Search Results for "do"


Windmills 2 - AUDIO

Windmills 2
Price: 5.00

Following that first day, when Steph showed me her new, gym toned body, and demonstrated her superior physical power, things began to change in our marriage. It wasn't just the dynamic of our sex lives either, the whole nature of our relationship changed. I don't think it was the fact she could (and did) now take full control in bed - it was the fact I loved it. This was something quite different and fed into the dynamics of life together outside the bedroom. It wasn't like I used to be undisputed head of the household and all that had suddenly changed. Steph had always made more money than me and we had always made out decision together. The important stuff, like about the household or where to live. But I had always kind of had the final say. I guess it was just the natural pattern of things, one that we'd always followed without thinking or discussing things. But once she started regularly kicking my ass on the wrestling mats, usually before carrying me to bed and dominating me, other aspects of our lives started changing too. I mean, I had always harboured secret domination fantasies, I watched videos online and things but I never thought it would be a reality of my life. But now Steph had taken full control of our love life, quite literally, I really began to lean into it and open myself up to those parts of me I'd never allowed before. Steph for her pert helped with her renewed sexual appetite. The reality was we had never had this much sex. Not even when we were young. We were discovering a whole new life that neither of us had even realised we wanted. And it was exciting. For both of us. She thought up new ways to user her body and mine and we both delighted in playing together and indulging this new part of ourselves. It wasn't just the wrestling either. I had started to worship her. Both literally and figuratively. After one energetic bout of wrestling, Steph stood over me, then, with a curious look on her face, she put her foot on my face. I'd never had a thing for feet but within seconds, I was kissing and licking her foot and sucking on her toes, flat on my back, naked with my hard-on sticking straight up in the air. She looked down with me with a pleased look in her eyes, before she pulled her panties to the side and sat right on my face. She rocked herself to orgasm while I worked hungrily at her lips. When she came, she stood up, looked down at me and said, "What do you say?" I gazed up and her and responded, "Thank you... Mistress"

gym toned body physical power marriage sex lives relationship control decision domination fantasies wrestling sexual appetite worship foot toes orgasm Mistress.

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Pizza Girl part two - AUDIO

Pizza Girl part two
Price: 5.00

Revenge is a dish best served brass monkeys, unlike pizza. So, the next time I see Eric, I use my Pizzagirl power to step on the pedals and catch up with him. I silently approach from behind, and blast him with my compressed air powered horn, sounding at 130 decibels just like a 56 ton 18 wheel truck mere inches behind him. He was suitably startled, swerved, wobbled, wobbled some more and went down, making a very satisfactory scrunching sound as he hit the deck. "Good morning, Eric," I called out merrily as I sailed past. Karma soon caught up with me - it started raining. Cats and dogs. So I reacted the way I always do - I got wet. But the pizza was safely tucked away in my insulated pannier, and I was able to deliver it, still hot. I stood there looking like a drowned kitten while the customer fetched some bread, which wetness I believe contributed to the handsome tip he gave me. Another contribution might have been the way that my wet shirt clung to my thrupenny bits. I'll take whatever I can get, except getting stiffed.

revenge dish served brass monkeys pizza Eric Pizzagirl power step pedals catch up silently approach blast compressed air powered horn 130 decibels 56 ton 18 wheel truck suitably startled swerved wobbled went down scrunching sound good morning merrily sailed past Karma raining cats and dogs reacted wet pizza safely tucked away insulated pannier deliver hot stood drowned kitten customer fetched bread wetness contributed handsome tip wet shirt clung thrupenny bits stiffed

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The Black Burqa part seven - AUDIO

The Black Burqa part seven
Price: 5.00

The Black Burqas have attracted the notice of the patriarchy. I know this because they sent a man dressed in a black burqa with the intention of signing up. So they found a short guy, got him to talk in a squeaky voice and to walk without stamping his feet. He lasted about five minutes. He wasn't even able to lift 100 kilograms, so we ripped off his burqa and checked his genitals. Busted! Some of the sisters were all for punishing him severely and sending him on his way, a few wanted to kill him, but Sfiyah came up with a very clever idea. "We can keep him, and use him to feed misleading information back to his bosses." "Never," he said, "I won't betray my brothers." "Then you're no use to us," said Sfiyah, "give him to Basma, she'll play with him for a while and then kill him." Basma lifted her face veil, showed her teeth in a chilling grin, and licked her lips. Then she pulled out her tiny, but very sharp, knife. "What do you want me to do?" asked the terrified man. "Give him to me," I said, "I'll look after him, and if he resists, Basma, you can have him." Basma really hates men, and enjoys hurting them; long term. He'd probably lose his sanity after a few weeks. But I'd take care of him, and he'd be great as a double agent. So I took him home. Raafid wanted to know who she was, and why she was in his home? "Your home?" I asked. "Your home," he amended. "And mind your own business, this is Black Burqa business." Raafid shut up. He knew his place, and definitely didn't want a couple of Black Burqas on his case. And for obvious reasons, he thought that the person in this particular black burqa was a woman. "What's your name," I asked my fearful captive. "Abdullah," he replied. "So now you're also my slave," I told him. "And you will continue to wear your burqa and pose as a woman." Abdullah swallowed and nodded. I interrogated him about his mission, and how he was to report back to his superiors. As we talked, I held his hand, squeezing very gently by with the implied threat that I could crush it like a toothpaste tube. And I reminded him about Basma, and her tiny, but very sharp, knife. So he told me everything, and he was too terror-stricken to make up any lies.

