Search Results for "Amazonian"


Lola - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: R.M.G.)

When an Amazonian gym owner comes by to straighten out a group of unruly, brutish muscle-heads, she winds of finding love as well, in the form of an adorably sweet gym-goer, who is utterly captivated by the physical and sexual abilities her super strong physique possesses! - R.M.G. back with Excellent illustrations on this MC tale!

Amazonian gym owner straighten out group unruly brutish muscle-heads finding love adorably sweet gym-goer captivated physical abilities sexual abilities super strong physique R.M.G. Excellent illustrations MC tale

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I Hit The Jackpot - PDF

I Hit The Jackpot
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Rafael)

When a man wins the lottery, he makes an ongoing bet with his Amazonian girlfriend that each time she can make him "explode" with delight, that she gets a monetary reward; lucky for him that she's a shopaholic, who today is interested in buying a sexy dress, and that means it's Sexy Muscle Fun Time, which always leaves him sexually exhausted, and her with whatever she wants! - Incredible pics by Rafael on this AmazonFan story!

man wins lottery ongoing bet Amazonian girlfriend explode delight monetary reward lucky shopaholic buying sexy dress Sexy Muscle Fun Time sexually exhausted whatever she wants Incredible pics Rafael AmazonFan story

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Little Sister Knows Best - PDF

Little Sister Knows Best
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Jorge)

Watch as 18 year old Brenda uses her unreal fighting skills and super strong body to control her older, larger brother, as well as his Amazonian college girlfriend, not to mention turn on the object of her desires, her adorable young friend - all because can, all because she knows best! - Awesome action shots from Jorge on this MC story!

Brenda fighting skills super strong body older brother Amazonian college girlfriend desires young friend action shots MC story.

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In Search Of A Goddess (Part 1) - PDF

In Search Of A Goddess (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

When a gorgeously muscle packed young woman, who happens to be a high class wrestling call-girl, accidentally kills one of her clients, due to an unknown surge of super power running through her body, her world is forever changed; thanks in no small part to a fellow Amazonian Goddess, informing her of her new life, and a meek little neighbor, who would do anything to protect her from it! - Fantastic images by Jupiter I here, on the first of this SeldomLasts series!

gorgeously muscle packed young woman high class wrestling call-girl accidentally kills clients unknown surge super power body world forever changed fellow Amazonian Goddess informing new life meek little neighbor protect Fantastic images Jupiter I SeldomLasts series

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The Moth To The Flame - PDF

The Moth To The Flame
Price: 6.00
(Story: John Castle, Artwork: Leonardo)

When a muscle loving man (who thanks to an Amazonian babysitter when he was younger, has an Uncontrollable desire for crushing female thighs) sets up a meeting for the Ultimate Crush with the biggest, most muscular woman he could find, he gets Exactly what he asked for; unfortunately for him, as Perfect as this Fantasy Session is, it's a one time only event! - Leonardo's awesome color pics grace this incredible tale by John Castle!

muscle loving man Amazonian babysitter Uncontrollable desire crushing female thighs meeting Ultimate Crush biggest most muscular woman Exactly what he asked for Perfect Fantasy Session one time only event Leonardo's awesome color pics incredible tale John Castle

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Dawn Of An Amazon (Part 3) - PDF

Dawn Of An Amazon (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Super strong college girl Dawn continues to dominate and humiliate an assortment of macho muscleheads (dressed as her favorite superhero), all for the arousal and enjoyment of her loving man Pete; though the story takes a darker turn when he gets jumped and badly beaten by a gang of thugs, causing Dawn to burst out in rage and exact her own brand of Amazonian Justice on them ALL! As always, Amazing illustrations here by Max!

super strong college girl Dawn dominate humiliate assortment macho muscleheads favorite superhero arousal enjoyment loving man Pete darker turn jumped badly beaten gang of thugs burst out rage exact own brand Amazonian Justice Amazing illustrations Max

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Amy's Conquest: 2013 Folio (The Origin Of Amy Hardstone) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2013 Folio (The Origin Of Amy Hardstone)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Once more, we have taken our Amazingly drawn logo pics for this past year and combined them into a Sexy Amazonian Folio, though this time we have made them all into a complete story, showing the Birth and Rise of everyone's favorite Teenage Amazon, Amy Hardstone! - Awesome artwork by Max on all of these pics!

