Search Results for "Amazon"


Horny Muscle MILF - VIDEO

Horny Muscle MILF
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Greycat)

Watch as a super muscular Amazon wife entraps a man with her buff, beautiful body, soon after calling her husband home from work with plans for some double muscle fun! - another Amazing CGI clip from Greycat!

super muscular Amazon wife entraps man buff beautiful body calling husband work double muscle fun Amazing CGI clip Greycat

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Kim Winn Amazon Schoolgirl (Part 2) - VIDEO

Kim Winn Amazon Schoolgirl (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rick Robbins)

Amazon schoolgirl Kim is not happy with her newly received (and also expired) candy-bar, so she confronts the lecherous older man, demanding another one, with her thick, rippling, hard legs doing the talking for her. Her flirtatious flexing causes him much pain, but an equal amount of pleasure as well, as he seems to really be getting off having her muscle packed thighs squeezed tight around his head and chest - and really, who wouldn't. Another fantastic video clip from Rick Dobbins!

Amazon schoolgirl Kim candy-bar expired confronts older man demanding thick rippling hard legs talking flirtatious flexing pain pleasure muscle packed thighs head chest video clip Rick Dobbins

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Brandi Mae - Protective Girlfriend (Part 2) - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Protective Girlfriend (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch as the beautifully buff Brandi, your own Amazon Girlfriend, teaches your older, bullying brother, a harsh and painful lesson on how Not to treat you any longer. A lesson he learns all too easily, thanks to her crushing thighs, squeezing arms, powerful punches, and stern (yet sensually spoken) words. Rest assured, your brother will never bully you again, nor will Anyone else, thanks to your protective girlfriend's thick, shapely, powerful body! An incredible clip from Jersey Black!

Brandi Amazon Girlfriend older brother bullying lesson crushing thighs squeezing arms powerful punches stern words protective girlfriend thick shapely powerful body Jersey Black

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Megan Avalon - I Am An Amazon! - VIDEO

Megan Avalon - I Am An Amazon!
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

When Megan's boyfriend shoots a sexy video of her, she comments that she would love to be on the TV show America's Next Top Amazon; something that causes him to laugh out doubtingly, which Megan doesn't take too lightly, as she then Proves to her man again and again that her lush, firm, buff physique is more than enough Amazon for the job! Another very cool video clip from Jersey Black!

Megan boyfriend shoots sexy video comments love TV show America's Next Top Amazon laugh doubtingly Proves man lush firm buff physique enough job cool video clip Jersey Black

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Monix - Powerful Persuasion (Part 1) - VIDEO

Monix - Powerful Persuasion (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Our first of several video clips to come starring the Super Sexy, Super Muscular, Brazilian Amazon - MuscleVixen. Here she returns home with a special man after their first date, things are going Amazingly so far, so she excuses herself to put on 'something more comfortable"; though when she returns wearing only barely-there lingerie, her date only NOW finding out about her ultra hard, buff and muscular physique, his shock and fear try to remove him from this situation, leaving MuscleVixen to use some Powerful Persuation to change his mind! - Awesome stuff shot once more by Jersey Black, here!

video clips Super Sexy Super Muscular Brazilian Amazon MuscleVixen first date Amazingly lingerie buff muscular physique shock fear Powerful Persuasion Jersey Black

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Monix - Powerful Persuasion (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Powerful Persuasion (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen continues to show off her muscular, hard body for her evening's date, proving to him with sexy flexes and erotically crushing cuddles how Unreal it can be to be with a woman such as she; something he fully agrees with before too long, swiftly becoming a huge fan of powerfully built women, especially Monix (and her bouncing pecs)! - Another sexy female muscle clip shot by Jersey Black!

super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen muscular hard body evening's date proving sexy flexes erotically crushing cuddles Unreal woman fully agrees huge fan powerfully built women Monix bouncing pecs sexy female muscle clip Jersey Black

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Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Here MuscleVixen continues her harsh treatment of her cheating man, who when confronted vocally by his muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend, first denies his cheater ways, though then admits he did so to make himself feel stronger, something that causes Monix to laugh out, as she allows him to punch her pecs and abs (proving how weak he really is), before continuing to crush him to pieces! Another awesomely shot video by Jersey Black here!

