Search Results for "way"


The Event (Part 2) - TEXT

The Event (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Several weeks have past since the world-changing Event occurred, as this continuation tale allows us to take a sneak-peak into the lives of a world full of super-strong females, from celebrity starlets to budding teenage girls, as they use their newfound power as they see fit. Some out for well-deserved payback, some out for sexy playful love, where some girls just wanna have some fun - all of them doing it Their Way!

world-changing Event super-strong females celebrity starlets budding teenage girls newfound power payback sexy playful love fun Their Way

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Muscle Session Gone Wrong - TEXT

Muscle Session Gone Wrong
Price: 2.00
(Story: The Calffan)

Melvin is your typical 98lb. weakling, one blessed with a massive cock, but physically weak as a kitten; so of course he's attracted to beautifully buff babes, specifically Rose, an extremely sexy Amazon girl, who he met online and after several all too sexual chat sessions, she convinces him that they should meet in person to further explore his muscle loving ways. A meeting that will either be the worst mistake of his life, or his Ultimate Fantasy!

Melvin 98lb weakling massive cock physically weak kitten attracted beautifully buff babes Rose sexy Amazon girl met online sexual chat sessions convince meet in person explore muscle loving ways worst mistake Ultimate Fantasy

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The Upper Deck - TEXT

The Upper Deck
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

It's love at first sight, when Rick (a muscle-loving businessman) meets up with Cassie (a sexy strong Amazonian bartender) at The Upper Deck sportsbar; he unable to take his eyes off of her lusciously firm physique, as she lustily entices him to stay beyond closing time, where she begins to really show off her unreal strength for him, on him, in a variety of all too sensual and erotic ways.

love at first sight Rick muscle-loving businessman Cassie sexy strong Amazonian bartender The Upper Deck sportsbar lusciously firm physique lustily entices closing time show off unreal strength sensual erotic ways

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All That Jazz (Part 4) - TEXT

All That Jazz (Part 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

When Matt gets jealous of some special "alone time" between his brother Kevin and the gorgeous Amazon Jazz, he invites over an old flame (and her friend, for his brother) for a double date; something that doesn't sit well with Jazz, who has to choose between letting go of Matt, or pummeling him (and his new girl) into oblivion - or is there a third option, one including both Kevin and his matched up date? As always, in the end, Jazz gets just what she wants!

Matt jealous special alone time brother Kevin gorgeous Amazon Jazz invites old flame friend double date doesn't sit well choose letting go pummeling new girl oblivion third option including Kevin matched up date always end Jazz wants

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Girl Time - A Mother & Daughter Story - TEXT

Girl Time - A Mother & Daughter Story
Price: 2.00
(Story: Muscle Fan)

Margo is a shapely and statuesque Dominatrix, who specializes in high-price clientele, such as the man she and her rock hard musclegirl daughter Zoe are paying a visit to. Tough, powerful and dominant, these sexy women show him (and his wife) what Total Control means, getting these sexy super-women off in the process while doing so; afterwhich they use their all too powerful presence to teach an abusive pimp the error of his beating ways!

Margo Dominatrix high-price clientele musclegirl Zoe Total Control sexy women super-women powerful dominant abusive pimp beating ways

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Angel Of Salvation 2 - TEXT

Angel Of Salvation 2
Price: 2.00
(Story: Spoonmaster)

When Ethan awakes to find a note from Erica (his Amazonian Angel) stating that she was going to put her massively muscled older brother in his place, the young college boy is utterly terrified, believing that he would make quick work of his newfound love, and then work his way back to him! Though when Erica returns back from dealing with Biff (and several of his most vicious friends), all of which is video recorded for Ethan's viewing pleasure, he realizes once and for all that this beautiful Angel before him truly is his Salvation!

Ethan awakes note Erica Amazonian Angel massively muscled older brother place young college boy terrified quick work newfound love work his way back Erica returns dealing with Biff vicious friends video recorded Ethan's viewing pleasure beautiful Angel Salvation

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The Change (Part 2) - TEXT

The Change (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

As Sandy and Alyssa head off to the Bahamas together for a much needed holiday (allowing them to not only get closer with one another, but also plan how best to introduce Sandy's husband into the mix when they return), events back home from the assortment of fit, athletic and physically superior females from their gym take center stage, as they take heart from Alyssa's rousing speech several weeks earlier, now relishing in showing off their superior strength and firm, shapely physiques in a variety of sexily stimulating ways!

Sandy Alyssa Bahamas holiday closer plan introduce husband return events home assortment fit athletic physically superior females gym center stage heart rousing speech weeks earlier relishing showing off strength firm shapely physiques sexily stimulating ways

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 4 - TEXT

Amy's Conquest Side Story 4
Price: 2.00
(Story: Silentcrs)

It's the last days of high school, and Amy's ready to spend it the only way she knows how - dominating men! In her sights are a misogynistic teacher, some weakling male students and even the principal! Later, her muscle mom Elizabeth brings Amy's favorite teacher, Mr. Scott, back to the Hardstone beach house for some R&R, Amy and Jessica-style. The two teenage Amazons have their lustful ways with him, but what happens when Mr. Scott is threatened at a local club? Can Amy learn to protect and love, as well as crush and conquer?

high school Amy dominating men misogynistic teacher weakling male students principal muscle mom Elizabeth favorite teacher Mr. Scott Hardstone beach house R&R Amy and Jessica teenage Amazons lustful ways threatened local club protect love crush conquer

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The Change (Part 3) - TEXT

The Change (Part 3)
Price: 2.00
(Story: FP909)

Sandy and Alyssa have returned from their private getaway, and are all too ready to surprise Sandy's husband with a sexual experience unlike he could possibly imagaine! Though patience first, as Sandy continues to build her fit, shapely body even moreso, as she often teases her man (as well as others) with her blossoming muscle-packed form, until the time is Just Right, when Alyssa and teenage muscle goddess Cori also join in on the fun! Each of them capable of utterly dominating him, together they are more than enough to Blow His Mind completely!

Sandy Alyssa private getaway surprise husband sexual experience patience build fit shapely body tease man muscle-packed form time Just Right Alyssa teenage muscle goddess Cori join in fun capable dominating Blow His Mind

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The Interview - TEXT

The Interview
Price: 2.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle)

Victoria is a young gymnast sensation, who also happens to have a super muscular physique! When a member of her school's faculty meets with her for an interview, things get a bit out of hand (as he can't help himself around such a muscle-packed body), and she puts the Crush on him, something she does in a more erotic manner later on at his home! Her newfound experiences are making her realize how Sexy her muscular form truly is, something she then uses to her fullest, reaching her sexual peak for the first time, on a visiting college boy! Victoria has finally been let loose, in More ways than one!

Victoria young gymnast sensation super muscular physique member of school's faculty interview out of hand Crush erotic manner home newfound experiences Sexy muscular form fullest sexual peak first time visiting college boy let loose More ways than one.

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