Black Burqas patriarchy man dressed intention signing up short guy squeaky voice walk stamping lift 100 kilograms ripped off burqa checked genitals sisters punishing severely kill Sfiyah clever idea misleading information bosses betray brothers use Basma play kill face veil teeth chilling grin licked lips tiny sharp knife terrified man resist hurt double agent home Raafid business person woman name slave wear pose interrogated mission report superiors talked hand squeeze gently implied threat crush toothpaste tube reminded terror-stricken lies.

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Pizza Girl part one - AUDIO

Pizza Girl part one
Price: 5.00

Yes. I deliver pizza. Because someone has to, and I need a job. With the economy how it is post-Brexit (I still don't understand how we got conned into that) well-paying jobs are as rare as hen's teeth. So I'm a pizza delivery girl. And I'm Pizzagirl because a weird accident happened with the pizza microwave plus pineapple plus anchovies, which should normally never come in contact, let alone on top of pizza. Superman came from Krypton, Batman came from Gotham City, Wonder Woman came from Themyscira. I come from Neasden in London. Superman has superpowers because he's Kryptonese, Batman because he spends a lot of money on gadgets, Wonder Woman because she's an Amazon. Me? See above - the accident. Superman, Batman and WW all have secret identities, so when the accident happened, I realised I needed one. Because superheroes don't get paid. Can you imagine? Superman swoops down and saves a falling woman and then invoices her for $600. Wonder Woman worked part time at Taco Whiz and takes home minimum wage. No chance. So for my secret identity, I put on a pair of plain glass spectacles, because apparently that's all you need. But to be totally sure of secrecy, I also wore my hair in a ponytail instead of the falling locks that Pizzagirl wears.

pizza delivery job economy Brexit Pizzagirl accident microwave pineapple anchovies Superman Batman Wonder Woman Neasden London superpowers secret identities superheroes plain glass spectacles ponytail

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Respect all, fear nun - part three - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part three
Price: 5.00

By Diana the Valkyrie The Westingfield Baptist Church I thought that things were going well. We'd avoided the possible defunding, we'd avoided being closed down on hygiene grounds, and the future looked rosy. Hah! We'd even managed to get an increase in funding, on account of Oakfield Developments repenting of their sins, and the world looked golden. Hah! The off springs at the orphanage were happy, we three nuns were happy (they even named a brand of tobacco after us), and the dogs, as ever, were happy. Happiness bloomed all over. And, for the third time, hah! Satan had not finished throwing his tribulations at us. The first sign that something was going wrong, was when I heard chanting coming from the road outside the orphanage. I listened hard. It sounded like "Stop the nonsense". I had to google that, and what I found was totally shocking. I called a staff meeting; me, Mandy and Nora. And I explained to them what nonsense is, and they were as shocked as I was. "I have to ask," I said, "but are either of you ...?" "Certainly not!" and "No way!" were the answers, followed by "I'm surprised you even thought you needed to ask!" "Well, I said. "Nuns have been known to ..." "To what," said Nora. I looked hard at Mandy. "What?" she said. "Candles," I said. She blushed.

Diana Valkyrie Westingfield Baptist Church defunding closed down hygiene grounds funding Oakfield Developments repenting sins orphanage nuns tobacco dogs happiness Satan tribulations chanting staff meeting Mandy Nora shocked ask candles blushed.