MuscleVixen harsh treatment cheating man confronted vocally muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend denies cheater ways admits feel stronger Monix laugh out punch pecs abs weak crush pieces awesomely shot video Jersey Black

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Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 1) - VIDEO

Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch as the beautifully buff, bikini clad Amazon, MuscleVixen, poses and talks sexily to her legions of online fans in the privacy of her bedroom via her webcam; that is until she spots a peeping-tom intruder lecherously spying on her, which causes her to close down her webcam, and open up a can of MUSCLE CRUSH on him! - Fantastic clip once again from Jersey Black!

beautifully buff bikini clad Amazon MuscleVixen poses talks sexily legions online fans privacy bedroom webcam peeping-tom intruder lecherously spying close down open up MUSCLE CRUSH Fantastic clip Jersey Black

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Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Webcam Crush (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen continues to use her rock solid, super strong body to punish her newly discovered Peeping Tom, though before long she notices him really enjoying such treatment, which begins to turn her on as well, as she continues to crush him in a variety of holds, though more for the enjoyment of it - well, her's anyway! - Awesomely shot clip by Jersey Black here!

Super sexy Amazon MuscleVixen rock solid super strong body punish newly discovered Peeping Tom notices enjoying treatment turn on crush variety of holds enjoyment Awesomely shot clip Jersey Black

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Monix - Dating An Amazon Woman (Pleasure) - VIDEO

Monix - Dating An Amazon Woman (Pleasure)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

MuscleVixen just can't get enough of her boyfriend, and he definately cannot get enough of her, especially her thick, hard, powerfully muscular body. A visit to his Amazonian Woman turns quickly from lifts and carries to LOTS of sexy muscle flexing, to even some Sexily Teasing Squeezes, where she playfully asserts her power and dominance over him; all for Both of their Pleasure! - Another sexily shot clip from Jersey Black here!

MuscleVixen boyfriend thick hard powerfully muscular body visit Amazonian Woman lifts carries sexy muscle flexing Sexily Teasing Squeezes playfully asserts power dominance Pleasure sexily shot clip Jersey Black

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Jenna Preston - Horny Amazon Wife - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Horny Amazon Wife
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

Jenna is a gorgeous, statuesque, voluptuously shaped Amazon, and when her husband comes home from work, she lets him know that she Wants Him, BAD! Though a seemingly busy day has left him too tired to fulfill his wife's sexual needs, resisting Jenna's continually erotic attempts otherwise, which gets her thinking, is he getting his sexual fill elsewhere - which makes her very very angry! - Our first of a series of video clips from the Awesome Jenna Preston!

Jenna gorgeous statuesque voluptuously shaped Amazon husband work lets him know wants him bad busy day tired fulfill wife's sexual needs resisting erotic attempts thinking sexual fill elsewhere angry video clips Awesome Jenna Preston

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Jenna Preston - Sad Boyfriend - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Sad Boyfriend
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When Jenna and her man return home from a night out, she notices he's feeling down, the reason for which is the assortment of guys that were teasing him for being shorter than his statuesque girlfriend, not to mention her effortless and harsh handling of these men afterwards. She goes on to tell him how it's her job as a true Amazon Woman to protect and take care of him, talking about past tales of her using her unreal strength to do so; all while allowing his hands and lips all over her bountiful breasts, as her own hands stroke his growing erection - I don't think this boyfriend will be sad for much longer! Very sexy "Strength Talking" here on this video!

Jenna man return home night out feeling down assortment of guys teasing shorter statuesque girlfriend effortless harsh handling men job true Amazon Woman protect take care past tales unreal strength hands lips bountiful breasts own hands stroke growing erection boyfriend sad sexy Strength Talking video

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Emery Miller - Wrong Number - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Wrong Number
Price: 6.00
(Artist: James Cook)

Our first of several upcoming video clips with the Absolutely Awesome Emery Miller! Here, while cuddling with her boyfriend, Emery intercepts a phone call meant for him, from a suspicious sounding woman. It doesn't take her long to figure out that her man has been cheating on her, a BIG MISTAKE considering Emery's Amazonian body can break him in two! "Who's Lucy!" she angrily demands of him again and again, while crushing his body in a variety of painful holds, reminding him who The Boss in their relationship truly is! - An Amazing video here, shot by James Cook from ftvideo for us at A.C.!

Emery Miller video clips boyfriend phone call cheating Amazonian body Lucy anger relationship video James Cook ftvideo A.C.

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Emery Miller - Protective Muscle Mom 2 - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Protective Muscle Mom 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: James Cook)

Gorgeous Muscle MILF Emery is back, proving she can use her lush Amazonian physique to Seduce as well as Squeeze! This time she pays a visit to one of the judges of her teenage daughter's beauty pageant, using soft sensual flexes mixed with her erotically spoken voice (with a bit of Crushing mixed in) to ensure that he casts his vote her way - Or Else! Powerful Persuasion at its finest! - Another Amazing video from James Cook here!

