Search Results for "ox"


The Lipstick Detective - PDF

The Lipstick Detective
Price: 8.00
(Story: Arnoldziffel1, Artwork: Tan Yk)

'Greece!' Billie wasn not punching the heavy bag at the Gargoyle Gym, she was pummeling it. Punishing it, actually. speed boxing. She flurried her fists against the heavy bag, delivering a powerful jolt with each strike. She threw hooks, crosses, jabs, and uppercuts, all with precise accuracy and tremendous strength. The bag bounced wildly on its chain, hanging tough against the onslaught of punches. She grinned at Andy, then sneered at the bag like it was an enemy. Billie finished her workout with a blistering Left, Left, Right blitzkrieg that knocked it off the hanger, slamming into the nearby wall. 'Okay, all done!' The manager groaned. 'Really, Billie? Again?' After a quick shower she changed into her work clothes. She examined what she saw in the mirror: A solid 200 pounds of toned muscle packed onto a 5 foot 7 inch frame with a ghost of baby fat here and there. Pretty, pert breasts supported by a pectoral wall. Six abs the size of her fists proudly making their presence known below her peaches and cream skin. She slipped on a sleeveless shirt and flexed her right arm, a rock hard hill of muscle forming beside her big shoulder. 'Flabby bitch!' she laughed.

Greece Billie heavy bag Gargoyle Gym speed boxing hooks crosses jabs uppercuts accuracy strength Andy enemy Left Right blitzkrieg manager shower work clothes mirror muscle toned frame baby fat breasts pectoral wall abs skin sleeveless shirt flexed rock hard muscle flabby

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Babette the boxer - PDF

Babette the boxer
Price: 8.00
(Story and Artwork: Diana the Valkyrie)

Babette is a very pretty and very tall girl. At six feet seven inches, she towers above most men. But what she has in inches, she lacks in brainpower. When she leave college, she gets a couple of low-paid jobs, until she accidentally find that she has a talent for boxing, because she has small, hard fists and a very long reach. Babette can smack a man in the head long before he can reach any part of her. She meets Marty, who acts as her manager, and supervises her training, including building up her muscles. The story culminates with a boxing match against Victor, who gets totaly destroyed in a very short time.

Babette pretty tall girl six feet seven inches towers men inches brainpower college low-paid jobs accidentally talent boxing small hard fists long reach smack head manager supervises training building up muscles story culminates boxing match Victor destroyed short time.

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The plough girl, illustrated, part 1 - PDF

The plough girl, illustrated, part 1
Price: 8.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie, Artwork: Diego)

Olga is a plough girl - she pulls the plough for her village. They are too poor to own a horse or ox, so a plough girl does the job. Then war hits Ukraine. She joins the fight, but there are just too many well-armed Russians. The villagers left no option but to flee; Olga goes to New York. Olga is a tall, strongly built, over-sexed blonde. Her lack of experience in Western ways, gets her into trouble, but her powerful muscles keep her safe. Her striking good looks and well-developed figure lead her into many sexual situations; her kind and gentle nature is the reason why so many men survive her lovemaking. Exquisite artwork by Diego "The plough girl" is a series of stories; each week you can follow Olga's adventures.

Olga plough girl village poor horse ox war Ukraine fight Russians flee New York tall strongly built over-sexed blonde experience Western ways trouble powerful muscles good looks well-developed figure sexual situations kind gentle nature men lovemaking.

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Revenge Of The Pig Party - PDF

Revenge Of The Pig Party
Price: 8.00
(Artwork: Diego and Tom)

When a buff beautiful college girl is brought to a frat house party by her handsome new boyfriend, she meets several other girls, who like her are new dates from other frat brothers. Though when she looks around a bit, the muscular girl discovers the real reason for this party, one that insults the young females here, and enrages the Amazon herself! So she uses her superior strength to deal with these obnoxious frat jerks, later deciding this cruel tradition needs to end for good! This leads to her and her new female friends returning the following semester, all of them stunning young powerhouses, each exacting their own brand of well deserved revenge! Unreal illustrations on this story by Diego and Tom!

buff beautiful college girl frat house party handsome boyfriend girls dates frat brothers muscular Amazon superior strength obnoxious jerks cruel tradition end female friends semester stunning powerhouses revenge illustrations Diego Tom.

