Search Results for "do"


Amy's Conquest Side Story 4 (Part 1) - PDF

Amy's Conquest Side Story 4 (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Silentcrs, Artwork: Edson)

Going back a few years, it's the last few days of high school and Amy's going to spend it the only way she knows how: Dominating Men! In her sights are a misogynistic teacher, some weakling students and even the school principal. How will the 18 year old sexpot leave her mark on Redmount High, and will the school ever be the same? An original story by silentcrs with amazing illustrations by Edson!

high school Amy dominating men misogynistic teacher weakling students school principal 18 year old sexpot Redmount High original story illustrations silentcrs Edson

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Amy's Conquest Side Story 4 (Part 2) - PDF

Amy's Conquest Side Story 4 (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Silentcrs, Artwork: Edson)

After graduation, Amy and Jessica take to the family beach house for some sun, surf...and sex! Amy's muscle mom has brought the young Amazon's favorite teacher Mr. Scott along for the ride, and the BFFs can't miss the opportunity to dominate him with their oiled, sweaty bodies. Later, Mr. Scott is threatened at a club - can the young women learn to protect as well as dominate? Silentcrs's story concludes with incredible art from Edson!

graduation Amy Jessica family beach house sun surf sex muscle mom young Amazon favorite teacher Mr. Scott BFFs opportunity dominate oiled sweaty bodies threatened club young women learn protect incredible art Edson

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Her Might Makes Stacy Right - PDF

Her Might Makes Stacy Right
Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: ScissorFoxes and Jennifer Scarpetta)

When Stacy's husband starts feeling a bit out of control with his sexy wife's increasingly firm, fit and powerful body, he lays it out for her - that he's in charge, and Might Makes Right! Of course he didn't realize just how Strong she had become, something he more than does now, as she proceeds to squeeze, twist, mangle and overall dominate him utterly with her rock solid muscles! In the end proving to him that if might does make right, that it is SHE who is now in control of their relationship! A brand new type of story, starring live pics from ScissorFoxes and Jennifer Scarpetta, and awesome text from Sonofjack!

Stacy husband control sexy firm fit powerful body in charge strong dominate muscles relationship ScissorFoxes Jennifer Scarpetta Sonofjack

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Skip & Michelle (Part 3) - PDF

Skip & Michelle (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Skip, Artwork: Ronaldo)

Skip's dating life with the muscle-packed Michelle continues, as the muscle loving man adores her unreal strength in the gym, though things get more than a bit hard for him (pun intended) when she starts taking over his life, using her vast power to make him do whatever she wishes, in all aspects; which while pleasurable at times, can also be very painful and humiliating as well! Ronaldo continues his unreal artwork on this Skip written series!

Skip dating life muscle-packed Michelle unreal strength gym hard pun intended taking over life vast power do whatever she wishes pleasurable painful humiliating Ronaldo artwork Skip written series

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Bar Jock Meets His Foil - PDF

Bar Jock Meets His Foil
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Alphadawg)

Rob is a cocky, confident hunk of a man, hitting the bars knowing that all eyes are on him, yet this night his eyes are fixed on Karen, a beautiful and shapely young woman. His plan to get back to her place is working perfectly, though once there he realizes that it's She who's taking the dominant positions, something that even his impressive size and strength can't resist! The statuesque musclegirl controls him utterly, showing him that Women can be as strong as any Man, as she uses him for her night's pleasure, and his humiliation! Fantastic story by Jack Straw, illustrated by alphadawg!

Rob cocky confident hunk bars eyes Karen beautiful shapely plan dominant size strength statuesque musclegirl women man pleasure humiliation story Jack Straw alphadawg

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Skip & Michelle (Part 4) - PDF

Skip & Michelle (Part 4)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Skip, Artwork: Ronaldo)

When Michelle makes a generous offer to take Skip and his friends out for his birthday, he thinks he's in for a real treat, though in typical style for the dominant Amazon, it's not long before she shows off her unreal strength, on a bullying stranger and Skip himself! Then another day she returns home with two of her fellow gym-girls, to both show off her obedient boy-toy (for them all to use), as well as for some sexy fun time with she herself! The conclusion to this Classic story by Skip, with Awesome artwork by Ronaldo!

Michelle generous offer Skip friends birthday treat dominant Amazon unreal strength bullying stranger Skip himself another day home two fellow gym-girls obedient boy-toy sexy fun time conclusion Classic story Skip Awesome artwork Ronaldo

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A New Beginning - PDF

A New Beginning
Price: 6.00
(Story: Endeavour, Artwork: Max)

When a gymnastics coach comes in to a former student talking to his current class about a super muscle-building drug, he's less than happy about it! Though imagine his surprise when the much younger (though still very muscled) girl proves her superior strength to the hulking man! Even further, in the following days when some of his young students take this compound, giving them a clear increase in muscle size and strength; which one uses to utterly dominate him, while another uses it for her own sexual pleasures! Incredible artwork by Max on this tale by Miles Endeavour!

gymnastics coach former student current class super muscle-building drug surprise younger muscled girl superior strength hulking man young students compound increase in muscle size increase in strength dominate sexual pleasures incredible artwork Max tale Miles Endeavour

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Twin Terrors 2 (Part 1) - PDF

Twin Terrors 2 (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Kandor, Artwork: Edson)

Betty-Sue and Bobby-Joe, twin farmer's daughters, have always dreamed of becoming professional wrestlers. At 18 years old, the giantesses travel to the big city, sexually dominating men along the way. The Legendary Kandor returns with a story sequel 20 years in the making, illustrated by the incomparable Edson!

