Search Results for "mat"


The Right Mix (Part 2) - PDF

The Right Mix (Part 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Vaalser4, Artwork: Alphadawg)

Marcedes is the Ultimate Amazon! Towering over most any man around, her unreal height is further emphasized by her massive, solid and super ripped muscles! Her loving man (who she simply Towers over) tells several stories of her Amazonian exploits here, which involve putting cocky, tough, macho guys in their place; whether by humiliating them in public, or giving them a little beating in private! Marcedes truly is the Right Mix of Any man's fantasy! Fantastic illustrations from alphadawg on this original story by Vaalser4!

Marcedes Ultimate Amazon towering height massive solid super ripped muscles loving man Towers over stories Amazonian exploits cocky tough macho guys humiliating public beating private Right Mix fantasy illustrations alphadawg original story Vaalser4

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The Evolution Of A Dominant Woman / Massaging Vicky - PDF

The Evolution Of A Dominant Woman / Massaging Vicky
Price: 8.00
(Story: Miles Endeavour, Artwork: DTM)

Another of our famous 2-in-1 tales, both dealing with beautiful, sexy, Strong and Muscular girlfriends! In our first story, when a boyfriend teasingly goads his fitness buff girlfriend to a playful wrestling match, he had no idea just how Strong she was, and she had no idea how much she Enjoyed using her solid body against him like this! After a foolish act on his part, the gloves come off on hers, as she decides to handle him in a sexually dominant manner! Then we hear from another young man, who couldn't be happier with his ultra muscular girl, as he tells stories about how she uses her incredible strength in their lives, in public and in the bedroom! Truly Amazing artwork by Nivilis on these stories by Miles Endeavour and DTM!

famous 2-in-1 tales beautiful sexy Strong Muscular girlfriends first story boyfriend teasingly goads fitness buff girlfriend playful wrestling match Strong Enjoyed solid body foolish act gloves come off sexually dominant another young man ultra muscular girl stories incredible strength lives public bedroom Amazing artwork Nivilis Miles Endeavour DTM

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The Muscular Roommate (Parts 1 and 2) - PDF

The Muscular Roommate (Parts 1 and 2)
Price: 8.00
(Story: Smog, Artwork: Emerson)

At the conclusion of an exercise session with his beautiful fitness girlfriend, a young man is invited back to her place to continue their fun! While there, he meets her new roommate, a buff, muscular bodybuilder, who takes to playfully seducing the man while his girlfriend is away showering, doing so with a teasingly aggressive attitude and sexily flexing muscles! Our story continues on another night, as he peeks into the muscular roommate's bedroom, where he views her pumping her large muscles to even more massive levels! This night the bodybuilder is not to be denied, as she intimidates his girlfriend away, leaving him alone with her and her sexually quenching muscles! Fantastic art from new AC artist Emerson, on these classic stories from Smog!

exercise session fitness girlfriend young man roommate bodybuilder seducing aggressive attitude muscles pumping massive levels intimidate sexually quenching art AC artist Emerson classic stories Smog

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Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 5) - PDF

Satisfying The Swedish Supergirl (Part 5)
Price: 8.00
(Story & Artwork: Mr. Lex)

Sometime later in their joint-relationship, super lucky Dan is sandwiched between his two Ultra Amazonian built girlfriends, Bridgette and Tessa! An evening that turns to playful competition between the pair of power-packed beauties, as they vie for their boyfriend's attention! From a full-on flex-off, to a semi-competitive wrestling match, these girls do their best to win the heart of Dan, though in the end it's a Super Muscle Threesome that gets him to his Sexual Peaks, as he declares his love for them both - a wise choice considering each of them could tear him to pieces if he chose otherwise! Mr. Lex lends his Unreal artwork and story to the concluding part of this series!

joint-relationship super lucky Dan sandwiched Ultra Amazonian built girlfriends Bridgette Tessa evening playful competition power-packed beauties boyfriend's attention full-on flex-off semi-competitive wrestling match win the heart Super Muscle Threesome Sexual Peaks love wise choice tear him to pieces Mr. Lex Unreal artwork story concluding part series