Gorgeous Muscle MILF Emery Amazonian Seduce Squeeze visit judge daughter beauty pageant sensual flexes erotically spoken voice Crushing vote Powerful Persuasion Amazing video James Cook

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Brandi Mae - Slap My Butt, Pay The Price - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Slap My Butt, Pay The Price
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

The amazingly shapely and muscular Brandi Mae is back! This time she forceably brings a man home who foolishly thought he could slap her lush, juicy muscle-butt at a club (dressed as she was, you could see why he couldn't help himself); once back she strips to an even tinier outfit, where she flexes, flares and hardens her Amazonian body, forcing him to lick, kiss and worship every inch of her super powerful physique (especially her World Class Glutes!) - The first of several Brandi clips to come, shot by the Incredible Jersey Black!

Brandi Mae muscular forceably man club outfit flexes flares hardens Amazonian body lick kiss worship powerful physique World Class Glutes Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Sisterly Revenge - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sisterly Revenge
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

When lusciously buff and beautiful Brandi brings home her date for the evening, he thinks he's in for a night of untold pleasure from this super sexy Amazon; though such thoughts quickly disappear, when she lets him know that this whole date was a set-up, that she knows he was her little sister's abusive ex-boyfriend, and the only thing he's going to feel this night is Humiliation and Pain! Loads slapping, punching, kicking, ball-busting and smothering on this one! - Jersey Black once again lends his artistic talents here!

Brandi date evening pleasure Amazon set-up little sister abusive ex-boyfriend humiliation pain slapping punching kicking ball-busting smothering Jersey Black artistic talents

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Brandi Mae - Protective Gym Bunny - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Protective Gym Bunny
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

When Brandi and her man return from a hard gym workout, she can't help but notice he's quite down in the dumps; when she asks why he lets her know that he feels like a wimp due to her lifting so much more than he can, and because he was made fun of at the gym by several large male muscle-heads. What follows is a Perfect display of sensuality and muscle flexing, as Brandi makes her man feel better with her erotically spoken words and super strong body, letting him know how anyone who messes with him, has to deal with her Amazonian Power! Lots of sensual posing and sexy muscle talk on this one, shot by Jersey Black here!

Brandi man return hard gym workout notice down in the dumps asks why feels wimp lifting made fun of gym several large male muscle-heads Perfect display sensuality muscle flexing Brandi feel better erotically spoken words super strong body anyone messes with Amazonian Power sensual posing sexy muscle talk shot Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Sensual Foreplay - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sensual Foreplay
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Power packed Brandi just Loves flexing her thick, meaty muscles for her man, and this case is no exception; as he lays on their bed, her lush Amazonian physique posing all over him in a Very Sexy manner, as her sensually spoken words only add more to the erotic appeal of this display. Her man is clearly in Muscle Heaven, that is until this loving couple hears a noise coming from another room, when Brandi insists on checking it out, protecting her man with a KO Chest Smothering, before rising up from his still body, ready to deal with whatever lies ahead! Another amazingly sexy Amazon action from Jersey Black here!

power packed Brandi loves flexing thick meaty muscles man bed lush Amazonian physique posing sexy sensually spoken words erotic appeal display Muscle Heaven loving couple noise another room checking it out protecting KO Chest Smothering rising up still body deal with lies ahead amazingly sexy Amazon action Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Sensual Protection - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sensual Protection
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

As a direct continuation from our previous video, Sensual Foreplay, Brandi has left her darling man (after smothering him unconscious, for his protection), to investigate a noise heard in their house; though she doesn't return alone, bringing with her now a foolish intruder, who the voluptuously strong Amazon relishes in taking apart, using her hard, muscular body to man-handle this burglar, all for her, and her lover's, enjoyment! Once more, Awesomely shot by Jersey Black!

direct continuation previous video Sensual Foreplay Brandi darling man smothering unconscious protection investigate noise house return alone foolish intruder voluptuously strong Amazon taking apart hard muscular body man-handle burglar enjoyment Awesomely shot Jersey Black

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Maria Garcia - What Is That Noise - VIDEO

Maria Garcia - What Is That Noise
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

In this video, the incredibly sexy, amazingly ripped, muscle-girl Maria is enjoying posing in front of a mirror, showing off her ultra hard body in a new tiny bikini; though her sensual posing is interrupted by a sudden noise, an intruder, who the super strong Amazon then brings back with her, crushing, squeezing and smothering him to pieces, leaving him unable to talk from her punishing treatment - until the very end, when she realizes this intruder isn't quite what she thought! Jersey Black lends his talents once again on this video!

video sexy ripped muscle-girl Maria posing mirror bikini intruder Amazon crushing squeezing smothering punishment Jersey Black

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Jenna Preston - Strong All Over - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Strong All Over
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

Our favorite tall, shapely, sexy amazon is back on Amy's Conquest! Here she playfully dominates her adorable little man in the bedroom, using her long, strong legs to control him completely; though when he states that he would win if it was arms only, Jenna gleefully switches to accommodate her lover's request, showing him who has the superior upper body strength as well - then ending with more leg-work, with her thighs squeezingly grinding his cock to eruption!

