Search Results for "real"


The Moth To The Flame - TEXT

The Moth To The Flame
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

When a diminutive, muscle-loving, man has the chance to realize his deepest, darkest sexual fantasy, being lethally crushed by a powerful Amazon woman, he does whatever he can to make that fantasy a reality, even if it means he has to pay the Ultimate Price!

diminutive muscle-loving man chance realize deepest darkest sexual fantasy lethally crushed powerful Amazon woman whatever make reality pay Ultimate Price

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Party Of Three - TEXT

Party Of Three
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When you're a 45 year old man, dating a sexually adventurous 25 year old girl, expect the unexpected; especially after she finds out about your love of being manhandled by strong, muscular women, something your evening's waitress is to a T, giving your girl the perfect way to make your fantasy a solid Reality! Both from this new statuesque supergirl, and from your own smaller (yet fit and firm) girlfriend as well!

45 year old man dating sexually adventurous 25 year old girl unexpected love manhandled strong muscular women evening's waitress perfect way fantasy solid Reality new statuesque supergirl smaller fit firm girlfriend

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The Discovery Of The Century - TEXT

The Discovery Of The Century
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM & Demented20)

When a teenage boy uncovers that the Mother of a good female friend of his (one whom he has real feelings for) used to be a muscle flexing, body crushing, sex crazed, bodybuilder (finding an assortment of old video clips of her in her younger years online) he tries his best to keep such news to himself; though such a discovery simply couldn't be kept quiet for long, and once out, it changes the very nature of his entire group of friends, Forever!

teenage boy uncovers Mother good female friend real feelings muscle flexing body crushing sex crazed bodybuilder old video clips younger years online tries his best keep news discovery kept quiet long changes nature entire group of friends Forever

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The Castle Collection (Part 2) - TEXT

The Castle Collection (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

A furthering of our new series from this unreal author, where we once more delve into various situations and storylines dealing with strong, shapely, sexy females and how they handle the men in their lives!

furthering new series unreal author delve various situations storylines strong shapely sexy females handle men lives

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Mary The Meter Maid - TEXT

Mary The Meter Maid
Price: 2.00
(Story: M.C.)

A Brand New and Exclusive story from one of the Top Authors of Martial Arts Stories, M.C. returns with another tale of fighting females to arouse and excite! This time we follow the lovely young Mary, an 18 year old martial arts master, who just loves her summer job as a Meter Maid, especially as it allows her to use her unreal fighting skills to help apply the law whenever she can, not to mention allowing her to ensnare herself a hunking new boyfriend in the process!

Brand New Exclusive story Top Authors Martial Arts Stories M.C. returns tale fighting females arouse excite follow lovely young Mary 18 year old martial arts master summer job Meter Maid unreal fighting skills help apply the law ensnare hunking new boyfriend process

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The Upper Deck - TEXT

The Upper Deck
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

It's love at first sight, when Rick (a muscle-loving businessman) meets up with Cassie (a sexy strong Amazonian bartender) at The Upper Deck sportsbar; he unable to take his eyes off of her lusciously firm physique, as she lustily entices him to stay beyond closing time, where she begins to really show off her unreal strength for him, on him, in a variety of all too sensual and erotic ways.

love at first sight Rick muscle-loving businessman Cassie sexy strong Amazonian bartender The Upper Deck sportsbar lusciously firm physique lustily entices closing time show off unreal strength sensual erotic ways

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The Interview - TEXT

The Interview
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When interviewing a strong, muscular woman for his firm, an executive quickly finds out that this gorgeous female before him is easily as much Brawn as she is Brains and Beauty; a fact he learns time and again, both in his office and her home, as she uses her superior strength to control him completely and utterly, leaving little doubt in the end who the Real Boss truly is!

interviewing strong muscular woman executive firm gorgeous female Brawn Brains Beauty office home superior strength control Real Boss

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A New Normal (Part 1) - TEXT

A New Normal (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Jimmy is a scientific genius, who due to his diminutive size has always craved tall, strong, athletically built women; so when he spotted the Amazonian built Janice while visiting a sci-fi themed park, he couldn't help but do whatever he could to get closer to her. Lucky for him, the statuesque stunner felt a real connection with this much smaller suitor, neither of them caring about the potential physical awkwardness of their coupling, just their own blossoming emotions, which only seemed to grow stronger and more heated for one another!

scientific genius diminutive size tall strong athletically built women Amazonian built Janice sci-fi themed park closer lucky statuesque stunner real connection smaller suitor physical awkwardness coupling blossoming emotions stronger heated

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Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 2) - TEXT

Ultimate Power Side Story: The Triplets (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottoms)

The Trio of Colossal Cat-Suit wearing Crushers are back, as they continue their absolute annihilation of the museum's guards (using not just their unreal strength, but their unrivaled martial arts skills as well), in the end claiming their Prize - The Massive Wentworth Diamond - while leaving a trail of broken bodies in their wake, all for their own gleeful amusement. An all too sexy conclusion to this DustyBottums tale!

Trio Colossal Cat-Suit Crushers absolute annihilation museum's guards unreal strength unrivaled martial arts skills end Prize Massive Wentworth Diamond trail broken bodies gleeful amusement sexy conclusion DustyBottums tale

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Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 1) - TEXT

Mad Men, Stronger Woman (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Pam is a true Woman Of Tomorrow, especially living in the 1960's as she does. In this first tale of our upcoming series, we see how this ravishing red-head uses her voluptuously muscular curves and unreal physcial strength towards the arrogant, chauvinistic males of the decade, teaching them the true meaning of the word Power, and how not to treat those under you in the business world - especially when in the real world, they're capable of twisting you into a preztel, or ripping you to pieces!

Pam Woman Of Tomorrow 1960's tale upcoming series ravishing red-head voluptuously muscular curves unreal physical strength arrogant chauvinistic males decade teaching true meaning word Power treat business world real world capable twisting preztel ripping pieces

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