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Big Red v. Mr. Foxxx - VIDEO

Big Red v. Mr. Foxxx
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Venice Beach Studios)

Mr. Foxxx with a lot of confidence tried his luck against the beautiful and powerful Big Red. So confident that he even compared his biceps with hers, I mean c'mon. Well, we all knew the outcome of this match but Mr. Foxxx thought otherwise. Big Red didn't waste any time and attacked him and completely dominated the poor guy throughout the match. It was just a piece of cake for Big Red. Despite getting his ass kicked by her, he liked it though.

Mr. Foxxx confidence luck Big Red biceps outcome match dominated attacked piece of cake ass kicked

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Roxie Rain Vintage 6 - VIDEO

Roxie Rain Vintage 6
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Roxie Rain Vintage 5 - VIDEO

Roxie Rain Vintage 5
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Roxie Rain Vintage 4 - VIDEO

Roxie Rain Vintage 4
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Roxie Rain Vintage 3 - VIDEO

Roxie Rain Vintage 3
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Master Class 2 - VIDEO

Master Class 2
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Master Class 1 - VIDEO

Master Class 1
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Athena2)

Crime definitely does not pay as our Mr. Sessionee makes the mistake of wandering into Roxie Rain studio to steal her equipment and earnings. When the awesomely muscled Roxie catches him in the act, she puts him through a full course of punishing and crushing holds with strong, deadly legs until he painfully submits, admitting his guilt. But will he survive long enough for the police to arrive? I doubt it.

crime pay Mr. Sessionee mistake wandering Roxie Rain studio steal equipment earnings awesomely muscled Roxie catches act full course punishing crushing holds strong deadly legs painfully submits admitting guilt survive police doubt

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Part two of Roxie Rain video - VIDEO

Part two of Roxie Rain video
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This video features Roxie Rain, a painfully attractive bodybuilder, and Jacques. The poor guy is trying to clean the room with a vacuum cleaner while Roxie is taking a nap. Bad idea...

Roxie Rain bodybuilder Jacques clean room vacuum cleaner nap

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Roxy Rain vintage 1 - VIDEO

Roxy Rain vintage 1
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Athena2)

This video features Roxie Rain, a painfully attractive bodybuilder, and Jacques. The poor guy is trying to clean the room with a vacuum cleaner while Roxie is taking a nap. Bad idea...

Roxie Rain bodybuilder Jacques clean room vacuum cleaner nap

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Respect all, fear nun - part four - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part four
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part four We learn about nuns and candles, and the part they play in the life of a nun. Fiona dreams about Satan, and does a deal with the devil; the off springs of the orphanage will all get Xboxes in return for Fiona's soul. Fiona now thinks she's infested by Satan, so Sam does an exorcism for her, which involves some very heavy sex. But the Xboxes have already started to appear in the hands of the off spring. Where could they have come from? Then Fiona realizes. If it was all just a dream, then it didn't matter. And if it wasn't a dream, Satan was lying to her; it's what he does.

Respect fear nuns candles life Fiona Satan deal devil orphanage Xboxes soul infested Sam exorcism sex dream lying.

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Blind Date Bruising - AUDIO

Blind Date Bruising
Price: 5.00

It's never wise to be a crude, obnoxious jerk when you bring your beautiful, shapely blind date home from an evening out! Lord knows such tall, curvaceous women are hard to resist, though unless you're invited, it's downright foolish to even think about pressuring her into something she has no interest in! Imagine your surprise when she flexes out of her tight-fitting outfit, to reveal that all of her luscious shape is rock solid muscle! Locking yourself in with her previously now only seals your fate, as she joyfully uses her massive strength advantage to dominate and humiliate your pitiful male form! You wanted her all around you this night, well that's just what you're going to get - though with alot more Bone-Breaking pain than you were ever expecting! An "alternate take" of our previous Blind Date Blessing audio story, once again performed super sensually by JuicyPeach Audio! (20 1/2 minutes)

crude obnoxious jerk beautiful shapely blind date tall curvaceous resist pressure interest surprise tight-fitting outfit luscious muscle strength dominate humiliate male form bone-breaking pain audio story sensual JuicyPeach Audio.

