Search Results for "Amazonian"


Rescued - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

When an adorable, yet physically weak, man is forcibly taken back by his Amazonian ex-girlfriend (who he had previously broken up with, running away from her, hoping to never see her and her abusive ways again) it's up to a newly met female friend, a thick, muscle packed, buff beauty, to save him from his ex's punishing ways!

adorable physically weak man forcibly taken Amazonian ex-girlfriend broken up running away abusive female friend thick muscle packed buff beauty save punishing ways

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Gun Club - TEXT

Gun Club
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a college alumni interviews a young prospective student, he gets more than he bargained for as her Amazonian physique soon overpowers his weak male form, (as does a fellow alumni interviewer, an old friend of our guy's, who also happens to be a strong, sexy woman), much to her erotic delight, as this beautiful teenage powerhouse shows him why she is the Captain of her school's "Gun" Club!

college alumni young prospective student Amazonian physique weak male form fellow alumni interviewer old friend strong sexy woman erotic delight beautiful teenage powerhouse Captain Gun Club

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Johnna Gets Some - TEXT

Johnna Gets Some
Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

Johnna, the Amazonian built band member from the Classic "Paradise Island" series, is bigger, better and hornier than ever! She just loves showing off her unreal strength and power, something she does here at a friends party, both to her friend's male partner, and then to someone who may be a future boyfriend of her own!

Johnna Amazonian band member Classic Paradise Island bigger better hornier strength power friend's party male partner future boyfriend

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New World Order - TEXT

New World Order
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a single father goes away on an overseas business trip, he returns with a beautiful, exotic, lusciously shaped new wife, one that enjoys using her curvaceous body on her husband, but also has an Amazonian teenage daughter, who just just loves exerting her Complete Dominance over the new step-brother in her life!

single father overseas business trip returns beautiful exotic lusciously shaped new wife curvaceous body husband Amazonian teenage daughter Complete Dominance step-brother

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Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 2) - TEXT

Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Muscle-packed Amazons Amber, Danielle, Cassandra and Brittany are all back, as they get together once more, this time for a dinner party, where they (especially Amber and Danielle, for now) again share stories about their previous sexually charged Amazonian exploits (dealing with their own adorable men, all of whom are cooking this evening's meal), each tale hotter and more sexually arousing than the last - all the better for a "peeping tom" neighbor, who's in for a little surprise of his own later on.

muscle-packed Amazons Amber Danielle Cassandra Brittany back dinner party sexually charged Amazonian exploits adorable men cooking meal tales hotter sexually arousing peeping tom neighbor surprise

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The Upper Deck - TEXT

The Upper Deck
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

It's love at first sight, when Rick (a muscle-loving businessman) meets up with Cassie (a sexy strong Amazonian bartender) at The Upper Deck sportsbar; he unable to take his eyes off of her lusciously firm physique, as she lustily entices him to stay beyond closing time, where she begins to really show off her unreal strength for him, on him, in a variety of all too sensual and erotic ways.

love at first sight Rick muscle-loving businessman Cassie sexy strong Amazonian bartender The Upper Deck sportsbar lusciously firm physique lustily entices closing time show off unreal strength sensual erotic ways

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All That Jazz - TEXT

All That Jazz
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Meet Jasmine (or Jazz, as she's more commonly known), a towering ebony skinned Amazonian beauty, who just Loves to throw around her superior strength and dominate all around her. Yet no matter how much she embarrasses and humiliates you, you'll always come back for More! Just ask Nick and Matt, the brothers of her sister's new husband, who Jazz controls all too easily, making them scream for release, then making them beg for more! The first of a series featuring this all too Dominant Amazon Girl!

Jasmine Jazz ebony skinned Amazonian beauty superior strength dominate embarrasses humiliates come back Nick Matt brothers sister's new husband controls scream release beg Dominant Amazon Girl

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All That Jazz (Part 2) - TEXT

All That Jazz (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Lovelorn Nick is beside himself, wondering if he will ever see his 6' 7" Amazonian Goddess, Jazz, again, though his brother Matt (while still craving her himself) is near grateful of her recent absence. Though just when they thought her out of their lives forever, the gorgeous ebony supergirl returns to show them who's in charge, displaying her unreal strength for them in a variety of dominant ways, though always sensually done, especially when she takes them in the bedroom (both together and seperately), making them Crave her, while Obeying her every command! - Sonofjack continues his awesome series here!

