Search Results for "sister"


The Black Burqa illustrated, part seven - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part seven
Price: 8.00

The Black Burqas have attracted the notice of the patriarchy. I know this because they sent a man dressed in a black burqa with the intention of signing up. So they found a short guy, got him to talk in a squeaky voice and to walk without stamping his feet. He lasted about five minutes. He wasn't even able to lift 100 kilograms, so we ripped off his burqa and checked his genitals. Busted! Some of the sisters were all for punishing him severely and sending him on his way, a few wanted to kill him, but Sfiyah came up with a very clever idea. "We can keep him, and use him to feed misleading information back to his bosses." "Never," he said, "I won't betray my brothers." "Then you're no use to us," said Sfiyah, "give him to Basma, she'll play with him for a while and then kill him." Basma lifted her face veil, showed her teeth in a chilling grin, and licked her lips. Then she pulled out her tiny, but very sharp, knife. "What do you want me to do?" asked the terrified man. "Give him to me," I said, "I'll look after him, and if he resists, Basma, you can have him." Basma really hates men, and enjoys hurting them; long term. He'd probably lose his sanity after a few weeks. But I'd take care of him, and he'd be great as a double agent. So I took him home. Raafid wanted to know who she was, and why she was in his home? "Your home?" I asked. "Your home," he amended. "And mind your own business, this is Black Burqa business." Raafid shut up. He knew his place, and definitely didn't want a couple of Black Burqas on his case. And for obvious reasons, he thought that the person in this particular black burqa was a woman. "What's your name," I asked my fearful captive. "Abdullah," he replied. "So now you're also my slave," I told him. "And you will continue to wear your burqa and pose as a woman." Abdullah swallowed and nodded. I interrogated him about his mission, and how he was to report back to his superiors. As we talked, I held his hand, squeezing very gently by with the implied threat that I could crush it like a toothpaste tube. And I reminded him about Basma, and her tiny, but very sharp, knife. So he told me everything, and he was too terror-stricken to make up any lies.

Black Burqas patriarchy man dressed intention signing up short guy squeaky voice walk stamping lift 100 kilograms ripped off burqa checked genitals sisters punishing severely kill Sfiyah clever idea misleading information bosses betray brothers use Basma play kill face veil teeth chilling grin licked lips tiny sharp knife terrified man resist hates hurting long term sanity weeks double agent home Raafid business person woman name slave wear pose interrogated mission report superiors talked hand squeezing gently implied threat crush toothpaste tube reminded terror-stricken lies.

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The Black Burqa illustrated, part two - PDF

The Black Burqa illustrated, part two
Price: 8.00

Sfiyah visited just now, and she was quite excited. "Ayesha, I have a task for you." Uh-oh, I thought, she wants me to bake a cake, and I'm a really rotten cook. But that wasn't it. "You know Jawaria?" "You mean the one married to Dawud?" "That's right," said Sfiyah. "Well I was with her yesterday, and she has a big bruise on her cheek." "How did that happen?" "She said she bent over and hit it on a tap, but I don't believe that's true." "Why would she lie?" "To avoid the shame of admitting that her husband beats her. You remember, you didn't tell anyone when Raafid was beating you." "So why is it your problem?" I asked. "It's a problem for all of us," she replied. "We are all sisters, and so we must care for each other." "Maybe he had a good reason to beat her?" I wondered. Sfiyah gave me a withering look. "Like Raafid had a good reason to beat you?" "Good point," I admitted. "So what do you want me to do about it?" "I think you should Raafid him. Do what you did to Raafid." "But that was different. He was going to marry off Maryam when she was only thirteen, and I just lost my cool at him." Sfiyah shook her head. "That was the trigger. But the real reason was all the abuse you took over so many years. Well, now Jawaria needs your help." "Why me?"

