Search Results for "do"


Hardcase - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: John Castle)

A young male lawyer gets much more than he bargained for, when he joins a prestigious law firm, filled with strong, sexy, dominant Amazon women, who specialize in using their powerful physiques amd sexual prowess to control more than just the Court of Law!

young male lawyer prestigious law firm strong sexy dominant Amazon women powerful physiques sexual prowess control Court of Law

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Two Sides Of The Same Coin - TEXT

Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Steve had sworn off physically powerful women, after his relationship with his dominating, abusive Amazonian-Ex, that was until.......!

Steve sworn off physically powerful women relationship dominating abusive Amazonian-Ex

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The Keys To Control - TEXT

The Keys To Control
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a powerful Amazon woman holds a class for other budding young musclegirls in the joys of Female Dominance and Control, their interest is Sealed after watching one of their own use her buff, hard, powerful physique to completely dominate (physically and sexually) a "willing" male participant, right before their eyes!

Amazon woman class budding musclegirls Female Dominance Control powerful physique dominate physically sexually willing male participant

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Rescued - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

When an adorable, yet physically weak, man is forcibly taken back by his Amazonian ex-girlfriend (who he had previously broken up with, running away from her, hoping to never see her and her abusive ways again) it's up to a newly met female friend, a thick, muscle packed, buff beauty, to save him from his ex's punishing ways!

adorable physically weak man forcibly taken Amazonian ex-girlfriend broken up running away abusive female friend thick muscle packed buff beauty save punishing ways

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Homecoming - TEXT

Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

When a former weight-lifting champ, and very handsome alumnus, returns to his college gym for a visit, he meets up with a statuesque, voluptuously muscular young beauty, one who had idolized his previous feats of strength, who then proceeds to show him just how strong a girl can be - much to his delight - in more ways than one! - The first of Many Amazing female muscle stories, from this Incredible author!

former weight-lifting champ handsome alumnus college gym visit statuesque voluptuously muscular young beauty idolized feats of strength strong girl delight amazing female muscle stories incredible author

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Gun Club (Part 2) - TEXT

Gun Club (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a helpless college interviewer has no choice but to set up his school's latest prospect (who just happens to be a young, muscle packed beauty) with a pair of wealthy twins, all for her to dominate, control and crush, for her own enjoyment, he himself is caught in the mix; all 3 men completely unable to resist this powerful young Amazon's physical abilities, not to mention those of a fellow interviewer, who is every bit as strong and sexy as her college counterpart here!

helpless college interviewer prospect muscle packed beauty wealthy twins dominate control crush enjoyment powerful Amazon physical abilities strong sexy counterpart

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New World Order - TEXT

New World Order
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

When a single father goes away on an overseas business trip, he returns with a beautiful, exotic, lusciously shaped new wife, one that enjoys using her curvaceous body on her husband, but also has an Amazonian teenage daughter, who just just loves exerting her Complete Dominance over the new step-brother in her life!

single father overseas business trip returns beautiful exotic lusciously shaped new wife curvaceous body husband Amazonian teenage daughter Complete Dominance step-brother

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Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 2) - TEXT

Coffee Talk - Amazon Style (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Muscle-packed Amazons Amber, Danielle, Cassandra and Brittany are all back, as they get together once more, this time for a dinner party, where they (especially Amber and Danielle, for now) again share stories about their previous sexually charged Amazonian exploits (dealing with their own adorable men, all of whom are cooking this evening's meal), each tale hotter and more sexually arousing than the last - all the better for a "peeping tom" neighbor, who's in for a little surprise of his own later on.

muscle-packed Amazons Amber Danielle Cassandra Brittany back dinner party sexually charged Amazonian exploits adorable men cooking meal tales hotter sexually arousing peeping tom neighbor surprise

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All That Jazz - TEXT

All That Jazz
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Meet Jasmine (or Jazz, as she's more commonly known), a towering ebony skinned Amazonian beauty, who just Loves to throw around her superior strength and dominate all around her. Yet no matter how much she embarrasses and humiliates you, you'll always come back for More! Just ask Nick and Matt, the brothers of her sister's new husband, who Jazz controls all too easily, making them scream for release, then making them beg for more! The first of a series featuring this all too Dominant Amazon Girl!

