Search Results for "Amazon"


Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 2) - TEXT

Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

It seems lusciously shaped red-headed Amazon Pam did such a good job on her boss, that he became a completely new man; one that is now utterly enthralled with the super strong sexpot, that is until he meets a smaller, though surprisingly muscular young waitress, who shows him things she could do with her strength that completely blow his mind (among other things)! Pam, meanwhile, starts dating her co-worker, as she begins to show off her thickly muscled form to him, displaying her body for their ultimate pleasures! Though before things get too serious in their dating relationship, she leaves, off to continue her quest to teach abusive bosses a lesson - which leads Pam down a very dark and dangerous path!

red-headed Amazon Pam boss new man strong sexpot muscular waitress strength blow his mind dating co-worker muscled form pleasures serious relationship quest abusive bosses lesson dark dangerous path

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Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 3) - TEXT

Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Pam, Captured?!? Impossible, but true, as she is held by an evil businessman, and his hulking brute of a servant, one who proves to be a match for even the unreal red-headed Amazon, as she is held captive and "taken" by this brutish goliath - though in time Pam turns the tide (thanks to help from her friends Mike, Lester and Candi), as she shows him just who The Boss is here, before she and her fellow blonde musclegirl show off their unending physical strength and sexual stamina with their loving men! She Is Woman, Hear Her Roar!!

Pam Captured true evil businessman hulking brute match unreal red-headed Amazon captive taken brutish goliath time turns the tide help friends Mike Lester Candi shows Boss fellow blonde musclegirl unending physical strength sexual stamina loving men Woman Hear Her Roar

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The Overprotective Amazon Girl - TEXT

The Overprotective Amazon Girl
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

When a teenage judo star has some playfully dominant fun with her boyfriend, it turns from a night of teasing fun to intense dread, which neither of them will ever forget! So the beautiful athletic amazon changes her tune (not to mention buffing up her physique), protecting him from anything and everything - a fact he at first Loves, though as she begins to take things too far he realizes he has to do something, leading to a plan that could get him his worst beating yet!

teenage judo star playfully dominant boyfriend night teasing fun intense dread beautiful athletic amazon changes her tune buffing up physique protecting anything and everything at first Loves take things too far realizes do something leading to plan worst beating

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Butch To Bitch - TEXT

Butch To Bitch
Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

Laura is a sexy, shapely and curvaceous woman, who has taken to being dominated and bossed around by her taller but much thinner boyfriend; that was until one of her girl-friends (a smaller but very solidly built beauty) convinces her that she is his physical superior (by far) and that she should take control of their relationship, sexily helping her do so first-hand, and before long the voluptuously shaped Amazon is in complete control of them both - much to All of their delights!

Laura sexy shapely curvaceous dominated bossed around boyfriend girl-friends physical superior relationship control voluptuously shaped Amazon delights

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Diamond Hard - TEXT

Diamond Hard
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

When a tough guy detective finds the culprit of a series of jewellery robberies, he's stunned to find out it's a gorgeous blonde, catsuit-wearing Amazon! One who actually finds his attempts to stop her intriguing, as she starts to get more fascinated by the handsome hunk; so much so she becomes determined to turn him into a strong, powerful male, who can actually challenge her physically! After several such attempts, the infatuated officer believes he's her equal, though she continues to prove him wrong, over-powering him in their fighting matches, and in their sexual sessions, time and again! Will he ever be a match for her, will he ever be a welcoming challenge for the mighty Mistress Diamond?

tough guy detective culprit jewellery robberies gorgeous blonde catsuit-wearing Amazon handsome hunk strong powerful male challenge infatuated officer equal over-powering fighting matches sexual sessions mighty Mistress Diamond

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From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 1) - TEXT

From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Mike Snow)

Mark clearly believes himself the luckiest man alive, while considering himself a good, decent man, he in no way felt he deserved a woman in his life like Kira - a breath-takingly beautiful girl, with an ultra-fit physique and the strength of a Goddess. Friends for a long time, it was only after an instance where the gorgeous Amazon girl saved him from harm (from her then boyfriend, no less) did their relationship take a new, more serious turn. From then on, Kira knew she could always be herself around Mark, not needing to hide her vast physical power, an attribute that never ceased to excite and arouse her loving boyfriend. Watch as their story, their love, unfolds, and they change from friends, to lovers, to so much more!