Sfiyah visited excited task bake a cake rotten cook Jawaria married Dawud bruise cheek tap lie shame admitting husband beats remember Raafid problem sisters care good reason beat point what do you want me to do Raafid him marry off Maryam thirteen lost my cool trigger abuse help why me

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My step sister - PDF

My step sister
Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Diana the Valkyrie)

His new stepsister, Emily, is nineteen years old, heavily muscled and six foot eight. She immediately starts to bully him and tells him his car is in her spot. She rolls the car onto its roof. Then she kicks him in the belly and delivered a painful and humiliating spanking. His sister Teddy tries to help by rubbing cream onto his sore arse, but she uses something that Emily gave her, which makes things much worse. Emily holds him upside down betwen her thighs, while Teddy rubs on more of the painful cream. Several days later, Emily apologises for her behaviour, and explained that it was a testosterone thing, and she needed help to deal with it - the help being, of course, sex. But sex with a powerful muscle girl is great at first, but as the hours go by it is more painful, humiliating and embarrassing. Then Emily started to have a sexual relationship with his sister Teddy! And then the new mom used dad as a test subject for her business. Her business was items for discipline.

stepsister Emily nineteen years old heavily muscled six foot eight bully car roof kick belly spanking sister Teddy cream sore arse upside down thighs apology testosterone sex muscle girl relationship mom dad test subject business discipline

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Lysa Strata - AUDIO

Lysa Strata
Price: 5.00

Lysa Strata They brought my sister Joanna to my home. They couldn't leave her at hers, she wouldn't be able to cope. Because Joanna was missing a leg. Lysa Strata decided to instigate a strike. A strike of women. No sex until the Forever War was ended.

Lysa Strata sister Joanna home cope missing leg instigate strike women sex Forever War ended.

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The Black Burqa part seven - AUDIO

The Black Burqa part seven
Price: 5.00

The Black Burqas have attracted the notice of the patriarchy. I know this because they sent a man dressed in a black burqa with the intention of signing up. So they found a short guy, got him to talk in a squeaky voice and to walk without stamping his feet. He lasted about five minutes. He wasn't even able to lift 100 kilograms, so we ripped off his burqa and checked his genitals. Busted! Some of the sisters were all for punishing him severely and sending him on his way, a few wanted to kill him, but Sfiyah came up with a very clever idea. "We can keep him, and use him to feed misleading information back to his bosses." "Never," he said, "I won't betray my brothers." "Then you're no use to us," said Sfiyah, "give him to Basma, she'll play with him for a while and then kill him." Basma lifted her face veil, showed her teeth in a chilling grin, and licked her lips. Then she pulled out her tiny, but very sharp, knife. "What do you want me to do?" asked the terrified man. "Give him to me," I said, "I'll look after him, and if he resists, Basma, you can have him." Basma really hates men, and enjoys hurting them; long term. He'd probably lose his sanity after a few weeks. But I'd take care of him, and he'd be great as a double agent. So I took him home. Raafid wanted to know who she was, and why she was in his home? "Your home?" I asked. "Your home," he amended. "And mind your own business, this is Black Burqa business." Raafid shut up. He knew his place, and definitely didn't want a couple of Black Burqas on his case. And for obvious reasons, he thought that the person in this particular black burqa was a woman. "What's your name," I asked my fearful captive. "Abdullah," he replied. "So now you're also my slave," I told him. "And you will continue to wear your burqa and pose as a woman." Abdullah swallowed and nodded. I interrogated him about his mission, and how he was to report back to his superiors. As we talked, I held his hand, squeezing very gently by with the implied threat that I could crush it like a toothpaste tube. And I reminded him about Basma, and her tiny, but very sharp, knife. So he told me everything, and he was too terror-stricken to make up any lies.

Black Burqas patriarchy man dressed intention signing up short guy squeaky voice walk stamping lift 100 kilograms ripped off burqa checked genitals sisters punishing severely kill Sfiyah clever idea misleading information bosses betray brothers use Basma play kill face veil teeth chilling grin licked lips tiny sharp knife terrified man resist hurt double agent home Raafid business person woman name slave wear pose interrogated mission report superiors talked hand squeeze gently implied threat crush toothpaste tube reminded terror-stricken lies.