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Respect all, fear nun - part two - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part two
Price: 5.00

Respect all, fear nun - part two An inspector calls The letter confirming that the defunding had been rescinded, duly arrived. No surprise - Justin Graham had sworn on a bible that this would be done, and that's binding. But our celebrations were short-lived. That letter was swiftly followed by another, telling us that we were going to be inspected. If that sounded ominous, it's because it was. Not because we were doing anything wrong, but because today's America is a place where officials like the mayor make use of official systems to get what they personally want. Yes, that is corruption, but this is how it is now. We were in his way. He wanted the orphans to be in his privately run, for-profit, orphan machine - and the sisters of St Hilda wanted the orphans to have the best experiences growing up, that we could give them. I told Nancy, the Mother Superior. "Deal with it," she said, not unkindly. "I have great confidence in you, Fiona, and I'll pray for you." Prayer is good, of course, but I wanted more. "Could I borrow one of the novices?" I asked. "What for?" asked the Mother Superior. "When the inspectors call, I want to shadow them, to make sure they don't make up stuff about us. So I need the extra pair of hands. Could I borrow Daisy?" "You mean, Sister Vache?" "Yes." "OK, that's fine, you can have her for two weeks." She was called Sister Vache for a reason. And her nickname was Daisy for the same reason - a cow's udders can hold six gallons of milk, and a cow's teats are about two inches long. Daisy wasn't anywhere near that big - but nicknames don't have to be accurate.

Respect fear inspector defunding rescinded Justin Graham binding celebrations America corruption mayor orphans privately run for-profit orphan machine sisters of St Hilda experiences Nancy Mother Superior Fiona novices inspectors shadow make up Daisy Sister Vache cow udders milk teats nickname.

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Respect all, fear nun - part one - AUDIO

Respect all, fear nun - part one
Price: 4.00

I run an orphanage, but it's very different from the usual orphanages. I'm Fiona, a nun on loan from St Hilda. You'll remember St Hilda's, the convent with the motto "Nil bonum sine passione", which means "No pain, no gain" and denotes the way we use Septadecaherbis and heavy iron to build massive muscles. The ingredients for the seventeen herbs and spices of Septadecaherbis are, of course, a secret. For a St Hilda's nun, I'm less than the average size - my arms are only 21 inches. My best friend Mandy is 24, Nora is 26. But 21 is usually enough. Mandy says that "biceps aren't everything", and proves it by showing her enormous thighs. I don't have huge thighs, but I do have a useful brain. Anyway, back to the orphanage. Apart from the fact that it's run by nuns seconded from St Hilda, we're very focused towards the off springs. It's bad enough that they're orphans, and don't know the love that only parents can give. We do our best for them, but there's a limit to how much love three nuns can give to 24 off springs. It's not that we lack love. It's that there simply isn't enough time in each day to give them what they'd get from a family, from parents. But here's my clever idea. Dogs. As well as 24 off springs, we have 24 dogs. Dogs will give unlimited love, unconditional love, and will be constantly available playmates. Plus, each off spring has to care for his or her dog, so they learn how to give as well as take. (18 minutes)

orphanage different nun St Hilda convent motto pain gain Septadecaherbis heavy iron muscles ingredients secret size arms best friend Mandy Nora thighs brain focused kids parents love nuns time clever idea dogs unlimited love unconditional love playmates care learn give take.

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Doubt Her Strength, And Pay The Price - AUDIO

Doubt Her Strength, And Pay The Price
Price: 5.00

Telling your fit, athletic college girlfriend that her assorted sporting activities are "girlie" and nothing compared to real manly sports, is just asking for a beating - something she is more than willing and able to provide you! Bigger as you are, her ultra firm and powerful physique easily handles you, crushing you inside her full, full breasts, shapely legs and solid arms, all while telling you that in addition to sports, she's also a professional dominatrix! Tales of how she handles men such as you with ease, and not just her, but also any girl from her cheerleading and gymnastics squads as well! Girls such as she, who are completely superior to most any man, who Enjoy the feeling of putting foolish, macho men like you in their places! Doubt the power of such females, and pay a punishing price! The Super Sensual JuicyPeach lends her voice here, as always, speaking just to YOU! (12 1/2 minutes)

fit athletic college girlfriend sporting activities girlie manly sports beating willing able powerful physique crushing full breasts shapely legs solid arms professional dominatrix handles men cheerleading gymnastics squads superior foolish macho men punishing price Super Sensual JuicyPeach voice 12 1/2 minutes.