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Kitten's Revenge - PDF

Kitten's Revenge
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Jorge)

When 18 year old Kate (aka Kitten) goes to her older sister's campus to confront her obnoxious jock boyfriend that just dumped her, she uses her fit physique and martial arts mastery to teach him a very embarrassing lesson, before bringing him back home for some more fun afterwards - with her sister's permission, of course! - Very cool pics on this MC tale from another new AC artist, Jorge!

18 year old Kate Kitten older sister campus confront obnoxious jock boyfriend dumped fit physique martial arts mastery embarrassing lesson fun sister's permission cool pics MC tale new AC artist Jorge

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The Boss Lady - PDF

The Boss Lady
Price: 6.00
(Story: M.C., Artwork: Jorge)

Hillary is a CEO of a major company, who is seen here making a house call to one of her sexually abusive and obnoxious employees, a large, powerful, able-bodied man who isn't one to be intimidated by even his boss - though when his boss strips down and reveals not only a fit, firm, fantastic physique, but world class martial arts skills as well, this foolish man quickly sees the error of his ways, and in short order becomes the victim to this femme fatale's sexual cravings as well! - Masterful martial arts manipulations once again by Jorge on this MC Classic tale!

Hillary CEO major company house call sexually abusive obnoxious employee large powerful able-bodied boss fit firm fantastic physique martial arts skills victim femme fatale sexual cravings Masterful martial arts Jorge MC Classic tale.

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Her Might Makes Stacy Right - PDF

Her Might Makes Stacy Right
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: ScissorFoxes and Jennifer Scarpetta)

When Stacy's husband starts feeling a bit out of control with his sexy wife's increasingly firm, fit and powerful body, he lays it out for her - that he's in charge, and Might Makes Right! Of course he didn't realize just how Strong she had become, something he more than does now, as she proceeds to squeeze, twist, mangle and overall dominate him utterly with her rock solid muscles! In the end proving to him that if might does make right, that it is SHE who is now in control of their relationship! A brand new type of story, starring live pics from ScissorFoxes and Jennifer Scarpetta, and awesome text from Sonofjack!

Stacy husband control sexy firm fit powerful body in charge strong dominate muscles relationship ScissorFoxes Jennifer Scarpetta Sonofjack

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Luncheon In L.A. / Like Mother, Like Daughter (Redux) - PDF

Luncheon In L.A. / Like Mother, Like Daughter (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: R.M.G.)

Two Amazonian stories in One here! First, a gathering of young female friends, as gorgeous as they are muscular, meet up for a meal, where stories of how they "handle" their men with their incredible strength is always on the menu! Next we have the sexiest mother/daughter combo around, who decide to let loose their rock solid, super strong bodies on a group of loud, obnoxious young men and their party van as well! The Iconic R.M.G. returns to illustrate both of these stories!

Amazonian stories gathering young female friends gorgeous muscular meal handle men incredible strength menu sexiest mother/daughter combo rock solid super strong bodies group loud obnoxious young men party van Iconic R.M.G.

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The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 2) - PDF

The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Diego)

The gorgeous red-headed Amazon woman is back, continuing her physical and sexual assaults on Wayne and his crude, obnoxious friends! The stunning Supergirl man-handles them all together, and all by themselves, as she smothers, pummels, crushes and overall demolishs these men with her superior body, using the very objects of their erotic desires as their ultimate downfall, as she quenches her own sensual pleasures again and again! Fantastic artwork from Diego on this Iconic Jack Straw tale!

gorgeous red-headed Amazon woman back continuing physical assaults sexual assaults Wayne crude obnoxious friends stunning Supergirl man-handles together themselves smothers pummels crushes demolishs men superior body objects erotic desires ultimate downfall quenches sensual pleasures fantastic artwork Diego Iconic Jack Straw tale

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Supergirl Saves The Day - TEXT

Supergirl Saves The Day
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Watch as Supergirl uses some very unorthodox (not to mention, very sexy) methods to right the wrongs around her, as well as protect her #1 Fan from harm, claiming his all too willing form for her very own in the end!