Lovelorn Nick Amazonian Goddess Jazz brother Matt absence ebony supergirl strength dominant sensually bedroom Crave Obeying command Sonofjack series

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Angel Of Salvation - TEXT

Angel Of Salvation
Price: 2.00
(Story: Spoonmaster)

When a young man, fresh from graduating college, returns home to start a new life, he meets up with an old flame (one whose older brother beat him mercilessly years ago, as he defended her honor), who has now transformed herself into a true picture of Amazonian Perfection! Shocked by this discovery, the young supergirl shows off the unreal power of her muscle-packed physique (on some Heavy weights and on him sexually), before swearing her love for him, promising that she would Never let anyone hurt him again - especially her massively muscled older brother!

young man graduating college returns home new life old flame older brother beat defended honor Amazonian Perfection supergirl muscle-packed physique Heavy weights sexually love promise hurt muscled older brother

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A New Normal (Part 1) - TEXT

A New Normal (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Jimmy is a scientific genius, who due to his diminutive size has always craved tall, strong, athletically built women; so when he spotted the Amazonian built Janice while visiting a sci-fi themed park, he couldn't help but do whatever he could to get closer to her. Lucky for him, the statuesque stunner felt a real connection with this much smaller suitor, neither of them caring about the potential physical awkwardness of their coupling, just their own blossoming emotions, which only seemed to grow stronger and more heated for one another!

scientific genius diminutive size tall strong athletically built women Amazonian built Janice sci-fi themed park closer lucky statuesque stunner real connection smaller suitor physical awkwardness coupling blossoming emotions stronger heated

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A New Normal (Part 2) - TEXT

A New Normal (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Our story continues, as powerfully built beauty Janice and the smaller adorably cute Jimmy, are ready to bring their quickly blooming relationship to the next level - which begins with her revealing her Amazonian physique to him in all of its glory, which her eager loving male idolizes all too willingly, and continues on with love-making (and sci-fi themed foreplay) like Neither of them have ever felt before! Each of their doubts about never finding True Love melting away this night, as their constantly sensual and erotic gestures to one another prove beyond any doubt that this Colossal Cutie her Petite Prince are the new normal - Heaven help anyone that believes otherwise!

story powerfully built beauty Janice smaller adorably cute Jimmy relationship next level revealing Amazonian physique glory eager loving male idolizes love-making sci-fi themed foreplay True Love sensual erotic gestures Colossal Cutie Petite Prince new normal Heaven

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Nicolette Is My Girlfriend - TEXT

Nicolette Is My Girlfriend
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

This Ultra Sexy story revolves around a voluptuously shaped musclegirl, Nicolette, and her handling of her boyfriend, a taller though much thinner and weaker man. Whether it's dominating him in the bedroom, or out in public, Nicolette loves using her superior strength on her little man (even if sometimes, he doesn't). Not only that, she loves letting her equally buff sister and her hardbodied friends play with him as well, each with their own Amazonian inspired scenes of muscle control and sexual dominance - though in the end Nicolette is his Girlfriend, and he wouldn't want it any other way!

Ultra Sexy musclegirl Nicolette boyfriend dominating superior strength little man buff sister hardbodied friends Amazonian muscle control sexual dominance Girlfriend

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Angel Of Salvation 2 - TEXT

Angel Of Salvation 2
Price: 2.00
(Story: Spoonmaster)

When Ethan awakes to find a note from Erica (his Amazonian Angel) stating that she was going to put her massively muscled older brother in his place, the young college boy is utterly terrified, believing that he would make quick work of his newfound love, and then work his way back to him! Though when Erica returns back from dealing with Biff (and several of his most vicious friends), all of which is video recorded for Ethan's viewing pleasure, he realizes once and for all that this beautiful Angel before him truly is his Salvation!

Ethan awakes note Erica Amazonian Angel massively muscled older brother place young college boy terrified quick work newfound love work his way back Erica returns dealing with Biff vicious friends video recorded Ethan's viewing pleasure beautiful Angel Salvation

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Mixed Wrestling Venture (Part 1) - TEXT

Mixed Wrestling Venture (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

A sequel to our Nicolette Is My Girlfriend story, where we find our main man years later, alone and down on his luck financially (breaking up with Nicolette will do that to you); that is until he bumps into Amazonian powerhouse Judy again, who makes him an offer he just can't refuse - even if sometimes he wish he did! Making mixed wrestling videos for her website, shot by her beautifully buff sister Nancy, may help pay his bills but is it worth the continued beatings and batterings he undergoes while doing so??

sequel Nicolette Is My Girlfriend main man years later alone down on his luck financially breaking up Nicolette Amazonian powerhouse Judy offer can't refuse wish mixed wrestling videos website shot beautifully buff sister Nancy pay bills continued beatings batterings undergoes

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Extreme Efficiency (Part 2) - TEXT

Extreme Efficiency (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottums)

Through unrivaled will and world class skills, Tatiana had achieved her goal, and attained unreal Physical Power, unlike any she could have ever imagined! Her once fit, sleak frame was now replaced with a true Amazonian physique; with muscles dwarfing her previous form, and strength greater than anyone on this Earth! Adding that to her mastery of fighting skills, she proceeds to deal with the assortment of scientists and soldiers around her, enjoyably destroying them in a variety of ways with untold ease! Leaving one special man in the end, to deal with in the most erotic and sexual way imaginable!