Amazingly drawn logo pics Sexy Amazonian Folio complete story Birth and Rise favorite Teenage Amazon Amy Hardstone Awesome artwork Max

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Mighty Muscled Joan - PDF

Mighty Muscled Joan
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

Joan is an Amazonian farm-girl who likes nothing better than working out Heavy in just her high heels, an act that never ceases to make her wet with desire; though such thoughts take a back seat when the young supergirl decides to end a series of murders in her area by dealing with the gang of powerfully built deviants herself.....five against one, they don't stand a chance! - Absolutely Amazing artwork by Edson on this one!

Joan Amazonian farm-girl working out high heels wet desire supergirl murders gang deviants powerfully built five against one chance Amazing artwork Edson

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Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Part 1) - PDF

Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Allan)

Steve had always loved Amazonian women, that is until he started dating one, a towering tormentress that used and abused him time and again, causing him to swear off (aka fear) such women from then on; though when he finds that a possible new love is also a hard bodied female, will fear drive him away from her, or will be give love with an Amazon one last chance? - More Unreal illustrations by Allan on this one!

Amazonian women dating towering tormentress abused swear off fear hardbodied female love Allan illustrations.

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Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Part 2) - PDF

Two Sides Of The Same Coin (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rob & Allan)

Having broken the heart of his newfound love (a hard-bodied martial arts expert) Steve tells her his tale of Amazonian woe, which in the end makes her care for him even more. After continuing their dinner, they soon head back to his place for some "dessert", where she uses all of her skills (sensual and martial arts) to show Steve that life with an Amazon isn't a bad thing - though as pleasurable as this experience is for him, thoughts of his punishing Amazonian-Ex are never far behind! Rob and Allan illustrate this story!

heartbreak love martial arts Amazonian woe care dinner dessert skills sensual pleasure punishing Amazonian-Ex Rob Allan

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Amy's Conquest: 2014 Folio (Summer Job(s) For Amy Hardstone) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2014 Folio (Summer Job(s) For Amy Hardstone)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Once more, we have taken our Amazingly drawn logo pics from this past year and combined them into a Sexy Amazonian Folio, again combining them all into a complete story; as Amy returns home from college for the summer, only to be told from her Muscle Mom that she needs to find some work during her time back, which she does, again and again, putting her own Amazonian Flair to each and every job she performs! Truly Unreal illustrations on these by Jebriodo!

Amazingly drawn logo pics Sexy Amazonian Folio complete story Amy Muscle Mom find work Amazonian Flair Unreal illustrations Jebriodo

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Lucy Goes Scouting (Part 1) - PDF

Lucy Goes Scouting (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Dracowhip)

In this first part of the series, we see Lucy and her BFF Jill as teenage scouts, selling cookies door to door, when they come upon a home with a grumpy older boy within, one which the super strong Lucy sets straight, so much so he becomes one of their best customers; as we see years later when the girls are now older (and sexier) scouts, going back to this same house, where Lucy deals with this young man's crude, lecherous friends, all with the power of her sexy Amazonian form! New AC artist Dracowhip lends his Incredible talents on this story!

Lucy BFF Jill teenage scouts cookies door to door grumpy older boy super strong best customers older sexier scouts house young man crude lecherous friends Amazonian form AC artist Dracowhip

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The Fraternity - PDF

The Fraternity
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonLover, Artwork: London)

Wrestling around with Sorority Girls is hardly a task that any pledging Frat Boy would call Hellish, though when these gathering of outclassed young men go against the Awesomely Amazonian array of girls from the Tri-Delt House, all thoughts of pleasure go out the window, and are replaced with Helplessness, Inferiority and Pain! Amazing artist London is back for another story, this one an Amazon Lover Classic!

Wrestling Sorority Girls Frat Boy Hellish Awesomely Amazonian Tri-Delt House Helplessness Inferiority Pain London Amazon Lover Classic

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So Soft - PDF

So Soft
Price: 6.00
(Story: Plowjack, Artwork: Lopo)

A prequel to the "Her Toy" series, where we see a college-aged Patty showing off her thick, muscular physique for her adorable weedy boyfriend; showing him that in their relationship it's SHE that does the protecting - though who will protect him from her and her Amazonian Lust and Sexual Appetite! Heaps of Unreal COLOR pics for this one by Lopo, on this Plowjack story!

prequel Her Toy series college-aged Patty muscular physique weedy boyfriend protecting Amazonian Lust Sexual Appetite Unreal COLOR pics Lopo Plowjack story

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"Little" Sister No More (Part 1) - PDF

"Little" Sister No More (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: RagMan)

Mary and her girl-friends were always the targets of her older twin brothers cruel, bullying ways; though when these buff brothers moved away to college, Mary and her friends decided they would be victims no more, spending all of their free time building their young, blossoming bodies into super-strong Amazonian physiques - much to the surprise of the returning brothers, who are in for the Shock Of Their Lives! Another new artist to AC, RagMan, expertly illustrates this tale of Revenge!