Supergirl unorthodox sexy protect fan harm willing form

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Lyndsay - Massage My Feet - VIDEO

Lyndsay - Massage My Feet
Price: 6.00

These videos follow directly after Lyndsay crushes her husband with her thick, hard body, as she now asks like a purring kitten for a relaxing foot massage; after which time he enrages her by commenting on his warm beer, which brings her back into fighting mode, where some boxing and grappling begin, and which ends with her kicking him out of their house!

videos Lyndsay crushes husband thick hard body purring kitten relaxing foot massage enrages commenting warm beer fighting mode boxing grappling kicking house

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Aubrey Black - Alien Annihilation - VIDEO

Aubrey Black - Alien Annihilation
Price: 6.00
(Artist: Aubrey Black)

It's NEVER a good idea to take sexual advantage of an intoxicated woman (especially if like this foolish man, you spiked her drink), something the lecherous pervert finds out all too clearly, and Painfully, here! Imagine his shock when he discovers that the Super Hot woman he brought home with him, is actually an alien from a distant planet! One whose physical abilities are far beyond his own, coming from a world where the women dominate their men sexually, and the more Pain they inflict on them, the more Pleasure they feel! It was child's play for her to lure him into her trap, where her erotic agenda is then revealed, and her Utter Demolition of this crude man, all for her own sexual delights, can begin!

sexual advantage intoxicated woman spiked drink lecherous pervert shock Super Hot woman alien distant planet physical abilities dominate sexually Pain Pleasure lure trap erotic agenda Utter Demolition crude man sexual delights

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Lilly Ice - Gimme A Crush, Gimme A Squeeze! - VIDEO

Lilly Ice - Gimme A Crush, Gimme A Squeeze!
Price: 8.00
(Artist: Lilly Ice)

When the sexily striking Lilly is in her room practicing her cheers for her school's squad, her obnoxious brother storms in and scolds her for making such noise, as well as laughing at her thinking cheerleading is a sport! She quickly shows him just how strong cheerleaders truly are, especially those on the base like Lilly who routinely lift other girls over her head! It doesn't take long for her to prove her point by squeezing and crushing him senseless, twisting and bending him helpless, sitting on and smothering him breathless, and lifting and throwing him around like the loser he is! A lesson is definitely learned this day, never doubt the strength of a sexy, solid, hard bodied cheerleader - or else!

sexily striking Lilly room practicing cheers school's squad obnoxious brother noise cheerleading sport strong cheerleaders base lift girls squeezing crushing twisting bending sitting smothering lifting throwing loser lesson strength sexy solid hard bodied doubt

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The plough girl, part 4 - TEXT

The plough girl, part 4
Price: 3.00

Olga explains how to become a plough girl, and looks for a better-paying job. Olga is a tall, strongly built, over-sexed blonde. Her lack of experience in Western ways, gets her into trouble, but her powerful muscles keep her safe. Her striking good looks and well-developed figure lead her into many sexual situations; her kind and gentle nature is the reason why so many men survive her lovemaking. "The plough girl" is a series of stories by Diana the Valkyrie; each week you can follow Olga's adventures.

Olga plough girl village poor horse ox war Ukraine fight Russians flee New York tall strongly built over-sexed blonde experience Western ways trouble powerful muscles good looks well-developed figure sexual situations kind gentle nature men lovemaking

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The plough girl, part 5 - TEXT

The plough girl, part 5
Price: 3.00
(Story: Diana the Valkyrie)

Olga applies for a job as a porn model, but the pay is too low. So she tries a casino, the 'Rain of Gold'. She's interviewed by the manager, who admires her huge bosom, 26 inch biceps and 37 inch thighs. but can she handle being a bouncer? The manager tells one of his bouncers to chuck her out, but she breaks his leg, punched his belly and kneed him in the face as he collapsed. She got the job. And she makes a dress for wearing on her job at the casino.

Olga plough girl village poor horse ox war Ukraine fight Russians flee New York tall strongly built over-sexed blonde experience Western ways trouble powerful muscles good looks well-developed figure sexual situations kind gentle nature men lovemaking.

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