favorite tall shapely sexy amazon back Amy's Conquest playfully dominates adorable little man bedroom long strong legs control completely arms only Jenna gleefully switches accommodate lover's request superior upper body strength ending leg-work thighs squeezingly grinding cock eruption

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MuscleBunny - My Sexy Exes - VIDEO

MuscleBunny - My Sexy Exes
Price: 6.00
(Artist: MuscleBunny)

When James uploads a series of private photos of his sexy exes for his new website, he gets a visit from MuscleBunny (whom he dated years ago), who is less than thrilled with having sexy photos of herself online for everyone to see. So she uses a combination of sex appeal and muscular power (often times Together) to get him to see things her way and remove them, turning him on and then breaking him apart, again and again, and try as he might to resist, James is helpless next to the powers of this Amazing Amazon!

James uploads private photos sexy exes website visit MuscleBunny dated years ago thrilled online sex appeal muscular power Together remove turning on breaking apart resist Amazing Amazon

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MuscleBunny - Secret Sessions - VIDEO

MuscleBunny - Secret Sessions
Price: 6.00
(Artist: MuscleBunny)

While in the middle of her latest webcam show, the Strong and Sexily Statuesque Musclebunny gets a surprise visit from a new neighbor, a creepy pervert, who threatens to tell her husband about her online shows, unless she gives him some up close and personal sessions of his own! The powerful Amazon initially agrees, until he foolishly insults her loving man, then her erotic flexing turns into muscular crushing, giving this man all that he wants, and So Much More than he can handle, before tossing him out of her place and threatening him with a Real Beating if he Ever tells her husband about her Secret Sessions! Loosely based off the AC exclusive story of the same name!

webcam show Strong Sexily Statuesque Musclebunny surprise visit new neighbor creepy pervert threatens tell her husband online shows up close and personal sessions powerful Amazon agrees foolishly insults loving man erotic flexing muscular crushing wants So Much More handle tossing him out threatening Real Beating Secret Sessions AC exclusive story

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MuscleBunny - Movie Night Mayhem - VIDEO

MuscleBunny - Movie Night Mayhem
Price: 6.00
(Artist: MuscleBunny)

Musclebunny is looking forward to cuddling up with her man in bed to watch one of her favorite films, The Terminator, though he isn't feeling it tonight and is dying to see The Piano instead (go figure). Well, sensual erotic persuasion using her firm, sexy body soon turns to more forceful methods, using her squeezing thighs and smothering breasts - the Sexy Amazon eventually getting her way in the end, with her Action movie on the TV, and an unconscious lover laying next to her!

Musclebunny cuddling man bed favorite films The Terminator The Piano sensual erotic persuasion firm sexy body forceful squeezing thighs smothering breasts Sexy Amazon Action movie TV unconscious lover

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Emery Miller - Mistaken Identity - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Mistaken Identity
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

When a small, weedy man is harshly thrown onto his bed from the muscle-packed Emery, his Amazonian girlfriend, he's more than a bit confused, with him becoming more so as she crushes, squeezes and beats him to pulp, all due to him sleeping with her twin sister (unbeknownst to him)! In trying to calm his super strong girlfriend, he bad-mouths the malicious twin - though this is something he sorely regrets when he awakens from his forced unconsciousness, greeted now by the "evil" twin, who proceeds to teach him the error of his insulting ways! Loosely based off the AC story of the same name!

small weedy man harshly thrown bed muscle-packed Emery Amazonian girlfriend confused crushes squeezes beats pulp sleeping twin sister calm super strong girlfriend bad-mouths malicious twin sorely regrets awakens forced unconsciousness evil twin teach error insulting ways AC story

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Emery Miller - Reunion Rescue - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Reunion Rescue
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

Watch as the muscle-packed Emery comes back from her High School Reunion, carrying the form of her old school crush in her powerful arms (someone she just saved from a vicious beating by muggers), as they rekindle their relationship, the mighty Amazon not realizing he had a crush on her as well - her and her strong and sexy body - which she now flaunts over him, flexing, lifting and absorbing ab and pec-punches with ease! This is definitely a reunion both of them are glad they attended!

muscle-packed Emery High School Reunion powerful arms school crush saved vicious beating muggers rekindle relationship Amazon crush strong sexy body flaunts flexing lifting absorbing ab pec-punches reunion

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VeVe Lane - Sadistic Supergirl (Part 1) - VIDEO

VeVe Lane - Sadistic Supergirl (Part 1)
Price: 6.00

Sadistic Amazon woman wrestles short little man with dire consequences.

