Search Results for "real"


Big Red - My Latest Slaveboy - VIDEO

Big Red - My Latest Slaveboy
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Big Red)

Here we see the ultra shapely, super muscular Big Red enter her bedroom, where her newest boy-toy is laying in wait for her! She demands he begin worshipping her ultra curvaceous physique, touching her 29" thighs and caressing her near 18" arms, along with every other part of her body! All to bring her pleasure, though when this treatment isn't to her satisfaction, she switches from posing to Crushing, using her insanely strong body to teach this vastly weak and inferior man just how to worship an Amazonian Goddess such as she! Back and forth she goes, from admiration to domination, until she actually hurts him (for real), causing her softer side to emerge as she cuddles him into her thick, powerful form!

ultra shapely super muscular Big Red bedroom newest boy-toy worshipping ultra curvaceous physique 29" thighs 18" arms pleasure treatment satisfaction posing Crushing insanely strong body teach weak inferior man worship Amazonian Goddess admiration domination hurts real softer side cuddles thick powerful form

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Lilly Ice - Secret Supergirl - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Secret Supergirl
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

This first of several more clips to come, brings us one of the Sexiest fitness models we have Ever had on Amy's Conquest, Lilly Ice! Here we see her and her boyfriend cuddling on the bed, watching the latest Superheroine movie; during which she can't help but notice his throbbing shaft, easily figuring out he's Very Into super strong girls! She decides that now is the perfect time for her to reveal her own sexy secret, that she is actually a super-powerful hero herself! The stunning Supergirl then shows off her unreal strength by giving him a series of sensual squeezes (just a taste, as she doesn't want to damage her darling man), before moving on to more strength feats such as bar-bending and body-lifting! This leads to the start of a sexy session that may very well put him in the hospital - but he doesn't mind a bit!

fitness model Amy's Conquest Lilly Ice boyfriend superheroine movie super strong girls super-powerful hero supergirl unreal strength sensual squeezes bar-bending body-lifting sexy session hospital

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The Facility (Part Two) - PDF

The Facility (Part Two)
Price: 8.00
(Story: SeldomLasts, Artwork: Buffcake)

Genetically enhanced super soldier Felicia is back! Still being watched in her government issued cell, she is given a test from one of her scientists, one that gets her so sexually thrilled that she can't help but take our her erotic desires on the plexiglass barrier between them (not to mention he, himself)! Later, when the test begins, she lets loose using her superior speed and strength to demolish several large, armed men (all but one, which she has a bit of interest in)! Her main target is soon to be her next victim, he completely helpless as Felicia viciously abuses, and sexually uses, his utterly destroyed body! This SeldomLasts series continues, with more Unreal illustrations by Buffcake!

genetically enhanced super soldier Felicia back watched government issued cell test scientists sexually thrilled plexiglass barrier erotic desires later begins superior speed strength demolish large armed men interest main target victim helpless viciously abuses sexually uses utterly destroyed body SeldomLasts series Unreal illustrations Buffcake

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Muscle MILF's Surprise New Client - PDF

Muscle MILF's Surprise New Client
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Nivilis)

When the hottest Mom on the block (make that Any block) does sexy muscle sessions, it's no surprise at how extensive her clientele is, so much so it's hard for even her to keep track! Though imagine her surprise when she greets her latest (and newest) client, only to find out he's her son's best friend! Stunned to see him before her, though the professional that she is, she invites him in, and after a bit of discussion where he confesses his adoration of her ultra muscular physique for many years now, the gorgeous Amazon decides to make due with her commitment and continue with this session - though just this one. Of course once may be all that this 18 year old could handle, as she shows off her muscle packed form in a variety of strong and sexy ways, for him as well as on him! So enthralled does he become that he just can't "control" himself in the end, though around such a woman as she, Who Could?!? Nivilis adds her Unreal illustrations to this original story!

hottest Mom sexy muscle sessions clientele surprise son's best friend professional adoration ultra muscular physique Amazon commitment session 18 year old muscle packed form strong sexy enthralled control woman Unreal illustrations

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Beautiful Buff Babe Folio - PDF

Beautiful Buff Babe Folio
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Buffcake)

If you're a fan of pin-ups pictures showing an assortment of strong, sexy, muscular women in a variety of powerful and passionate poses, then THIS is definitely for YOU! This folio is filled with an array of Amazons unlike you've ever seen, from ultra horny giantesses and sensual Supergirl showing off, to enraged Muscle MILFs and savagely avenging mermaids, from fiercely protective girlfriends and passionately powerful prison guards, to sexy savage jungle girls to attackers picking on the wrong woman, this folio has it all! If you're a fan of a single Super Sexy picture telling a tale about Feminine Power, then Look No Further! Absolutely Unreal illustrations from the Awesome Buffcake on this one!

fan pin-ups pictures assortment strong sexy muscular women variety powerful passionate poses folio array Amazons ultra horny giantesses sensual supergirls showing off enraged Muscle MILFs savagely avenging mermaids fiercely protective girlfriends passionately powerful prison guards sexy savage jungle girls attackers wrong woman Super Sexy picture tale Feminine Power Look No Further Unreal illustrations Awesome Buffcake

