Search Results for "Amazon"


Extreme Efficiency (Part 2) - TEXT

Extreme Efficiency (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottums)

Through unrivaled will and world class skills, Tatiana had achieved her goal, and attained unreal Physical Power, unlike any she could have ever imagined! Her once fit, sleak frame was now replaced with a true Amazonian physique; with muscles dwarfing her previous form, and strength greater than anyone on this Earth! Adding that to her mastery of fighting skills, she proceeds to deal with the assortment of scientists and soldiers around her, enjoyably destroying them in a variety of ways with untold ease! Leaving one special man in the end, to deal with in the most erotic and sexual way imaginable!

Tatiana goal Physical Power Amazonian physique muscles strength fighting skills scientists soldiers erotic sexual

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The Tough Man Tamer - TEXT

The Tough Man Tamer
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Camila Kovac is as stunning in beauty as she is incredible in strength! Watch as she begins her quest to challenge any man in a test of physical power, whether it be buff gymrat, champion arm-wrestler, or towering masked wrestler, this amazing Amazon woman takes on each one of them, each time emerging victorious! Of course, after each win, Camila can't help but erotically claim each of these powerful men sexually as well, using her unreal muscular form to bring them to the peaks of orgasmic delight! What challenge next awaits this unbeatable man crusher, can anyone tame her physically or sexually? That remains to be seen!

Camila Kovac stunning beauty incredible strength quest challenge man test physical power buff gymrat champion arm-wrestler towering masked wrestler amazing Amazon woman victorious win erotically claim powerful men sexually unreal muscular form peaks orgasmic delight challenge unbeatable man crusher tame physically sexually remains to be seen

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Ashley's little toy - TEXT

Ashley's little toy
Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

As Mickey is introduced to shapely powerhouse Ashley, by his tall athletic ex-girlfriend, he doesn't quite realize he's in for the ride of his life! Not only is the lusciously hard-bodied Ashley stronger than his taller though thinner form, but she's also impressively more powerful than his old flame (who easily man-handled and dominated him when they dated)! Nothing turns Ashley on more than overpowering and controlling an adorably cute guy like Mickey, which she proves all night long, as she controls every aspect of their sexual session - or is that, sessions, as one is not nearly enough for this sexually thursting Amazon woman! Using her seductive manner or her much stronger muscles, she has no problem getting him hard time and again, all the best for his sake!

Mickey Ashley ex-girlfriend powerhouse athletic ride life hard-bodied stronger dominate overpowering controlling cute guy sexual session Amazon woman seductive muscles hard.

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Once Upon A Time (Part 2) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

As we return to the real world, story writer extraordinaire Travis has big plans for his creation, the man-crushing Mistress Eleanor! That is until he realizes his computer is shot, and needs serious repair. Thankfully a store with computer whiz Jessie is nearby, who as she repairs his hard-drive realizes he's her favorite Amazonian author, unable to resist reading his newest story from his repaired PC (much to her erotic enjoyment). Unfortunately for Travis, an evening bowling session ends in a terrible beating from a vicious gang and its Muscle Biker Babe leader! Just inches from a life-time hospital stay, he's rescued by a blonde Amazonian beauty whose strength defies description, and whose muscles are unimaginably ripped and powerful! She then safely returns him home, giving him a very erotic muscle display, which due to his beating he thought was just a dream - that is until he returns to collect his fixed computer, noticing something very familiar about tech genius Jessie, her long blonde hair and her shapely, firm looking physique!

return real world story writer Travis creation man-crushing Mistress Eleanor computer shot needs repair store computer whiz Jessie hard-drive favorite Amazonian author reading newest story repaired PC erotic enjoyment evening bowling session terrible beating vicious gang Muscle Biker Babe leader lifetime hospital stay rescued blonde Amazonian beauty strength description muscles unimaginably ripped powerful safely returns home muscle display dream fixed computer tech genius long blonde hair shapely firm looking physique

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Once Upon A Time (Part 3) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

Writer extraordinaire Travis cannot get his Amazonian saviour Jessie out of his head! So much so he approaches her once again, a risky tact to someone who could bend steel in her hands with ease, though his determination and adoration win the day, and a romantic date is set. A date unlike any other for both of these young lovers, leading to a relationship continuing with her bringing him back to her place, where she shows off her Unreal strength for his enjoyment! Meanwhile, biker queen Tammy and her crew make plans for revenge!