Sadistic Amazon woman wrestles short little man dire consequences

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VeVe Lane - Sadistic Supergirl (Part 2) - VIDEO

VeVe Lane - Sadistic Supergirl (Part 2)
Price: 6.00

Sadistic Amazon woman wrestles short little man with dire consequences.

Sadistic Amazon woman wrestles short little man dire consequences

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VeVe Lane - A Woman Scorned (Part 1) - VIDEO

VeVe Lane - A Woman Scorned (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: VeVe Lane)

An evening of sensual bedroom wrestling with the rock-solid VeVe and her boyfriend quickly turns into a night of physical punishment for the foolish male, who just so happened to be cheating on the super strong and skilled Amazon! She plays with him long enough, then turns on the Pain, as she applies hold after painful hold on his physically inferior form; showing him that cheating on a woman such as she is not only foolish - it's downright Stupid!

evening sensual bedroom wrestling rock-solid VeVe boyfriend physical punishment foolish male cheating super strong skilled Amazon Pain hold physically inferior form woman Stupid

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Rapture - Private Dick Punishment - VIDEO

Rapture - Private Dick Punishment
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rapture)

Watch Rapture play the part of a sexy, sultry P.I., who lures her latest mark back to her place under the pretense that he's getting Lucky with the Statuesque Supergirl; that is until she changes into a skin-tight catsuit and announces her plans mean a night of Pain, not pleasure, for this foolish man (who has been a serial cheater on his wife, who hired the Gorgeous Glamazon to demolish him, specifically his "manhood", which gets severely beaten and nearly ripped clean off)!

Rapture sexy sultry P.I. lures latest mark place pretense Lucky Statuesque Supergirl changes skin-tight catsuit announces plans night Pain pleasure foolish man serial cheater wife hired Gorgeous Glamazon demolish manhood severely beaten ripped clean off

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Rapture - Erotic Evening Entertainment - VIDEO

Rapture - Erotic Evening Entertainment
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Rapture)

Rapture and her man are enjoying a romantic night cuddling on the couch, until she realizes it's getting late and she has to head home. Though after a series of sultry, sexy displays of her voluptuously firm and athletically built body (with lots of pec pulses), her leaving is halted, thanks in no small part to her boyfriend's worshipping touches and erotic kisses of her Amazonian form! Both of them extremely aroused from her hard, fit body (seriously, Rapture cannot stop touching herself here!), the young lover's deciding to extend their night's fun, as she carries him off to bed!

Rapture man romantic night cuddling couch late home sultry sexy voluptuously firm athletically built body pec pulses leaving boyfriend worshipping touches erotic kisses Amazonian form aroused fit body touching lover extend fun bed

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Muscle Beauty X - Break Up, Make Up - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - Break Up, Make Up
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

After a few years away, Muscle Beauty is Back, and Buffer than Ever! In this first of several video clips to come for us at Amy's Conquest, Muscle Beauty returns from a date night with her boyfriend, though she quickly notices he's not quite as relaxed afterwards as she is. She tries to get him to let her know what's wrong, both vocally and of course physically, convincing him that she loves him and will do anything to find out why he's distressed. Though when he finally lets her know his downward attitude is because he wants to break up with her, due to her being too big and strong for him, she uses her lush, muscular physique to change his mind - all for the better in his case, as it's not wise to break up with an Amazon woman!

Muscle Beauty Buffer video clips Amy's Conquest date night boyfriend relaxed distressed break up big strong lush muscular physique Amazon woman

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Muscle Beauty X - Overprotective Girlfriend - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - Overprotective Girlfriend
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

Lusciously lovely, beautifully buff Muscle Beauty X returns home with her loving man, his smaller body carried in her powerful arms, as she brings him back to care for him after a car almost hit him (actually hitting her, though her Amazonian form is unharmed)! She spends time tenderly caring for him on their bed, making sure her baby is unharmed, telling him how she dealt with those foolish guys from the other car; though before too long she notices that his injuries may be more faked than real, all to continue getting such treatment from his muscle-packed girlfriend. Well not one to enjoy being lied to (even if it was to get closer to her), she begins to squeeze in on him harder and harder, teaching him a little lesson about faking his agony, by giving him his share of real pain (though done in a loving manner)!

lusciously lovely beautifully buff Muscle Beauty X loving man powerful arms care car hit Amazonian form tenderly bed baby unharmed foolish guys injuries faked treatment muscle-packed girlfriend lied to squeeze lesson agony pain loving manner

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Angela Salvagno - Helpless Boy Toy - VIDEO

Angela Salvagno - Helpless Boy Toy
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Angela Salvagno)

Gorgeous muscle girl Angela just Loves to dominate her larger, though much weaker, man! Whether it be by pinning him helplessly against a wall or the bed, taunting him to punch her rock solid abs all to no effect, or man-handling him like the sexual play-thing that he is to her, this unreal Amazon proves again and again how physically superior she is here! Nothing gets her more aroused than displaying her awesome strength with her man in such ways, whether he likes it or not!