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Tales Of A Buff Beauty - AUDIO

Tales Of A Buff Beauty
Price: 5.00

When a tall, muscular young woman awakens from a night of crushing muscle fun with her man (his bruised body laying still beside her), she tells you her tale about growing up a beautiful, buff Amazon girl! Sharing stories about how she and her equally muscular little sister (who loves demolishing her men) received their genetics from their bodybuilding mother, as well as their drive to become stronger than any man! Talking about how they built their bodies and learned to love overpowering the weaker male sex from their controlling Muscle Mom, about how they and some other statuesque supergirls routinely trick and dominate guys at the club, describing the events from the previous night with her man, showing him that with incredible strength also comes an amazing sexual drive! Even though she tries to be gentle, her unbridled arousal causes her to lose control and overwhlem her man more than she planned! Though when she finds that he's not quite as asleep next to her as he pretends, she decides to continue her previous night's fun, whether he wants to or not! Another super erotic audio story from the sultry voice of McKenzie Alex! (13 1/4 minutes)

tall muscular young woman awakens night crushing muscle fun man bruised body tells tale growing up beautiful buff Amazon girl sharing stories equally muscular little sister demolishing men genetics bodybuilding mother drive stronger weaker male sex controlling Muscle Mom statuesque supergirls routinely trick dominate guys club describing events previous night incredible strength amazing sexual drive gentle unbridled arousal lose control overwhelm planned finds asleep pretends continue fun super erotic audio story sultry voice McKenzie Alex

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Blind Date Bruising - AUDIO

Blind Date Bruising
Price: 5.00

It's never wise to be a crude, obnoxious jerk when you bring your beautiful, shapely blind date home from an evening out! Lord knows such tall, curvaceous women are hard to resist, though unless you're invited, it's downright foolish to even think about pressuring her into something she has no interest in! Imagine your surprise when she flexes out of her tight-fitting outfit, to reveal that all of her luscious shape is rock solid muscle! Locking yourself in with her previously now only seals your fate, as she joyfully uses her massive strength advantage to dominate and humiliate your pitiful male form! You wanted her all around you this night, well that's just what you're going to get - though with alot more Bone-Breaking pain than you were ever expecting! An "alternate take" of our previous Blind Date Blessing audio story, once again performed super sensually by JuicyPeach Audio! (20 1/2 minutes)

crude obnoxious jerk beautiful shapely blind date tall curvaceous resist pressure interest surprise tight-fitting outfit luscious muscle strength dominate humiliate male form bone-breaking pain audio story sensual JuicyPeach Audio.

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Time To Pay You A Visit - AUDIO

Time To Pay You A Visit
Price: 5.00

You open your door to be greeted by your super sexy, super hardbodied neighbor, one who thinks it's about time to bring your fantasies to life! She's noticed you gazing at her from your window, watching lustily as she exercises her rock solid physique, showing off her amazing strength and incredible fighting skills - though she's not mad at you, in fact she's super excited that such a handsome hunk would be so enamored with her! So with permission from your beautiful wife (who your neighbor is training to become your very own Amazon girl), this super sexy musclegirl uses sensual seduction and physical domination to take control of you, all while talking sexily about her incredible body and all the amazing things she can do with it! Such muscle talking is getting you Super Aroused, just as she had planned, allowing her to make your utmost sexual desires come true! Stunning erotic vocals from McKenzie Alex on this ultra erotic audio story! (16 minutes)

super sexy hardbodied neighbor fantasies rock solid physique amazing strength incredible fighting skills handsome hunk enamored beautiful wife Amazon girl musclegirl sensual seduction physical domination muscle talking super aroused sexual desires erotic vocals McKenzie Alex ultra erotic audio story.

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6'4 Muscle Devushka Goddess Worship - TEXT

6'4 Muscle Devushka Goddess Worship
Price: 2.00
(Story: Lil Guy)

Original Story by Lil Guy Todd is unlucky in love. After a long dry spell, he turns to an online app where he can talk to women overseas. It was made for women looking for marriage and green cards. He meets a muscle-bound Russian Beauty. A woman of his dreams with massive muscle and sex appeal to spare. He quickly falls madly in love. He proposes wanting to take her hand in marriage. He assumes it will be a quiet and romantic life. He has no idea what he is getting into with this muscle goddess. Anatasia is a Russian Temptress. She was a criminal who was betrayed by her crew during a heist. She wants revenge. To do this she needs to get a flunky to give her a green card when she gets to America. He is her cover. But Antasia soon falls for this man during an online relationship. But she looking for a unique type of relationship. She wants a pet, a servant, someone to worship her. Anatasia is a muscle goddess who craves conquest. She loves to dominate fully. The question is, can she take down her enemies all while protecting her new lovely boy toy at the same time?

Todd unlucky love online app women overseas marriage green cards Russian Beauty muscle-bound sex appeal love marriage proposal romantic muscle goddess Anatasia Russian Temptress criminal revenge green card America online relationship pet servant worship conquest dominate enemies boy toy.