Betty-Sue Bobby-Joe twin farmer's daughters professional wrestlers 18 years old giantesses big city sexually dominating men Legendary Kandor story sequel 20 years making illustrated incomparable Edson

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Twin Terrors 2 (Part 2) - PDF

Twin Terrors 2 (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Kandor, Artwork: Edson)

Having made their name as professional wrestlers, Betty-Sue and Bobby-Joe meet up with an old friend: Mr. Stenhaus! He left them waiting – not a good idea when you're dealing with lust-starved 18-year old amazons! Kandor returns with action-packed artwork by Edson!

professional wrestlers Betty-Sue Bobby-Joe old friend Mr. Stenhaus waiting lust-starved 18-year old amazons Kandor action-packed artwork Edson

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Jane - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: The Collector, Artwork: Jupiter1)

When Mark arrives at Jane's house to pick her up for their date, he meets her two children for the first time - though imagine his surprise when her young daughter Carrie chases down and utterly man-handles her larger and more muscular older brother, Brad! His impressive physique helpless to stop her, with only Jane able to control Carrie's girlish tantrum! Mark is shocked at what he's just seen, as Jane playfully encourages a few more muscle and strength feats from Carrie and she herself, stunning him with the power each of them possess! Then after an emotional family gathering, Jane leads Mark up to her bedroom, where she really shows him what real muscles are! Incredible illustrations by Jupiter I, on this story from The Collector!

Mark Jane house pick her up date meets children first time surprise young daughter Carrie chases down man-handles larger more muscular older brother Brad impressive physique helpless Jane control girlish tantrum shocked seen playfully encourages muscle strength feats herself stunning power emotional family gathering leads bedroom real muscles illustrations Jupiter I story The Collector

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Are You Scared Yet? - PDF

Are You Scared Yet?
Price: 6.00
(Story: Endeavour, Artwork: Max)

When a handsome man accepts the challenge to arm-wrestle a smaller though rock solid young woman at a party, he finds he's in for the ride of his life! No only does she push him to his limits in their match, but this then leads to a private wrestling session, where her even more powerful bodyparts come into play! Of course, sexy wrestling is always the best foreplay for other more erotic experiences, something they both Enjoy to their fullest! Is he scared of this sensually dominant beauty, you bet he is - Scared Stiff! An Awesome story by Miles Endeavor, with Incredible illustrations by Max!

handsome man challenge arm-wrestle smaller woman rock solid party ride of his life limits match private wrestling session powerful bodyparts sexy wrestling foreplay erotic experiences sensually dominant beauty scared stiff awesome story Miles Endeavor incredible illustrations Max

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The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 1) - PDF

The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Diego & Karl)

When a voluptuously built beauty invites over a macho male for the surprise purpose of showing who the superior sex is - which turns into a foursome as he includes some oafish male buds to join in - she simply cannot wait to show off the unreal power and strength her body contains! Using each of their favorite body parts, she proceeds to demolish and dominate these foolish men, with an ass, breasts and legs that defy description! Absolutely Amazing artwork from Diego and Karl, on this Classic Jack Straw story!

voluptuously built beauty macho male surprise purpose superior sex foursome oafish male buds show off unreal power strength body favorite bodyparts demolish dominate foolish men ass breasts legs description Amazing artwork Diego Karl Classic Jack Straw story

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The Upstairs Neighbour (Part 3) - PDF

The Upstairs Neighbour (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Wanderer, Artwork: Rafael)

Howard just can't get enough of Stephanie's super sexy, super muscular body, and she can't get enough of his adoration of her Amazonian form! Too often had her muscles intimidated or scared previous dates away, though this time she has found a lover that lusts after her ultra fit frame, which she takes full advantage of, much to his delight! Their first date is clearly one of many more to come, to say the least! Fantastic drawings by Rafael on the conclusion of this Wanderer story!

