foolish man is then made, which allows the gorgeous Supergirl to show her stuff, unleashing her power and skills on him, as she manhandles him in a wide variety of holds and lifts, treating him like a ragdoll as she clearly proves who is the Physically Superior here!

video clips Dezy Desire stunningly beautiful tall shapely young woman professional wrestler BJJ competitor college wrestling coach chauvinistic attitude forbids trying out team physically superior waste time challenge foolish man gorgeous supergirl show her stuff unleashing power skills manhandles wide variety holds lifts treating ragdoll proves Physically Superior

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Big Red - Pre-Sex Proposal - VIDEO

Big Red - Pre-Sex Proposal
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Big Red)

The ultra muscular Big Red and her new boyfriend are cuddling in bed, ready to escalate their relationship to the next sexual level; though before this happens, she tells him that she has a rule for such things - that for him to have her sexually, he must first beat her in wrestling! Her man is shocked at this proposal, though his desire for her quickly wins out and he ready's himself to take her down; an act that is well beyond his physical levels, as her vastly superior strength man-handle him with near ease! Hold after hold she controls him utterly, squeezing and twisting his inferior form effortlessly, showing him how weak and helpless he is next to her, a fact the mighty muscle girl knew was never in doubt! In the end she decides to allow him to have his way with her, though Only because she desires it!

ultra muscular Big Red new boyfriend cuddling bed escalate relationship sexual level rule sexually beat wrestling shocked proposal desire ready take her down physical levels vastly superior strength man-handle ease hold after hold controls squeezing twisting inferior form weak helpless mighty muscle girl never in doubt allow have his way desires

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Lilly Ice - Surprise Reunion - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Surprise Reunion
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

A relaxing afternoon for Dante is given a sudden interruption by the super sensuous Lilly, who decides to pay him a visit after many years apart! Growing up, she was his best-friend's little sister, and she always had a crush on him then; though she knew he being into athletic, fit and strong girls, that her then skinny frame wasn't quite his thing. Though skinny no longer, she sexily reveals her body for him here, filled with lusciously hard curves and strong, firm shape! He is shocked by this reveal, clearly super aroused by her buff body, though still he resists her advances, as she is like a kid sister to him. Though Lilly has worked too hard on her body (all for him) to give him a choice, so she uses her superior strength and erotic wrestling skills to "convince" him to see things her way! He is going to be her boyfriend, whether he wants to, or not!

relaxing afternoon Dante interruption Lilly visit best-friend's little sister crush athletic fit strong skinny body curves shape reveal aroused buff advances kid sister worked hard choice superior strength wrestling skills convince boyfriend

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Dazzled By Dawn - PDF

Dazzled By Dawn
Price: 8.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Dracowhip)

Young internet millionaire Dennis is utterly enraptured by the strong, muscular and gorgeous Dawn! Here he tells his story about his first meeting with the sexy muscle girl (after delving into his initial encounter with a stronger, fitter girl while in college, one who enjoyed humiliating him with her strength), a chance introduction with the dazzling Dawn, which quickly leads to lunch and then a meeting for some playful wrestling later on. Though her complete physical control of his weaker body, done in a teasingly sensual manner, soon turns into full blown sexual delights for them both, ending with the first of many erotic explosions to come for this female-muscle loving couple! Awesome artwork by Dracowhip here, on this classic AmazonFan story!

young internet millionaire Dennis enraptured strong muscular gorgeous Dawn story first meeting sexy musclegirl delving initial encounter college stronger fitter girl enjoyed humiliating strength chance introduction dazzling lunch meeting playful wrestling complete physical control weaker body teasingly sensual manner full blown sexual delights first many erotic explosions female-muscle loving couple awesome artwork Dracowhip classic AmazonFan story

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Sara - PDF

Price: 8.00
(Story & Artwork: Tom & Diego)

When a young man starts his college years, he quickly befriends a powerful, thickly muscled girl named Sara, who luckily for him lives just down the hall. His lust for such physically superior females comes to fruition, as the sultry Supergirl lures him in with feats of strength, which quickly turn into erotic, muscle love-making between them! Sara continues showing off her strength in public, which always gets her man hot and bothered! Whether she overpowers the school's jocks in arm-wrestling, or batters about a large, muscular man in the gym, all of which ends with passionate sexual sessions, where she shows her physical superiority over her now boyfriend! An awesome story, with artwork by Tom and Diego here!

young man college years powerful thickly muscled girl Sara lust physically superior females sultry supergirl feats of strength erotic muscle love-making public strength hot overpowers arm-wrestling muscular man gym physical superiority boyfriend artwork Tom Diego

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The Evolution Of A Dominant Woman / Massaging Vicky - PDF

The Evolution Of A Dominant Woman / Massaging Vicky
Price: 8.00
(Story: Miles Endeavour, Artwork: DTM)

Another of our famous 2-in-1 tales, both dealing with beautiful, sexy, Strong and Muscular girlfriends! In our first story, when a boyfriend teasingly goads his fitness buff girlfriend to a playful wrestling match, he had no idea just how Strong she was, and she had no idea how much she Enjoyed using her solid body against him like this! After a foolish act on his part, the gloves come off on hers, as she decides to handle him in a sexually dominant manner! Then we hear from another young man, who couldn't be happier with his ultra muscular girl, as he tells stories about how she uses her incredible strength in their lives, in public and in the bedroom! Truly Amazing artwork by Nivilis on these stories by Miles Endeavour and DTM!

famous 2-in-1 tales beautiful sexy Strong Muscular girlfriends first story boyfriend teasingly goads fitness buff girlfriend playful wrestling match Strong Enjoyed solid body foolish act gloves come off sexually dominant another young man ultra muscular girl stories incredible strength lives public bedroom Amazing artwork Nivilis Miles Endeavour DTM

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Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 5) - PDF

Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 5)
Price: 8.00
(Story & Artwork: Mr. Lex)

Sometime later in their joint-relationship, super lucky Dan is sandwiched between his two Ultra Amazonian built girlfriends, Bridgette and Tessa! An evening that turns to playful competition between the pair of power-packed beauties, as they vie for their boyfriend's attention! From a full-on flex-off, to a semi-competitive wrestling match, these girls do their best to win the heart of Dan, though in the end it's a Super Muscle Threesome that gets him to his Sexual Peaks, as he declares his love for them both - a wise choice considering each of them could tear him to pieces if he chose otherwise! Mr. Lex lends his Unreal artwork and story to the concluding part of this series!

joint-relationship super lucky Dan sandwiched Ultra Amazonian built girlfriends Bridgette Tessa evening playful competition power-packed beauties boyfriend's attention full-on flex-off semi-competitive wrestling match win the heart Super Muscle Threesome Sexual Peaks love wise choice tear him to pieces Mr. Lex Unreal artwork story concluding part series

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