Gorgeous muscle girl Angela dominate larger weaker man pinning wall bed taunting punch rock solid abs man-handling sexual play-thing Amazon physically superior aroused awesome strength

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Angela Salvagno - Hopelessly Horny Husband - VIDEO

Angela Salvagno - Hopelessly Horny Husband
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Angela Salvagno)

Angela is far from happy when she returns home from work to find her husband touching himself while watching other buff girls on his laptop. Why on Earth would he be looking elsewhere, when he has the most Amazing Amazonian wife all for himself?? This is just what Angela thinks, as she begins removing her sexy business outfit (until she is completely naked), flexing her muscular form as she scolds his foolishly horny behavior, while threatening to crush him silly with her much stronger body! The party they were planning to go to tonight is now just for her, as she orders him to stay home alone while she goes out to have some Fun - as if he were around her feeling as she is, she might just beat him to a pulp!! Lots of intimidatingly sexy muscle talk on this one!

Angela happy returns home husband touching himself buff girls laptop Amazing Amazonian wife sexy business outfit naked muscular form scolds horny behavior crush stronger body party orders stay home Fun beat pulp intimidatingly sexy muscle talk

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Angela Salvagno - Puppy Owner Punishment - VIDEO

Angela Salvagno - Puppy Owner Punishment
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Angela Salvagno)

Angela is less than thrilled when she spots a dog owner abusing his little puppy while she is out for her morning workout! This leads her to confront him, showing him how it feels first-hand to be abused by someone stronger and more powerful than he is, as she brutally beats, spanks and humiliates him in his own home, before putting a collar around his neck and riding him around the place! In the end this Amazonian Avenger threatens this foolish man that she will do a lot Worse to him if she Ever sees him treat his dog like that again!

Angela dog owner abusing puppy morning workout confront abused stronger powerful beats spanks humiliates collar Amazonian Avenger threatens foolish man treat dog

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Miss Andrea Untamed - Personal Training Torment - VIDEO

Miss Andrea Untamed - Personal Training Torment
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Miss Andrea Untamed)

Gorgeous Glamazon Andrea is sent to the hotel room of a travelling businessman, hired by his superiors to get him into shape, something he's severely lacking in! Taken by surprise at her arrival, as he believes he looks fine, he's further stunned (painfully so) as she uses her tough as nails approach and much stronger body to beat, stretch, twist and squeeze him to his limits, and then way beyond! No Pain, No Gain is the motto of this personal training session for this pudgy, weak little man, in the end Andrea deciding he's just a lost cause not even worthy of his job - or more importantly, her time!

Gorgeous Glamazon Andrea hotel room travelling businessman superiors shape surprise fine tough nails beat stretch twist squeeze limits pain gain motto personal training session pudgy weak lost cause job time

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Miss Andrea Untamed - Boss Of This Dog - VIDEO

Miss Andrea Untamed - Boss Of This Dog
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Miss Andrea Untamed)

When Andrea calls one of her workers in for a talk about his crude, lecherous behavior towards the other women on her staff, he smiles and says it's all just harmless fun - though harmless is one thing this Stunning Statuesque Superwoman is not, which she then proceeds to show him all too clearly! Stripping down to the sexiest of lingerie, Andrea quickly turns this dog of the office into a whining little puppy, helpless against her superior strength. Her punishment is mixed with humiliation, as she forces him to worship her Amazonian form, proving to him over and over why She is the boss!

Andrea worker talk behavior women staff harmless fun Stunning Statuesque Superwoman stripping lingerie dog office puppy strength punishment humiliation worship Amazonian boss

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Aubrey Black - Amazonian Announcement - VIDEO

Aubrey Black - Amazonian Announcement
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Aubrey Black)

We present to you the first in a series of upcoming videos, starring THE most Erotic and Sensual model you could ask for, the Super Stunning Aubrey Black! Here, she and her boyfriend are getting very hot and heavy on the couch, though she's forced to stop before things go Too Far. Why? Well, as she explains to him, she's an actual Amazon Woman, capable of unreal physical strength, and if she gets too aroused she could Really Hurt him! Though being an all too horny guy, that doesn't stop him from risking it all, begging her to give him what they Both want! Aubrey's growing lust is too great, as she eventually gives in to her desires; though as expected, while she is in total erotic bliss, he is in for a world of pain!

keywords: videos model Aubrey Black boyfriend couch Amazon Woman physical strength aroused hurt horny lust desires erotic bliss pain

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Dezy Desire - How Not To Confront A Bully - VIDEO

Dezy Desire - How Not To Confront A Bully
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Dezy Desire)

When Dante barged into the home of Dezy, demanding that she get her kid sister to stop bullying his little brother, he had no idea that Feminine Strength and Power ran in their family! If he had, he may have taken a more gentle approach, instead he's helplessly manhandled in the clutches of Dezy's super athletic frame, as this jock girl shows the shorter, weaker man why his brother is such a victim, just as he is to her now! Superior strength, unreal fighting skills, and a drop dead gorgeous face, this towering Amazon can do it all, and does to this foolish man, before knocking him unconscious and throwing him out of her house!