Howard Stephanie super sexy super muscular body adoration Amazonian form muscles intimidated scared previous dates lover lusts ultra fit frame full advantage delight first date many more Wanderer story fantastic drawings Rafael conclusion

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Macho Man (Part 1) - PDF

Macho Man (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Puppetman, Artwork: Dracowhip)

During a conversation with friend and co-worker Mike, Don lets out that he wrestles with (and always loses to) his athletically buff wife Sharon. Mike teasingly mocks his friend, stating only someone as small as him could be dominated by a woman. This leads to an introduction between Mike and the utterly Amazonian Julie (after some pushing on Don's part), where she shows him first-hand that some women are capable of physically controlling Any man - and super sexily at that! Dracowhip lends his Amazing artwork to this Puppetman story!

conversation friend co-worker Mike Don wrestles loses athletically buff wife Sharon teasingly mocks small dominated woman introduction utterly Amazonian Julie pushing shows first-hand women capable physically controlling man super sexily Dracowhip Amazing artwork Puppetman story

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Angel Of Salvation (Part 1) - PDF

Angel Of Salvation (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Spoonmaster, Artwork: Nivilis)

Bookwormish Ethan and adorably plump Erica used to be close friends in their teen years, even dating for a while, that was until Erica's older brother Biff started harshly bullying and assaulting the much smaller boy. This lead to pain and humiliation for Ethan, causing him to stop seeing Erica before leaving home for college! Until one day years later, a gorgeous young musclegirl paid him a visit, which to his shock was Erica, who transformed her body to unreal proportions; returning to her true love, promising to now be the one to protect him from Biff and anything else! Unreal CGI illustrations by brand new AC artist Nivilis, on this classic series from Spoonmaster!

bookwormish Ethan adorably plump Erica close friends teen years dating older brother Biff harshly bullying assaulting smaller boy pain humiliation stop seeing leaving home college gorgeous young musclegirl visit shock transformed body unreal proportions true love protect Unreal CGI illustrations brand new AC artist Nivilis classic series Spoonmaster

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Shelley - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: Michele LeMuscle, Artwork: Ronaldo)

Shelley just loves showing off her ultra muscular physique in school, wearing tiny, body hugging outfits! Though one of her teacher's doesn't seem to be a fan, and after giving her a Failing grade on her latest report, something she is less than happy about, she is called back in after school. There she confronts him about his attitude towards her and her Amazonian body, something she then exploits with an assortment of flexing and crushing, battering him senseless while bringing out the muscle-lover in him, earning her an A in his class! Awesome pictures from Ronaldo on this Michele LeMuscle story!

Shelley ultra muscular physique school tiny outfits teacher Failing grade report after school attitude Amazonian body flexing crushing battering muscle-lover A in class pictures Ronaldo Michele LeMuscle story

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Lucina's Hood - PDF

Lucina's Hood
Price: 6.00
(Story: Mr. Lex, fnemot, Bicep Fun, Mlcred and Cwnoss, Artwork: Mr. Lex)

When a gorgeous hulking latina Amazon emerges from her parent's home to start an early morning workout, she is surprised by the sounds of someone coming from the basement apartment! Thinking this man may be an intruder, she confronts him, shocking him with her towering physique! Though intimidation quickly turns to adoration as she realizes he is a childhood friend, one she now wants to get closer with, thankfully for him that is something he would very much like as well; as the two young lovers exchange tender touches and kisses, before making their way back inside! Great CGI artwork from Mr. Lex, on a story written by him, fnemot, Bicep Fun, Mlcred and Cwnoss!

gorgeous hulking latina Amazon emerges parent's home early morning workout surprised sounds basement apartment intruder confronts shocking towering physique intimidation adoration childhood friend closer young lovers exchange tender touches kisses inside CGI artwork Mr. Lex story fnemot Bicep Fun Mlcred Cwnoss

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The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 2) - PDF

The Leg Man, The Breast Man, And The Ass Man (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Story: Jack Straw, Artwork: Diego)

The gorgeous red-headed Amazon woman is back, continuing her physical and sexual assaults on Wayne and his crude, obnoxious friends! The stunning Supergirl man-handles them all together, and all by themselves, as she smothers, pummels, crushes and overall demolishs these men with her superior body, using the very objects of their erotic desires as their ultimate downfall, as she quenches her own sensual pleasures again and again! Fantastic artwork from Diego on this Iconic Jack Straw tale!

gorgeous red-headed Amazon woman back continuing physical assaults sexual assaults Wayne crude obnoxious friends stunning Supergirl man-handles together themselves smothers pummels crushes demolishs men superior body objects erotic desires ultimate downfall quenches sensual pleasures fantastic artwork Diego Iconic Jack Straw tale

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Supergirl Saves The Day - TEXT

Supergirl Saves The Day
Price: 2.00
(Story: DTM)

Watch as Supergirl uses some very unorthodox (not to mention, very sexy) methods to right the wrongs around her, as well as protect her #1 Fan from harm, claiming his all too willing form for her very own in the end!

Supergirl unorthodox sexy protect fan harm willing form

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Happy Ending - TEXT

Happy Ending
Price: 2.00
(Story: Plowjack)

A shapely young Amazon woman gets just what she wants when she seduces/dominates an adorable older man with her lush, hard, powerful body; using her vastly superior strength to control him, making him her sexual plaything, much to Both of their enjoyment!

shapely young Amazon woman seduces dominates adorable older man lush hard powerful body vastly superior strength control sexual plaything enjoyment

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