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Amy's Conquest: 2021 Folio (Amy's Heavenly Honeymoon) - PDF

Amy's Conquest: 2021 Folio (Amy's Heavenly Honeymoon)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Folio, Artwork: Tom & DJ)

Travel the globe with Amy and David as they share Amazing sights and locations during their world-wide honeymoon! Of course Amy isn't your normal newlywed bride, and her Amazonian physique always garners its share of attention! Whether appreciating the drinks and locals as they bar-hop in Germany or Russia, relaxing in the polar Arctic or the sandy beaches of Hawaii, or enjoying themselves cosplaying at the New York Comic Con or bungee jumping in New Zealand, there is simply no place on Earth these young lovers couldn't have The Best time at! Join them on their trip, and you're guaranteed to Enjoy yourselves as well! Truly Unreal illustrations from Tom and DJ on this Fantastic Folio!

Travel globe Amy David sights locations world-wide honeymoon newlywed bride Amazonian physique bar-hop Germany Russia Arctic sandy beaches Hawaii cosplaying New York Comic Con bungee jumping New Zealand young lovers trip Enjoy Unreal illustrations Tom DJ Fantastic Folio

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Tales of the Young and Musclebound (Part 4) - TEXT

Tales of the Young and Musclebound (Part 4)
Price: 3.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle)

The Legendary author of Teenage Titans is back, with another anthology story filled with youthful powerhouses that have more than enough strength and muscle to do anything they want! From those helping out their family by earning big bucks with even Bigger Flexes, to those who surprise their college boyfriends for some sexy muscle fun only to then deal with his cheating ways, to girls who are powerfully persuasive about the sexy outfits they're wearing, to those who teach a lecherous father of her best friend a real lesson - heck, even Santa Claus himself gets involved in one of these super sexy stories! Like your female muscle tales plentifully short and sweet, then this one (and this series) is for YOU!

Legendary author Teenage Titans anthology story youthful powerhouses strength muscle big bucks Bigger Flexes surprise college boyfriends sexy muscle fun cheating ways girls powerfully persuasive sexy outfits teach lecherous father best friend real lesson Santa Claus super sexy stories female muscle tales short and sweet series

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Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 5) - PDF

Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 5)
Price: 8.00
(Story & Artwork: Mr. Lex)

Sometime later in their joint-relationship, super lucky Dan is sandwiched between his two Ultra Amazonian built girlfriends, Bridgette and Tessa! An evening that turns to playful competition between the pair of power-packed beauties, as they vie for their boyfriend's attention! From a full-on flex-off, to a semi-competitive wrestling match, these girls do their best to win the heart of Dan, though in the end it's a Super Muscle Threesome that gets him to his Sexual Peaks, as he declares his love for them both - a wise choice considering each of them could tear him to pieces if he chose otherwise! Mr. Lex lends his Unreal artwork and story to the concluding part of this series!

joint-relationship super lucky Dan sandwiched Ultra Amazonian built girlfriends Bridgette Tessa evening playful competition power-packed beauties boyfriend's attention full-on flex-off semi-competitive wrestling match win the heart Super Muscle Threesome Sexual Peaks love wise choice tear him to pieces Mr. Lex Unreal artwork story concluding part series

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Girls these days - PDF

Girls these days
Price: 6.00
(Story: Miles Endeavour, Artwork: Diego)

Hope is a teenage musclegirl, who loves to build her body hard and strong! Though when her older brother David, and his best friend (who Hope has a crush on) are using her gym, she decides to show them who's the Boss, as she out-lifts and then over-powers her bigger brother; turning him from Tough Guy to Slave Boy with her super strong physique! A new artist to AC, Diego, lends his Unreal artistic talents to this story by Miles Endeavour!

Hope teenage musclegirl build body strong brother David best friend crush gym out-lifts over-powers bigger Tough Guy Slave Boy super strong physique artist AC Diego Unreal artistic talents story Miles Endeavour

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Druktur, The Groom Of The Amazon - TEXT

Druktur, The Groom Of The Amazon
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

In order to keep the peace between his nation and the kingdom of the Amazons, powerful Duke Druktur must consent to wed the Duchess of their tribe. Though while the skilled warrior agreed to perform this task, he was completely taken back by the towering form of Duchess Drusilla! The regal red-headed woman was as beautiful as she was powerful, and her strength was capable of feats that shocked the young Duke to his core! Often times using the unreal power of her massively thick and rock solid muscles in a dominant manner (in the privacy of their bedroom, as well as in public), Drusilla always did so out of love, and in time the mighty Druktur learned to love her in return and accept his new life as husband to Amazonian royalty!

peace nation kingdom Amazons powerful Duke Druktur consent wed Duchess tribe skilled warrior task taken back towering form Duchess Drusilla regal red-headed woman beautiful powerful strength feats shocked young Duke core unreal power massively thick rock solid muscles dominant manner privacy bedroom public love time mighty Druktur new life husband Amazonian royalty

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