Search Results for "way"


Brandi Mae - Missing Lover - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Missing Lover
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch as super sexy, lusciously lovely, magnificently muscular Brandi Mae pines for her away lover, talking in a sultry, sexy, sensual voice about how she misses her man, and wants nothing more but to have him back home with her, so she could wrap her hard, shapely arms and legs around him, spoiling her man rotten in her Muscle Cuddle! An Amy's Conquest original video, shot Awesomely (in HD Quality) by Jersey Black!

super sexy lusciously lovely magnificently muscular Brandi Mae pines away lover talking sultry sexy sensual voice misses man wants nothing more back home wrap hard shapely arms legs spoiling Muscle Cuddle Amy's Conquest original video shot Awesomely HD Quality Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Missing Lover 2 - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Missing Lover 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

In Part 1, the lusciously buff Brandi is just aching for the return of her lover, missing him terribly while he was away, with incredibly erotic muscle talking, and lots of hard, powerful flexing. Well here in Part 2, her loving man has made a surprise return home, Thrilling Brandi to no end, as she jumps all over him, before leading him to their couch, as she sensually straddles his body, continuing with her mastery of erotic words and powerful flexes, before leading him off for some private alone time! An awesome video (the second of Many time come) shot in HD by Jersey Black!

lusciously buff Brandi lover missing terribly away erotic muscle talking hard powerful flexing Part 2 loving man surprise return home Thrilling Brandi jumps couch sensually straddles body mastery erotic words powerful flexes private alone time awesome video second Many time come shot HD Jersey Black

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Brandi Mae - Cheater - VIDEO

Brandi Mae - Cheater
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Watch as the insanely sexy, beautifully buff, scantily clad Brandi Mae leaves her newly discovered cheating man (aka YOU) an angry (yet oh so sexy) message, while flexing her lusciously built hardbody, threatening him with a Brutal Beating for his cheating ways in a voice So Erotic, you know he wouldn't mind it in the least! - a Very Sexy HD video clip from the always Fantastic, Jersey Black!

insanely sexy beautifully buff scantily clad Brandi Mae newly discovered cheating man angry sexy message flexing lusciously built hardbody threatening Brutal Beating cheating ways voice Erotic Very Sexy HD video clip Fantastic Jersey Black

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Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2) - VIDEO

Monix - Cheater Beater (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jersey Black)

Here MuscleVixen continues her harsh treatment of her cheating man, who when confronted vocally by his muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend, first denies his cheater ways, though then admits he did so to make himself feel stronger, something that causes Monix to laugh out, as she allows him to punch her pecs and abs (proving how weak he really is), before continuing to crush him to pieces! Another awesomely shot video by Jersey Black here!

MuscleVixen harsh treatment cheating man confronted vocally muscle packed Amazonian girlfriend denies cheater ways admits feel stronger Monix laugh out punch pecs abs weak crush pieces awesomely shot video Jersey Black

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Aleysha Muscledoll - Jealous High School Girl - VIDEO

Aleysha Muscledoll - Jealous High School Girl
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Aleysha)

Teenage muscle girl-next-door Aleysha is making a sexy video message for her boyfriend, who happens to be away at college, where she sensually flexes and tells him how much she is thinking of him - that and how Badly she is going to hurt him, break his bones, crush his head, make him scream, if she finds out that he's cheating on her while he's away! - Another all too sexy first-person video clip shot by Aleysha!

teenage muscle girl-next-door Aleysha sexy video message boyfriend away at college sensually flexes thinking of him hurt break bones crush head make scream cheating first-person video clip shot

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Jenna Preston - Naughty Agent - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - Naughty Agent
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When the gorgeously statuesque Jenna returns home from her latest modeling shoot, her agent Eric can't keep his eyes (or his hands) off of her tall, shapely, sexy body. Something she initially rejects with a smile, but as his advances continue, her good humor about his lecherous behaviour comes to an end; so she has to teach him the Hard Way about how NOT to treat his favorite client, using her bountiful breasts and long legs to convince him its Hands Off when it comes to her, Or Else! - Awesome video clip shot by Jenna herself!