Dante Dezy kid sister bullying little brother Feminine Strength Power family gentle approach manhandled athletic frame jock girl victim Superior strength fighting skills drop dead gorgeous face Amazon unconscious house

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Dezy Desire - Car Keys Or Crushed - VIDEO

Dezy Desire - Car Keys Or Crushed
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Dezy Desire)

Dezy is sexily dressed for a night of partying with her girlfriends, all she needs are the keys to her big brother's car - though the sluggish, lazy male refuses, giving her attitude and denying her request! After a few more polite asks, Dezy decides to change her request to a Demand, as she uses her lightning speed, superior strength and amazing fighting skills to show him that even though he's older, it's She that's in charge here! This is definitely one woman you don't want to deny, though her forceful handling of him is sprinkled with loving words and playful antics that only an Amazonian little sister could provide!

Dezy sexily dressed night partying girlfriends keys big brother's car slobbish lazy male refuses attitude denying request polite asks change Demand lightning speed superior strength amazing fighting skills older in charge woman deny forceful handling sprinkled loving words playful antics Amazonian little sister

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Muscle Beauty X - Lusty Neighbour Takes Charge - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - Lusty Neighbour Takes Charge
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

The Unbelievable Muscle Beauty X is Back! Watch as she pays a visit to a neighbor she's long had a crush on (though who was too shy to approach her), as the ever aggressive Muscle Goddess sexily leads them to his bedroom, where she reveals her curvaceously powerful body to him, allowing him to see it up close for the first time! His formerly timid attitude quickly turns to total muscle lusting, as the erotically charged Amazon puts him into hold after sexily grinding hold, showing him all the pleasures (and a bit of pain) a woman like her can bring to her man - and as she soon after declares, he is definitely Her Man now!

Unbelievable Muscle Beauty X back visit neighbor crush shy approach aggressive Muscle Goddess sexily leads bedroom reveals curvaceously powerful body up close first time timid attitude total muscle lusting erotically charged Amazon hold grinding hold pleasures pain woman man declares Her Man

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Muscle Beauty X - New Boss Beating - VIDEO

Muscle Beauty X - New Boss Beating
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Muscle Beauty X)

When the sexily (yet professionally) dressed Shawna arrives at her new boss's place for some after-hours note taking, she finds the only things more offensive than his chauvinistic words are his groping hands! He quickly finds out that she is much more than just beauty and brains, but a lot of Brawn as well! The gorgeous Amazon then decides to show her "boss" the true meaning of the word Power, as she uses her much stronger physique to control him in every way possible, physically, emotionally and financially!

Shawna new boss after-hours note taking chauvinistic groping hands beauty brains brawn Amazon power stronger physique control physically emotionally financially

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Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 3) - PDF

Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 3)
Price: 8.00
(Story & Artwork: Mr. Lex)

Our story continues as Dan's forcibly ex-girlfriend Tessa pleads with her chemistry professor to help her even the odds against the Amazingly Amazonian Brigette! This leads to a muscle growth serum, which she is instructed to take gradually, though Tessa wants her man back Now, so she takes the entire amount, which allows her to grow to Gigantic proportions and Unreal strength! Tessa then confronts Brigette (who Dan has gotten very close to), demanding the return of her man, causing the Two Towering Titanesses to tussle; their power evenly matched, each seemingly unable to hurt the other - though Dan on the other hand isn't so lucky! More Incredible illustrations and text by the Awesome Mr. Lex here!

Dan ex-girlfriend Tessa chemistry professor Amazingly Amazonian Brigette muscle growth serum Gigantic proportions Unreal strength Two Towering Titanesses tussle power illustrations Mr. Lex

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Hannah And Her Husbands (Part One) - TEXT

Hannah And Her Husbands (Part One)
Price: 3.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Hannah is a woman with unreal strength who knows what she wants and who does whatever she wishes - and if anyone doesn't like it, too bad! For example, she has not 1, not 2, but 3 husbands... so far.... There's Gary, the boy next door, Brick, the multi-champion professional MMA fighter, and Johnny, the pretty boy. All three of them are in love with the stunning supergirl, and all three are terrified of her vastly superior power. Find out how Gary feels about having to share Hannah with the other two, and his origins with this Amazing Amazon, with this first story of the series!