Jasmine Jazz ebony skinned Amazonian beauty superior strength dominate embarrasses humiliates come back Nick Matt brothers sister's new husband controls scream release beg Dominant Amazon Girl

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All That Jazz (Part 2) - TEXT

All That Jazz (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

Lovelorn Nick is beside himself, wondering if he will ever see his 6' 7" Amazonian Goddess, Jazz, again, though his brother Matt (while still craving her himself) is near grateful of her recent absence. Though just when they thought her out of their lives forever, the gorgeous ebony supergirl returns to show them who's in charge, displaying her unreal strength for them in a variety of dominant ways, though always sensually done, especially when she takes them in the bedroom (both together and seperately), making them Crave her, while Obeying her every command! - Sonofjack continues his awesome series here!

Lovelorn Nick Amazonian Goddess Jazz brother Matt absence ebony supergirl strength dominant sensually bedroom Crave Obeying command Sonofjack series

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All That Jazz (Part 4) - TEXT

All That Jazz (Part 4)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

When Matt gets jealous of some special "alone time" between his brother Kevin and the gorgeous Amazon Jazz, he invites over an old flame (and her friend, for his brother) for a double date; something that doesn't sit well with Jazz, who has to choose between letting go of Matt, or pummeling him (and his new girl) into oblivion - or is there a third option, one including both Kevin and his matched up date? As always, in the end, Jazz gets just what she wants!

Matt jealous special alone time brother Kevin gorgeous Amazon Jazz invites old flame friend double date doesn't sit well choose letting go pummeling new girl oblivion third option including Kevin matched up date always end Jazz wants

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Factory Girls - TEXT

Factory Girls
Price: 2.00
(Story: PlowJack)

Janet and Jacqui are hard-working, hard-bodied, muscle girls, who play as hard as they work; a fact that becomes all too clear for an adorable little businessman and his boss, who quickly become the subject of these sexy Amazons sexual desires; becoming their playtoys for the night, as these girls use their solid muscles and superior strength to get anything they want, either by sensual, erotic flexings or harsh, painful punishings!

Janet Jacqui hard-working hard-bodied muscle girls play work adorable little businessman boss subject sexy Amazons sexual desires playtoys night solid muscles superior strength sensual erotic flexings harsh painful punishings

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Girl Time - A Mother & Daughter Story - TEXT

Girl Time - A Mother & Daughter Story
Price: 2.00
(Story: Muscle Fan)

Margo is a shapely and statuesque Dominatrix, who specializes in high-price clientele, such as the man she and her rock hard musclegirl daughter Zoe are paying a visit to. Tough, powerful and dominant, these sexy women show him (and his wife) what Total Control means, getting these sexy super-women off in the process while doing so; afterwhich they use their all too powerful presence to teach an abusive pimp the error of his beating ways!

Margo Dominatrix high-price clientele musclegirl Zoe Total Control sexy women super-women powerful dominant abusive pimp beating ways

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One Magical Summer (Part 2) - TEXT

One Magical Summer (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Aero)

The following morning, it seems Jessie's transformation into the Massively Muscular Lilith has ended, and she has returned to her normal self; though in joining a close friend at a frat party, where she is forcibly approached by one of the college boys, Lilith emerges once more, both to handle this foolish male, as well as to physically and sexually dominate another, all-too-willing boy!

morning Jessie transformation Massively Muscular Lilith normal self close friend frat party forcibly approached college boys Lilith handle foolish male physically sexually dominate willing boy

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College Girl Revelation - TEXT

College Girl Revelation
Price: 2.00
(Story: Demented20)

Kimberly is a young college girl, who happens to be a sexy hard-bodied gymnast, though despite her amazing strength she wouldn't hurt a fly; that was until she read a series of stories (written in secret by her boyfriend) about dominating, punishing Amazons, making her wonder is this truly what he wanted in his women, if so, the beautifully buff Kimberly was more than capable of giving him just this - and maybe, something else entirely as well.

