Search Results for "Amazonian"


Three Muscle Sisters 3 - Boyfriend Meets Best Friends (Part 2) - PDF

Three Muscle Sisters 3 - Boyfriend Meets Best Friends (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rob)

Things start to get Hotter and Heavier between Derek and Gorgeous Glamazon Girls Megan and Alicia, as they continue to show off the the Unreal size and strength of their newly buff bodies, before turning their attention more on Derek himself, showing off their sensuality and erotic attitudes (while telling tales of how they handled their own boyfriends recently), before he is reclaimed by his own girl Tia, for some more Amazonian Fun! Rob as always does an unreal job illustrating this one!

Hotter Heavier Derek Gorgeous Glamazon Girls Megan Alicia Unreal size strength buff bodies sensuality erotic attitudes boyfriends Tia Amazonian Fun Rob illustrating

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Dying Wish (Part 1) - PDF

Dying Wish (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rainbowscriber)

From their initial meeting, when the bookwormish Adam offers to help struggling super-buff Mercy with her class work, their hearts quickly became One. Unfortunately, a few years passed, their happy marriage takes a huge hit with the news of Adam being terminally ill! From that point on, the two lovers decide to live life to its fullest, travelling the world and getting into an assortment of sexy situations (which Mercy deals with in her own Amazonian style), making each moment they have together the Best Possible! Awesome CGI artwork from new AC artist rainbowscriber here!

initial meeting bookwormish Adam help struggling super-buff Mercy class work hearts One happy marriage huge hit news terminally ill lovers live life fullest travelling world assortment sexy situations Mercy Amazonian style moment Best Possible Awesome CGI artwork new AC artist rainbowscriber

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Amy's Conquest: 2016 Folio (Amy's Fantasy Journal) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2016 Folio (Amy's Fantasy Journal)
Price: 6.00

It looks like our favorite Amazonian college girl is in Love! So like any young woman whose heart has been opened, she frequently fantasizes about her lover, and in Amy's case, she even has a Fantasy Journal, where she imagines her and David together in a variety of different scenes and settings, from distant worlds to the heart of the jungle to her own bedroom! Every one of them sure to arouse, entice and get your juices flowing, just as they do for her!

favorite Amazonian college girl Love young woman heart opened frequently fantasizes lover Amy Fantasy Journal imagines David together variety different scenes settings distant worlds heart of the jungle bedroom arouse entice juices flowing

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Brian's Luck 2 (Part 1) - PDF

Brian's Luck 2 (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Pedro)

Brian and his Amazonian girlfriend Cindy could not be more in Love! Though imagine her surprise when she's greeted by an intruder after an end of day shower, which is only dwarfed by the shock this man feels when he realizes the muscular curves and amazing strength that she possesses! Soon after, Cindy sexily poses in outfit after outfit, all for her loving man's enjoyment, before luring him off to his surprise birthday party! Fantastic artwork by our CGI Whiz Pedro here!

Brian Amazonian girlfriend Cindy Love intruder shower shock man muscular curves strength poses outfit enjoyment surprise birthday party artwork CGI Whiz Pedro

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Brian's Luck 2 (Part 2) - PDF

Brian's Luck 2 (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Pedro & Rainbowscriber)

Watch as Cindy continues to model a variety of sexy outfits for her man Brian, until it's time to lead him to his intended destination, a surprise party in his honor! Though later into the night a group of drunken men threaten to disrupt Brian's happiness, something Cindy will not tolerate; so she confronts these men and deals with them in her own Amazonian fashion; ending the night with the utmost enjoyment for Brian and his Dream Girl, Cindy! More unreal CGI artwork from Pedro and rainbowscriber, on this one!

Cindy model sexy outfits Brian surprise party drunken men Amazonian fashion enjoyment Dream Girl CGI artwork Pedro rainbowscriber

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Elimidate: The Aftermath - PDF

Elimidate: The Aftermath
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Lopo)

When a frustrated young man gets fed-up with the overabundance of strong, powerful girls on TV dating shows, he decides to join one himself and prove it's all Fake! Though power packed gymnast Cindy (from our previous Room Raiders story) has other ideas, as she shows him first-hand just how strong girls today have become, allowing him to see and feel from her rock solid form (and those of her Amazonian BFFs, Allison and Becky) just how powerful today's females truly are - and how futile fighting that fact is! Unreal color artwork from Lopo on this story!

frustrated young man fed-up overabundance strong powerful girls TV dating shows join prove Fake power packed gymnast Cindy Room Raiders other ideas first-hand rock solid form Amazonian BFFs Allison Becky powerful females futile fighting fact Unreal color artwork Lopo

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Twin Terrors - PDF

Twin Terrors
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

When Don Stenhaus (a travelling salesman) gets stranded in the Oklahoma plains, the last thing he expects to find are two Amazonian twin farmers' daughters - and their equally powerful mother. Don quickly learns how much the girls love "rasslin'", as well as a lot more lascivious activities. Edson brings to life a classic Kandor tale about the dangers (and excitement) of young Amazon muscle!