Mary girl-friends targets older twin brothers cruel bullying ways buff brothers moved away college victims free time building young blossoming bodies super-strong Amazonian physiques surprise returning brothers Shock Of Their Lives new artist AC RagMan expertly illustrates tale of Revenge.

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April's Power - PDF

April's Power
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: Raphael)

April is a smart, sweet and very sexy high school girl. She is also strong....very, very strong. Her only fault is that she just cannot see her handsome boyfriend Craig for the arrogant, inconsiderate, selfish jerk that he is. But with the visit of April's Amazonian Aunt, would Craig eventually push things too far, will the chance to be with two Sexy Amazons cause him to lose Both (and them some)? Find out in this tale by Sonofjack, with beautiful art by Raphael!

April smart sweet sexy high school girl strong handsome boyfriend Craig arrogant inconsiderate selfish jerk Amazonian Aunt chance Amazons Sonofjack beautiful art Raphael

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My New Boyfriend - PDF

My New Boyfriend
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Ronaldo)

Marcy is a statuesque, muscle-packed high school girl, who uses her unreal strength (along with some martial arts mastery) to make sure bullying boys get put in their place! Brian is one such boy, a massive man, who is swiftly humbled by the Amazonian Marcy (along with his bitchy cheerleading girlfriend), who then claims him as her new boyfriend - whether he likes it or not! Incredible illustrations here by Ronaldo, on this awesome MC Story!

Marcy statuesque muscle-packed high school girl unreal strength martial arts mastery bullying boys put in their place Brian massive man swiftly humbled Amazonian Marcy bitchy cheerleading girlfriend claims new boyfriend incredible illustrations Ronaldo awesome MC Story

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Zach's High School Sweetheart (Part 1) - PDF

Zach's High School Sweetheart (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Katrina, Artwork: Alphadawg )

When Zach is texted by an old girl-friend from school who wants to reconnect after their years apart, he's more than thrilled to do so; though no amount of anticipation could match what he finds when he finally sees her! Her small (though very fit) physique has now become Gigantically Amazonian, a true Hulkette!, and she wants to share every single inch of her Bulging Muscular Body with him! Incredible illustrations by alphadawg on this story written by real-life Amazon girl, Katrina!

Zach old girl-friend school reconnect years apart thrilled anticipation sees small fit physique Gigantically Amazonian Hulkette share inch Bulging Muscular Body illustrations alphadawg story real-life Amazon girl Katrina

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Amy's Conquest: 2015 Folio (Amy's "First" Date) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2015 Folio (Amy's "First" Date)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rob)

Watch as Amy and her newfound soulmate (and long-time crush) David, spend the day together doing anything and everything their heart desires! Amy showing off her Amazonian physique and power in a wide variety of settings for her adorable little man, who he treats her with the utmost love and respect, while never ceasing to be amazed at his strong and sexy girlfriend and everything she is capable of - All for him! Truly Amazing artwork on these, by the Incredible Rob!

Amy soulmate crush David day heart desires Amazonian physique power settings little man love respect strong sexy girlfriend artwork Rob

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The Boss's Daughter (Part 1 - Reunion) - PDF

The Boss's Daughter (Part 1 - Reunion)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Ronaldo)

18 year old Bonnie has a massive crush on Johnny, a much smaller, slightly older boy and son of her father's best friend; though when her family moves away to start their own business, the tall, shapely teenager is devastated! Several years later, she invites Johnny over to her house for a pool party, and once there he is Shocked and Awed at her truly Amazonian physique, which she uses on him over and over this afternoon, easily turning his resistance to utter Bliss! Fantastic artwork from Ronaldo on this Puppetman story!

18 year old Bonnie crush Johnny father's best friend family business pool party Amazonian physique resistance artwork Ronaldo Puppetman

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