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The Black Burqa part two - AUDIO

The Black Burqa part two
Price: 5.00

Sfiyah visited just now, and she was quite excited. "Ayesha, I have a task for you." Uh-oh, I thought, she wants me to bake a cake, and I'm a really rotten cook. But that wasn't it. "You know Jawaria?" "You mean the one married to Dawud?" "That's right," said Sfiyah. "Well I was with her yesterday, and she has a big bruise on her cheek." "How did that happen?" "She said she bent over and hit it on a tap, but I don't believe that's true." "Why would she lie?" "To avoid the shame of admitting that her husband beats her. You remember, you didn't tell anyone when Raafid was beating you." "So why is it your problem?" I asked. "It's a problem for all of us," she replied. "We are all sisters, and so we must care for each other." "Maybe he had a good reason to beat her?" I wondered. Sfiyah gave me a withering look. "Like Raafid had a good reason to beat you?" "Good point," I admitted. "So what do you want me to do about it?" "I think you should Raafid him. Do what you did to Raafid." "But that was different. He was going to marry off Maryam when she was only thirteen, and I just lost my cool at him." Sfiyah shook her head. "That was the trigger. But the real reason was all the abuse you took over so many years. Well, now Jawaria needs your help." "Why me?"

Sfiyah excited task bake cake cook Jawaria Dawud bruise tap husband beats shame sisters care reason Raafid marry Maryam abuse help.

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Respect all, fear nun - part two - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part two
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part two An inspector calls The letter confirming that the defunding had been rescinded, duly arrived. No surprise - Justin Graham had sworn on a bible that this would be done, and that's binding. But our celebrations were short-lived. That letter was swiftly followed by another, telling us that we were going to be inspected. If that sounded ominous, it's because it was. Not because we were doing anything wrong, but because today's America is a place where officials like the mayor make use of official systems to get what they personally want. Yes, that is corruption, but this is how it is now. We were in his way. He wanted the orphans to be in his privately run, for-profit, orphan machine - and the sisters of St Hilda wanted the orphans to have the best experiences growing up, that we could give them. I told Nancy, the Mother Superior. "Deal with it," she said, not unkindly. "I have great confidence in you, Fiona, and I'll pray for you." Prayer is good, of course, but I wanted more. "Could I borrow one of the novices?" I asked. "What for?" asked the Mother Superior. "When the inspectors call, I want to shadow them, to make sure they don't make up stuff about us. So I need the extra pair of hands. Could I borrow Daisy?" "You mean, Sister Vache?" "Yes." "OK, that's fine, you can have her for two weeks." She was called Sister Vache for a reason. And her nickname was Daisy for the same reason - a cow's udders can hold six gallons of milk, and a cow's teats are about two inches long. Daisy wasn't anywhere near that big - but nicknames don't have to be accurate.

Respect fear inspector defunding rescinded Justin Graham binding celebrations America corruption mayor orphans privately run for-profit orphan machine sisters of St Hilda experiences Nancy Mother Superior Fiona novices inspectors shadow make up Daisy Sister Vache cow udders milk teats nickname.

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Tales Of A Buff Beauty - AUDIO

Tales Of A Buff Beauty
Price: 5.00

When a tall, muscular young woman awakens from a night of crushing muscle fun with her man (his bruised body laying still beside her), she tells you her tale about growing up a beautiful, buff Amazon girl! Sharing stories about how she and her equally muscular little sister (who loves demolishing her men) received their genetics from their bodybuilding mother, as well as their drive to become stronger than any man! Talking about how they built their bodies and learned to love overpowering the weaker male sex from their controlling Muscle Mom, about how they and some other statuesque supergirls routinely trick and dominate guys at the club, describing the events from the previous night with her man, showing him that with incredible strength also comes an amazing sexual drive! Even though she tries to be gentle, her unbridled arousal causes her to lose control and overwhlem her man more than she planned! Though when she finds that he's not quite as asleep next to her as he pretends, she decides to continue her previous night's fun, whether he wants to or not! Another super erotic audio story from the sultry voice of McKenzie Alex! (13 1/4 minutes)