Don Stenhaus travelling salesman Oklahoma plains Amazonian twin farmers' daughters powerful mother rasslin' lascivious activities Edson Kandor tale dangers excitement young Amazon muscle

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College Amazon Adventures (Part 1) - PDF

College Amazon Adventures (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story & Artwork: James Stilton)

When a trio of titanic teenage musclegirls (and college roommates) return to school, stories of their summer's sexy exploits are excitedly told to one another! In this first part of the series, busty amazon Vanessa tells of how after losing a local beauty pageant (as if), she soon discovered the corrupt ringleader having his way with the winner! Well that doesn't sit well with the statuesque supergirl, who then proceeds to show him her Amazonian form is clearly the winner of Any contest! Incredible artwork and text by none other than James Stilton from on this one!

trio titanic teenage musclegirls college roommates school summer sexy exploits busty amazon Vanessa beauty pageant corrupt ringleader winner statuesque supergirl Amazonian form contest artwork James Stilton

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Luncheon In L.A. / Like Mother, Like Daughter (Redux) - PDF

Luncheon In L.A. / Like Mother, Like Daughter (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: R.M.G.)

Two Amazonian stories in One here! First, a gathering of young female friends, as gorgeous as they are muscular, meet up for a meal, where stories of how they "handle" their men with their incredible strength is always on the menu! Next we have the sexiest mother/daughter combo around, who decide to let loose their rock solid, super strong bodies on a group of loud, obnoxious young men and their party van as well! The Iconic R.M.G. returns to illustrate both of these stories!

Amazonian stories gathering young female friends gorgeous muscular meal handle men incredible strength menu sexiest mother/daughter combo rock solid super strong bodies group loud obnoxious young men party van Iconic R.M.G.

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Kelly: One Tough Kick-Ass Woman - PDF

Kelly: One Tough Kick-Ass Woman
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Rag-Man)

Kelly is an ex-drill sergeant who's as tough as she is sexy! Whether it be instructing her husband on when to do his chores, or showing a hulking father how not to treat her family, Kelly can do it all, and then some! Of course her gorgeous young daughter Cindy is right with her Amazonian mom, using her unreal fighting skills and fit physique to teach the bullies in her school a lesson! Fantastic color graphics on this MC story by Rag-Man!

Kelly ex-drill sergeant tough sexy instructing husband chores hulking father family gorgeous young daughter Cindy Amazonian mom fighting skills fit physique teach bullies school lesson fantastic color graphics MC story Rag-Man

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Overpowered - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: Madman, Artwork: Max)

When a man makes a foolish comment to his wife that a woman simply couldn't physically and forcefully handle a man, he's opened the door for her to invite her Amazonian gym buddy to stop by a few nights later for some personal instruction on the matter! This man's once cocky attitude quickly turns to worry and concern, as the towering muscle-packed Goddess proceeds to show him just how strong a woman could be, even getting his wife involved on his continued Overpowering! Great story by Madman, with Incredible artwork by Max!

man foolish comment wife woman physically forcefully handle Amazonian gym buddy stop by personal instruction matter cocky attitude worry concern towering muscle-packed Goddess strong wife involved overpowering great story Madman incredible artwork Max

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The Upstairs Neighbour (Part 3) - PDF

The Upstairs Neighbour (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Wanderer, Artwork: Rafael)

Howard just can't get enough of Stephanie's super sexy, super muscular body, and she can't get enough of his adoration of her Amazonian form! Too often had her muscles intimidated or scared previous dates away, though this time she has found a lover that lusts after her ultra fit frame, which she takes full advantage of, much to his delight! Their first date is clearly one of many more to come, to say the least! Fantastic drawings by Rafael on the conclusion of this Wanderer story!

Howard Stephanie super sexy super muscular body adoration Amazonian form muscles intimidated scared previous dates lover lusts ultra fit frame full advantage delight first date many more Wanderer story fantastic drawings Rafael conclusion

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Macho Man (Part 1) - PDF

Macho Man (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Dracowhip)

During a conversation with friend and co-worker Mike, Don lets out that he wrestles with (and always loses to) his athletically buff wife Sharon. Mike teasingly mocks his friend, stating only someone as small as him could be dominated by a woman. This leads to an introduction between Mike and the utterly Amazonian Julie (after some pushing on Don's part), where she shows him first-hand that some women are capable of physically controlling Any man - and super sexily at that! Dracowhip lends his Amazing artwork to this Puppetman story!

conversation friend co-worker Mike Don wrestles loses athletically buff wife Sharon teasingly mocks small dominated woman introduction utterly Amazonian Julie pushing shows first-hand women capable physically controlling man super sexily Dracowhip Amazing artwork Puppetman story

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The Right Mix - PDF

The Right Mix
Price: 6.00
(Story: Vaalser4, Artwork: Alphadawg)

Marcedes is the Ultimate Amazon! Towering over most any man around, her unreal height is further emphasized by her massive, solid and super ripped muscles! Her loving man (who she simply Towers over) tells several stories of her Amazonian exploits here, which involve putting cocky, tough, macho guys in their place; whether by humiliating them in public, or giving them a little beating in private! Marcedes truly is the Right Mix of Any man's fantasy! Fantastic illustrations from alphadawg on this original story by Vaalser4!