Kimberly young college girl sexy hard-bodied gymnast amazing strength wouldn't hurt a fly series of stories written in secret boyfriend dominating punishing Amazons wonder truly wanted women beautifully buff capable giving something else entirely

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A New Normal (Part 2) - TEXT

A New Normal (Part 2)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Pac)

Our story continues, as powerfully built beauty Janice and the smaller adorably cute Jimmy, are ready to bring their quickly blooming relationship to the next level - which begins with her revealing her Amazonian physique to him in all of its glory, which her eager loving male idolizes all too willingly, and continues on with love-making (and sci-fi themed foreplay) like Neither of them have ever felt before! Each of their doubts about never finding True Love melting away this night, as their constantly sensual and erotic gestures to one another prove beyond any doubt that this Colossal Cutie her Petite Prince are the new normal - Heaven help anyone that believes otherwise!

story powerfully built beauty Janice smaller adorably cute Jimmy relationship next level revealing Amazonian physique glory eager loving male idolizes love-making sci-fi themed foreplay True Love sensual erotic gestures Colossal Cutie Petite Prince new normal Heaven

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My Greatest Rival (And Lover) - TEXT

My Greatest Rival (And Lover)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Eddy)

Jake, a towering muscle-packed man, thinks back to his teenage years, when he first met up with the girl of his dreams, a rock hard beauty named Amelia, who while smaller than him, manages to match him in the gym and in the bedroom afterwards. Years later, Jake is a professional MMA fighter, who manages to meet up with Amelia once again, as she proves time has only made her Stronger and Tougher, too much for even him to match any longer, as she shows off her superior physique to him, proving beyond any doubt that she is easily his greatest Rival and Lover!

Jake towering muscle-packed man thinks back teenage years first met girl dreams rock hard beauty Amelia smaller match gym bedroom years later professional MMA fighter meet up proves time made her stronger tougher much longer shows off superior physique proving beyond any doubt easily greatest rival lover

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Nicolette Is My Girlfriend - TEXT

Nicolette Is My Girlfriend
Price: 2.00
(Story: AmazonFan)

This Ultra Sexy story revolves around a voluptuously shaped musclegirl, Nicolette, and her handling of her boyfriend, a taller though much thinner and weaker man. Whether it's dominating him in the bedroom, or out in public, Nicolette loves using her superior strength on her little man (even if sometimes, he doesn't). Not only that, she loves letting her equally buff sister and her hardbodied friends play with him as well, each with their own Amazonian inspired scenes of muscle control and sexual dominance - though in the end Nicolette is his Girlfriend, and he wouldn't want it any other way!

Ultra Sexy musclegirl Nicolette boyfriend dominating superior strength little man buff sister hardbodied friends Amazonian muscle control sexual dominance Girlfriend

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The Overprotective Amazon Girl - TEXT

The Overprotective Amazon Girl
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

When a teenage judo star has some playfully dominant fun with her boyfriend, it turns from a night of teasing fun to intense dread, which neither of them will ever forget! So the beautiful athletic amazon changes her tune (not to mention buffing up her physique), protecting him from anything and everything - a fact he at first Loves, though as she begins to take things too far he realizes he has to do something, leading to a plan that could get him his worst beating yet!

teenage judo star playfully dominant boyfriend night teasing fun intense dread beautiful athletic amazon changes her tune buffing up physique protecting anything and everything at first Loves take things too far realizes do something leading to plan worst beating

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Butch To Bitch - TEXT

Butch To Bitch
Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

Laura is a sexy, shapely and curvaceous woman, who has taken to being dominated and bossed around by her taller but much thinner boyfriend; that was until one of her girl-friends (a smaller but very solidly built beauty) convinces her that she is his physical superior (by far) and that she should take control of their relationship, sexily helping her do so first-hand, and before long the voluptuously shaped Amazon is in complete control of them both - much to All of their delights!

Laura sexy shapely curvaceous dominated bossed around boyfriend girl-friends physical superior relationship control voluptuously shaped Amazon delights

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15 pages286 records