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Jessica's Warning (Part 1) (Amy's Conquest - Side Story 7) - TEXT

Jessica's Warning (Part 1) (Amy's Conquest - Side Story 7)
Price: 3.00
(Story: Prophaniti)

During an intimate night between Super Strong and Sexy Jessica and her darling little man Matt, she proceeds to show him a series of recordings of her past exploits of those that dared to emotionally hurt her, and what she did to each of them with her power packed muscles due to such behaviour! Whether they be creepy uncles or disloyal boyfriends, they all learned that messing with a powerful teenage Amazon comes with a very harsh price! A warning to her current boyfriend, cuddling tight and snug against her rock solid body, as they watch such recordings, on what would happen to him - at the very least - if he ever thought of doing anything like this to her!

intimate Super Strong Sexy Jessica darling little man recordings past exploits emotionally hurt power packed muscles creepy uncles disloyal boyfriends powerful teenage Amazon harsh price warning current boyfriend rock solid body happen

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Respect all, fear nun - part one - TEXT

Respect all, fear nun - part one
Price: 3.00

I run an orphanage, but it's very different from the usual orphanages. I'm Fiona, a nun on loan from St Hilda. You'll remember St Hilda's, the convent with the motto "Nil bonum sine passione", which means "No pain, no gain" and denotes the way we use Septadecaherbis and heavy iron to build massive muscles. The ingredients for the seventeen herbs and spices of Septadecaherbis are, of course, a secret. For a St Hilda's nun, I'm less than the average size - my arms are only 21 inches. My best friend Mandy is 24, Nora is 26. But 21 is usually enough. Mandy says that "biceps aren't everything", and proves it by showing her enormous thighs. I don't have huge thighs, but I do have a useful brain. Anyway, back to the orphanage. Apart from the fact that it's run by nuns seconded from St Hilda, we're very focused towards the off springs. It's bad enough that they're orphans, and don't know the love that only parents can give. We do our best for them, but there's a limit to how much love three nuns can give to 24 off springs. It's not that we lack love. It's that there simply isn't enough time in each day to give them what they'd get from a family, from parents. But here's my clever idea. Dogs. As well as 24 off springs, we have 24 dogs. Dogs will give unlimited love, unconditional love, and will be constantly available playmates. Plus, each off spring has to care for his or her dog, so they learn how to give as well as take.

orphanage different nun St Hilda convent motto pain gain Septadecaherbis heavy iron muscles ingredients secret size arms best friend Mandy Nora thighs brain focused parents love nuns time clever idea dogs unlimited love unconditional love playmates care learn give take

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Respect all, fear nun - part six - TEXT

Respect all, fear nun - part six
Price: 3.00

We use 100 pound weights, because if you only use 50s, you get a very crowded bar. Hilde had four on each side, so she was pushing 800 pounds steadily up and down. And then I realised. She had meant kilograms, I did a quick calculation in my head - double it and add ten per cent, and the 450 came to - oh my giddy aunt! "Nine ninety," I told Nora, "she's topping out at 990 pounds. Not even you can do that." "Eight twenty is my current best clean and jerk," she said, "she's pushing a thousand." A thousand pounds, of course, is the hope and prayer of every St Hilda's nun. It's a nice round number - five disks on each side of the bar. Nora eyed her enviously. "I wonder what they use instead of Septadecaherbis", she mused, "and whether I can try it?" "Ask her," I grumped. Nora grabbed my rosary after compline. "We need to talk," she said, and showed me a small bottle. "What is it?" I asked, curiously. "She calls it Siebzehnkraut," Nora said. I sniffed it cautiously, it didn't smell like Septadecaherbis. "I'm going to try it," Nora announced. "Nora! You shouldn't! You don't know how it will react with you." Nora shook her head, and said "990 pounds. I'm so there." A week went by. Pray and lift, pray and lift. We were happy, the off springs were happy and the dogs were ecstatic - it doesn't take much to make a dog happy. Nora was dosing on Siebzehnkraut, and I was measuring her biceps every day. By the end of the week, she'd put on half an inch to 26 1/2, and her bench press had gone from 670 to 710. It looked like Siebzehnkraut was the real McCoy. I talked to Hilde. "Can we get more of your Siebzehnkraut?" I asked bluntly. "Ab naturlich," she smiled. "I will der mutterhaus schreiben." Well, that was easy. I thought I'd have to twist her arm a bit to get her agreement, and I was pretty sure that her arm was much too big for me to twist. And while we were waiting for the package from Germany to arrive, Hilde shared her own supplies with it.

