Search Results for "protect"


A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 4) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Our story continues as we introduce Harper, a unique young woman known as a Superbig! Her amplified breasts are truly Massive, and with that comes physical power that makes other super strong females pale in comparison! Thankfully, she is completely loyal to A.J. and Janey, and would never hurt them (other than occasional erotically charged bits of discomfort), often acting as a protector for A.J. when his Amazonian wife isn't around - such as this very night, when a mature enhanced Doctor at a work conference gets too aggressive with him, and needs to be put into her place! This leads to Janey later planning a night of unbridled sexual pleasure for her special, loving man!

story Harper unique young woman Superbig amplified breasts Massive physical power super strong females loyal A.J. Janey hurt occasional erotically charged bits of discomfort protector Amazonian wife mature enhanced Doctor work conference aggressive put into her place Janey planning night unbridled sexual pleasure special loving man

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A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 2) - TEXT

A Memoir Of The New Paradigm (Chapter 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sunblind)

Our Epic series continues, as supergirl Janey shows her love A.J. that her new physical enhancements are much more than just vast super strength and invulnerability; as she displays for him all the Amazing things her New Paradigm physique is capable of, doing so in ways that get them both Super aroused and Very sexually satisfied! She feels she has much to make up for over treating him so badly during the past several months, and she plans to let him know that she will Always pleasure, protect and love him; and that while he is now hers, that she is his just as much. A very loving and extremely sexual segment of this series here!

Epic series supergirl Janey love A.J. physical enhancements vast super strength invulnerability Amazing things New Paradigm physique capable Super aroused sexually satisfied make up for treating badly several months pleasure protect always love extremely sexual segment.

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Carnal Couple To Thrilling Threesome - TEXT

Carnal Couple To Thrilling Threesome
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Raven has always been a large, powerful girl, being much stronger than any of the boys at school (or a group of them), so it was easy for her to claim an adorable little guy as her boyfriend. As the years went on, she grew to an incredible size, with beauty and strength to match, protecting her smaller man with ease, while allowing him to view her numerous threesomes with the sexiest girls around! Though such treatment came with a price, as while she loved her future husband dearly, it was definitely her way Or Else! Until one day when a stunning new woman entered their lives, one that seemed to have amazing control over the Gigantic Raven, one who would turn this couple into the most Thrilling Threesome Ever!

Raven large powerful girl stronger boys school group adorable little guy boyfriend years incredible size beauty strength match protecting smaller man ease view numerous threesomes sexiest girls treatment price loved future husband dearly definitely way Or Else stunning new woman entered lives amazing control Gigantic Raven couple Thrilling Threesome Ever

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