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Amy's Conquest 3 - PDF

Amy's Conquest 3
Price: 6.00

Amy dons her classic schoolgirl uniform and wrestles guys as a summer job. Later backstage, the sexy teenage Amazon ravishes two men in the shower and the locker room - crushing their thin bodies during ravenous sex!

amy dons classic schoolgirl uniform wrestles guys summer job later

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One Lucky Man (Redux) - PDF

One Lucky Man (Redux)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Max)

Dave's Amazon fiancee Carmen has a birthday surprise for him. her equally buff and beautiful best friend Jen, who carries her foolishly cheating, soon-to-be ex-boyfriend into the room, to be used for their Dual Sexually Punishing Delights, all for the Pleasure of the adorable birthday boy, Dave! - Amazing artwork here by Max on this re-illustrating of one of our First illustrated stories!

Dave Amazon fiancee Carmen birthday surprise equally buff beautiful best friend Jen carries foolishly cheating soon-to-be ex-boyfriend room used Dual Sexually Punishing Delights Pleasure adorable birthday boy Amazing artwork Max re-illustrating First illustrated stories

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Big Little Sister 3 - PDF

Big Little Sister 3
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Peter)

Jack's day goes from being bullied by his muscle packed sister Nikki (and her assortment of beautifully buff friends), to getting heavily aroused by watching video clips of her dominating an online doubter, to being approached by her raven-haired Amazonian BFF who takes him for the Ride Of His Life! - Fantastic CGI pictures from Peter here, in the Final Chapter of the Big Little Sister series!

Jack bullied sister Nikki muscle packed friends aroused video clips dominating online doubter approached raven-haired Amazonian BFF Ride Of His Life CGI pictures Peter Final Chapter Big Little Sister series

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Lori's New Play Toy - PDF

Lori's New Play Toy
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Edson)

An up to date reworking of one of our Oldest Illustrated stories, drawn now by the Unequalled, Edson! Here we have a tale of two sexy college musclegirls, Tina who adores cuddling with her loving man as he relishes her thick, muscular body, and Heather, a buff dominant girl that is not afraid to show her boyfriend the painful errors of his cheating ways! Loads of female physical superiority here, and no matter what type of sexy Amazon girl you like, this story has it ALL!

up to date reworking Illustrated stories Edson sexy college musclegirls Tina cuddling loving man thick muscular body Heather buff dominant girl boyfriend cheating female physical superiority Amazon girl

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Her Toy - Part 1 - PDF

Her Toy - Part 1
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Strong and sexy Amazon Patty stalks the night for a man to use as she sees fit, proving to him over and over again why he is so soft and weak compared to her, while she uses him as a Toy for her sexual pleasure - much to his own delights as well! - An Ultra Sexy story from Plowjack with Unreal artwork by the amazing Jebriodo!

strong sexy Amazon Patty stalks night man use fit proving soft weak compared Toy sexual pleasure delights Ultra Sexy story Plowjack Unreal artwork amazing Jebriodo

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The Delivery Boy - PDF

The Delivery Boy
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: R.M.G.)

When a small pizza delivery boy arrives at the home of a gorgeously gigantic Glamazon, he gets a tip like no other in the form of her sexually dominating body, as she shows him the experiences of mixed sexual pain and pleasure (more on the Pain, for him that is) that her muscle packed physique can "deliver" his utterly helpless body - Truly Outstanding illustrations by R.M.G., who did an Incredible job bringing this Seldomlasts tale to life!!

small pizza delivery boy home gorgeously gigantic Glamazon tip sexually dominating body experiences mixed sexual pain and pleasure pain pleasure muscle packed physique deliver utterly helpless body Truly Outstanding illustrations R.M.G. Incredible job Seldomlasts tale life

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Muscular Confession (Part 1) - PDF

Muscular Confession (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Kathy and Sara are two muscle packed Catholic Schoolgirls who just love to confess their muscle-crushing sins. During one such visit, they spot an adorably cute Altar Boy, who gets a crash course in "worshipping" these sexy young Amazons! - Amazing artwork by Jebriodo!

Kathy Sara muscle packed Catholic Schoolgirls confess muscle-crushing sins visit adorably cute Altar Boy crash course worshipping sexy young Amazons Amazing artwork Jebriodo.

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Muscular Confession (Part 2) - PDF

Muscular Confession (Part 2)
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Jebriodo)

Sexy Supergirls Kathy and Sara are back, as is adorable Altar Boy Thomas, who gets woman-handled by these gorgeous musclegirls in a variety of sexual positions; the pair of horny young Amazons using him to their utmost delight, while showing him that Heaven truly is a place on Earth! - Unreal artwork by Jebriodo!

Sexy Supergirls Kathy Sara Altar Boy Thomas woman-handled musclegirls sexual positions Amazons Heaven Earth Unreal artwork Jebriodo

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