tall muscular young woman awakens night crushing muscle fun man bruised body tells tale growing up beautiful buff Amazon girl sharing stories equally muscular little sister demolishing men genetics bodybuilding mother drive stronger weaker male sex controlling Muscle Mom statuesque supergirls routinely trick dominate guys club describing events previous night incredible strength amazing sexual drive gentle unbridled arousal lose control overwhelm planned finds asleep pretends continue fun super erotic audio story sultry voice McKenzie Alex

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Big Little Sister - PDF

Big Little Sister
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Peters1967)

Jack taunts his little sister Nikki mercilessly - little does he know when she turns 18 he'll be in for some muscular, online revenge! Awesome 3D renders by Peters1967!

Jack taunts little sister Nikki mercilessly turns 18 muscular online revenge awesome 3D renders Peters1967

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Big Little Sister 2 - PDF

Big Little Sister 2
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Peter)

Jack has had enough of his Amazonian "baby" sister's treatment of him (justified as it may be), so he tries to rebel against her, only to have such attempts Crushed by the awesome might of his hardbodied sister, Nikki! - Awesome CGI pics from Peter!

Jack Amazonian baby sister treatment rebel Crushed hardbodied sister Nikki CGI pics Peter

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Big Little Sister 3 - PDF

Big Little Sister 3
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Peter)

Jack's day goes from being bullied by his muscle packed sister Nikki (and her assortment of beautifully buff friends), to getting heavily aroused by watching video clips of her dominating an online doubter, to being approached by her raven-haired Amazonian BFF who takes him for the Ride Of His Life! - Fantastic CGI pictures from Peter here, in the Final Chapter of the Big Little Sister series!

Jack bullied sister Nikki muscle packed friends aroused video clips dominating online doubter approached raven-haired Amazonian BFF Ride Of His Life CGI pictures Peter Final Chapter Big Little Sister series

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Online Amazons - PDF

Online Amazons
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Barracuda9999)

When flirtatious teenage musclegirls want to post sexy flexing video clips online, there's just no stopping them; something an older brother finds out all too quickly, as he learns a very Hard lesson about how NOT to treat your Amazon little sister and her equally buff BFF - Amazing artwork by another New AC artist, Barracuda9999!

flirtatious teenage musclegirls sexy flexing video clips online older brother Amazon little sister buff BFF Amazing artwork New AC artist Barracuda9999

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Sisterly Growth - PDF

Sisterly Growth
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Rob)

When a Fathery abused, cast out teenage girl builds her body buff and strong (thanks to the help of a certain Growth Formula) she returns home to make things right, namely taking care of her younger sister, who loves her older sister's muscular body so much she can't wait for her to get those same results, and more! - Unreal illustrations by fan favorite, Rob!

Fathery abused cast out teenage girl builds body buff strong Growth Formula returns home make things right taking care younger sister loves older sister muscular body same results Unreal illustrations fan favorite Rob

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Mistaken Identity - PDF

Mistaken Identity
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

Watch as the boyfriend of a buff, beautiful young girl gets taught a very valuable lesson about NOT mixing her and her equally Amazonian twin sister up - a lesson that is re-opened when the sexy twin sister comes calling soon afterwards! - A fun short story with artwork by Carlos on this one!

boyfriend buff beautiful young girl taught valuable lesson mixing Amazonian twin sister re-opened sexy calling fun short story artwork Carlos

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Kitten's Revenge - PDF

Kitten's Revenge
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Jorge)

When 18 year old Kate (aka Kitten) goes to her older sister's campus to confront her obnoxious jock boyfriend that just dumped her, she uses her fit physique and martial arts mastery to teach him a very embarrassing lesson, before bringing him back home for some more fun afterwards - with her sister's permission, of course! - Very cool pics on this MC tale from another new AC artist, Jorge!