orphanage different nun St Hilda convent motto pain gain Septadecaherbis heavy iron muscles ingredients secret size arms best friend Mandy Nora thighs brain focused parents love nuns time clever idea dogs unlimited love unconditional love playmates care learn give take

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LNC MIlkshake - TEXT

LNC MIlkshake
Price: 3.00
(Story: Roomy)

A hot encounter when a guy is overpowered and dominated by a young girl in a way which he never imagined in his wildest dreams. Our College had a whole big event. A lot of things happened, there were 2 schools there, and people from all clubs(gymnasts, football, soccer, basketball etc.) from both schools attended. I wasn't a strong person by a long shot, nor was anybody in the chess club I was in. This is a story of when I was 21. our chess club had 5 boys all 21 and our girls chess team had 5 girls all 21. The other school had the same but their ages were all 19. Our school, especially our boys, dominated the chess matches. At the end of the event we did many tug of wars. it was our school vs theirs. 10 21 yr olds vs 10 19 yr olds. Obviously we won. Then as a joke we did a girls vs boys. Now everybody knows the chess club wouldn't be known for its strength, but that was for the boys, almost all of the girls did at least 1 other club(mostly gymnastics), and all other clubs were physical(except cooking club). so all the boys were nerds while the girls were at least fit and most were rather strong (with few exceptions).

hot encounter overpowered dominated young girl wildest dreams College event schools clubs gymnasts football soccer basketball strong person chess club story 21 boys girls ages dominated chess matches tug of wars school joke known strength nerds fit strong exceptions

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Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 2) - TEXT

Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

Our story continues as Steve prepares for his world title fight against the seemingly unstoppable Amazon, Cara! Though the more of her videos he watches, the more concerned he becomes! How could a woman be so muscular, so powerful, yet So Sexy! Still he plans to push himself to his limits, and beyond, to hold his title and defeat his current contender and bully! Unfortunately when the match begins, it seems that Cara has the advantage, as she powerfully plays with him, doing so in a sensual and erotic manner - all of which sexually thrills Julie watching from her ringside seat, ready to quench her erotic desires with whoever wins this fight! Two endings of this story, a Good and Bad side, means there's something for Everyone on this one!

story Steve world title fight Amazon Cara videos concerned woman muscular powerful sexy plans limits hold title defeat contender bully match advantage powerfully sensual erotic Julie ringside seat quench desires wins fight two endings Good side Bad side something for Everyone

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Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 1) - TEXT

Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

Tall and muscular Steve is the Heavyweight Mixed-MMA Champion in the world, with Julie (a stunning red-headed model) by his side, he is literally living the dream! That is until Cara re-enters his life, a statuesque, musclebound Amazon if there ever was one, who was not only taking the Mixed-MMA league by storm, but also causing his gorgeous girlfriend to become obsessed with her! Thoughts of Steve's manhandling of Cara in their high school days flowed about his mind, causing him anxiety and concern, while such stories only served to arouse Julie even more! Before long a match between them has been set up, but is a winner chosen before the fight ever begins!?

Tall Muscular Steve Heavyweight Mixed-MMA Champion World Julie Stunning Red-headed Model Living the dream Cara Re-enters Life Statuesque Musclebound Amazon Taking Mixed-MMA league Storm Gorgeous girlfriend Obsessed Thoughts Manhandling High school days Anxiety Concern Stories Arouse Match Set up Winner Chosen Fight

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