Mark luckiest man alive good decent man woman Kira breath-takingly beautiful ultra-fit physique strength of a Goddess friends Amazon girl saved boyfriend relationship serious turn physical power excite arouse love friends lovers.

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From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 2) - TEXT

From Best Friends To Soul Mates (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Mike Snow)

Here the blossoming relationship of Kira (a literal Supergirl) and Mark (her adorable man) continues, as she shows off her Godlike strength in an assortment of ways, most all of them for their mutual sensual delights! This gorgeous girl, with the body of an superhuman fitness fantatic, just can't seem to get enough of her man; which leads to a proposal that leaves this invincible Amazon girl stunned! Then it's off to their honeymoon, where Kira continues teasing her handsome husband about how weak he is compared to her; though always doing so in a sexy, erotic manner, always for their pleasure, always together, like the soul mates they were destined to be!

blossoming relationship Kira Supergirl Mark adorable man Godlike strength sensual delights gorgeous girl superhuman fitness fanatic proposal invincible Amazon girl stunned honeymoon teasing handsome husband weak sexy erotic manner pleasure soul mates

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 4 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest Side Story 4
Price: 2.00
(Story: Silentcrs)

It's the last days of high school, and Amy's ready to spend it the only way she knows how - dominating men! In her sights are a misogynistic teacher, some weakling male students and even the principal! Later, her muscle mom Elizabeth brings Amy's favorite teacher, Mr. Scott, back to the Hardstone beach house for some R&R, Amy and Jessica-style. The two teenage Amazons have their lustful ways with him, but what happens when Mr. Scott is threatened at a local club? Can Amy learn to protect and love, as well as crush and conquer?

high school Amy dominating men misogynistic teacher weakling male students principal muscle mom Elizabeth favorite teacher Mr. Scott Hardstone beach house R&R Amy and Jessica teenage Amazons lustful ways threatened local club protect love crush conquer

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Queen Of The Underground Ring - TEXT

Queen Of The Underground Ring
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

The Queen, as she is known as by her legions of fans, is the perfect combination of a world class fighter, with the physique of a champion bodybuilder, and the face of a fashion model! The Ultimate Amazon! Having her own fighting ring (as she was deemed too violent for professional leagues, even against the men) she Loves to batter and demolish any and all challengers. Though so one-sided are her matches that such men are few and far between - that is until massive powerhouse Ulysses Brock accepts her personal invitation, giving her the best fight of her career, though in the end proving little challenge against this man-crushing Queen!

Queen fans fighter physique bodybuilder fashion model Amazon fighting ring violent challengers matches powerhouse Ulysses Brock man-crushing

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Mixed Wrestling Venture (Part 1) - TEXT

Mixed Wrestling Venture (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

A sequel to our Nicolette Is My Girlfriend story, where we find our main man years later, alone and down on his luck financially (breaking up with Nicolette will do that to you); that is until he bumps into Amazonian powerhouse Judy again, who makes him an offer he just can't refuse - even if sometimes he wish he did! Making mixed wrestling videos for her website, shot by her beautifully buff sister Nancy, may help pay his bills but is it worth the continued beatings and batterings he undergoes while doing so??

sequel Nicolette Is My Girlfriend main man years later alone down on his luck financially breaking up Nicolette Amazonian powerhouse Judy offer can't refuse wish mixed wrestling videos website shot beautifully buff sister Nancy pay bills continued beatings batterings undergoes

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