Hannah woman unreal strength knows wants does wishes anyone doesn't like too bad husbands Gary boy next door Brick multi-champion professional MMA fighter Johnny pretty boy three love stunning supergirl terrified vastly superior power share origins Amazing Amazon first story series

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Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 4) - PDF

Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 4)
Price: 8.00
(Story & Artwork: Mr. Lex)

After Dan amazingly rises from his near serious injury, he is asked to choose which of the Ultra Buff Beauties before him will be his girlfriend. Tessa suggesting a Flex-Off between her and the super muscular Brigette, as each of these incredible Amazons harden and expand their massively muscular bodies! Still unable to choose between them, Dan slyly suggests a Sex-Off to help his decision, something each of these Gigantic girls are more than into! Each of them showing off their sexual skills in front of the other, leading Dan to make the only decision he could possibly make in this situation - one thankfully these Musclebound young women are in agreement of, for now! Mr. Lex continues with Amazing artwork and story here!

Dan injury Ultra Buff Beauties girlfriend Tessa Flex-Off muscular Brigette Amazons Gigantic girls Sex-Off Musclebound Mr. Lex artwork story

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Big Red - My Latest Slaveboy - VIDEO

Big Red - My Latest Slaveboy
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Big Red)

Here we see the ultra shapely, super muscular Big Red enter her bedroom, where her newest boy-toy is laying in wait for her! She demands he begin worshipping her ultra curvaceous physique, touching her 29" thighs and caressing her near 18" arms, along with every other part of her body! All to bring her pleasure, though when this treatment isn't to her satisfaction, she switches from posing to Crushing, using her insanely strong body to teach this vastly weak and inferior man just how to worship an Amazonian Goddess such as she! Back and forth she goes, from admiration to domination, until she actually hurts him (for real), causing her softer side to emerge as she cuddles him into her thick, powerful form!

ultra shapely super muscular Big Red bedroom newest boy-toy worshipping ultra curvaceous physique 29" thighs 18" arms pleasure treatment satisfaction posing Crushing insanely strong body teach weak inferior man worship Amazonian Goddess admiration domination hurts real softer side cuddles thick powerful form

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Tanya (Part 2) - PDF

Tanya (Part 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Eric The Red, Artwork: MadMax)

Tall, muscular Tanya continues her sexual domination of the much smaller Greg in her bedroom, carrying him there with ease, as she proceeds to use her superior strength to lift and bend him to her will - much to his pain, and her erotic pleasure! She moves him into position after position without any effort, her thick, solid limbs enveloping and crushing him to screaming submission, as her own sexual juices continue to flow! He is nothing but her sexual toy, to use and abuse as she sees fit, each moan of agony sending waves of orgasmic pleasure all over her muscle-packed form! In the end she brings them both to Climax, in her own unique fashion, proving without a doubt that she is to be worshipped as a true Amazonian Goddess! Fantastic illustrations by MadMax on this amazing story by Eric The Red!

Tall muscular Tanya sexual domination Greg bedroom superior strength lift bend pain erotic pleasure position thick solid limbs submission sexual juices toy abuse moan agony orgasmic pleasure muscle-packed form Climax Amazonian Goddess illustrations MadMax Eric The Red

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Heather - PDF

Price: 8.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Everton)

Tom's first time meeting his new stepsister Heather came with a simple rule, stay away from the gym. But it was his house too, why should he listen to his taller, stronger stepsister, and her even larger friend Claire? His curiosity gets the better of him, unfortunately leading him to be spotted and caught by the two powerful Amazon girls, as the two then have some fun teaching him not to break their rules! A short beating, and some crushing holds later and Tom quickly finds himself forcibly being used for their pleasure! The rules have changed again, whatever Heather wants, goes! Fantastic illustrations here from Everton, on this story by the iconic AmazonFan!

Tom stepsister Heather gym house taller stronger stepsister friend Claire curiosity spotted caught Amazon girls beating crushing holds pleasure rules illustrations Everton AmazonFan

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Girls Of Amazon High - PDF

Girls Of Amazon High
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Nivilis)

The girls of "Amazon High" as it's well known, are as varied and unique as they are strong and powerful! From beautiful Prom Queens to adorable Bookworms to sassy Spoiled Brats to tough Tomboys, the assortment of young women attending this school are all their own, and they wouldn't have it any other way! Here we introduce a special assortment to you, allowing you to get to know them very well, more than enough for you to pick your favorites, which if you don't want to upset them (and believe me, you don't) better be ALL of them! The always Stellar artwork from Nivilis works wonders on this original story!

girls Amazon High varied unique strong powerful beautiful Prom Queens adorable Bookworms sassy Spoiled Brats tough Tomboys assortment young women school own special get to know favorites upset Stellar artwork Nivilis original story

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