18 year old Kate Kitten older sister campus confront obnoxious jock boyfriend dumped fit physique martial arts mastery embarrassing lesson fun sister's permission cool pics MC tale new AC artist Jorge

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Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 1) - PDF

Amy's Side Story: Jessica's Tale (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jupiter 1)

Watch as sexy teenage Amazon Jessica Armstrong works out Hard, pumping her already massive muscles in her basement's gym, all the while fantasizing about her Sister In Muscle, Amy, as well as a long time crush, her older brother's best friend, who is just upstairs....or so he was, Jessica just missing him, she then takes her Sexual Frustration out on her utterly helpless brother! - Amazingly drawn COLOR pics from a new AC artist, Jupiter 1!

sexy teenage Amazon Jessica Armstrong works out Hard pumping massive muscles basement's gym fantasizing Sister In Muscle Amy long time crush older brother's best friend upstairs missing Sexual Frustration utterly helpless brother Amazingly drawn COLOR pics new AC artist Jupiter 1

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The Power Of Two - PDF

The Power Of Two
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: Scott)

When your muscle-packed girlfriend asks if her sister, a younger, taller, more muscular version of her, can have sex with you, the answer is always YES - though in the end, your answer doesn't really matter, as when girls as Amazonian as Grace and Jackie want something, they just Take It! - Sexy illustrations here from Scott on another AmazonFan story!

muscle-packed girlfriend sister younger taller muscular sex Amazonian Grace Jackie Take It illustrations Scott AmazonFan story

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Amazon Neighbors - PDF

Amazon Neighbors
Price: 6.00
(Story: AmazonFan, Artwork: London)

When a college boy notices his younger brother is getting bullied, by a girl no less, he goes next door to confront her; only to have this smaller though extremely athletic girl turn the tables on him, more than once at that. Only with the help of both brothers can they finally contain her, though when her older, bigger, stronger sister gets involved, it's once more the girls that prove to be the dominant sex in this neighborhood! Amazing artwork by London on this AmazonFan story!

college boy younger brother bullied girl next door confront smaller athletic girl turn the tables more than once help both brothers contain older bigger stronger sister involved dominant sex neighborhood amazing artwork London AmazonFan story

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Pinky Has Some Fun (& More Fun) - PDF

Pinky Has Some Fun (& More Fun)
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Alphadawg)

When some peeping tom boys barge in on a group of sexy high school girls taking in some sun, it's up to the muscle-packed Pinky (younger sister to one of these girls) to set them straight, using her rock solid physique and superior strength to turn the intruding males into boy-toys for these teenage girls; while claiming the cutest one (who she happens to have feelings for) for herself, to have a bit of Female Muscle Fun! Both parts of this series from M.C. are here, illustrated awesomely by alphadawg!

peeping tom boys barge in group sexy high school girls sun muscle-packed Pinky younger sister set them straight rock solid physique superior strength intruding males boy-toys teenage girls cutest one feelings Female Muscle Fun series M.C. illustrated alphadawg

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Secrets Revealed Series - PDF

Secrets Revealed Series
Price: 6.00
(Story: Kent, Artwork: Jupiter1)

Don knew that his younger sister Jill was stronger than him. However, he didn't know the half of it until the night Jill and her two sexy friends Becky and Shannon demonstrated to Don and is friend Steve just how vastly superior they were. And to the delight of Don and Steve, the girl's hidden strength turned out to be just the first of the secrets revealed that night! Fantastic color artwork from Jupiter I on this classic series by Kent!

Don younger sister Jill stronger night sexy friends Becky Shannon demonstrated vastly superior delight hidden strength secrets revealed fantastic color artwork Jupiter I classic series Kent

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