gorgeously statuesque Jenna modeling shoot agent Eric tall shapely sexy body advances good humor lecherous behavior teach Hard Way favorite client bountiful breasts long legs Hands Off video clip Jenna

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Jenna Preston - A Video Star Is Born - VIDEO

Jenna Preston - A Video Star Is Born
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Jenna Preston)

When a super excited Jenna returns home from her latest gym-session, telling her boyfriend about how she was approached to be in a series of wrestling videos, his response is less than enthused, even to the point of forbidding her from particpating in this new offer! Well this doesn't sit well with the statuesque stunner, who then proceeds to convince her man to see things her way, using her long, lush limbs and ample chest to do the talking!

super excited Jenna returns home gym-session boyfriend approached series wrestling videos response less than enthused forbidding participating new offer statuesque stunner convince man see things her way long lush limbs ample chest talking

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Emery Miller - Mistaken Identity - VIDEO

Emery Miller - Mistaken Identity
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Emery Miller)

When a small, weedy man is harshly thrown onto his bed from the muscle-packed Emery, his Amazonian girlfriend, he's more than a bit confused, with him becoming more so as she crushes, squeezes and beats him to pulp, all due to him sleeping with her twin sister (unbeknownst to him)! In trying to calm his super strong girlfriend, he bad-mouths the malicious twin - though this is something he sorely regrets when he awakens from his forced unconsciousness, greeted now by the "evil" twin, who proceeds to teach him the error of his insulting ways! Loosely based off the AC story of the same name!

small weedy man harshly thrown bed muscle-packed Emery Amazonian girlfriend confused crushes squeezes beats pulp sleeping twin sister calm super strong girlfriend bad-mouths malicious twin sorely regrets awakens forced unconsciousness evil twin teach error insulting ways AC story

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Aubrey Black - Superheroine Surprise - VIDEO

Aubrey Black - Superheroine Surprise
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Aubrey Black)

Date night with an Amazingly Sexy wife would be a dream come true for any man, that is until you both get attacked by a group of brutish men - unless of course your gorgeous woman has a sexy secret! Imagine how shocked you would be to find that she had powers beyond mortal men, Way Beyond, and that she was an actual Superheroine! She handled those foolish thugs with ease, a Huge turn-on for her guy (as are the few strength and invulnerability acts she sexily performs for him), though that's nothing compared to the number of erotic superhuman feats she plans to do with her husband now that the cat's out of the bag! No longer needing to hold back her full sexual potential, she can't wait to show off her unreal power for him in a multitude of sensually dominant ways!

date night Amazingly Sexy wife dream come true man attacked group of brutish men gorgeous woman sexy secret powers mortal men Superheroine handled foolish thugs turn-on strength invulnerability acts erotic superhuman feats husband cats out of the bag sexual potential show off unreal power multitude sensually dominant ways

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Big Red - Pre-Sex Proposal - VIDEO

Big Red - Pre-Sex Proposal
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Big Red)

The ultra muscular Big Red and her new boyfriend are cuddling in bed, ready to escalate their relationship to the next sexual level; though before this happens, she tells him that she has a rule for such things - that for him to have her sexually, he must first beat her in wrestling! Her man is shocked at this proposal, though his desire for her quickly wins out and he ready's himself to take her down; an act that is well beyond his physical levels, as her vastly superior strength man-handle him with near ease! Hold after hold she controls him utterly, squeezing and twisting his inferior form effortlessly, showing him how weak and helpless he is next to her, a fact the mighty muscle girl knew was never in doubt! In the end she decides to allow him to have his way with her, though Only because she desires it!

ultra muscular Big Red new boyfriend cuddling bed escalate relationship sexual level rule sexually beat wrestling shocked proposal desire ready take her down physical levels vastly superior strength man-handle ease hold after hold controls squeezing twisting inferior form weak helpless mighty muscle girl never in doubt allow have his way desires

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