Search Results for "Amazon"


Jenna Preston - Horny Amazon Wife - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Horny Amazon Wife
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

Jenna is a gorgeous, statuesque, voluptuously shaped Amazon, and when her husband comes home from work, she lets him know that she Wants Him, BAD! Though a seemingly busy day has left him too tired to fulfill his wife's sexual needs, resisting Jenna's continually erotic attempts otherwise, which gets her thinking, is he getting his sexual fill elsewhere - which makes her very very angry! - Our first of a series of video clips from the Awesome Jenna Preston!

Jenna gorgeous statuesque voluptuously shaped Amazon husband work lets him know wants him bad busy day tired fulfill wife's sexual needs resisting erotic attempts thinking sexual fill elsewhere angry video clips Awesome Jenna Preston

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Jenna Preston - Sad Boyfriend - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Sad Boyfriend
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When Jenna and her man return home from a night out, she notices he's feeling down, the reason for which is the assortment of guys that were teasing him for being shorter than his statuesque girlfriend, not to mention her effortless and harsh handling of these men afterwards. She goes on to tell him how it's her job as a true Amazon Woman to protect and take care of him, talking about past tales of her using her unreal strength to do so; all while allowing his hands and lips all over her bountiful breasts, as her own hands stroke his growing erection - I don't think this boyfriend will be sad for much longer! Very sexy "Strength Talking" here on this video!

Jenna man return home night out feeling down assortment of guys teasing shorter statuesque girlfriend effortless harsh handling men job true Amazon Woman protect take care past tales unreal strength hands lips bountiful breasts own hands stroke growing erection boyfriend sad sexy Strength Talking video

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Emery Miller - Wrong Number - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Wrong Number
Price: 6.00
(Artist: James Cook)

Our first of several upcoming video clips with the Absolutely Awesome Emery Miller! Here, while cuddling with her boyfriend, Emery intercepts a phone call meant for him, from a suspicious sounding woman. It doesn't take her long to figure out that her man has been cheating on her, a BIG MISTAKE considering Emery's Amazonian body can break him in two! "Who's Lucy!" she angrily demands of him again and again, while crushing his body in a variety of painful holds, reminding him who The Boss in their relationship truly is! - An Amazing video here, shot by James Cook from ftvideo for us at A.C.!

Emery Miller video clips boyfriend phone call cheating Amazonian body Lucy anger relationship video James Cook ftvideo A.C.

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Emery Miller - Protective Muscle Mom 2 - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Protective Muscle Mom 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: James Cook)

Gorgeous Muscle MILF Emery is back, proving she can use her lush Amazonian physique to Seduce as well as Squeeze! This time she pays a visit to one of the judges of her teenage daughter's beauty pageant, using soft sensual flexes mixed with her erotically spoken voice (with a bit of Crushing mixed in) to ensure that he casts his vote her way - Or Else! Powerful Persuasion at its finest! - Another Amazing video from James Cook here!

Gorgeous Muscle MILF Emery Amazonian Seduce Squeeze visit judge daughter beauty pageant sensual flexes erotically spoken voice Crushing vote Powerful Persuasion Amazing video James Cook

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Brandi Mae - Slap My Butt, Pay The Price - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Slap My Butt, Pay The Price
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

The amazingly shapely and muscular Brandi Mae is back! This time she forceably brings a man home who foolishly thought he could slap her lush, juicy muscle-butt at a club (dressed as she was, you could see why he couldn't help himself); once back she strips to an even tinier outfit, where she flexes, flares and hardens her Amazonian body, forcing him to lick, kiss and worship every inch of her super powerful physique (especially her World Class Glutes!) - The first of several Brandi clips to come, shot by the Incredible Jersey Black!

Brandi Mae muscular forceably man club outfit flexes flares hardens Amazonian body lick kiss worship powerful physique World Class Glutes Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Sisterly Revenge - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sisterly Revenge
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

When lusciously buff and beautiful Brandi brings home her date for the evening, he thinks he's in for a night of untold pleasure from this super sexy Amazon; though such thoughts quickly disappear, when she lets him know that this whole date was a set-up, that she knows he was her little sister's abusive ex-boyfriend, and the only thing he's going to feel this night is Humiliation and Pain! Loads slapping, punching, kicking, ball-busting and smothering on this one! - Jersey Black once again lends his artistic talents here!

Brandi date evening pleasure Amazon set-up little sister abusive ex-boyfriend humiliation pain slapping punching kicking ball-busting smothering Jersey Black artistic talents

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Brandi Mae - Protective Gym Bunny - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Protective Gym Bunny
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

When Brandi and her man return from a hard gym workout, she can't help but notice he's quite down in the dumps; when she asks why he lets her know that he feels like a wimp due to her lifting so much more than he can, and because he was made fun of at the gym by several large male muscle-heads. What follows is a Perfect display of sensuality and muscle flexing, as Brandi makes her man feel better with her erotically spoken words and super strong body, letting him know how anyone who messes with him, has to deal with her Amazonian Power! Lots of sensual posing and sexy muscle talk on this one, shot by Jersey Black here!

Brandi man return hard gym workout notice down in the dumps asks why feels wimp lifting made fun of gym several large male muscle-heads Perfect display sensuality muscle flexing Brandi feel better erotically spoken words super strong body anyone messes with Amazonian Power sensual posing sexy muscle talk shot Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Sensual Foreplay - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sensual Foreplay
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Power packed Brandi just Loves flexing her thick, meaty muscles for her man, and this case is no exception; as he lays on their bed, her lush Amazonian physique posing all over him in a Very Sexy manner, as her sensually spoken words only add more to the erotic appeal of this display. Her man is clearly in Muscle Heaven, that is until this loving couple hears a noise coming from another room, when Brandi insists on checking it out, protecting her man with a KO Chest Smothering, before rising up from his still body, ready to deal with whatever lies ahead! Another amazingly sexy Amazon action from Jersey Black here!

power packed Brandi loves flexing thick meaty muscles man bed lush Amazonian physique posing sexy sensually spoken words erotic appeal display Muscle Heaven loving couple noise another room checking it out protecting KO Chest Smothering rising up still body deal with lies ahead amazingly sexy Amazon action Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Sensual Protection - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Sensual Protection
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

As a direct continuation from our previous video, Sensual Foreplay, Brandi has left her darling man (after smothering him unconscious, for his protection), to investigate a noise heard in their house; though she doesn't return alone, bringing with her now a foolish intruder, who the voluptuously strong Amazon relishes in taking apart, using her hard, muscular body to man-handle this burglar, all for her, and her lover's, enjoyment! Once more, Awesomely shot by Jersey Black!

direct continuation previous video Sensual Foreplay Brandi darling man smothering unconscious protection investigate noise house return alone foolish intruder voluptuously strong Amazon taking apart hard muscular body man-handle burglar enjoyment Awesomely shot Jersey Black

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Maria Garcia - What Is That Noise - VIDEO

Maria Garcia - What Is That Noise
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

In this video, the incredibly sexy, amazingly ripped, muscle-girl Maria is enjoying posing in front of a mirror, showing off her ultra hard body in a new tiny bikini; though her sensual posing is interrupted by a sudden noise, an intruder, who the super strong Amazon then brings back with her, crushing, squeezing and smothering him to pieces, leaving him unable to talk from her punishing treatment - until the very end, when she realizes this intruder isn't quite what she thought! Jersey Black lends his talents once again on this video!

video sexy ripped muscle-girl Maria posing mirror bikini intruder Amazon crushing squeezing smothering punishment Jersey Black

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