Marcedes Ultimate Amazon towering height massive solid ripped muscles loving man Amazonian exploits cocky tough macho guys humiliating beating fantasy illustrations alphadawg Vaalser4

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Amy's Side Story: Elizabeth's Tale (Part 1) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Elizabeth's Tale (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

Witness the birth of a Legend!! During one fateful night, years ago, while Elizabeth Hardstone was harshly having her way with her latest boy-toy in the bedroom, she heard the sounds of her darling daughter Amy crying. Immediately this loving Muscle MILF went to her, heartbroken as she discovered that the young girl was being cruelly teased at school due to her thick, powerful body. So Elizabeth comforted her with tales of her own Amazonian escapades during her teenage years, teaching her that her powerful body is a Blessing, not a curse! Fantastic artwork by Edson on this one!

birth Legend fateful night Elizabeth Hardstone boy-toy bedroom sounds darling daughter Amy crying loving Muscle MILF young girl cruelly teased school thick powerful body Elizabeth comforted tales Amazonian escapades teenage years teaching Blessing curse Fantastic artwork Edson

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College Amazon Adventures (Part 3) - PDF

College Amazon Adventures (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Story & Artwork: James Stilton)

It's now Larissa's turn to share her summer's escapades (or is that, SEX-capades) with her sisters-in-muscle - this story about her very first time Doing It! A special night planned with her special guy, as the gorgeous teenage Amazon gets all dressed up, bringing him to a private hotel room, driving him wild with Lust, before Taking Him for her erotic pleasures! Pain for him is expected, though the sweet muscle girl does her best to not damage him too much, while fully quenching his own Amazonian Addiction! More Awesome text and artwork by James from here!

Larissa summer's escapades SEX-capades sisters-in-muscle story first time special night special guy teenage Amazon dressed up private hotel room driving him wild Lust Taking Him erotic pleasures Pain sweet muscle girl damage quenching Amazonian Addiction Awesome text artwork James

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Shelley - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle, Artwork: Ronaldo)

Shelley just loves showing off her ultra muscular physique in school, wearing tiny, body hugging outfits! Though one of her teacher's doesn't seem to be a fan, and after giving her a Failing grade on her latest report, something she is less than happy about, she is called back in after school. There she confronts him about his attitude towards her and her Amazonian body, something she then exploits with an assortment of flexing and crushing, battering him senseless while bringing out the muscle-lover in him, earning her an A in his class! Awesome pictures from Ronaldo on this Michele LeMuscle story!

Shelley ultra muscular physique school tiny outfits teacher Failing grade report after school attitude Amazonian body flexing crushing battering muscle-lover A in class pictures Ronaldo Michele LeMuscle story

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A Marriage Made In Muscle - PDF

A Marriage Made In Muscle
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter1)

Here we view the all too sexy highlights of a wedding filled with female muscle! A gorgeous female bodybuilding bride, her equally Amazonian BFFs as her bridesmaids, all leads to an assortment of sexy scenes featuring these beautiful buff ladies showing off their ultra-fit forms, in a variety of wedding themed settings. Each sexy Supergirl with their own unique look, all girlishly excited to share the Big Day of one of their long time besties, and a night none of them will ever forget! Absolutely Incredible art from the Iconic Jupiter I on this one!

sexy highlights wedding female muscle gorgeous female bodybuilding bride Amazonian BFFs bridesmaids assortment scenes beautiful buff ladies ultra-fit forms variety wedding themed settings sexy supergirl unique look girlishly excited Big Day long time besties night incredible art Iconic Jupiter I

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The Amazone - TEXT

The Amazone
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

When gorgeous bombshell Carmen wants to test her loving boyfriend's interest in strong, powerful women, she brings him to her club, The Amazone, to show him sights of Amazonian Power that will blow his mind - not to mention, his load - as she reveals to him in the end to be the Strongest of them all!

gorgeous bombshell Carmen loving boyfriend interest strong powerful women club The Amazone Amazonian Power blow his mind load Strongest

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Two Sides Of The Same Coin - TEXT

Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Steve had sworn off physically powerful women, after his relationship with his dominating, abusive Amazonian-Ex, that was until.......!

Steve sworn off physically powerful women relationship dominating abusive Amazonian-Ex

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