Tatiana goal Physical Power Amazonian physique muscles strength fighting skills scientists soldiers erotic sexual

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Once Upon A Time (Part 2) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

As we return to the real world, story writer extraordinaire Travis has big plans for his creation, the man-crushing Mistress Eleanor! That is until he realizes his computer is shot, and needs serious repair. Thankfully a store with computer whiz Jessie is nearby, who as she repairs his hard-drive realizes he's her favorite Amazonian author, unable to resist reading his newest story from his repaired PC (much to her erotic enjoyment). Unfortunately for Travis, an evening bowling session ends in a terrible beating from a vicious gang and its Muscle Biker Babe leader! Just inches from a life-time hospital stay, he's rescued by a blonde Amazonian beauty whose strength defies description, and whose muscles are unimaginably ripped and powerful! She then safely returns him home, giving him a very erotic muscle display, which due to his beating he thought was just a dream - that is until he returns to collect his fixed computer, noticing something very familiar about tech genius Jessie, her long blonde hair and her shapely, firm looking physique!

return real world story writer Travis creation man-crushing Mistress Eleanor computer shot needs repair store computer whiz Jessie hard-drive favorite Amazonian author reading newest story repaired PC erotic enjoyment evening bowling session terrible beating vicious gang Muscle Biker Babe leader lifetime hospital stay rescued blonde Amazonian beauty strength description muscles unimaginably ripped powerful safely returns home muscle display dream fixed computer tech genius long blonde hair shapely firm looking physique

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Once Upon A Time (Part 3) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

Writer extraordinaire Travis cannot get his Amazonian saviour Jessie out of his head! So much so he approaches her once again, a risky tact to someone who could bend steel in her hands with ease, though his determination and adoration win the day, and a romantic date is set. A date unlike any other for both of these young lovers, leading to a relationship continuing with her bringing him back to her place, where she shows off her Unreal strength for his enjoyment! Meanwhile, biker queen Tammy and her crew make plans for revenge!

Writer Travis Amazonian saviour Jessie determination adoration romantic date young lovers relationship Unreal strength biker queen Tammy crew revenge

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Once Upon A Time (Part 4) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

Jessie and Travis' relationship continues to bloom, as do the further adventures of Countess Elenore, at the sensual insistance of a muscle-lusting Jessie! Willing to do anything to please his true love, Travis continues with his classic series, as a new character, based on his Amazonian girlfriend, makes her way into his increasingly sexy story! In reality, things get even hotter for this young couple, especially when Jessie decides to treat Travis to a sexual muscle session to top them all - one which includes some old "friends", and a very possible new lover, that in the end leaves even this unstoppable supergirl erotically quenched to exhaustion!

Jessie Travis relationship adventures Countess Elenore muscle-lusting true love classic series Amazonian girlfriend sexy story young couple sexual muscle session friends new lover supergirl erotically quenched exhaustion

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Order Of Inanna: Beth - TEXT

Order Of Inanna: Beth
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

The Order Of Inanna is a secret organization of fit, strong, powerfully built women! Each of them physically superior to most any male, and while they don't instruct their Amazonian members to be abusive or bully their men, they more than support the notion of showing off their physical superiority! Beth is one such member, though new to this Order, she is destined to be with her soul-mate (even if he doesn't know it yet), and with expert usage of her muscle packed form and unreal strength, she quickly claims him as her own, convincing him that she is The One for him!

Order of Inanna secret organization fit strong powerfully built women physically superior Amazonian members abusive bully support physical superiority Beth soul-mate muscle packed form unreal strength claims convincing The One

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Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Here MuscleVixen continues her harsh treatment of her cheating man, who when confronted vocally by his muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend, first denies his cheater ways, though then admits he did so to make himself feel stronger, something that causes Monix to laugh out, as she allows him to punch her pecs and abs (proving how weak he really is), before continuing to crush him to pieces! Another awesomely shot video by Jersey Black here!

MuscleVixen harsh treatment cheating man confronted vocally muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend denies cheater ways admits feel stronger Monix laugh out punch pecs abs weak crush pieces awesomely shot video Jersey Black

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