Writer Travis Amazonian saviour Jessie determination adoration romantic date young lovers relationship Unreal strength biker queen Tammy crew revenge

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Once Upon A Time (Part 4) - TEXT

Once Upon A Time (Part 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: demented20)

Jessie and Travis' relationship continues to bloom, as do the further adventures of Countess Elenore, at the sensual insistance of a muscle-lusting Jessie! Willing to do anything to please his true love, Travis continues with his classic series, as a new character, based on his Amazonian girlfriend, makes her way into his increasingly sexy story! In reality, things get even hotter for this young couple, especially when Jessie decides to treat Travis to a sexual muscle session to top them all - one which includes some old "friends", and a very possible new lover, that in the end leaves even this unstoppable supergirl erotically quenched to exhaustion!

Jessie Travis relationship adventures Countess Elenore muscle-lusting true love classic series Amazonian girlfriend sexy story young couple sexual muscle session friends new lover supergirl erotically quenched exhaustion

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More Money, More Muscles, More Mangling (Part 1) - TEXT

More Money, More Muscles, More Mangling (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Athena's Acquiescence)

When female muscle loving Dave starts online chatting with fellow FBB admirer Mike and dominating Amazon Velda, he had no idea what lay in store for him! A meeting is soon arranged for them all, one which involves a video recording and a pot of prize money put up by the wealthy Mike; a stash which at first belongs to Dave, that is until Velda forcibly gets him to sign it over to her, dollar by dollar, dwindling his much needed pot of cash in order to save his continually demolished body!

female muscle Dave online chatting FBB admirer Mike dominating Amazon Velda meeting video recording prize money wealthy stash forcibly sign dollar by dollar dwindling pot of cash save demolished body

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The Tough Man Tamer (Part 2) - TEXT

The Tough Man Tamer (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Super strong, man-crushing Amazon, Camila Kovac, is Back! Continuing her crusade to conquer the most powerful of men, she relishes in her physical superiority of the so-called "stronger sex", dominating them in and out of the ring! Though this time it's personal, as she seeks out a towering behemoth of a man and holder of the World's Strongest Man title, who foolishly dismissed her erotic advances years ago after a show, which did not sit well with Camila! So she now challenges him in front of his eager audience, proving beyond any doubt that she is more than enough for him to handle, before continuing with further feats of strength in private!

Super strong man-crushing Amazon Camila Kovac conquer physical superiority dominating stronger sex personal towering behemoth World's Strongest Man erotic advances show challenges audience feats of strength private

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Napped By My Ex - TEXT

Napped By My Ex
Price: 2.00
(Story: Elrohir)

When middle-aged Frank is invited for a meeting with his ex-wife Gina, he was more than a bit skeptical about what this could be about! Several years earlier, she had transformed her body from voluptuously shaped to rock solid curves, becoming a muscular Amazon and the dominant one in their relationship! This caused her to leave him for another man, a strong gym-owner who gives her more of a challenge in the bedroom! Though that was years ago, their off spring now in college, what could Gina (who is even stronger now than she was when Frank last saw her) possible want with him? Well, whatever it is, it's something she's going to have to Take by, and more than a bit of sexuality as well!

middle-aged Frank meeting ex-wife Gina skeptical transformed body voluptuously shaped rock solid curves muscular Amazon dominant relationship leave another man gym-owner challenge bedroom kids college stronger sexuality

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Order Of Inanna: Beth - TEXT

Order Of Inanna: Beth
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

The Order Of Inanna is a secret organization of fit, strong, powerfully built women! Each of them physically superior to most any male, and while they don't instruct their Amazonian members to be abusive or bully their men, they more than support the notion of showing off their physical superiority! Beth is one such member, though new to this Order, she is destined to be with her soul-mate (even if he doesn't know it yet), and with expert usage of her muscle packed form and unreal strength, she quickly claims him as her own, convincing him that she is The One for him!

Order of Inanna secret organization fit strong powerfully built women physically superior Amazonian members abusive bully support physical superiority Beth soul-mate muscle packed form unreal strength claims convincing The One

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33 pages323 records